Jesus wants nothing to do with you!


So it seems that those people that talk in Jesus name, prophesize in jesus name, cast out devils in Jesus name will find themselves with the short end of the stick on Judgement day. Nomatter how much they call the name of Jesus out, he will not respond, because he can't respond without permission from god. God will permit Jesus to yell at those who worshipped jesus instead of god, depart from me, even though they call his name all the time.

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
it really has to do with the faith of the person. i think people tend to pray and talk to jesus, because he has an image. he was supposed to be like god on earth. so whatever image jesus was depicted by the christian church people will always find it easier to pray to jesus than god, because of that image they have of him.

you got to remember there is only one real answer, all the religions cannot be right about there afterlife explanations. the only thing that matters is while we are in these bodies and living in the hell of a civilisation we all get comfort from believing that there is something up there.

if someone said to me jesus does not love you or god does not love you, it really does not make any difference. all you have to do is lead a good and decent life and what ever comes after you just cannot control.
Nomatter how much they call the name of Jesus out, he will not respond, because he can't respond without permission from god

Show me this in the can't
Jesus is God.
This Quran only holds Him as a prophet, who needs "permission"

The Quran itself called him El-Messiah.

This means The God-Prophet...The saviour of Mankind.

He was a prophet, He came in the office of the son of Man, as He has again in this day. Just as He promised he would.
Right on time.
He is the God of the Prophets.

Why do you deny this,....?
The bible has the truth Islam has departed from.

Jesus was the Word of God made flesh, and dwelt among us.

John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Very much agreed. I have no problem with him saying it...say whatever you wish...but I'm with Bridge.

I'm not here with the intention of converting anyone or bashing anybodies belief. I actually don't believe in conversions at all and despise them. A person after puberty are already acting out the type of person they are and there are no born agains, conversions, or whatever crap is necessary to change the core of the person....It's a slow learning and applying process through life, not a second born again experience, or heflores dosage.

I feel that the version of christianity that is being excercised is not very accurate replicate of what Jesus intended it to be.....Same goes for Islam...actually more goes for Islam and Judiasm...My dream in life is to live to see all the religions united under one god, not Islam typical style, but just one god. So chill and debate without this great fear...What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Show me this in the can't
The Quran itself called him El-Messiah.
This means The God-Prophet...The saviour of Mankind.

I already did show you the verse. Jesus spoke it:

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Messiah, means annointed, chosen, and does not mean savior of mankind. The god of Jesus and us is the only judge and savior of mankind......Not even Jesus would dare put himself above his creator and savior god....but modern christianity makes a havit of it, so I thought Jesus words above were very befitting for those that says Jesus is god. Muslims believe that Jesus was chosen as a prophet just like all the other prophets no more. Mohamed was a prophet and a slave of god.
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What does it matter whether Jesus was a messiah, prophet , Egyptian mysteries initiate or a simple carpenter? He was just a messenger, it's the message that counts.
Originally posted by heflores
So it seems that those people that talk in Jesus name, prophesize in jesus name, cast out devils in Jesus name will find themselves with the short end of the stick on Judgement day. Nomatter how much they call the name of Jesus out, he will not respond, because he can't respond without permission from god. God will permit Jesus to yell at those who worshipped jesus instead of god, depart from me, even though they call his name all the time.

[21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

[22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
[23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
It's really funny that a muslim feels like telling christians who, what, & how to believe!!! Using scripture against us, will not work, since you do not believe that the Bible was given uncorrupted, why use it? You hypocrite!!! Do you even know what it means? or are you just using words without meaning?

Might I, as christian tell you what to believe? Become a christian muslim, submitt to Jesus, let Him find you among those in the Book of Life!!! Otherwise he will tell you, "I never knew you!!! Depart from me!!!

Thanks for your concerns, but no thanks. I'll remain to state my views and you state yours. You go ahead and say that Jesus is god and I'll say that my creator is god and Jesus is prophet of god and each of us will earn an ending suitable to our doings....Clear as mud???? End of discussion.
and I'll go around being nice and helpful to people, and if I don't get into heaven because I didn't praise anyone's name, then so be it.

Smile and pass on compassion, and you are living Jesus' message. Whether he is God or prophet, the world is better for your being here.
Originally posted by heflores

Thanks for your concerns, but no thanks. I'll remain to state my views and you state yours. You go ahead and say that Jesus is god and I'll say that my creator is god and Jesus is prophet of god and each of us will earn an ending suitable to our doings....Clear as mud???? End of discussion.
The discussion is not ended until the end of time, if you felt this way, why did you start this thread? You expect everyone to fall for your "truth", your "logic", your "faith"? Just because islam comes after Christianity & supposedly "seals prophecy" means nothing if it is all a lie, I say that Mohammad was jealous of Jews & Christians, because they had a "Book", so he wrote one for Arabs, don't believe me?
Why are most of the beliefs, customs, and ways of muslms from the 7th Century?
Why must you learn Arabic to really understand the Quran?
Why must you pray to Mecca?

Because Mohammad codified 7th Century arabic lifestyles, ideas & beliefs. That's why muslims today still want to go back to that lifestyle.
Because allah is the moon god of the arabs, no god that claims to be the God of the Universe is monolingual, (why you are better than your allah, you speak at least 2 languages well, good for you, you outdid your god).
Because Mohammad's tribe controlled the Kabbah & they couldn't leave their pagan ways, including some of the rituals of the pagan pilgrimage.
Because allah is the moon god of the arabs

Now he is NOT stop making these dumbass claims if u cant back them up . I already refuted your whining on the other thread about Muhammad , and you obviously didnt have anything to say for it .

There is a difference between AliflamLamHah and AlifLamLamAlif , figure it out .

Allah comes from Al-Illah meaning THE GOD .

Not a NAME like Alla or Hubal .
Originally posted by Randolfo
The discussion is not ended until the end of time, if you felt this way, why did you start this thread? You expect everyone to fall for your "truth", your "logic", your "faith"? Just because islam comes after Christianity & supposedly "seals prophecy" means nothing if it is all a lie, I say that Mohammad was jealous of Jews & Christians, because they had a "Book", so he wrote one for Arabs, don't believe me?

Your words don't offend me a bit, they only show your ignorance, and one day you'll be 100% accountable for them. Not only don't I believe you, I pity you.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Why are most of the beliefs, customs, and ways of muslms from the 7th Century?

Not true, again you are ignorant of muslim beliefs and customs. Islam is composed of many cultures and countries, all have their own history and rich background. You have Egyptians, Chinease, Indian, ect....Did you forget that there are more than a billion muslim in the world and they live in 5 continents. I for one am a Muslim of Egyptian ancestors with American Citizenship. I was in a Gymnastic national team and travelled with all my muslim girls team. I had a muslim coach and we attended Barcelona.
Why must you learn Arabic to really understand the Quran?

Originally posted by Randolfo
Why must you pray to Mecca?

Because Mecca is the official house of god. Read your bible regarding the stone that was build by Abraham, rejected by the jews, then becoming again the corner stone. Second we don't pray to Mecca, we pray to god at the location of Mecca in the mosque of Mecca. Just like you pray to your Jesus god in an unknown church built in America that Jesus never set foot in.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Because allah is the moon god of the arabs, no god that claims to be the God of the Universe is monolingual, (why you are better than your allah, you speak at least 2 languages well, good for you, you outdid your god).

See Allha Mathematics answer. By the way, please explain to me why your bible refer to god as Alohim, which means the plural of Allah.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Because Mohammad's tribe controlled the Kabbah & they couldn't leave their pagan ways, including some of the rituals of the pagan pilgrimage.

Again, you are ignorant of the truth and desperate to refute your nonesense of your beliefs. Instead of rebutting a religion that you understand nothing of, follow the objective of the thread and speak of Jesus and his intention of telling you depart of me because you worshipped the wrong entity.
Re: hefooored him/her

Originally posted by firingseeds
oh...and heflores...jesus has mind of own

Amen to that, Jesus has a mind of his own that is in a state of submittion to his one god.

Jesus is a muslim, a submitter to god, and so am I.