'It's a child not a choice...but not if you were raped'

The thing that you may have looked over is that if I was killed as a fetus, who would be there to save that child from drowning?

Someone else or no one or the child could never have been in that situation then and there..

In short, you cannot be sure what would have happened if you had not been born. No one can be sure of what would have happened if they were not born. For all you know, tomorrow you could be driving a car and smash into a school bus and kill more than 15 children. Does that mean you'd then wish you had been aborted? The point is you cannot know the future and you cannot say that those 15 or more people you apparently saved would not been saved if you had not been born. You cannot know what would have happened and for all you know, they may not have been in that dangerous situation or suicidal in the first place.

For all you know, the man you call your "father", the rapist, could have been killed in a car accident before he raped your poor "birth mother".

Do you know what struck me the most about your post?

My father was a person who raped around five women or more and he was in consequence deported to Ecuador after he was caught.

The man who impregnated your poor "mother" was a rapist who had raped 5 women or more. Yet you call him your "father" and the woman who chose to not have an abortion after she fell pregnant from her rape your "birth mother". I just find it an interesting distinction and choice of words.

Yes she did, but this is irrelevant but somewhat relevant to what I am discussing right now.
How is your mother's choice irrelevant?

She probably had the choice and she chose to keep you and then give you up for abortion. But that does not mean that other women who are in her predicament should be forced into that choice by society.
Oh stop being an ass. What the hell does that have to do with this bloody topic? LG didn't accuse anyone of being a 'post whore':rolleyes:
I accused you of being a two faced whore .....

4. Whore
Minor annoyance. You're not really mad at them, but sill kinda pissed.
"Hey, who ate the last doughnut?"

"I did."


....... Quite distinct from memorable moments in Bell's life when she has been called a whore ...
Have I been harassed or persecuted? Yes. Mostly from members of my own family. I have been abused, called a plethora of names (whore, slut, amongst many because I was apparently living in sin with my now husband before we were married),

... but nonetheless, even Bells is capable of understanding the word has different contexts (in her saner moments)

Them - No. I had a small list that I felt could be used as a starting point; here it is again:
moron, stupid, idiot, bitch, whore or their derivatives (moronic, stupid argument, idiotic, etc.)...

Fraggle Rocker felt that 'pea brain' constituted a legitimate attack and Tiassa felt that 'prick' used as an insult should qualify; I concur on both counts.

Bells - So you are saying we should ban those words outright?

I say it would depend on how they are used. Or more to the point, the context in which they are used.
Based on what criteria?

I can conclude she would be dead considering how much of her body was underwater and considering I have very well constructed photographic memory. It was an important event to me.

Thomas Theorem - "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." - W. I. Thomas

Research entails objectivity and the comparison of data.

You cannot conclude anything if you were not there to experience the event and neither can we.

"No one can see past a choice they don't understand."

"You didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it."

The Oracle

Big deal.
Do you know what struck me the most about your post?

My father was a person who raped around five women or more and he was in consequence deported to Ecuador after he was caught.

The man who impregnated your poor "mother" was a rapist who had raped 5 women or more. Yet you call him your "father" and the woman who chose to not have an abortion after she fell pregnant from her rape your "birth mother". I just find it an interesting distinction and choice of words.

So now your assuming the worst based on the fact that I left out the word "birth" before father? Just a question.

She probably had the choice and she chose to keep you and then give you up for abortion. But that does not mean that other women who are in her predicament should be forced into that choice by society.

Never said they were. As I have said before, and I will say it one more time and I will not even bother saying it again thereafter, I am not for or against abortion. If you read what I said, you both would realize I am not for nor against.
Bells - So you are saying we should ban those words outright?
Still dodging huh?

Let me know when you address the questions I have asked you in my previous post to you.. you know.. about the women who are dying around the world because they are forced to continue with their pregnancies...

In other words, let me know when you stop being such a coward and actually address the issues.
Research entails objectivity and the comparison of data.

You cannot conclude anything if you were not there to experience the event and neither can we.

"No one can see past a choice they don't understand."

"You didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it."

The Oracle

Big deal.

I'll stop discussing this for this is getting nowhere. I rather be seen as wrong than have you unintentionally degrade yourself in front of others.
Still dodging huh?

Let me know when you address the questions I have asked you in my previous post to you.. you know.. about the women who are dying around the world because they are forced to continue with their pregnancies...

In other words, let me know when you stop being such a coward and actually address the issues.
er hello?
Was I having a conversation with you or was that a reply to Lucy's post?
er hello?
Was I having a conversation with you or was that a reply to Lucy's post?

Sorry.. I had assumed you were addressing me when you said my name and then asked a question..

IceLight020 said:
So now your assuming the worst based on the fact that I left out the word "birth" before father? Just a question.
As I said, I found it an interesting distinction.

Never said they were. As I have said before, and I will say it one more time and I will not even bother saying it again thereafter, I am not for or against abortion. If you read what I said, you both would realize I am not for nor against.
Your posts read like you are against abortion.. And also a few other things in your post seems to be questionable. For example:

"We can also prevent ourselves from even being raped. That doesn't mean that you will never be raped but a person who says "Your a *****." is pretty much asking for conflict are they not? Not that rape is the right way to handle them, but still..."

(Post 513)

Which seems to indicate that saying certain things could invite a rape or "conflict" as you put it..? That if a woman called a man whatever those are meant to mean, she is asking for it...

You'll have to excuse me, but personally I think you're full of it. I am probably wrong, but based on your posts, your sympathies seem to be a tad off. Like your whole breathing through skin argument.. If we were adult bullfrogs, you may have had an argument, but we are not..
Only if you think that ethics is something that is and should be tabooed from discussion in society.


Are we not discussing it now? Have we not discussed it in many threads before? Yes? Then why make such a stupid observation. Personal opinion is what ethics get down to moron.

Signal: A whore is a whore is a whore!

Really? A few posts ago you didn't even know the definition of one. But I can see you've really warmed up to the term haven't you? Do you know the difference between calling someone a post whore and calling someone a whore? If so then the next time you meet a friend, or a relative, you know like your mother or sister...no no come to think of its best suited for your mother...go up to her and call her a whore, just in jest.

What? isn't it funny? No?

Hahahaha! I'm sure she'll find it really really funny and you can explain how its a commonly used term for both men and women and not that bad at all you passive-aggressive, sexually deprived, hypocrite. How's that for useful insult? Too smart for you? Then how about...

A moron is a moron is a moron!:rolleyes:
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In actuality abortion doesn't affect other people unless they are the male who impregnated the woman. Everyone else who has an opinion on the matter are simply stating their personal ethical viewpoint, in effect it doesn't affect them unless they are in a position to opt for an abortion.

You do realize that what you said above is an argument in favor of delegalizing abortion??

If it's "the woman's body", "nobody else's business" and only relevant to "when a woman is pregnant",

then the all the institutions and facilities that provide abortion services and anything related should give up their work,

the legislators, employers and anyone else who has any say in how abortion clinics operate, the medical qualifications and standards that must be met, how the people who work there get payed, etc., should give up their work,

medical schools should not teach students anymore how to perform the abortion procedure,

there should be no funds anymore for research of reproductive issues -

because, after all, it's the woman's body, nobody else's business and only relevant to when a woman is pregnant, right?
How is that argument in favor of delegalizing abortion? Many of the men who impregnate the woman give her the money to have the procedure done.:shrug:

There are many elective procedures that are available to people and are not shut down simply because its elective. Remember that only 14% of abortions are paid for by the federal government, most women pay for the procedure out of pocket.

Signal: because, after all, it's the woman's body, nobody else's business and only relevant to when a woman is pregnant, right?

Right. Do they stop medical research on plastic surgery simply because its a personal decision to have ones body altered? No. Your argument today isn't quite up to par is it;)
I agree only its deeper than that. Its about controlling women in general, their possibilities ie future, bodies and sexuality.

People try to control people all the time:

Some men try to control some women.
Some women try to control some men.
Some children try to control some parents.
Some parents try to control some children.
Some citizens try to control some states.
Some states try to control some citizens.
Some poor people try to control some rich people.
Some rich people try to control some poor people.
And so on.

Never been "daddy's little girl"? Never made your father do things, buy you things simply out of the desire to see how much power you have over him?
Never seduced a man? Never enjoyed in seeing the foolish things he did to get you?