Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

Spot the difference:




LOL sniffy they have done a good job of screwing and bastardizing the sexuality of men no question.
however we must not forget that women do this just as much only carry more of a social voice to be party to non violence.
anti gay is violence against non violent people which is why women adhere to it more soo than men while women also recognize the victimization of homosexual men as they too have been sexually victimized for centuries.
LOL sniffy they have done a good job of screwing and bastardizing the sexuality of men no question.
however we must not forget that women do this just as much only carry more of a social voice to be party to non violence.
anti gay is violence against non violent people which is why women adhere to it more soo than men while women also recognize the victimization of homosexual men as they too have been sexually victimized for centuries.

I think we all do a pretty good job of bastardising and victimising one another or attempting to at least. I think it is about time we started to think about why the heckle doodle that is.

Hint: Not much at all to do with religion (although some USE religion to justify it) and an awful lot to do with BEING HUMAN! And being HUMAN has an awful lot to do with BEING ANIMALS if you get my drift...... but we gots brains and communication maybe we can work something out... or just be content with the fact that we are HUMAN and occasionally nashty ones at that.

And without our religions sanctifying us.....Oh GOD. We're humans!
I think we all do a pretty good job of bastardising and victimising one another or attempting to at least. I think it is about time we started to think about why the heckle doodle that is.

Hint: Not much at all to do with religion (although some USE religion to justify it) and an awful lot to do with BEING HUMAN! And being HUMAN has an awful lot to do with BEING ANIMALS if you get my drift...... but we gots brains and communication maybe we can work something out... or just be content with the fact that we are HUMAN and occasionally nashty ones at that.

And without our religions sanctifying us.....Oh GOD. We're humans!

heckle doodle Yeah Nah.... yeah !
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it seems to me that all evidence points to Jesus being Homosexual.
He had no interest in women.
Did not get married

How do you know this, especially as there are 18 years of his life unaccounted for?

There is absolutely no evidence that i have come across that prove Jesus was not a homosexual.

Apart from not being married (no interest in women doesn't count as you could not possibly know this), what is the convincing factor in your theory.

have you any evidence that shows that Jesus was not a homosexual ?
and evidence that Jesus was Heterosexual ?
any evidence at all of him being one gender or the other ?

your thoughts... ?

My thought is that you are trying to belittle Jesus, specifically to get under the skins of Christians, and people who believe Jesus was a spiritual man.
But I think the fact that you have chosen to call him 'homosexual' to do this, shows what you really think of male homosexuality on a sub-consious level, and is propbably the concensus of all who are not homosexual on a similar level.

What does it mean to have "discriminating taste"?

i think that it's a really good idea to be discriminating when choosing a mate. but with all the important and relevant things to consider, i do not think that choice should be made based on any physical characteristic. in my experience, if you love and respect and admire and trust someone for what is on the inside, then the outside stuff works itself out gloriously.
before i go through and get side tracked with other peoples opinions i just want to say this.
in my opinion if i were to believe in a god then i would believe in that god creating homosexuality to define the every nature of true love between two souls devoid of materialism being the thing that is used to define true love.
true love is devoid of gender and sexual orientation and is something most higher level intellects seek toward in some form.

true love comes only with true acceptance.
true acceptance only comes by not judging someone based on things like homo hetro or bi sexual orientations.

the circle is complete and all roads lead to Rome.
however... keep in mind that most churches preach materialism and bastardise true love and preach hate.

only a church that preaches love is a true church.
any organization that preaches hate goes against all tenants of all religions as far as have found in my personal study to date.

thus collective definition of church is a place of preaching true love.

anything that preaches materialism or hate is a cult.

thus to summarise
those churches that preach anti gay and any other form of material sexuality are in fact preaching hate and are there by self defining as a cult of materialistic hate.
those that protest against sex are materialists and as far from spiritual as you can get short of out right violence.

your thoughts ?
in my opinion it makes perfect sense that the messenger of god would be homosexual in a world where male sexuality is defined as rape and the women defined as the victim.

i like what you've said here very much and i agree with you. from what i know of jesus, he loved everyone just the same, as does god, regardless of any physical characteristic such as gender, race, height, weight, hair color...or any thoughts or behaviors they might possess or display.

male sexuality doesn't have to be defined as rape, and women don't have to be victims. i've experienced both sides of this coin, so i know that.
My thought is that you are trying to belittle Jesus, specifically to get under the skins of Christians, and people who believe Jesus was a spiritual man.

In other words, Jan, Christians don't want their idol's character to be sullied in any way, despite the fact you or anybody else knew anything about him, if he even existed, of course.

Your statement demonstrates only your gullibility, selfishness and patronage.
from what i know of jesus

What YOU know about Jesus? You mean to tell us that your conversations with god were not with Jesus, too? If he was the son of god, why wouldn't you be speaking with him, too?
Actually, the problem is sexual repression.

If normal adult sexuality is a pattern which has grown out of the infantile delight in the pleasurable activity of all parts of the human body, then what was originally a much wider capacity for pleasure in the body has been narrowed in range, concentrated on one particular (the genital) organ, and subordinated to an aim derived not from the pleasure-principle, but from the reality-principle, namely, propagation .... Then the pattern of normal adult sexuality ... is a tyranny of one component in infantile sexuality, a tyranny which suppresses some of the other components altogether and subordinates the rest to itself .... But the normal adult sexuality can exist only on condition that the discarded pattern of infantile sexuality continues to exist side by side with it, and in conflict with it, in the repressed unconscious.

The discarded elements of infantile sexuality are, judged by the standard of normal adult sexuality, perverse. The adult sexual perversions, like normal adult sexuality, are well-organized tyrannies: they too represent an exaggerated concentration on one of the many erotic potentialities present in the human body, which are all actively explored in infancy. The manner of this tyranny, as well as the close connection between normal and perverted sexuality, is illustrated by the fact that various erotic activities, which are called perversions if they are pursued as substitutes for the normal sexual act, are called legitimate if they are subordinated as preliminaries to the normal sexual aim. Children, on the other hand, explore in indiscriminate and anarchistic fashion all the erotic potentialities of the human body. In Freudian terms, children are polymorphously perverse. But if infantile sexuality, judged by the standard of normal adult sexuality, is perverse, by the same token normal adult sexuality, judged by the standard of infantile sexuality, is an unnatural restriction of the erotic potentialities of the human body.

(Brown, 26-27)

I admit I'm surprised. That is an admirably clear statement of the problem.

Oh, and the answer is that God works in mysterious ways.

well, if we're talking about freedom here, and a lack of inhibition, may i point out that inhibition is the very basis for hetero and/or homo sexuality. :bugeye:

Speaking from experience?


No, seriously, what is your authority for that assertion?

how about common sense? a hand is a hand, a leg is a leg, a mouth is a mouth. for the most part, human beings' bodies are not that different. so why bother substituting assholes for vaginas and dildos and fingers for penises?

Thank you, though. I haven't had a laugh like that in ... um ... a while.

it wasn't that funny.

Sometimes. Maybe they're doing quaaludes again.

it's extremely common and mainstream to use sexual devices. trust me here, as when i tell people i don't, they look at me like i'm an alien. here i thought a silver bullet was a can of coors light. :D

Actually, that's not a legitimate question. Why jump through hoops to find ways to disqualify people from even having sex? Why suggest people should jump through hoops to have sexual contact they don't enjoy in order to pursue pleasure and fulfillment?

Can't have sex. Comparing people to inanimate objects. Must be something wrong. Why the hell wouldn't you like it?

That's a lot of hostility you're holding toward homosexuals.

i disagree. i think it is a legitimate question. and i don't hold hostility towards anyone anymore. it's all been beaten out of me. lol...i'm like a tamed horse.

Which is why you dehumanize her, isn't it? Showed you your weakness?

i don't dehumanize her; i love her very much. and i appreciate the enlightenment i've received from knowing her.

Do I even want to know how you rectified your hypocrisy?

i opened up my mind. oh i know, that's unheard of!

Okay, you need to explain this leap from not wanting to fuck your pussy to finding you gross.

Are women gross or pointless because they don't have a penis? I mean, come on, let's apply this standard fairly.

obviously there is some relative repulsion going on, otherwise there would be no preference.

If you say so. What a sad view of animals you have, though.

why? i'm a vegan. i don't eat dogs, cats, cows, pigs, or chickens. and i think trent reznor is an ass.

You find the notion offensive.

no i don't. i don't think anyone should want to or not want based on an inherent physical trait. i think it should be a little more cognitive than that.

A woman can potentially have a male friend who will never hit on her, never judge her according to her sexual potential, and thus must necessarily find value in other parts of her person. And this, apparently, pisses her off. I admit, this is a fairly new one to me. At least ... never mind.

all men should do that. but don't you see that those who are sexually oriented DO judge people according to their sexual potential?

See, it would be helpful if you could reconcile some of the contradictions about your argument. I mean, on the one hand, you don't think anyone should be viewed as a sex object. Yet, what, because someone is gay, you're offended that they won't view you as a sex object?

why is it that the equal opportunity stops when it comes to sex?

Think about it. For once, your identity isn't assessed starting with your vagina. Or your tits. Or how your ass looks in those jeans. Or whether you look like the type who can swallow or deep throat. Imagine that. Someone's image of you doesn't start with the idea of a cock crammed down your throat or up your ass, or you screaming their name in joyful pleasure while they pound your insides to bruised mush. How is this offensive? How is this upsetting?

why should that ever be the case tiassa?

Just a question, Lori. Perhaps this will clear things up: Where do you think homosexuality comes from?

i think it's a mindset...a perception.
What YOU know about Jesus? You mean to tell us that your conversations with god were not with Jesus, too? If he was the son of god, why wouldn't you be speaking with him, too?

Q when you speak to somebody's father are you also necessarily speaking to his son at the same time? To test your well thought out theory about this I suggest you ring up a friend's father and have a conversation. I suggest you then ring his son and carry on the conversation that you were having with his father.

Oh and unless you can get into Lori 7's head or shoes you have know idea to whom she may be talking at any given time. Or to whom she thinks she may be talking to at any given time.

Just felt like pointing that out, for some reason.
Q when you speak to somebody's father are you also necessarily speaking to his son at the same time? To test your well thought out theory about this I suggest you ring up a friend's father and have a conversation. I suggest you then ring his son and carry on the conversation that you were having with his father.

Oh and unless you can get into Lori 7's head or shoes you have know idea to whom she may be talking at any given time. Or to whom she thinks she may be talking to at any given time.

Just felt like pointing that out, for some reason.

But is Jesus and God not one and the same thing?

The Father The Son and The Holy Smoke I mean Ghost.
how about common sense? a hand is a hand, a leg is a leg, a mouth is a mouth. for the most part, human beings' bodies are not that different. so why bother substituting assholes for vaginas and dildos and fingers for penises?

Why not substitute assholes for vaginas, and dildos for fingers and mouths for anything? Have you thought that there might be different kinds of sensations associated with each? Are you that lacking in imagination? the end of the day what does it matter to you what other people do with their arses fingers, dildos and mouths? Should they have an interest in what you do with yours and vice versa?

I'm inclined to say 'no' to both.
Q when you speak to somebody's father are you also necessarily speaking to his son at the same time? To test your well thought out theory about this I suggest you ring up a friend's father and have a conversation. I suggest you then ring his son and carry on the conversation that you were having with his father.

Yeah sniffy, when you figure out that comparing the delusions of theists to reality, anything goes with religion.

Oh and unless you can get into Lori 7's head or shoes you have know idea to whom she may be talking at any given time. Or to whom she thinks she may be talking to at any given time.

Lori's insane, she hears voices and talks back to them and pretends she's talking with a god. It's very sad that she doesn't get professional help but it's clear she isn't talking with a father, a son, or a holy ghost. :D
Yeah sniffy, when you figure out that comparing the delusions of theists to reality, anything goes with religion.

Lori's insane, she hears voices and talks back to them and pretends she's talking with a god. It's very sad that she doesn't get professional help but it's clear she isn't talking with a father, a son, or a holy ghost. :D

i don't think you should be allowed to assert that i'm insane on a public forum if you can't confirm that via professional diagnosis. which of course you can not. i have had experiences that you can not and will not fathom. and yes, some of those have tried my mind quite a bit. but those experiences did in fact occur, and i will venture to say that if i were insane, they wouldn't have tried my mind at all. and if i were insane, the manifestations of such would be evident in my life. they are not.

your accusations are a product of your own insecurities.
Why not substitute assholes for vaginas, and dildos for fingers and mouths for anything? Have you thought that there might be different kinds of sensations associated with each? Are you that lacking in imagination? the end of the day what does it matter to you what other people do with their arses fingers, dildos and mouths? Should they have an interest in what you do with yours and vice versa?

I'm inclined to say 'no' to both.

it's a discussion forum sniffy. :shrug:
There is a mistake in this thread's title somehow word "normal" was typed in there, it should not be there.
i don't think you should be allowed to assert that i'm insane on a public forum

Then, you shouldn't present yourself as being insane.

if you can't confirm that via professional diagnosis. which of course you can not.

I probably can't, but a professional certainly would.

i have had experiences that you can not and will not fathom.

That is correct.

and yes, some of those have tried my mind quite a bit. but those experiences did in fact occur, and i will venture to say that if i were insane, they wouldn't have tried my mind at all. and if i were insane, the manifestations of such would be evident in my life. they are not.

"Physician, heal thyself"

Sure Lori, feel free to analyze your neuroses. Then, you can tell us all about invisible gods, aliens and all the other insane ramblings you've provided.

your accusations are a product of your own insecurities.

They are a produce of your posts and nothing else.
Yeah sniffy, when you figure out that comparing the delusions of theists to reality, anything goes with religion.

I manage to figure a lot out for myself. I certainly don't need any help from you. But as you mentioned delusions even us athiests have delusions....

Lori's insane, she hears voices and talks back to them and pretends she's talking with a god. It's very sad that she doesn't get professional help but it's clear she isn't talking with a father, a son, or a holy ghost. :D

She may well be talking out of her arse just like you because if she needs proferssional help you probably do too.