Jesus wants nothing to do with you!


Ignorant about religion as much as you are ignorant about history as much as you lack in common sense. May the just god gives you some more of that common sense that you lack and take away some of your peircing selfishness and pride.

As far as the father of the muslims, so it is Abraham, just like the christians

[13] And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,
[9] Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
[10] Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
[11] Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.
[12] Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.
[13] The LORD shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies.


[22] And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.
[42] Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

dear dear dear

dear child....the bible came first...and our god jesus didnt need scribes runnin round him all day....if u accept jesus as ya lord and saviour and are baptized in da name of the father the son and the holy spirit, then u will be saved.
we love u.
My self rightous friend not needing books or god!

I don't like to recieve love notes or wishes from infedels who don't follow the books of god and attribute to the almighty god greek mythology son daughter attributes. Oh I forgot, you guys are rebels of the Roman catholic mythology and know nothing of the real Jesus. Bunch of confused souls who think they are so stright.....I'll follow my own advice to you and stop offering my sarcastic unmeant love and pity.

By the way, I love this scripture out of your bible.

[3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
[5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Hahahahahahahaha......Indeed Jesus had great sense of humor and knew how to give a selfrightous idiot a cold shower.
Re: My self rightous friend not needing books or god!

Originally posted by heflores
I don't like to recieve love notes or wishes from infedels who don't follow the books of god and attribute to the almighty god greek mythology son daughter attributes. Oh I forgot, you guys are rebels of the Roman catholic mythology and know nothing of the real Jesus. Bunch of confused souls who think they are so stright.....I'll follow my own advice to you and stop offering my sarcastic unmeant love and pity.

By the way, I love this scripture out of your bible.

[3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
[5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Hahahahahahahaha......Indeed Jesus had great sense of humor and knew how to give a selfrightous idiot a cold shower.
You must be awful wet with all those cold showers by now, then why aren't you clean yet?
Why must you learn Arabic to really understand the Quran?

To have a superior understanding of one book , one must read/study the book in the language it was written in , not in some translation . For Qu'ran this holds a special place even , because there is are immense relevant differences between ancient Qu'ranic Arabic and todays English , or even Latin or Greek . It is far more superior , thus far more complex . No translation can acchieve the same perfection reached written in its native language by defintion , and in special in this case .

Besides that as Ancien Arabic and Math are so immensly interwoven , i think one should know some math to for a better understanding of the Qu'ran , not just Arabic .

Because Mohammad's tribe controlled the Kabbah & they couldn't leave their pagan ways, including some of the rituals of the pagan pilgrimage.

U dont anser anything anyway , so Ill just include this for fun :
How about your Christian virgin mythology taken from Kemet ? Or were those pagan Egyptians the Good guys according to the Bible ?

Jesus is a muslim, a submitter to god, and so am I.

Amen to that

ham to serve...noah. ham be father of arab. have a nice day

I dont see the point . But just to fuck it up completely , Sem father of Arabs not Ham . Abraham (semitic sumerian) is the Arab father , Hagar (hamitic kemetian) is the Arab mother .

dear child....the bible came first...

Nono Torah came first , bible came 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 and then came 3.0 Qu'ran .

jesus taught compassion

1)Jesus brought the Sword as well .
2)Allah is more than Ar-Rahim

why must i be forever teaching:confused: ..let me guess?...its the burden i have ta carry.

right! lets get strait to it!

allah allah allah...shem the father of the jew - japheth the gentile father and ham the arab...the 3 great faiths are already present when noah presents his curse....ham was ham..thats all there is to it!

randolf...dont mistake the finger pointing at the moon to be the moon itself:D ...have a nice day.

knowledge worth more than pearls rubies and fine
allah allah allah...shem the father of the jew - japheth the gentile father and ham the arab...the 3 great faiths are already present when noah presents his curse....ham was ham..thats all there is to it!

3 times , remember ?
But back to the point , its not fathers of religion baby , its genealogy . Sem the Semites (Hebrew/Arabian etc), Ham the Hamites(Mongoloid/Negroid) , Japhet the IndoEuro's . Thats from your bible , u should read it someday . How are u concluding religions to genealogy , as all todays Jews decend from Japhet and not Sem .

Who are you teaching ? Id say all u do is fooling yourself .

Abraham is from Sem is he not ? Abraham and Hagar (from Ham) had a son did he not ? His name was Ismael , Ismael was semitic-hamitic was he not ? From Ismael the Arabians (Akhadian and Sabian) descend .

Stop bullshitting yourself .
Both Christianity and Islam are sects of Judaism, so wtf, both gods are the same. What makes the difference is that Mohhamed claimed he was a prophet where as Jesus claimed he was the son of god.
wisdom and allah

Hi! Hope u are well. Yes, they are both offshoots of the natural branch - and correct - one believed a prophet, the other the Son of God.

allah.! i have the good news and the bad news :D . the good news is that jesus still loves u - and his hand is outstretched still... but the bad news is - it appears that u dont love him!
true humility is a gift allah and can only be aquired at the pool of living water.
now jesus said he was that living water. those words are his ( they came from him ) so they must be true. the way...never bite the hand that feeds u.
Re: wisdom and allah

Originally posted by firingseeds
allah.! i have the good news and the bad news :D . the good news is that jesus still loves u - and his hand is outstretched still... but the bad news is - it appears that u dont love him! the way...never bite the hand that feeds u.

First, we love jesus in our own way, we love to clear his name from blaphsemy that Christians spread about him being a god opposite to what he taught. So, we hope Jesus is appreciating the muslims placing him in his respectable correct place in history and relative to god.

As far as biting the hand, great advise for the aryan race that bit every hand that was handed to it, including Jesus.
I dont see how Jesus got pulled into this semitic-hamitic mambo jambo u were spreading ?

those words are his ( they came from him ) so they must be true
these words are mine ( they came from me) so they must be true the way...never bite the hand that feeds u.

hands do not feed me only food does , as I am a thief & a murderer rather than a begger .

Oh and heflores , there is no such thing asaryan race , there are only Indo-European ethno-linguistic groups , of whitch the popular "Aryans" were simply Germanics (other Indo Euro's not considered Aryan are Romantics , Slavs , Turks etc . )

The Aryan thingie has to do with Atlantis etc bullshit theories of a Godly race , they even made up once that they were Hebrew Israelites decendants , its hilarious . Hey , people get pissed when they find out that everybody they think they are superior to (blacks/arabs/indian americans/chineze/hindi) shows superiority through history and culture , while they cant ignore their 2500 year old civilization , as they were running around in caves before this time while pyramids and sphinxes were there for milennia and mathematics was written . Calling these people what they wish to be called if they are racist , Aryan , I rather do not give them that pleasure and rather call them caucasian . As caucasian replaced Aryan as the popular term , their ethnical status quo dropped along with it . From God living on a mystic Isle , to caveman in mount caucasus , really must be a bumber .

Ofcourse this is only of importance to people who care for ones ethnicity , and I am not one of them . Aryan appreciators are , and I dont like calling them with honoroble words in that sense .

peering into the cave

now allah compares himself with jesus:rolleyes:...and he deludes himself if he thinks hes independent of whats around him. he relies on the goodness of others for his own survival.
heflores...a tree is known by its fruit. claiming to be humble does not make one matter how rich the dressing
...and using the name of jesus is very much of ham

go fire some seeds buddy,
you're at your what 25 posts or something??, let's try to extract the shit and worms out of your brain quickly, or I don't see your survival here to the 100 post as a possiblity.

Go eat some bread represnting Jesus flesh and drink some wine represnting Jesus blood before your baptisim wears out again. I heard it's only good for three days at a time.
foolishness, foolishness

the nonsense I have been reading in these posts is beyond belief.
Point #1
"In the beginning was the Word, the Word Was with God, the Word Was God"

that for all that say that Christ was just a messenger or prophet

when Jesus said "depart from me, I never knew you" he was stating what every true christian knows: there are a whole lot of people who called themselves christians that never got the point.

that for the "just live a good life and that's all that counts" ppl.

oh, don't even get me started

People think I'm strange, does it make me a stranger
My Best Friend was born in a manger
Why not......Get started...I'm sure your juice will expire faster than firing seeds.

Point # 1:
You are reading a corrupt ENGLISH bible, you have no clue where and what is the content of the orignal scripts. After you find your original bible, come and debate the matters my love, before that, consider yourself as saved as the romans that killed Jesus and later came up with their own version of christianity or King James who even corrupted the roman version further.
some "true" christians

let's give you some identification marks of a true christian:

a=rejects abortion as the callous, cowardly murder of innocent children who cannot even defend themselves by selfish lazy women who can't be bothered to use a condom or have themselves fixed.

b=rejects the "new world order" pathos as a clear sign of Satan's coming temporary kingdom on this plane, and rejects any and all who support the nwo or any other substitute.

c=rejects homosexuality as a bizarre sin committed by men and women who worship themselves and their own animal lusts. Yes,
you can be forgiven for Homosexuality, BUT YOU HAVE TO STOP DOING IT, FIRST!!!

those are just a few marks of a true christian
now here are a few "true" christians that are in for a surprise when they come before the throne of our Lord & Savior....

Martin Luther: The father of Protestantism was a rabid Jew-hater and have I got news for you, brother, Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, the Jews are STILL God's chosen ppl, and anyone who persecutes them just bit off more than they can chew...

Most of the RC Popes: For the same reason as Martin Luther, plus the horrible mess they propagated out of the simple message "Love one another, as you do me". Also for taking the mother of Jesus, a blessed woman who was chosen for the honor of bringing Christ to the earth, and making her into co-redeemer with him, and sinless, and everything else....puh-leeezzzee!!!

Jesse Jackson: Any "reverend" who supports abortion has never been in the presence of God.

any other names for the list, ppl?
Christians are coming up with Salvation recipes and saved checklists:

Originally posted by crazydanny
let's give you some identification marks of a true christian:

And after I pass your hiness test, are you going to spray me with a strange fluid and tell me that I'm saved.....I ask you, do you have a special contract with god listing such conditions and annointing you as a judge of humankind. nevertheless, let me follow your conjecture until the nowhere land. This is the Islamic view.

[19.77] Have you, then, seen him who disbelieves in Our communications and says: I shall certainly be given wealth and children?
[19.78] Has he gained knowledge of the unseen, or made a covenant with the Beneficent God?
[19.79] By no means! We write down what he says, and We will lengthen to him the length of the chastisement
[19.80] And We will inherit of him what he says, and he shall come to Us alone.
[19.81] And they have taken gods besides Allah, that they should be to them a source of strength;
[19.82] By no means! They shall soon deny their worshipping them, and they shall be adversaries to them.

Originally posted by crazydanny
a=rejects abortion as the callous, cowardly murder of innocent children who cannot even defend themselves by selfish lazy women who can't be bothered to use a condom or have themselves fixed.

I reject abortion, but I'm not crazy to deny abortion when the mother life is in danger of course, because that would be murder.

Originally posted by crazydanny
b=rejects the "new world order" pathos as a clear sign of Satan's coming temporary kingdom on this plane, and rejects any and all who support the nwo or any other substitute.

Sounds like political brainwashing crap that the new zionist church uses to prey on the weak minds.

Originally posted by crazydanny
c=rejects homosexuality as a bizarre sin committed by men and women who worship themselves and their own animal lusts. Yes,
you can be forgiven for Homosexuality, BUT YOU HAVE TO STOP DOING IT, FIRST!!!

I reject homosexuality completely....More than you'll ever do.

Originally posted by crazydanny
those are just a few marks of a true christian
now here are a few "true" christians that are in for a surprise when they come before the throne of our Lord & Savior....
Martin Luther: The father of Protestantism was a rabid Jew-hater
Most of the RC Popes: For the same reason as Martin Luther, plus the horrible mess they propagated out of the simple message "Love one another, as you do me". Jesse Jackson: Any "reverend" who supports abortion has never been in the presence of God.

How are you so sure that they are the ones getting the surprise and not you.....Jesus said..
[42] Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

So the stone that you'll keep rejecting, god will make corner. Have you been in the presence of god or can you read people's minds and hearts, did you go to heaven and count all those who god wishes to admit or not......Are you blaphsemous enough to undermine god's judgement and mercy and judge god's slaves and humans for him.....Get back in the right line, you're just a slave of god who talks out of conjectures and nothing more.......Neverthless, it's expected from you, it's your same church during the midevil era that use to sell keys for heaven for a small price of money......