Jews killed their Prophets !!

fatima said:
jews have killed their prophets and that's what the whole people in this world know. God says:
(Is it that whenever there comes to you (children of Israel) a messenger with what you desire not, you are puffed up with pride? Some you called impostors, and others you slew!) (Quran, 2:87).

about that pic dont play with it again ok?

Do me a favor get your wording correct it isn't "that's what the whole people in this world know. God says:" ......... You should say "That is what we muslims believe allah said". Don't assume your bias' apply to the entire world.
It is kind of ironic isn't it your prophet said in the quran that the jews killed thier prophets then your prophet went out and killed the jews.

Oh wait it is OK for you to hate jews but god forbid someone should play with a picture.
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SAd to see some of you are so Fucking immature !!

BTW Jesus was a Jew !! YOu must be stupid..
Hideki Matsumoto said:
SAd to see some of you are so Fucking immature !!

BTW Jesus was a Jew !! YOu must be stupid..

I don't think it has anything to do with maturity it is unfortunately what many muslims of any age are taught to believe.
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they are evil (cause they kill prophets)
they are smart (cause they control the banks, media, governments, economy, etc.)
they are stupid (cause they're sons of monkeys and pigs)
they are demonic (cause they cut throats of Christian children and put their blood in Jewish food)
they are occupiers (cause they occupy and genocide a make-believe people from a make-believe country)

and don't forget the Protocols! they want to rule the world, damn it!

SAd to see some of you are so Fucking immature !!

BTW Jesus was a Jew !! YOu must be stupid..

goes without saying Jesus was a Jew
also goes without saying that some people are fucking immature and fucking stupid. when they post immature and stupid comments, they get immature and stupid (but not if you look closely) comments in return because that's all they deserve
moonlight said:
all people know that fact about jews not only Muslims.

Refer to this

Do me a favor get your wording correct it isn't "that's what the whole people in this world know. God says:" ......... You should say "That is what we muslims believe allah said". Don't assume your bias' apply to the entire world.
It is kind of ironic isn't it your prophet said in the quran that the jews killed thier prophets then your prophet went out and killed the jews.

path said:
I don't think it has anything to do with maturity it is unfortunately what muslims of any age are taught to believe.

Yep here we go again.....another thread that uses a radical muslims view to represent all muslims....typical of the western world. Has anyone ever seen me post anti-jew views? I havent been taught to hate jews from an early age nor has most muslims. If you had any common sense you would realize that jews are "followers of the book" and arent to be argued with (along with christians)

[29.46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.

But i suppose you think that 1.5 billion muslims in the world all hate jews.....but remember christians have killed alot more jews in history than muslims have and also remember that when jews were being persecuted by christians where did the jews go?? Muslims lands
surenderer said:
Yep here we go again.....another thread that uses a radical muslims view to represent all muslims....typical of the western world. Has anyone ever seen me post anti-jew views? I havent been taught to hate jews from an early age nor has most muslims. If you had any common sense you would realize that jews are "followers of the book" and arent to be argued with (along with christians)

[29.46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.

But i suppose you think that 1.5 billion muslims in the world all hate jews.....but remember christians have killed alot more jews in history than muslims have and also remember that when jews were being persecuted by christians where did the jews go?? Muslims lands

Well I'll tell you what why don't you speak to your fellow muslims I was replying to THEM and they were posting quranic verses too. You always play the victim and blame the other guys or the western world. Well my friend READ THE THREAD. And it is not me that is lacking common sense I know what "people of the book" means but it seems your friends have a problem with them anyway.
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Here I made you a nice easy to read summary of page 1


They were stupid? lol?




Moonlight please don't tell me you are going to retreat into the evil jew mentality, you just got here.


i think they killed them coz they are jews and God says that they are ( prophets killers).


you been watchin to much mel gibson shite!


This is your mind on islam I had hoped for better from our new muslim members. You are just reinforcing the stereotype that islam teaches hatred or is it a stereotype.

jews have killed their prophets and that's what the whole people in this world know. God says:
(Is it that whenever there comes to you (children of Israel) a messenger with what you desire not, you are puffed up with pride? Some you called impostors, and others you slew!) (Quran, 2:87).

about that pic dont play with it again ok?

Yeah that's right, come and tell me what an unreasonable fanatic I am :rolleyes:
path said:
Well I'll tell you what why don't you speak to your fellow muslims I was replying to THEM and they were posting quranic verses too. You always play the victim and blame the other guys or the western world. Well my friend READ THE THREAD. And it is not me that is lacking common sense I know what "people of the book" means but it seems your friends have a problem with them anyway.

I don't think it has anything to do with maturity it is unfortunately what muslims of any age are taught to believe.

That is what you said i dont see any difference in that post between me and any other muslim do you? that statement refers to ALL muslims doesnt it? If not then you should be more clear. If i "play the victim" thats because i am tired of being grouped together with any muslim with a radical view. I notice that the views of Knife 7x7 bruce wayne 786 etc....(who have all pretty much left over this) here dont carry any weight but as soon as a radical muslims view gets posted it is representative of "all muslims"

I know what "people of the book" means but it seems your friends have a problem with them anyway.[/QUOTE

Someone can be a muslim and still not be my "friend" i dont know the poster but if their views or actions call a bad name to muslims as a whole then they arent my "friend"(sorry to bust your bubble about all muslims again)
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته​


surenderer said:
But i suppose you think that 1.5 billion muslims in the world all hate jews.....but remember christians have killed alot more jews in history than muslims have and also remember that when jews were being persecuted by christians where did the jews go?? Muslims lands

Pardon me if I don't agree with the way you phrased that part of your post. You say "christians killed a lot more jews than Muslims". That implies than we also killed alot of jews. Off course everyone knows that that is incorrect. First because no one can compete with the "white/christian" mind as far as killing jews is concerned. Second because not only is armed conflict between Musims and Jews rather limited in history but also because historical we gave them a safe haven and ample room to grow and fulfill their potential as a group of people and as individuals. Were it not for their last and ungoing aggression most Muslims that feel hatred for the zionist jews (and not all jews) would relinquish those feelings.

Also bear in mind that, as a jewish thinker once said, I belive it was Uri Averny), the hatred of the Arab for the Jew is rather abstract.

surenderer said:
That is what you said i dont see any difference in that post between me and any other muslim do you? that statement refers to ALL muslims doesnt it?If not then you should be more clear.

OK I was angry I should have said MANY, sorry.
If i "play the victim" thats because i am tired of being grouped together with any muslim with a radical view.

Well then why don't YOU step up and explain to your fellow muslims the way you see it! Try it and you will see that I will stay out of it.

I notice that the views of Knife 7x7 bruce wayne 786 etc....(who have all pretty much left over this) here dont carry any weight but as soon as a radical muslims view gets posted it is representative of "all muslims" Someone can be a muslim and still not be my "friend" i dont know the poster but if their views or actions call a bad name to muslims as a whole then they arent my "friend"(sorry to bust your bubble about all muslims again)

I certainly don't think I chased anyone off of this site we had some heated debate but this IS a forum that is what it is for. I can't stomach the propaganda and I will answer it plain and simple. I have no such bubble to burst.

EDIT: See Bruce Wayne IS here.
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Its cute to watch such spew - "My magical imaginary being can beat up YOUR magical imaginary being!"
we neither like them nor hate them. we just hate Israeli jews and that's because they kill our brothers in Palestine everyday.

we, all, are gonna die and we will returne to God and there, in the Day of Judgment, God will judge between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

God is the Greatest.
"Praise and FLATTER me or you will be TORTURED in HELL for ETERNITY!" -- Jesus "God of Love" Paraphrased
we neither like them nor hate them. we just hate Israeli jews and that's because they kill our brothers in Palestine everyday.
You hate the isreali jews that are against the occupation?

we, all, are gonna die and we will returne to God and there, in the Day of Judgment, God will judge between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

God is the Greatest

Wrong god won't judge me because there is no god.

God is the Leastest
Gravity said:
"Praise and FLATTER me or you will be TORTURED in HELL for ETERNITY!" -- Jesus "God of Love" Paraphrased

That is yahweh, god and allah paraphrased
surenderer said:
Yep here we go again.....another thread that uses a radical muslims view to represent all muslims....

Surender, what does the Koran say about Jews?
there is a God and He is the Only God Who created us...... Who created you ...oh oh sorry may be you created yourself by yourself.... i forgot that sorry.

there is a hell and ther is a heaven and you can decide where to go.
