Jews killed their Prophets !!

Quran says:
Is it that whenever there comes to you (children of Israel) a messenger with what you desire not, you are puffed up with pride? Some you called impostors, and others you slew! (Quran, 2:87).

God has heard the taunt of those who say: 'Truly, God is indigent and we are rich!' We shall certainly record their word and (their act of) slaying the prophets in defiance of right, and We shall say: (Taste you the penalty og the Scorching Fire!' (Quran, 3:181).
moonlight said:
there is a God and He is the Only God Who created us...... Who created you ...oh oh sorry may be you created yourself by yourself.... i forgot that sorry.

there is a hell and ther is a heaven and you can decide where to go.


Absolute nonsense you have no proof of either they are just made up concepts to control the masses.

Oh I almost forgot, Yes I did make myself out of bits of string, paper clips and lint from the dryer ;)
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moonlight said:
we neither like them nor hate them. we just hate Israeli jews and that's because they kill our brothers in Palestine everyday.

I don't see why a muslim would have any problem with that. Isn't it well established that everything happens by Allah's decree? Who the hell are you to reprove Allah's will? Tsk, tsk.
If you have issues regarding the Israeli jews killing your brothers (or regarding any other real o perceived harm commited against muslims) take your complaints to your god, for he is the one pulling the strings.
Bruce Wayne said:
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته​


Pardon me if I don't agree with the way you phrased that part of your post. You say "christians killed a lot more jews than Muslims". That implies than we also killed alot of jews. Off course everyone knows that that is incorrect. First because no one can compete with the "white/christian" mind as far as killing jews is concerned. Second because not only is armed conflict between Musims and Jews rather limited in history but also because historical we gave them a safe haven and ample room to grow and fulfill their potential as a group of people and as individuals. Were it not for their last and ungoing aggression most Muslims that feel hatred for the zionist jews (and not all jews) would relinquish those feelings.

Also bear in mind that, as a jewish thinker once said, I belive it was Uri Averny), the hatred of the Arab for the Jew is rather abstract.


'as-salâmu calaykum Bruce,
You are reading my post the wrong way....I am only trying to say that Christians have killed more Jews than muslims have I am not saying that muslims and jews have a violent history. I agree and have posted many times in the past about the safe haven that muslims have given jews in past history (even in the thread you ae refering to) dont take my thread the wrong way ;)
maca salâma
Well then why don't YOU step up and explain to your fellow muslims the way you see it! Try it and you will see that I will stay out of it.

Obviously you havent seen some of the debates that me and Knife have had
fadeaway humper said:
I don't see why a muslim would have any problem with that. Isn't it well established that everything happens by Allah's decree? Who the hell are you to reprove Allah's will? Tsk, tsk.

It is Allah's decree that we have the free will and the moral obligation as dictated by our religion to liberate the violated lands.

fadeaway humper said:
If you have issues regarding the Israeli jews killing your brothers (or regarding any other real o perceived harm commited against muslims) take your complaints to your god, for he is the one pulling the strings.

An arab saying: the continuation of the current/present is an impossibility. Have patience.

thanks to whoever made this thread. yes this is a stupid proaganda thread that dpes not make sense becasue the jews (zionists really but...) well any way the jews on Scifourms have been making a lot of propaganda threadas abour Arabs and realting it to the Arab/Israeli conflict
fadeaway humper said:
I don't see why a muslim would have any problem with that. Isn't it well established that everything happens by Allah's decree? Who the hell are you to reprove Allah's will? Tsk, tsk.
If you have issues regarding the Israeli jews killing your brothers (or regarding any other real o perceived harm commited against muslims) take your complaints to your god, for he is the one pulling the strings.

yes Allah's decree. but anyway, we were told 1400 years ago about most of these events that are happening now to the Muslim world yet were too dumb wnough to stop each event but by Allah's decree ofcourse and by Allah's decree the victory is very near.

but on my personal opinion their will be ww3 in about 20 - 30 years from now and the prohecy about the war with Jews will come true when Israel blow up (or try) Al Aqsa. :confused:

but then again,,, its Allah's decree
To me, all of this threatening hell fire stuff is immensely morbid. The bottom line is that according to Christianity and Islam, you can be a very moral person, but if you don't follow/believe specific teachings (accept Jesus as savior, accept Islamic laws, go to church/mosque, etc), you'll be eternally tortured with your skin roasted and renewed (unless you temporarily get put in the freezing part of hell or whatever I think mentioned in the Qur'an). Think about what you're saying and what you people believe. In one breath, you Christians/Muslims say "God is love" but then say that he'll torment people for eternity because they don't do exactly what he wants.

How incredibly morbid.

A couple questions for those Christians/Muslims (or believers in other religions with long lasting hells, such as I've heard about some Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians), why do you follow your religion? It seems to be immense fear of hell (the stick), coupled with the bliss of heaven/Nirvana/Moshka (carrot).

Just think about what you people are saying, particularly the incredibly morbid view that hell will be like 70 times hotter than the hottest fire here on earth (a tradition of Muhammad). Is this your loving God?

It's immensely silly to say that people "have a choice". If that's truly the case, ok, I chose not to go to any hell. But you guys can't have that, can you? You'll say a non-believer MUST go to hell. Kind of like if someone has a gun to your head and tells you to give him all your money. Then you complain, but in court he says, "well, you had a choice." What silliness.
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moonlight: Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want someone taking all of your power and control over the people away from you, whether he's telling the truth or not.

Jesus told the Pharesies to their face that they were gonna kill him. he did that in the parable of the tenant(dont remeber exact name).

"What do men with power want? More power."
i am jewish.

i am absolutely appalled at the amount of anti-semitism i see here. isnt this supposed to be a forum of intelligence? the horrible things i see in the world dont make me hate all others of a particular race. that would be stupid.

as for christians and muslims killing jews...well, atrocious things happen. to be perfectly honest, jews are just as guilty of genocide against palestinians as christians are guilty of attempted theocricide in the middle ages. the muslim people arent innocent of those crimes either.

but is that any reason to judge an entire race?
someone else did that once. his name was hitler.

as for the killing of prophets that this thread is SUPPOSED to be about, could the thread originator provide some specific examples of certified prophets being murdered? jesus was killed by the roman govt, because his followers claimed him to be a king. he wasnt killed by a pack of jews. they certainly had their opinions about him, and werent afraid to let them be known. but that is no different than someone saying that oj simpson killed his wife, and then him being executed for it. in that unlikely circumstance, did the person who passed judgement kill him, or better yet....did every member of his race execute him?

look at the tripe that is being posted. try to make it a bit smarter, ok all?
moonlight said:
Jews used to kill their Prophets and their messengers sent by God..Why did they kill them? including Jesus PBUH ??

Some Christians and a great many Muslims are so hateful, paranoid & idiotic as to habitually use BLANKET STATEMENTS against the jews. As if everyone of the jews are guilty as charged.

Even the bogus prophet Mohammad habitually made sweeping statements on the jews.
be careful not to fall into the pattern that you just condemned others for, doctorNO.
i understand your meaning, but bigotry of any kind is a slippery slope. even if it is meant with the best of intentions, it can end up being the tool of tyranny.
The Devil Inside said:
be careful not to fall into the pattern that you just condemned others for, doctorNO.

Thank you. I take extreme care not to generalize.
DoctorNO said:
Some Christians and a great many Muslims are so hateful, paranoid & idiotic as to habitually use BLANKET STATEMENTS against the jews. As if everyone of the jews are guilty as charged.

Even the bogus prophet Mohammad habitually made sweeping statements on the jews.

I believe that moonlight said used. And as the sentence:"the Romans used to win battles" does not mean "All the romans used to win their battles" So does moonlight's statement not mean that "All jews used to kill their prophets"

Again I tell you that it is o.k. to attack Muslims, but it wouldn't hurt to show some intelligence in the proces.

Bruce Wayne said:
I believe that moonlight said used. And as the sentence:"the Romans used to win battles" does not mean "All the romans used to win their battles"
Each battle that a roman army wins is a victory to all romans. And so it does mean that ALL the romans used to win their battles.