Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

it seems to me that all evidence points to Jesus being Homosexual.
He had no interest in women.
Did not get married

There is absolutely no evidence that i have come across that prove Jesus was not a homosexual.

Some claim him to be the son of god, however is not all men the son of god ?
thus calling himself "the son of god" by definition was a statement of saying he was normal like all other men.

have you any evidence that shows that Jesus was not a homosexual ?
and evidence that Jesus was Heterosexual ?
any evidence at all of him being one gender or the other ?

your thoughts... ?

How do you know that all men who have no interest in getting married/interloping with the opposite gender are homosexual?

For instance do you consider the Dalai Lama a homosexual?

Do you consider Gandhi's move towards celibacy later in life a result of homosexuality?
You know, in truth, Lori, I expect to be sharing this odd formulation of yours with people because it's one of those things that widens their eyes and shakes their heads in disbelief. I actually dropped the line on a friend of mine the other day while we were talking about her gay brother. It got me two things; a thin laugh and this look common in my social circles that says, "I don't really want to know where that comes from, do I?"

Perhaps next we should argue about what is is. At the very least it would be less neurotic.

With his rude, persistent demand for the bodily origin of spiritual things, Freud starts not with love but with sexuality. But the man who discussed what he called the sexual life of children, and who insisted on the sexual character of thumb-sucking, must have had a special definition of sexuality. In fact, Freud's definition of the sexual instinct shows that he means something very general. It is the energy or desire with which the human being pursues pleasure, with the further specification that the pleasure sought is the pleasurable activity of an organ of the human body. He attributed the capacity of yielding such pleasure ... to all parts of the surface of the human body, and also to the internal organs. The organ in question may be the genital, or it may be the mouth, as in thumb-suckint, or it may be the eyes, as in the delight of seeing. If sex is so defined, there will surely be little disposition to deny that infants do have a sexual life, or even that sex in this sense is their chief aim. Infants are naturally absorbed in themselves and in their own bodies: they are in love with themselves; in Freudian terminology, their orientation is narcissistic. Infants are ignorant of the serious business of life (the reality-principle) and therefore know no guide except the pleasure-principle, making pleasurable activity of their own body their sole aim. And since childhood is a period of real immunity from the serious business of life, children are really in a position to obtain pleasure from the activity of their bodies to an extent which the adult is not. So Freud's definition of sexuality entails the proposition that infants have a richer sexual life than adults.

(Brown, 26)

In reducing the polymorphous to the singular and deliberately exclusive, you are only encouraging neurosis.

What's really curious about this, Lori, is that you are the one who tied one's sexual appeal so tightly to their personal worth. That is, if one hasn't what it takes to get a person off, then that one is somehow worthless.

This strikes many as ironic. Even feminist sympathizers such as myself stop and scratch our heads at this: So, first we all spend years—in some cases lifetimes—trying to explain that a woman's worth is not measured in her physical attributes or her ability to dole out adequate sexual pleasure on demand. But, along comes a gay man who isn't turned on by the thought of plowing a woman's furrow, and suddenly it's genderist? Really, Lori? Is that really where you want the discussion to go? Right back to measuring you—a woman—as a human being according to your ability to sexually satisfy men?

So let's make a short list here: people who think that "discussing" homosexuality is somehow verboten by Sciforums or other similar standards.

• People who compare consensual sex to raping animals.
• People who think a gay couple getting married somehow wrecks their own union.
• Biblically religious people who like to ignore Jesus.
• People who assert that those who want sexual satisfaction should have to submit themselves to being raped.​

Do you notice a theme emerging? We can expand the list all you want, but the underlying theme will continue to be, "People who have a problem with homosexuals."

So let's stop and think about that for a moment. Not only have you stated that gay people should be raped if they want sexual satisfaction—and if you can't see the problem in that phrasing, I don't know what to tell you—but you've also repeatedly tried to dehumanize them by claiming they cannot have sex. Yet when questioned on the implications of this formulation, you dodged.

What are people supposed to think, m'lady? That is, when they see you dehumanizing a class of people, demanding that they be raped, and snarling at the idea that this sort of declaration is looked down upon—what the hell are people supposed to think?


Brown, Norman O. Life Against Death . Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1959.

tiassa, you are way off the deep end here. first of all, babies have a richer sex life because they're not jaded yet. secondly, i don't have a problem with homosexuals any more than i have a problem with heterosexuals. i think that the whole concept of some inherent sexual orientation is rubbish. thirdly, i don't advocate rape in any capacity. and fourthly, i don't determine my self worth by whether someone else wants to have sex with me. for god's sake i was intentionally celibate for 8 years! and it was and extremely enlightening experience in regards to my self worth too.
no man, i'm saying he was human, but born without the birth defect that the bible calls sin.

The creation story has been debunked, Lori. Sin is a lie told in dishonesty and didn't come from an honest God.
The greatest gift?

Lori 7 said:

first of all, babies have a richer sex life because they're not jaded yet.

If we take jaded to mean limited according to aesthetic priorities, then I have no reason to disagree.

Specifically, they have not yet learned to focus their pleasure centers around their genitals. You know, like ... oh, what was the line? Ah, here it is: "penis + vagina = sex. that's it." See, babies haven't yet learned to drive themselves insane with such strange standards.

secondly, i don't have a problem with homosexuals any more than i have a problem with heterosexuals.

Which is why you advocate an equal standard for homosexuals and heterosexuals: Have sexual intercourse you don't like.

i think that the whole concept of some inherent sexual orientation is rubbish

Unless, of course, that orientation is "heterosexual"?

thirdly, i don't advocate rape in any capacity.

Survey says!

"i'm not insecure. i just don't think the decision should come down to whether or not i have a vagina. that should be a given...a non-issue. i've had a gay guy want to have sex with me. i couldn't handle it."​

What someone likes and feels comfortable with is a non-issue?

Let's check a larger version of the script:

Lori: you know, it's all what you get used to. some people survive on whale blubber and raw fish. some people like monkey brains. i used to hate green peppers, but it bugs me when i don't like certain foods. so i started forcing myself to eat them, like on pizza and as an ingredient in cooked foods to acclimate myself to the taste. then on salads. now i can eat them raw and by themselves and i love em.

String: Great. That's so big of you. So, should gay men be forced to have sex with women to make sure that you are satisfied with their lives?

I've had sex with a number of women (back when I was a teenager). I hated it. I did it because I thought, "Well, this is what guys do. . . so I have to do it." Sometime, Lori, all the "trying" in the world won't make a person like something. I was forced to eat Salisbury Steak as a kid. Periodically I've gone back and tried it again, only to confirm that--YEP--I still hate it.

Lori: the only thing it has to do with me, is that a gay man won't have sex with me just because i'm a woman, barring any other quality or trait or characteristic that i might have.

String: Christ! You are insecure.

Yes, Lori, gay men won't have sex with you. That's why they are gay.

I want to hear this from you, do you REALLY think that gay men should be "required" to have sex with women, despite what they do or do not want to do?

Lori: i'm not insecure. i just don't think the decision should come down to whether or not i have a vagina. that should be a given...a non-issue. i've had a gay guy want to have sex with me. i couldn't handle it ....

.... i don't think that anyone should be required to do anything.

There is a curious discord about your argument. Gay men are misogynists because they won't fuck women; gay men should force themselves to fuck women; what people enjoy and feel comfortable with is a non-issue. But you don't think anyone should be required to do anything.

Ah, I see. So homosexuals should either be celibate or rape bait in order that you can feel more secure about your pussy.

Sorry. Your argument just doesn't work.

fourthly, i don't determine my self worth by whether someone else wants to have sex with me. for god's sake i was intentionally celibate for 8 years! and it was and extremely enlightening experience in regards to my self worth too.

Lori, I'm sorry, but that's analogous to telling someone you're not violent after trying to beat them for no good reason. You are the one who looked past the words of gay men in order to accuse genderism. You are the one who looked at the idea that a gay man can be friends with a woman without wanting to bang her and decided that it was wrong, wrong, wrong. You are the one who is upset that it's your womanhood—as opposed to your intelligence or personality—that makes you undesirable to some men. (Any number of fitting observations about those criteria might go here.) You are the one disappointed at being viewed as a human being and not a mere sex object.

So you were intentionally celibate for eight years. Congratulations. Now what? I mean, it would seem in your mind that proves something. But the most apparent thing at this point is that, after eight years of obsessing over denying your vagina, you're now obsessing on its magnanimity.

Whatever God's greatest gift to the living Universe, I'm pretty sure it wasn't your pussy.
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." -- Genesis 6:1-2

"...and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." -- Genesis 6:4

2 Peter 2:4, NASB
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment;

I guess God turned them loose after his tryst with Mary.
M*W: The church lied about MM being a prostitute, but what did they know? What was the church afraid to reveal? From my study of astro-theology, J & MM were represented by the Sun and the Constellation Aquarias, respectively.

In any event, these mythic characters were just that--myths. These myths were based on ancient nomadic travels by night. They skies were used for navigation and entertainment purposes. This is not to say that astrology is anymore scientifically accurate than is reading tea leaves. It's just been around since about 5,000 BCE.
Oh, you don't know that. Just because stories have parallels to other stories does not mean they did not happen. There are many explanations for why two stories have similarities.

I've seen prodigal sons return.
I have seen women lead men astray. (and the reverse of course, perhaps more often).
I have seen people follow voices, a la Noah, and create things that others first mocked and later appreciated.

Please. It is a very old fallacy that when something resembles something else it must be, really, that other thing.

At least you could present the idea as a possibility instead of stating it like you know.
no, that's not what i want. i don't want anything; it's just a discussion. i don't know what psychological experts think, but i know that my own sexuality has been shaped by my experience. we're not born with orientations; we're born with genders and hormones and parents and a society.

here's what i don't understand. i don't understand how someone could be put off by a vagina or a penis any more than they would be put off by an arm or a leg or a nose. it just doesn't make sense to me.

Well, the lack of understanding is yours. And the ignorance too.

Do a little reading, pick up a book. You'll find no credible psychologist who believes that homosexuality is a choice.

Nobody "controls" what they are and are not attracted to. It's innate to their personality.

I'm not attracted to vaginas. I believe you're playing stupid, or maybe it's not an act, but whatever, but you're pulling this act to support your idiotic claims. You also failed to answer my question. Do you or do you not believe that I should take a pill, or some other object to force myself to have sex with a woman despite the fact that I find females sexually unattractive.

One more time and hopefully you'll absorb this easy little fact: People have tastes. Don't even try to sell me on the bullshit that you like every single thing on earth. By saying, for example, I don't like cake (yes, yes, we aren't discussing cake, and despite your inability to understand the concept of a "comparison" it's still apt), it doesn't mean that cake is bad. I just don't like it.

[funny thing, in Mexican Spanish "biscocho" means cake and vagina!]

i think that the whole concept of some inherent sexual orientation is rubbish.

Can you support that?

I can support my point of view: simple. Talk to gay people. Read what they say. Then take a trip to a shrink and ask them. The two experts on this issue (psychologists and... GAY PEOPLE) disagree with you. You've come to your view because you are offended and appalled by the fact that there's a man who isn't wowed by your vagina. Perish the thought!

If we take jaded to mean limited according to aesthetic priorities, then I have no reason to disagree.

Specifically, they have not yet learned to focus their pleasure centers around their genitals. You know, like ... oh, what was the line? Ah, here it is: "penis + vagina = sex. that's it." See, babies haven't yet learned to drive themselves insane with such strange standards.

insane? sexual intercourse is a cause for insanity? that's ridiculous.

Which is why you advocate an equal standard for homosexuals and heterosexuals: Have sexual intercourse you don't like.

the question is this...why in the hell wouldn't you like it? the truth is, that unless something is wrong with your body, or wrong with your perception, there is nothing to not like. a woman rubbing on it feels just as good as a man rubbing on it. people have "intercourse" with inanimate objects for god's sake, and that feels good. i'm sorry, but it's a legitimate question...why jump through hoops to avoid having sexual intercourse? if there's something wrong with you physically it causes you physical pain. if there's something wrong with you mentally and/or emotionally it causes you mental and/or emotional pain. there's still something wrong.

Unless, of course, that orientation is "heterosexual"?

no. you're obviously not listening to what i'm saying. i spent the better part of my life thinking i was a heterosexual. because you know, that's what people like me do. and do you want to know what it was in my life that had the biggest impact on my "sexuality"? my lesbian friend. i found myself in conversations on the topic feeling like a hypocrite for embracing the same ideologies towards women as she does towards men. which forced me to change my perspective, in response to logic and truth.

Survey says!

"i'm not insecure. i just don't think the decision should come down to whether or not i have a vagina. that should be a given...a non-issue. i've had a gay guy want to have sex with me. i couldn't handle it."​

What someone likes and feels comfortable with is a non-issue?

Let's check a larger version of the script:

Lori: you know, it's all what you get used to. some people survive on whale blubber and raw fish. some people like monkey brains. i used to hate green peppers, but it bugs me when i don't like certain foods. so i started forcing myself to eat them, like on pizza and as an ingredient in cooked foods to acclimate myself to the taste. then on salads. now i can eat them raw and by themselves and i love em.

String: Great. That's so big of you. So, should gay men be forced to have sex with women to make sure that you are satisfied with their lives?

I've had sex with a number of women (back when I was a teenager). I hated it. I did it because I thought, "Well, this is what guys do. . . so I have to do it." Sometime, Lori, all the "trying" in the world won't make a person like something. I was forced to eat Salisbury Steak as a kid. Periodically I've gone back and tried it again, only to confirm that--YEP--I still hate it.

Lori: the only thing it has to do with me, is that a gay man won't have sex with me just because i'm a woman, barring any other quality or trait or characteristic that i might have.

String: Christ! You are insecure.

Yes, Lori, gay men won't have sex with you. That's why they are gay.

I want to hear this from you, do you REALLY think that gay men should be "required" to have sex with women, despite what they do or do not want to do?

Lori: i'm not insecure. i just don't think the decision should come down to whether or not i have a vagina. that should be a given...a non-issue. i've had a gay guy want to have sex with me. i couldn't handle it ....

.... i don't think that anyone should be required to do anything.

There is a curious discord about your argument. Gay men are misogynists because they won't fuck women; gay men should force themselves to fuck women; what people enjoy and feel comfortable with is a non-issue. But you don't think anyone should be required to do anything.

Ah, I see. So homosexuals should either be celibate or rape bait in order that you can feel more secure about your pussy.

Sorry. Your argument just doesn't work.

i didn't need a recap on the conversation, i remember it, and your conclusions are shit. what my point is and was, is that it is all perspective. if you believe that women or men are gross from a sexual standpoint, simply because they are men or women, you're wrong, and you're believing a lie. here's a great example...

trent reznor did a peta spot all up in arms about how they kill and eat dogs in china. he's not a fucking vegetarian. we do the same damn thing to all the cows and pigs and chickens he eats over here. the only difference is, that he's emotionally attached to dogs. he keeps them as pets. it's a retarded standpoint.

Lori, I'm sorry, but that's analogous to telling someone you're not violent after trying to beat them for no good reason. You are the one who looked past the words of gay men in order to accuse genderism. You are the one who looked at the idea that a gay man can be friends with a woman without wanting to bang her and decided that it was wrong, wrong, wrong. You are the one who is upset that it's your womanhood—as opposed to your intelligence or personality—that makes you undesirable to some men. (Any number of fitting observations about those criteria might go here.) You are the one disappointed at being viewed as a human being and not a mere sex object.

what a crock of shit. people should be able to be friends with all kinds of other people without wanting to "bang them" as you so eloquently put it. and this doesn't have a damn thing to do with my intelligence and personality when a gay man says "regardless of that, i won't be sexually intimate with you because, and only because, you have a vagina". the point is, that i don't think anyone, regardless of their gender, should be viewed as a sex object. i think people should be viewed as human beings.

So you were intentionally celibate for eight years. Congratulations. Now what? I mean, it would seem in your mind that proves something. But the most apparent thing at this point is that, after eight years of obsessing over denying your vagina, you're now obsessing on its magnanimity.

Whatever God's greatest gift to the living Universe, I'm pretty sure it wasn't your pussy.

magnanimity? are you serious? it should be a non-issue. it should be a given. and it's the "sexually oriented" people who insist that it's not.
Well, the lack of understanding is yours. And the ignorance too.

Do a little reading, pick up a book. You'll find no credible psychologist who believes that homosexuality is a choice.

Nobody "controls" what they are and are not attracted to. It's innate to their personality.

I'm not attracted to vaginas. I believe you're playing stupid, or maybe it's not an act, but whatever, but you're pulling this act to support your idiotic claims. You also failed to answer my question. Do you or do you not believe that I should take a pill, or some other object to force myself to have sex with a woman despite the fact that I find females sexually unattractive.

One more time and hopefully you'll absorb this easy little fact: People have tastes. Don't even try to sell me on the bullshit that you like every single thing on earth. By saying, for example, I don't like cake (yes, yes, we aren't discussing cake, and despite your inability to understand the concept of a "comparison" it's still apt), it doesn't mean that cake is bad. I just don't like it.

[funny thing, in Mexican Spanish "biscocho" means cake and vagina!]


oh's innate to their perceptions, and perceptions are NOT innate. i'm so sick of people's emotionality. "my wittle feewings. i must coddle them. i must stroke them. i must legitimize them." when a lot of the time feelings are based upon lies. emotions and feelings have nothing to do with logic and truth.

you want to know what i don't like? i don't like it when i see people, including myself, led around on a leash by their "feelings". i also don't like it when people discriminate against other human beings because of physical traits, like gender.
Can you support that?

I can support my point of view: simple. Talk to gay people. Read what they say. Then take a trip to a shrink and ask them. The two experts on this issue (psychologists and... GAY PEOPLE) disagree with you. You've come to your view because you are offended and appalled by the fact that there's a man who isn't wowed by your vagina. Perish the thought!


i am and have been good friends with many gay people. one of my best friend's is a lesbian, and trust me, it doesn't take a fucking psychologist to figure her out. i'm not offended or appalled, and it doesn't have anything to do with my vagina. it has to do with the fact that the human body, male and female, is something to be in awe of. male and female, humans are beautiful in many ways, and none of those ways are contingent upon their gender. sex and the manifestations of such are beautiful and something to be in awe of. and it's a damn shame that some people reduce it down to what they reduce it down to.
Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

it seems to me that all evidence points to Jesus being Homosexual.
He had no interest in women.
Did not get married

There is absolutely no evidence that i have come across that prove Jesus was not a homosexual.

Some claim him to be the son of god, however is not all men the son of god ?
thus calling himself "the son of god" by definition was a statement of saying he was normal like all other men.

have you any evidence that shows that Jesus was not a homosexual ?
and evidence that Jesus was Heterosexual ?
any evidence at all of him being one gender or the other ?

your thoughts... ?

just to say that not all info about jesus was put into the bible..
there are some texts that didn't make it into the bible that make referance to mary (the prostitute) as his love interest..

as far as your 'son of man' statement being normal like us..
couldn't it also be viewed as we are just like him?

What does marriage have to do with anything :confused:

Jesus was whatever you want Him (or Her) to be. I mean, it's all Harry Potter anyway.

imo, marriage and sex are the same thing. sex is what distinguishes marriage from any other type of relationship. sex is the consecration of marriage.