Jesus will come

Jesus is here . I own him . He is my bitch now . Yeah thats a fact .
Fuck Jesus . He don't get no glory after all . Thats right . He's an ass. He divided my wife and he probably divided your wife to if you have a wife . Fuck Jesus in the ass . Fuck you guys. He is a criminal . Fuck no wonder life on earth is so srewed up .
Listen Dinguses . The Jesus Model is no good . It is why you act like you do .
He divided you . Yeah ! Your Natural you is in conflict with Jesus dogma. That is your division. It is a trick on woman especially . So they don't act on there natural instincts. Caged woman my the slavery of the mind . Fuck there so deep asleep from the night mare they have blocked out there own desires .
Divided .
Anyway I want to tell you about the story I spun for my wife so she could get her love joy , Maybe another time . Lets say the end results could be me getting another lover . I don't know . It is hard to think about that when you have little bouts of jealousy. Fuck yeah I am a jealous god . You would be too if you were Me. Anyway Leviathan said walk away. I will for 3 days . I won't I mean I will be there but in the dream weave I won't . It will be me getting some of my needs but I won't be there in spirit . It won't be Me , but in reality it will be Me . Kind of like when you take a girl to the movies and you cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box and stuff your dong in it and when she reaches for the popcorn . Well get the picture.
Is that a cheap way to get my needs . Yeah . I think so . , I want someone to want Me . This not help my feeling loved at all . It is temporary. A 3 day affair. And then crawl back home like something the cat drug in . Do Me righteous for 3 days except she does not think its me in the bowls of he deepest temptations . Darkest thoughts is what she calls them . She don't even know in her awareness that she named them that .

Shit . Is any body getting this .
Fuck there is a secret language going down . It is like a song . With many layers of overlaying rhythms. Fuck no bull shit here . Fuck am I alone . Can anyone hear it, see it, Fuck Fuck
Got to think about that . Fuck no wonder I always feel alone . Fuck . Can anyone hear it ? I got a get a handle on this thing . all in all
O.K. I took a deep breath . Sorry Jesus for blasting your name . You can come sit by me . I will comb your hair . You will like that
I got a little carried away, but you made such a good point, it's often overlooked. Of all the flaws in fundamentalism, the many deep layers of denial blind them to the obvious connection between Jesus and Mithra, or of other similar archetypes in the region, from Persia to Egypt, and from Greek and Roman beliefs that prevailed during the time the Jesus story first took root.

Nice post Aqueous, yes, it certainly is curious. Believers are either unaware or turn their cheek to it's implications.
I can't find that. Where is it stated?
Well what did it say? Doesn't it say something close to this "The Bible states that what was created in Mary was of the Holy Spirit"?

But I always took to be a prophetic utterance rather than an actual fact.

Jesus will be called the "Son of God". No one can deny that, for that is what we are discussing. But the reason Jesus is the Son of God as the Bible says are the words "will be called" which is like being named.

He had a biological mother and father as we all do, but he was called the son of god. :)
"Shit . Is any body getting this .
Fuck there is a secret language going down . It is like a song . With many layers of overlaying rhythms. Fuck no bull shit here . Fuck am I alone . Can anyone hear it, see it, Fuck Fuck
Got to think about that . Fuck no wonder I always feel alone . Fuck . Can anyone hear it ?"
You know what I think of you!
Jesus is here . I own him . He is my bitch now . Yeah thats a fact .
Fuck Jesus . He don't get no glory after all . Thats right . He's an ass. He divided my wife and he probably divided your wife to if you have a wife . Fuck Jesus in the ass . Fuck you guys. He is a criminal . Fuck no wonder life on earth is so srewed up .
Listen Dinguses . The Jesus Model is no good . It is why you act like you do .
He divided you . Yeah ! Your Natural you is in conflict with Jesus dogma. That is your division. It is a trick on woman especially . So they don't act on there natural instincts. Caged woman my the slavery of the mind . Fuck there so deep asleep from the night mare they have blocked out there own desires .
Divided .
Anyway I want to tell you about the story I spun for my wife so she could get her love joy , Maybe another time . Lets say the end results could be me getting another lover . I don't know . It is hard to think about that when you have little bouts of jealousy. Fuck yeah I am a jealous god . You would be too if you were Me. Anyway Leviathan said walk away. I will for 3 days . I won't I mean I will be there but in the dream weave I won't . It will be me getting some of my needs but I won't be there in spirit . It won't be Me , but in reality it will be Me . Kind of like when you take a girl to the movies and you cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box and stuff your dong in it and when she reaches for the popcorn . Well get the picture.
Is that a cheap way to get my needs . Yeah . I think so . , I want someone to want Me . This not help my feeling loved at all . It is temporary. A 3 day affair. And then crawl back home like something the cat drug in . Do Me righteous for 3 days except she does not think its me in the bowls of he deepest temptations . Darkest thoughts is what she calls them . She don't even know in her awareness that she named them that .

Shit . Is any body getting this .
Fuck there is a secret language going down . It is like a song . With many layers of overlaying rhythms. Fuck no bull shit here . Fuck am I alone . Can anyone hear it, see it, Fuck Fuck
Got to think about that . Fuck no wonder I always feel alone . Fuck . Can anyone hear it ? I got a get a handle on this thing . all in all
O.K. I took a deep breath . Sorry Jesus for blasting your name . You can come sit by me . I will comb your hair . You will like that

you can fuck president Obama too.
"Shit . Is any body getting this .
Fuck there is a secret language going down . It is like a song . With many layers of overlaying rhythms. Fuck no bull shit here . Fuck am I alone . Can anyone hear it, see it, Fuck Fuck
Got to think about that . Fuck no wonder I always feel alone . Fuck . Can anyone hear it ?"
You know what I think of you!

You are imbecile,
how can you know the secret of God?
Moderator note: Me-Ki-Gal has been banned from sciforums for 1 month for posting incoherent nonsense in many threads.

Post #281, in particular, contains many breaches of the site rules, quite apart from the fact that it comes across as insane.

Me-Ki-Gal: please take this time off as an opportunity to get some professional help. Good luck.
Moderator note: Me-Ki-Gal has been banned from sciforums for 1 month for posting incoherent nonsense in many threads.

Post #281, in particular, contains many breaches of the site rules, quite apart from the fact that it comes across as insane.

Me-Ki-Gal: please take this time off as an opportunity to get some professional help. Good luck.

Maybe Jesus will heal him?
How did you come about choosing Yaveh over the more common rendering, Yahweh?

I got His man in a dream. As soon as i heard it i woke up got out of bed and looked it up on google, sure enough it is the name of the Old testament God of Abraham. I never heard the name said like that before having that dream.

Also, what is the meaning and purpose of:

All praise The Ancient Of Days

The Ancient of Days is a title of God revealed in the Book of Daniel. I like it. All praise the Ancient of Days is a call for everyone to praise God. Simple stuff.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I can't find that. Where is it stated?

Matthew 1
20 But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was of the Holy Spirit. Not of a mixture of Mary and the Holy Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Matthew 1
20 But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was of the Holy Spirit. Not of a mixture of Mary and the Holy Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
NO you are so wrong. As I said before the conception was the the miracle not the biological genetic make up.
"do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife" is a clear message that the Holy Spirit is saying to Joseph, Mary is his wife and he is the rightful parent, for in their law the husband should be the father of the children.

The passage you quote says similar "that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit" The Holy Spirit organised the conception without sexual intercourse only. Anything further than that is being religious. For we should not embellish the story with our own interpretation. :)
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NO you are so wrong. As I said before the conception was the the miracle not the biological genetic make up.
"do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife" is a clear message that the Holy Spirit is saying to Joseph, Mary is his wife and he is the rightful parent, for in their law the husband should be the father of the children.

The passage you quote says similar "that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit" The Holy Spirit organised the conception without sexual intercourse only. Anything further than that is being religious. For we should not embellish the story with our own interpretation. :)


All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I stand by what I have said. You are just religious. Nonsense is what makes sense to you. :)

Joseph was the "Son of David". Jesus was also considered a "Son of David", so the Holy Spirit and the Bible confirm that Jesus was Joseph's son. It is your church who has contradicted the Bible. :)
The bible confirms that Joseph was not the genetic father of Jesus. Read it some time and see. Jesus was in fact the adopted son of Joseph.

This has nothing to do with any church. This is scripture. People can decide to believe it or not but it is not a created doctrine of a church.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The bible confirms that Joseph was not the genetic father of Jesus. Read it some time and see. Jesus was in fact the adopted son of Joseph.

This has nothing to do with any church. This is scripture. People can decide to believe it or not but it is not a created doctrine of a church.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You make the claim, then you show me what you mean. Please.
The bible confirms that Joseph was not the genetic father of Jesus. Read it some time and see. Jesus was in fact the adopted son of Joseph.

This has nothing to do with any church. This is scripture. People can decide to believe it or not but it is not a created doctrine of a church.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Which scripture, can you quote it?
Will Adstar confirm that under the Jewish Law, given to Moses, that "the husband should be the father of the children"? There is no law that I know of that would give anyone the option of impregnating a betrothed woman and then asking the husband to look after or adopt the child.
What Adstar is proposing would be making God a sinner, and Christ a man born of fornication.