Jesus is not God

if im remembering this correctly as I reply, someone stated that the prophesies Jesus fulfilled were recorded after he had "fulfilled" them. However the texts that we have in Greek of the old testament were actually recorded approx. 200 years before Jesus was born. therefore, they couldnt have been written after he had fulfilled them. also it was said that *i think they said* 400 or 500 people saw Jesus after he had risen, that many people could not have had the exact same testimony if it was a lie, but they all had the same testimony so it is reasonable to say that they were telling the truth, and if it was a delusion, ask any psychologist and they will tell you it is impossible for that many people to have the same exact delusion at the same exact time.
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Originally posted by SVRP
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of thing Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” C.S Lewis

And wouldn’t you know this “liar” was raised from the dead. Go figure. :)

You mean he was cast from his grave like an abominable branch (see Isaiah 14:19) - merely part and parcel of the whole fallen god archetype, which was the foundation of the Christ myth.

M*W wrote Thank you for your response, M*W, but there are more than 300 prophecies Jesus fulfilled during His lifetime. One of them is prophesied in Daniel 9:25, 26. According to the verse, the specific timeline of the appearance of the Messiah is after the rebuilding, and before the destruction, of Jerusalem and the temple. The destruction occurred in 70 AD.
Plus the Old Testament gives a clear outline as to who, what, where and how the Messiah will appear.

And when the promised Messiah doesn't appear, the only thing to do is create one. Of course, wait a respectable amount of time after the alleged events to record them so there won't be anyone around who could present a significant challenge to your spurious claims. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Nehushta
You mean he was cast from his grave like an abominable branch (see Isaiah 14:19) - merely part and parcel of the whole fallen god archetype, which was the foundation of the Christ myth.
Not merely - significantly. The branch is the same idea as the stone that the builder's rejected...

You can only come to the "fallen god" conclusion if you connect the prophesies with Israel, Israel with the messiah, the messiah with Jesus, and Jesus with God. Otherwise you are just pushing an interpretation that you have rejected yourself time and again.

And when the promised Messiah doesn't appear, the only thing to do is create one. Of course, wait a respectable amount of time after the alleged events to record them so there won't be anyone around who could present a significant challenge to your spurious claims. :rolleyes:
The problem is that you can't only create a messiah at whim - many likely and fitting people have tried and failed. You can't claim to be a messiah - you have to be recognized as one. So it isn't easy to fake. There is also no good reason to create one that doesn't exist, because that defeats the purpose of having a messiah.
Originally posted by Jenyar
You can only come to the "fallen god" conclusion if you connect the prophesies with Israel, Israel with the messiah, the messiah with Jesus, and Jesus with God. Otherwise you are just pushing an interpretation that you have rejected yourself time and again.
M*W: Your theory is flawed. The prophecies of Israel may refer to a coming and future messiah, but there is NO connection to JC. The only connection between JC and God was the one created by Paul for fun profit. Why do you think he conveniently changed his name from a Hebrew one to a Latinized one? So the people he scammed would identify with him. As late as 325 AD, the divinity of JC was still in question. At that time, the church fathers decided to include it as dogma. It's YOUR interpretation that is being rejected time and again. Why do you try to put words in other people's mouths? You're a scam artist just like Paul was. You choose to believe JC died for you, personally, and that's your perogative, but 3/4 of the world doesn't believe that JC died for them. Regardless of all the theories surrounding the fate of JC, the one you choose is the least of all logical and provable outcomes, and its numbers are dwindling as we speak. You can deny all these alternate theories all you want, but that doesn't make your fantasy version anymore right or true. When the truth is discovered, and it will be sooner than later, what will YOU personally do when you learn the news? What will the remaining 1/4 of the world's xian population do when they find out what they've been programmed to believe is untrue? These are the questions that I am concerned with. How will this discovery impact millions of people and their lives? Or will xianity just simply die a natural death?
The problem is that you can't only create a messiah at whim - many likely and fitting people have tried and failed. You can't claim to be a messiah - you have to be recognized as one. So it isn't easy to fake. There is also no good reason to create one that doesn't exist, because that defeats the purpose of having a messiah.
M*W: Faking the messiah! Whom else but you would say such a thing! Is that a Freudian slip, Jenyar? Are these your subliminal fears? No one can "create a messiah." However, xians have done a very good job for 2000+ years identifying and interpreting the messiah they have created in their minds!

I believe there is only one God/Allah (not 3-in-1; not 3 "personalities" of God, but ONE (1) and only ONE. Everything in creation is the One God. So, there are no separate messiahs, no dying saviors, no virgin births, no demigods. You are right about one thing, "there is also no good reason to create one that doesn't exist," God was there before we existed, and God lives through us, with us, and in us, for all eternity, all time, and time will never end. Your interpretation of a messiah is flawed. That's why messiah as you do. The messiah as I see it (and, yes, "it"), is the One Spirit of God dwelling within us, and as we become an enlightened "body" and "spirit" with the total blending of the races and the genders, our cumulative "spirit" will emanate from the then perfected human race which will be the true messiah on Earth. When we reach that state of human/spiritual perfection, there will be no illnesses, no wars, no famines, no pollution, no religion, no human reproduction, no crime, and on and on.... So, Jenyar, you can believe what you want to believe, but your religion is dying. There's absolutely no need for anyone to create their own version of a messiah. It's all in the interpretation. We know the messiah will come in time, and we just might be surprised to find out it was the One Spirit of God living through us all along.
The messiah as I see it (and, yes, "it"), is the One Spirit of God dwelling within us, and as we become an enlightened "body" and "spirit" with the total blending of the races and the genders, our cumulative "spirit" will emanate from the then perfected human race which will be the true messiah on Earth. When we reach that state of human/spiritual perfection, there will be no illnesses, no wars, no famines, no pollution, no religion, no human reproduction, no crime, and on and on....

That's quite a fairy tale you're spinning, but no where near as plausible as the JC fairy tale.

How can we have "One Spirit of God" and no religion?
Originally posted by Jenyar
Not merely - significantly. The branch is the same idea as the stone that the builder's rejected...

You can only come to the "fallen god" conclusion if you connect the prophesies with Israel, Israel with the messiah, the messiah with Jesus, and Jesus with God. Otherwise you are just pushing an interpretation that you have rejected yourself time and again.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here - it almost, but not quite, sounds like you're agreeing with me (and I know that can't be the case). Please explain what you're trying to say, and what interpretation you believe I've rejected time and again.

What I'm saying is that Jesus was intentionally created using this pattern (i.e., Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28), which made him the opposite of what the Jews were expecting in a Messiah. I believe it was the Gnostics who first did this, although they were not trying to fool anyone with their mythology. The outer myth was used to help them understand the inner mysteries. The Literalists came along afterward and brought this mythical godman out of his heavenly realm and down to earth as a flesh and blood man (whether from ignorance or malice, who knows?).

The problem is that you can't only create a messiah at whim - many likely and fitting people have tried and failed. You can't claim to be a messiah - you have to be recognized as one. So it isn't easy to fake. There is also no good reason to create one that doesn't exist, because that defeats the purpose of having a messiah.

But a messiah might evolve from existing myths and rumors, if one didn't actually show up in the flesh when expected. And the stories of Jesus were not well known until long after his alleged death, and the "facts" of his life were not set in stone until hundreds of years later, and only then by those with an agenda (e.g., unification of the crumbling Roman Empire).
M*W wrote
No he wasn't. That still makes PAUL a liar.
We might not know all the details, chronology, or psychology of what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus but we do know this: it radically affected every area of his life.
First, Paul's character was drastically transformed. The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes him before his conversion as an intolerant, bitter, persecuting, religious bigot - proud and temperamental. After his conversion he is pictured as patient, kind, enduring, and self-sacrificing. Kenneth Scott Latourette says: "What integrated Paul's life, however, and lifted this almost neurotic temperament out of obscurity into enduring influence was a profound and revolutionary religious experience."
Second, Paul's relationship with the followers of Jesus was transformed. "Now for several days he was with the disciples who were at Damascus" (Acts 9:19). And when Paul went to the apostles, he received the "right hand of fellowship."
Third, Paul's message was transformed. Though he still loved his Jewish heritage, he had changed from a bitter antagonist to a determined protagonist of the Christian faith. "Immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, 'He is the Son of God' " (Acts 9:20). Paul's intellectual convictions had changed. His experience compelled him to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah, in direct conflict with the Pharisees' messianic ideas. His new conception of Christ meant a total revolution in his thought. Jacques Dupont acutely observes that after Paul "had passionately denied that a crucified man could be the Messiah, he came to grant that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, and, as a consequence, rethought all his messianic ideas."
Also he could now understand that Christ's death on the cross, which appeared to be a curse of God and a deplorable ending of someone's life, was actually God through Christ reconciling the world to himself. Paul came to understand that through the crucifixion Christ became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13) and was "made…to be sin on our behalf" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Instead of a defeat, the death of Christ was a great victory, being capped by the resurrection. The cross was no longer a "stumbling block" but the essence of God's messianic redemption. Paul's missionary preaching can be summarized as "explaining and giving evidence that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead… 'This Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you is the Christ,' " he said (Acts 17:3).
Fourth, Paul's mission was transformed. He was changed from a Gentile-hater to a missionary to Gentiles. He was changed from a Jewish zealot to an evangelist to Gentiles. As a Jew and Pharisee, Paul looked down upon the despised Gentile as someone inferior to God's chosen people. The Damascus experience changed him into a dedicated apostle, with his life's mission aimed toward helping the Gentile. Paul saw in the Christ who appeared to him the Savior for all people. Paul went from being an orthodox Pharisee whose mission was to preserve strict Judaism to being a propagator of that new radical sect called Christianity which he had so violently opposed. There was such a change in him that "all those hearing him continued to be amazed, and were saying 'Is this not he who in Jerusalem destroyed those who called on this [Jesus'] name, and who had come here for the purpose of bringing them bound before the chief priests?' " (Acts 9:21).
Historian Philip Schaff states: "The conversion of Paul marks not only a turning-point in his personal history, but also an important epoch in the history of the apostolic church, and consequently in the history of mankind. It was the most fruitful event since the miracle of Pentecost, and secured the universal victory of Christianity."

Thank you for your response, M*W, but there are more than 300 prophecies Jesus fulfilled during His lifetime. One of them is prophesied in Daniel 9:25, 26.
M*W wrote
If Jesus "fulfilled more than 300 prophecies during his lifetime" then the "prophecies were written in the OT AFTER THE FACT!
Better read the history of the OT again, M*W. The Hebrew Bible was standardized centuries before Jesus arrived. Nothing was changed or added.

M*W wrote
So where is your messiah now?
Choose a verse, M*W, and you have your answer.
John 14:1-3 - "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”
Mr 16:19 - So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
Lu 22:69 - "But from now on THE SON OF MAN WILL BE SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND of the power OF GOD."
Ac 2:33 - "Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.
Ac 5:31 - "He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
Ac 7:55, 56 - But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God;
and he said, "Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
Ro 8:34 - who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
Col 3:1 - Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Heb 10:12 - but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD,
Heb 12:2 - fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
1Pe 3:22 - who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him.

Plus the Old Testament gives a clear outline as to who, what, where and how the Messiah will appear.
M*W wrote
Yes, and the Jews are still waiting for the messiah who HAS NOT COME! All you have is a dead rabbi.
"After the sixty-two sevens, the Anointed One will be cut off (yikaret) and have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary (temple)." (cf. Daniel 9:26)

The Hebrew term, yikaret, implies a sudden, violent death. This is a precise description of Jesus’ brutal death on the cross. Another astonishing aspect deals with the fact that the Temple was destroyed some forty years after Christ's crucifixion; clearly fulfilling Daniel’s prediction of the "sanctuary" being demolished right after the death of the Messiah! Hence, Jesus must be the Messiah since the prophecy clearly states that the Messiah must appear before the destruction of the second Temple. The only person who fits the bill is Jesus Christ, since He is the only one who claimed that his death was essential in providing the atonement that was both necessary to usher in God’s everlasting righteousness and to eradicate sin.

Furthermore, any denial of Jesus’ Messiahship is essentially a denial of Daniel’s authenticity as a prophetic book since the condition of the prophecy rests upon the arrival of the Messiah before the Temple’s destruction. Yet, if Jesus is not Messiah then Daniel is proven to be a false prophet since the Temple has been destroyed and the Messiah has not come. Hence, once the weight of historical occurrences and mathematical calculations is thrown behind the prophecies of the Bible, it becomes increasingly impossible to deny the fact that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

Additional confirmation of the messianic overtones of Daniel 9:25-27 comes from the Talmud itself:

“In Daniel is delivered to us the end [‘the time of His appearance and death’ - Rabbi Jarchi] of the Messiah.” The Talmud also records that about the time of the Roman general Titus’ destruction of the Temple (70 A. D.), the Messiah was believed to have already come, yet His identity was concealed from the Jews until they were rendered more worthy of His appearance!” (Frank Delitzch and Paton Gloag, The Messiahship of Christ / The Messianic Prophecies of Christ [Minneapolis, MN; Klock & Klock, 1983 rpt.], pt. 2, p. 226)

Rabbi Moses Abraham Levi stated: “I have examined the Holy Scriptures, and have not found the time for the coming of the Messiah, clearly fixed, except in the words of Gabriel to the prophet Daniel, which are written in the ninth chapter of the prophecy of Daniel.
Quoted from

Nehushta wrote
But a messiah might evolve from existing myths and rumors, if one didn't actually show up in the flesh when expected. And the stories of Jesus were not well known until long after his alleged death, and the "facts" of his life were not set in stone until hundreds of years later, and only then by those with an agenda (e.g., unification of the crumbling Roman Empire).
The New Testament accounts of the resurrection were being circulated within the lifetimes of men and women alive at the time of the resurrection. Those people could certainly have confirmed or denied the accuracy of such accounts.
The writers of the four Gospels either had themselves been witnesses or else were relating the accounts of eyewitnesses of the actual events. In advocating their case for the gospel, a word that means "good news," the apostles appealed (even when confronting their most severe opponents) to common knowledge concerning the facts of the resurrection.
F. F. Bruce, Rylands professor of biblical criticism and exegesis at the University of Manchester, says concerning the value of the New Testament records as primary sources: "Had there been any tendency to depart from the facts in any material respect, the possible presence of hostile witnesses in the audience would have served as a further corrective."
Because the New Testament provides the primary historical source for information on the resurrection, many critics during the 19th century attacked the reliability of these biblical documents.
By the end of the 1 9th century, however, archaeological discoveries had confirmed the accuracy of the New Testament manuscripts. Discoveries of early papyri bridged the gap between the time of Christ and existing manuscripts from a later date.
Those findings increased scholarly confidence in the reliability of the Bible. William F. Albright, who in his day was the world's foremost biblical archaeologist, said: "We can already say emphatically that there is no longer any solid basis for dating any book of the New Testament after about A.D. 80, two full generations before the date between 130 and 150 given by the more radical New Testament critics of today."
Coinciding with the papyri discoveries, an abundance of other manuscripts came to light (over 24,000 copies of early New Testament manuscripts are known to be in existence today). The historian Luke wrote of "authentic evidence" concerning the resurrection. Sir William Ramsay, who spent 15 years attempting to undermine Luke credentials as a historian, and to refute the reliability of the New Testament, finally concluded: "Luke is a historian of the first rank . . . This author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians."
From E. M. Blaiklock, Professor of Classics, Auckland University: “I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history . . . “
Quoted from “Evidence for the Resurrection” by Josh McDowell

Historians have found that there were a number of people proclaiming themselves as “messiahs” during the time of Jesus, inciting revolts or revolutions against the Roman authorities. And when these “messiahs” died, their followers dissolved into obscurity, only to follow another self-proclaimed “messiah”. (Acts 5:34- 39) This habit was evident of Jesus’s followers when the authorities came to arrest Jesus. His followers ran away and hid for their lives. With the death of Jesus, they should have dissolved and looked for another. But that didn’t happened. After some time they were out on the streets proclaiming that Jesus rose from the dead and they were witnesses to that fact. (Acts 4:5- 14) They were bold enough to take the message of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead to the world. If they had not seen it with their own eyes it would be doubtful they would have given their lives for something they weren’t sure of. Jesus gave the responsibility of proclaiming His resurrection and the “good news” to the Apostles. For that they faced horrible executions, which is a strong indication they actually saw the resurrected Christ and believed what they taught. The testimony of seeing the resurrected Jesus was written with their blood. It is doubtful they would have been able to do this great work of spreading the gospel if they did not really believe that they had seen the risen Lord with their own eyes.
Re: Re: Jesus is Lord

My friends at this time and age the spirit of anti-christ is all over the world. it manifests in people being mad,intolerant,abusive and offended at anything to do with Jesus. Indeed it is often overlooked when one curses using four letter words; but the mere mention of the name Jesus evokes discomfort and anger in many. At work managers will be quick to ask one to stop telling about Jesus, than to stop cursing.

There is no other name given unto men for salvation but the name of Jesus! ( Acts 4:12).

You will ask salvation from what? it is salvation from eternal damnation to those whose names are not in the book of life.
The ungodly(sinful) will not inherit the kingdom of heaven ; neither will fornicators,adulterers,sorceres,those who consult mediums e.g psychics, murderers, and whover practices lies.

The begining chapter of the book of John says in the begining was the word the word was with God and the word was God.
He came to his own and his own received him not.The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. ( That is God took the flesh in Jesus but he was rejected by sin-loving mankind.)

Read john chapter one verses 1 to 13. be humble and prayerful and God will help you understand the powerful message.

Finally God is a spirit. although jesus had the flesh and bones of a man, within him was the spirit of God who is God himself.

The only way you will know who Jesus was is if you have a personal encounter with him, that is you must be born-again to know who Jesus is . That means accepting you are a sinner and asking jesus to come into your inner being and save you from your sins. Amen
<i><b>M*W: Your theory is flawed. The prophecies of Israel may refer to a coming and future messiah, but there is NO connection to JC. The only connection between JC and God was the one created by Paul for fun profit. </b></i>
Interesting. Your not the only one who made that connection.
"Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. Nevertheless, the Galilean, who later was called the Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who took up His position against Jewry. Galilee was a colony where the Romans had probably installed Gallic legionaries, and items certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son a whore and a Roman soldier. The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galilean's object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him. "(Hitler)

I have to wonder why you think you can do better than Hitler? Your just shouting the same old tiresome lies of Paul corrupting everyone.

Why do you think he conveniently changed his name from a Hebrew one to a Latinized one? So the people he scammed would identify with him. As late as 325 AD, the divinity of JC was still in question.</b></i>
The divinity of the Jesus was not in question.
Re: Re: Re: Jesus is Lord

Originally posted by tomasito
My friends at this time and age the spirit of anti-christ is all over the world. it manifests in people being mad,intolerant,abusive and offended at anything to do with Jesus. Indeed it is often overlooked when one curses using four letter words; but the mere mention of the name Jesus evokes discomfort and anger in many. At work managers will be quick to ask one to stop telling about Jesus, than to stop cursing.

Cursing doesn't typically go on an on, ad nauseum - it usually ends as abruptly as it begins, consisting of nothing more than a single word or phrase uttered in frustration. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the endless and aggressive proselytizing of certain Christians. Imagine if a Satan-worshipper went on all day at work about his god the way some Christians do about theirs - how long would you tolerate such nonsense if you were the manager in charge? Not long, I would imagine. Now imagine that the Satan-worshipper sees himself as being persecuted for his beliefs when he is told to shut up. I'm sure you would be able to easily see the ridiculousness of such a charge in that particular case, and yet you are completely blind to it when you're the one annoying others with your proselytizing. Why is that?

There is no other name given unto men for salvation but the name of Jesus! ( Acts 4:12).

Except for Mithra. And Krishna. And Tammuz. And Baal. And Attis. And then there's Horus. And Osiris. And don't forget Dionysus/Bacchus. Not to mention Zoroaster/Zarathustra.... :rolleyes:

You will ask salvation from what? it is salvation from eternal damnation to those whose names are not in the book of life. The ungodly(sinful) will not inherit the kingdom of heaven ; neither will fornicators,adulterers,sorceres,those who consult mediums e.g psychics, murderers, and whover practices lies.

And you can't see why the rest of the world might be irritated at you when you go around spouting this offensive kindergarten theology?

The begining chapter of the book of John says in the begining was the word the word was with God and the word was God. He came to his own and his own received him not.The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. ( That is God took the flesh in Jesus but he was rejected by sin-loving mankind.)

The book of John is also where we are told that Jesus is like the brass serpent, Nehushtan, which was eventually destroyed because people erroneously started worshipping it (see John 3:14, Numbers 21:9 and 2 Kings 18:4). This comparison is worthy of some deeper thought. The brass serpent was a molten image made by a man to represent the real serpents that God had sent to harm man. When they looked at the image of the serpent, they were healed. But when they started worshipping the image, the image itself was destroyed. Jesus also claims responsibility for introducing sin into the world (see John 15:22), which was also the serpent's role. Can you see the implications here?

Read john chapter one verses 1 to 13. be humble and prayerful and God will help you understand the powerful message.

Interesting. This passage says that John is the Light-Bearer (aka, Lucifer), and the message he brings is from a being of Light who is the god of this world. This being of Light promises to confer Divinity on those who believe in him. Does this ring any bells for you?

Finally God is a spirit. although jesus had the flesh and bones of a man, within him was the spirit of God who is God himself.

See Psalms 82, and pay particular attention to verses 6 and 7.

The only way you will know who Jesus was is if you have a personal encounter with him, that is you must be born-again to know who Jesus is . That means accepting you are a sinner and asking jesus to come into your inner being and save you from your sins. Amen

And the only way to find out for sure if that strange man with the bloody sword in his hand, who is standing on your porch and knocking on your front door, is really the serial-killer that has been plaguing your community, may be to let him in to your home - but is that really advisable? :eek:
Originally posted by okinrus
I have to wonder why you think you can do better than Hitler? Your just shouting the same old tiresome lies of Paul corrupting everyone.

I have to wonder why you feel the need to demonize M*W by comparing her beliefs to Hitler's? Hitler said a lot of things about Jesus and Christianity, many of them conflicting. He was a confused and evil man, but that doesn't automatically invalidate every single belief he ever held, does it? He clearly recognized the evil inherent in the Christian philosophy, but in seeking to fill the spiritual void that was left when he rebelled against his religious upbringing, he chose a path that turned out to be even worse. This is at least partly because he allowed hatred to fill that void and take control of his destiny. I think it is possible to see the evil in a particular philosophy, and choose a higher road instead. That Hitler failed to do this doesn't mean that everyone who recognizes the problems with Christian theology should be dismissed as another Hitler.

The divinity of the Jesus was not in question.

Well then, the degree of his divinity was hotly debated, to put it mildly. Obviously, either Jesus failed to make this point clear to his disciples, or they failed to make it clear to the audiences to whom they preached the "good news."
<i><b>I have to wonder why you feel the need to demonize M*W by comparing her beliefs to Hitler's? </b></i>
I'm not demonizing her, but notifying her. M*W seems to be a nice person <i>but</i> she use the same illogical premises as Hitler. Now it's not like this was the first thing that M*W had said. We have been arguing for months about Paul, gnostic perversions, and her apparant bias. In fact, I'd almost venture say that M*W using Hitler as a source when she was saying that christianity was a disease, that christianity should be destroyed, that transubstantiation was the result of mass delusions, and that christianty was diabolical? And it's not like her religion is that much different than christiantiy.

Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn enemies of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense possibilities of using, intelligently and for other ends, an idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning the Christian idea. out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the golden calf, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he created a rallying point for slaves of all kinds against the elite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The religion fabricated by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day."(Hitler)</blockquote>

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation." </blockquote>

Hitler said a lot of things about Jesus and Christianity, many of them conflicting. He was a confused and evil man, but that doesn't automatically invalidate every single belief he ever held, does it? </b></i>
He allowed himself to be controled by demons.

That Hitler failed to do this doesn't mean that everyone who recognizes the problems with Christian theology should be dismissed as another Hitler.</b></i>
Well no. I'm dismissing her claim to destroy Christiantiy because Hitler had that ambition and was defeated. As for you, you are just posting false claims off of websites. If you actually looked into some of them, perhaps you might see them as false. For instance, you say that Jesus compared himself to the serpent Nehushtan but this is clearly false. There were two serpents that Jesus refered to himself. One made by Moses in the desert where all of the tribes would look at if bitten by a snake and the staf that was thrown to the ground and became a serpent but was raised up. Your going to keep making these mistakes if you don't read what your trying to attack.
There is no other name given unto men for salvation but the name of Jesus! ( Acts 4:12).
Wrong. Tell this to the easterns, the aboriginees, the Sans and Navajos, the meso-pueblo indians and Peruvians.....tell this to all those other cultures you Christians know nothing about.

For someone claiming enlightment, you sure do have a way of narrowing things down to noxious absolutism.

My friends at this time and age the spirit of anti-christ is all over the world. it manifests in people being mad,intolerant,abusive and offended at anything to do with Jesus
Never, ever confuse offense with marked indifference. You people have tendencies to bring up the Nazarene at the most importune, if not inane, times.

Or don't you know what I'm talking about? Don't forget who you're talking with "Tomasito".

The begining chapter of the book of John says in the begining was the word the word was with God and the word was God.
He came to his own and his own received him not.The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. ( That is God took the flesh in Jesus but he was rejected by sin-loving mankind.)
And if Vishnu himself wrote the same things in the Vedas my being a Hindu would be the same as you being an annoying little Christian, Thomas.

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Originally posted by okinrus
As for you, you are just posting false claims off of websites. If you actually looked into some of them, perhaps you might see them as false. For instance, you say that Jesus compared himself to the serpent Nehushtan but this is clearly false. There were two serpents that Jesus refered to himself. One made by Moses in the desert where all of the tribes would look at if bitten by a snake and the staf that was thrown to the ground and became a serpent but was raised up. Your going to keep making these mistakes if you don't read what your trying to attack.

I beg your pardon? What website is saying that Jesus compared himself to Nehushtan? I'd really like to know, because I have been searching for this enlightened site for a long time now. Actually, I do read the bible, okinrus. And this was my own discovery (although I fully realize I couldn't be the first to have made this connection - I just haven't seen it addressed elsewhere).

And please prove to me how it wasn't the brasen serpent, Nehushtan, that Jesus was comparing himself to in John 3:14. And explain to me how you arrived at the conclusion that it was instead the rod of Moses, which he had cast onto the ground at God's command at Mount Horeb, and at first had fled from when it turned into a serpent (if that is indeed what you are claiming - this is still a bit unclear yet). Where is it written that he raised this particular serpent up in the wilderness? It does say that when he caught it by the tail, it turned back into a rod again, but I missed the part where Moses lifted it up in the wilderness. Besides, once Moses laid his hand on it, it was no longer a serpent, so how could he have ever held it up as a serpent? I also assume you are not referring to the rod that Aaron turned into a serpent during his performance for Pharoah in Egypt?

No - given the context of John 3:14, I still assert that Jesus was referring to the brasen serpent that Moses had made and raised up in the wilderness (which the people later named "Nehushtan" and started worshipping). I believe it is you who has made an error here.
The book of John is also where we are told that Jesus is like the brass serpent, Nehushtan, which was eventually destroyed because people erroneously started worshipping it (see John 3:14, Numbers 21:9 and 2 Kings 18:4).</b></i>
Yes, I wasn't aware that Nehushtan was the name of the serpent that Moses made in the wasteland. Nevertheless, this passage has nothing to do with a serpent that Moses made, God forbid. Moses was given staff and with his right arm he threw it to the floor and it became a snake. Then this snake ate all the magistians snakes and Moses picked it up before the Pharoah and became a staff. The bronze serpent was never picked up and raised before someone like that. Also, the context that John uses it in would require that it was some sort of miraculus event.
Originally posted by okinrus
Yes, I wasn't aware that Nehushtan was the name of the serpent that Moses made in the wasteland. Nevertheless, this passage has nothing to do with a serpent that Moses made, God forbid. Moses was given staff and with his right arm he threw it to the floor and it became a snake. Then this snake ate all the magistians snakes and Moses picked it up before the Pharoah and became a staff. The bronze serpent was never picked up and raised before someone like that. Also, the context that John uses it in would require that it was some sort of miraculus event.

And just how would you define miraculous? Moses lifted up the brass serpent that he made so that all those who had been bitten by the fiery serpents could look at it and be healed from the otherwise fatal bites.

Besides, I think you're monkeying around a bit with scripture when you say that Moses threw his staff to the floor and it became a snake, or that Moses raised his staff before Pharoah - nevermind the fact that a staff is not a serpent. For one thing, it was Aaron who threw his rod to the floor and it turned into a snake (see Exodus 7:10), and it was Aaron who lifted his rod to smite the river in Pharoah's sight (see Exodus 7:19-20). Not to mention that you've just moved the entire event to the wilderness.... :rolleyes:

I think it might be a good idea for you to reread John 3:14-15:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

And I think you also need to review the story of Moses and the brass serpent (Numbers 21:5-9):

And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread. And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

And this review would not be complete without the story of how Hezekiah put an end to the brass serpent (2 Kings 18:4), since that was a major part of my point to begin with:

He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

Even if you don't agree with my conclusions, can you at least see what I've been saying?
Originally posted by Nehushta
And just how would you define miraculous? Moses lifted up the brass serpent that he made so that all those who had been bitten by the fiery serpents could look at it and be healed from the otherwise fatal bites.

Besides, I think you're monkeying around a bit with scripture when you say that Moses threw his staff to the floor and it became a snake, or that Moses raised his staff before Pharoah - nevermind the fact that a staff is not a serpent. For one thing, it was Aaron who threw his rod to the floor and it turned into a snake (see Exodus 7:10), and it was Aaron who lifted his rod to smite the river in Pharoah's sight (see Exodus 7:19-20). Not to mention that you've just moved the entire event to the wilderness.... :rolleyes:

I think it might be a good idea for you to reread John 3:14-15:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

And I think you also need to review the story of Moses and the brass serpent (Numbers 21:5-9):

And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread. And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

And this review would not be complete without the story of how Hezekiah put an end to the brass serpent (2 Kings 18:4), since that was a major part of my point to begin with:

He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

Even if you don't agree with my conclusions, can you at least see what I've been saying?

M*W: I can, God Nehusta!
Ok, perhaps your right. Let's say that Jesus did compare himself to the the brass serpent. It is clearly in the sense of healing the snake bites, so I'm uncertain why you are saying there is a contradiction here.
Originally posted by okinrus
God doesn't change
then god is not rational.
then why pray
then creation was a whim


What do you mean god does not change :)
Originally posted by okinrus
Ok, perhaps your right. Let's say that Jesus did compare himself to the the brass serpent. It is clearly in the sense of healing the snake bites, so I'm uncertain why you are saying there is a contradiction here.

I'm not saying there is a contradiction - what I'm saying is that there's always more to what Jesus said (or rather, what was attributed to him) than meets the eye. You always have to dig a little deeper to find the complete meaning, and it isn't what Christians would expect. On the surface of it, Jesus was saying that he must be lifted up like the brass serpent Moses made so that all who believed in him would have eternal life. He says nothing of where that eternal life would be spent, of course. What he doesn't tell you is that he is the image of the Serpent, and the jealous god of the OT didn't want his people worshipping images or anyone or anything other than himself. For this reason the biblical god usually destroyed all such objects of worship (or rather, his priests did). Jesus' fate was sealed as soon as he made himself like the most high and became an object of worship (see also Isaiah 14, which is practically a biblical portrait of Jesus, though viewed in a different light). But he knew this going in - his role was as a stumblingblock to catch the unfaithful Jews in their idolatry - to separate the tares from the wheat, to paraphrase a parable. He was a member of God's vice squad - a lying spirit in the mouth of a prophet (which is all that Satan ever was, when you think about it).

Although there is much you can learn from his words, if you are willing to make the effort, you make a huge mistake in worshipping him as God.