Jesus, the son of who?


Registered Senior Member
In the preface of the swedish bible, at least the one I have, it clearly states that Jesus is related in a strait line from King David.

Now thats making me a bit confuce, because I was told in the sunday-school that Jesus was Gods son and that God just is.. so God could by all means not be the son of David.. If both David and Jesus was Gods sons they would have been brothers.

Well.. I guess its not ment to make sence, or?
I totally understand your confusion, but put yourself in the shoes of early writers of the bible who believed in Greek and Roman Methology with the sons and daughters and the soap opera of the holly family...Don't you think that those old methologies are bound to influence the understanding of the new and enhanced religion of god for those early scholars who used to be the biggest opposers of christianity. Even when they embrassed christianity, they couldn't let go of much of their older myth and religion.
Jesus was a revolutionary.

Up to the time of Jesus the Jews had a monopoly. They called themselves the chosen ones, meaning God had chosen them as his favorite people and the only ones that he would consider sending to heaven.

Now Jesus comes along and he busts up the monopoly and makes it possible for any one to go to heaven. The jews dint like that and we know what happened.

Even if I dont believe in Jesus being a deity, I believe he was a fearless man and a good man for busting up the Jewish monopoly.
He was truly a revelutionary.
I hope that this isn't getting off topic but.....
Mary was a virginn. Thus, Jesus could not be directly related to anyone on earth. Because her body was used to deliver bear the child, she is the mother of Jesus. Joseph on the other hand had no blood flowing through Jesus's mortal veins.
Re: Jesus was a revolutionary.

Originally posted by Greco
Up to the time of Jesus the Jews had a monopoly. They called themselves the chosen ones, meaning God had chosen them as his favorite people and the only ones that he would consider sending to heaven.
I would be interested in seeing you defend this claim. To the best of my knowledge, Judaism never maintained that heaven was restricted to Jews.
if Jesus is the son of God then I am God's daughter as well. he was just a human like us but he was influential and had very good intentions in helping the people around him soooooo people thought that was rare therefore he "must" have been the son of God.
Mary's virginity

Originally posted by justathaught
I hope that this isn't getting off topic but.....
Mary was a virginn. Thus, Jesus could not be directly related to anyone on earth. Because her body was used to deliver bear the child, she is the mother of Jesus. Joseph on the other hand had no blood flowing through Jesus's mortal veins.

Where did you learn of these mysteries?
Re: Re: Jesus was a revolutionary.

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
I would be interested in seeing you defend this claim. To the best of my knowledge, Judaism never maintained that heaven was restricted to Jews.

Like all people jews thought themselves to be special and better than others. They imagined that they were the chosen people of a God of their own design.

Until Jesus Judaism was a tribal religion and there was little interest among Jews to converting others. That is until Jesus, a student of indian learning decided to include other nations into the Judaic net. Jesus started the greatest proselytizing movement, christianity. Christianity is in reality a jewish sect that included non-jews into its group.

In the old testament there's no mention of God having any contact or interest with other tribes except the jews. All his attention was spent on the jews. Thus before Jesus Judaism was a basically a closed shop, a monopoly.
Greco you are entirely mistaken. Does not God say to Abraham that he will bless all nations through him?
Re: Re: Jesus was a revolutionary.

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
I would be interested in seeing you defend this claim. To the best of my knowledge, Judaism never maintained that heaven was restricted to Jews.

You're right

And the person who posted that does not know his scripture at all. Doesn't even use any scripture to back up his claims

Anyways, shouldn't it be clear already the entire NT is a fairy tale, based on a few factual events?

Can you say book created to control?

Originally posted by Robban
In the preface of the swedish bible, at least the one I have, it clearly states that Jesus is related in a strait line from King David.

Now thats making me a bit confuce, because I was told in the sunday-school that Jesus was Gods son and that God just is.. so God could by all means not be the son of David.. If both David and Jesus was Gods sons they would have been brothers.

Well.. I guess its not ment to make sence, or?
I see nobody is really taking your question seriously. Do you have any idea what it means to be someone's son?
Re: Re: Jesus, the son of who?

Originally posted by Jenyar
Do you have any idea what it means to be someone's son?

Yes, sonship and daughtership is an animal quality resulting from reproduction in humans and other animals. A son or daughter must have a mother and a father, paternal grand parents and the whole lineage. Every father and mother are themselves sons and daughters and every grandfather was also a son one day. this reproduction cycle applies to humans and is not a quality of the ONE and ONLY god who creates all. For special cases in history like Adam and Eve who had no mother or father, they are not considered sons or daughters, but first creations. Adam was not the son of god but a creation of god. For Jesus, he only had a mother, so he is the son of Mary alone and the grandson of Mary's parents alone....He is also god creation regardless of the fact that he had only a mother and is no special from Adam who had no father or mother or Eve who had no mother.....God just say be and it is.

Chrisitans use the word son symbolically to describe a relation between a higher object like god and another object of love called chidlren to refer god's creation. This is not accurate, and although it's pleasing to the eye to percieve ourselves as sons and daughters to god and may even seem pleasing to god that we perceive him as a father, it's not the truth, for god is higher than animal description and production and to him all belongs.....So our attempt in respecting god as a father is actually belittling him and bringing him to our level which is not befitting of a god.
I understand that you find the idea of such a relationship with God hard to accept, Flores. But Christians do not use father and son as an indication of status. Nobody could compare themselves with God, unless God makes the comparison himself. You can rest assured, it implies no disrespect, but as I said a relationship.

You are also in a relationship with God because you know Him. Christians are only repeating what Jesus and David said. As God chose Abraham, so does He choose those who follow Him. Because He has called us "sons", we call Him Father. It is the message that Jesus brought.
Re: Re: Re: Jesus was a revolutionary.

And the person who posted that does not know his scripture at all. Doesn't even use any scripture to back up his claims

Scripture bores me to tears, it's the refuge of fanatical theists quoting ad infunitum such verbage. For any scriptual assertion I can find one that's contrdictory. No thanks, you can have your scriptures.
Re: Re: Jesus, the son of who?

Originally posted by Jenyar
I see nobody is really taking your question seriously. Do you have any idea what it means to be someone's son?

I used to have some vague ideas that sonhood was when a father got birth to a son.. erh maybe it was a mother who gave birth to a dau.. (hmm) son. No I cant recall what it means to be someone´s son.

Like most of the questions in here (I assume) this question was not ment as a serious one, but more of a rethorical one. It's more interesting to read peoples thoughs on the issue than actually learn the truth.. because the truth is in this case NOT out there.

okinrus, shut your trap!

Originally posted by okinrus
From <a href="">here</a> maybe.

okinrus, I would appreciate it if I ask someone else a question, please do not answer for them. You are making this a habitual thing. If these people who post cannot or will not answer for themselves, then no answer is needed. In other words, do not speak until you're spoken to. I'm sure your mother tried to teach you this, but you probably had your head stuck in a Bible and learned nothing practical in the universe. Shut up!
Originally posted by Jenyar
Christians are only repeating what Jesus and David said.
No. Christians are only repeating a story, written decades or centuries after the time in question, translated, redacted, and harmonized, and purporting to represent what Jesus and David said. You continue to pretend to know what you don't know.
okinrus, I would appreciate it if I ask someone else a question, please do not answer for them. You are making this a habitual thing. If these people who post cannot or will not answer for themselves, then no answer is needed. In other words, do not speak until you're spoken to. I'm sure your mother tried to teach you this, but you probably had your head stuck in a Bible and learned nothing practical in the universe. Shut up!
Like you were really asking that question? Was the bible the expected answer?