Jews killed their Prophets !!

"jews are just as guilty of genocide against palestinians as christians are guilty of attempted theocricide in the middle ages"

That's ridiculous.
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Honestly what effect does it have on the human relations and the human mind if your belief system says that all nonbelievers are doomed to eternal torment and sufferig? How much good comes from classifying your fellow human beings as saved or damned, a brother or an outsider? A feeling of superiority? A gnawing belief that that person is less worth than you which somehow translates as less human? We have seen the results all through history with every type of faith there is.
People shouldn't be attacked but religious dogmas are fair game IMHO.
moonlight said:
Jews used to kill their Prophets and their messengers sent by God..Why did they kill them? including Jesus PBUH ??

can any Jew give an answer of this WHY?



Every time the people began to disobey God, he would send a prophet to tell his people.

People don't like being told what to do.

They kill him.
spidergoat, why is that so hard to see? im jewish myself, and practice the religion of my people. i can see it. we didnt come from israel. we took it from indigeonus people.
christians attacked the middle east several times with the expressed intent of eradicating islam. muslims attacked and conquered europe with the intent of conversion as well.
its not ridiculous. you just have to learn to look at things objectively, and learn from histories mistakes.
we are all in the same boat, whatever we call ourselves.
The Devil Inside said:
spidergoat, why is that so hard to see? im jewish myself, and practice the religion of my people. i can see it. we didnt come from israel. we took it from indigeonus people.
christians attacked the middle east several times with the expressed intent of eradicating islam. muslims attacked and conquered europe with the intent of conversion as well.
its not ridiculous. you just have to learn to look at things objectively, and learn from histories mistakes.
we are all in the same boat, whatever we call ourselves.

While I agree with much of what you say I simply wanted to correct a mistake in your post

christians attacked the middle east several times with the expressed intent of eradicating islam.

That was not the case and christendom had no hope of eradicating islam at the time. The crusades were launched to recover the holy land (the christian lands that had recently been conquered by the arabs and turks), that is the area where jesus lived and preached. There was no plan to conquer iraq, egypt, syria, arabia etc, though they would have gladly had they the resources to do so but that would have been just as adventurers not as part of the mission set out for the crusades.
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DoctorNO said:
Each battle that a roman army wins is a victory to all romans. And so it does mean that ALL the romans used to win their battles.

NO, that only holds if all Romans wanted the victory. Now the same goes for: "Each prophet a jewish mob/clergy killed was killed by all Jews or with the conscent of all jews." only holds if you think all Jews wanted the prophet to be killed. I did not say that. But you were eager to believe I said that. Or is maybe so that you yourself believe all Jews were in agreement with the decision to kill? :D that's what your statement says.

The Devil Inside said:
bruce wayne.....
why is it ok to attack ANYONE for their religious beliefs? that doesnt seem very civilized at all.

I would say it is not o.k. ((disclaimer=>) Although it serves well to know the reason for which, and the manner in which, the attack takes place.) But yes I think it is not ok. Unfortunately, you can see how many of the posters on this forum take it upon themselves to do just that.

As for civilized, frankly I think it is one of those great words that lost meaning due to demagogic abuse.

Bruce Wayne.....

im sorry that i misunderstood what you meant. i stand corrected.
about the word civilized, i maintain that noone else's abuses of others will limit my capability to act in a civilized manner.
civility is the action of treating another by the same standard you hold for others to treat you by. :)

thank you for your time.
It is good to hear that.
Concerning civilized; I was not referring to the meaning or the concept. I was referring to the word itself, which has been degraded by its political abuse.
