'It's a child not a choice...but not if you were raped'

if one is both logical and consistent in one's reasoning, is it possible to formulate some objective ethical standards?

Contingent upon how precise you'd like to stay with the definition of "objective", I would say yes. I would say that we already do: it's called legislation.
You think collective interests are on par with specific individual interests?

From an ethical perspective? Yes, of course.

Even if you want to isolate the investigation of ethics to a particular time and place, you still encounter several opposing views - abortion being a classic example



As far a s ethics is concerned, that's a non-argument.

IOW what you are advocating is a complete absence of tools to deconstruct any ethical problem

Not at all.

You're completely misunderstanding what ethics is concerned with.
You are selectively focusing on meta-ethics, as opposed to the real intent behind ethics per se: the establishment of normative guidelines.

You're being even more disingenuous than normal LG...

tsk tsk..
You don't think the area of killing treads on sensitive ethical ground?

Again with the selective interpretation....


I didn't say that at all did I?

It is neither more nor less 'ethically treading' than any other issue...
I don't think such cases are granted purely on the case of personal inconvenience (granted that their may be an exception for an easily offended militant despotic regime). Usually the case for it is national security or the like

On the contrary, comparing the moral value of several options is essentially what ethics is all about.

Consider the case of soldiers engaged in killing some people for the sake of protecting the security interests of their country ... and consider the case of soldiers engaged in killing some people for the sake of stabilizing the stock prices that the military has heavy investments in.

Which one do you think stands as higher on the moral barometer?

a fetus is nothing more than a fucking parasite. the moment you demand rights for them you demand rights for a host of other parasites. its not murder to get rid of a fetus. abortion is older than history. contraceptives almost as long. deal with it.
So you are with your spouse for sex? (rhetorical question)

And no offense, but how do you know what animals get pleasure from sex? I think that is...where did you get this information from?

LOL...yeah for ten minutes...or so.:D

dolphins masturbate or something akin to it as they have no hands.
a fetus is nothing more than a fucking parasite. the moment you demand rights for them you demand rights for a host of other parasites.
perhaps that would make sense if people have serious problems distinguishing between their child and a tape worm

abortion is older than history. contraceptives almost as long. deal with it.
as is rape, theft, murder and possibly cannibalism too ...
perhaps that would make sense if people have serious problems distinguishing between their child and a tape worm
medically speaking based on the harmful effect to the host their is no difference.

as is rape, theft, murder and possibly cannibalism too ...

not the point.

the point is no matter how time preachy bastards like you try to take the moral high ground and berate others over this issue its not going to happen. for as long as humans have been having sex we have tried to get around the whole baby problem.
Again with the selective interpretation....


I didn't say that at all did I?
you did say that if it was laid on the table that "yes this is killing" it would force the opposition to come up with a better argument.

This leads me to believe that you don't think pointing out that someone is killing another is a good foundation for an argument in the strong opposition.

It is neither more nor less 'ethically treading' than any other issue...
so the question of killing and parking in a disabled zone are more or less much of a muchness?
medically speaking based on the harmful effect to the host their is no difference.
and socially speaking .....?

not the point.

the point is no matter how time preachy bastards like you try to take the moral high ground and berate others over this issue its not going to happen. for as long as humans have been having sex we have tried to get around the whole baby problem.
well sure, murder (and rape and theft too I might add) has always proven itself as a great problem solver ... makes you wonder why society just doesn't get real with the times and just give it the green light ... I mean how long have they been trying to regulate or legislate these inherent behaviors?
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There are even legal precedents for institutions/companies being liable for negligence/damages to persons who incurred birth defects as a result of their mismanagement ... even if the mismanagement occurred several months/years before their conception (toxic poisoning etc) ... what to speak of more straightforward moral implications of a pregnant woman smoking or whatever ... similarly its immoral for a mother to take drugs during pregnancy .... so in light of all this, its not clear why a different thinking is required if she decides to terminate the life during the same time frame

That still does not take away the fact that the mothers rights do not disappear because she is pregnant.

You have thus far tried the 'black people' argument, which failed badly. Now you switch to corporations and corporate law and trade practices laws? Ermm okay.. Companies that poisoned women and pregnant women, which resulted in birth defects were found liable because they never informed their employees of the potential dangers and knowingly placed those people in situations that would adversely affect their health and their abilities to reproduce. That is why they were sued and why the families and the children born with birth defects would win.

Unless of course you wish to argue that women are like companies and that any potential zygote must be treated as employees and thus be given the same protection? Does not exactly work..

IOW just because its happening inside a woman's body in no way exempts the life that is coming to bear or the mother from a host of justice and moral related issues
What makes your morals superior to mine or to the mother who may wish to abort? Why does the mother's morals and sense of justice over what happens to her body suddenly disappears when she's pregnant? Why should a potential human being have more rights to her body that her?

Is it because you consider her to be a whore?

I'll put it to you this way.. Who are you to impose your morals on my reproductive system? Why should you be given the right to impose your morals on my reproductive system?

lemme guess .... pro-abortion and atheist, right?
And his religious beliefs have what to do with this topic? And what is pro-abortion?

I have never met someone who is pro-abortion, have you? I have met people who are pro-choice, which deems the woman free to choose. Vastly different.

Using such emotive language shows a grasping at straws..

I guess in some circles that might come across as friendly online banter

Calling someone 'a two faced whore' is considered 'friendly online banter'? Since when?

perhaps that would make sense if people have serious problems distinguishing between their child and a tape worm
A developing child in the mother is a parasite. There is no other way to describe it. It takes everything from the mother.. everything and if the mother does not eat the proper foods in correct and vast quantities and/or take supplements, she will face a wide range of health issues in the future..

as is rape, theft, murder and possibly cannibalism too ...
All of which infringe on the rights of an actual person. You, however, seem to feel that women should be morally obligated and forced to have children against their will, making them incubators.. Apparently that is acceptable? Do you consider rape, theft and murder to be bad? If so, why? If you are willing to force women to continue with unwanted pregnancies, to her detriment and possibly to her health and well being, against her explicit wishes, how can you say that rape is bad? Both deny the woman the rights to choose about her own body. Both involve the infringing on the woman's body against her wishes. Yet you seem to think that it is acceptable for women to be denied the right to an abortion?

Signal said:
Do you think that women should be free to hurl insults at men?
If yes, why?

Do you think that men should be free to call a woman a 'two faced whore' and then claim it is was normal friendly online banter? If yes, why?
Unless of course you wish to argue that women are like companies and that any potential zygote must be treated as employees and thus be given the same protection? Does not exactly work..

Sure it does. You just have to argue that the employee was being fired for low productivity and stealing the company resources.:D
you did say that if it was laid on the table that "yes this is killing" it would force the opposition to come up with a better argument.

This leads me to believe that you don't think pointing out that someone is killing another is a good foundation for an argument in the strong opposition.

Then you would be confused.

so the question of killing and parking in a disabled zone are more or less much of a muchness?

Given the curiously vague terms, I can only say "yes".
That still does not take away the fact that the mothers rights do not disappear because she is pregnant.
Like the right to inflict whatever damages she likes on the child?
You have thus far tried the 'black people' argument, which failed badly. Now you switch to corporations and corporate law and trade practices laws?
The black person argument still holds.
Proponents insist on using the language of unconsciousness to relegate another to terms of abuse.

My point of bringing in corporate law was to show how even law is capable of problemizing your thinking on the issue (ie there is no question of bringing issues of justice to an entity that doesn't have a body independent of the mother).

Ermm okay.. Companies that poisoned women and pregnant women, which resulted in birth defects were found liable because they never informed their employees of the potential dangers and knowingly placed those people in situations that would adversely affect their health and their abilities to reproduce. That is why they were sued and why the families and the children born with birth defects would win.
But if the whole point of being liable to pursue any sort of rights is to have body outside and independent of the mother, technically they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
Unless of course you wish to argue that women are like companies and that any potential zygote must be treated as employees and thus be given the same protection? Does not exactly work..
I am talking about companies being made to pay out to persons who technically do not exist in your books.

What makes your morals superior to mine or to the mother who may wish to abort? Why does the mother's morals and sense of justice over what happens to her body suddenly disappears when she's pregnant? Why should a potential human being have more rights to her body that her?
Most of these questions I could ask straight back at you. How does a women who is suddenly in a position of having others dependent of her take the moral high ground by taking recourse to killing?
Is it because you consider her to be a whore?

I'll put it to you this way.. Who are you to impose your morals on my reproductive system? Why should you be given the right to impose your morals on my reproductive system?
Because its not simply an argument of "my, my, my" when a second defenseless life comes on the scene.

Kind of like a cotton plantation owner saying what right do you have to legally intercede on my assets and livestock.

IOW in both cases there is a strong use of the language of unconsciousness to relegate the argument purely to a question of "my".

And his religious beliefs have what to do with this topic?
explaining why he can't do anything but goad and troll - IOW "your values are opposed to mine therefore, much like anyone else who has a substantial disagreement with my values, your posts and your person are (insert your favorite host of ad homs)"

And what is pro-abortion?
someone who relegates a fetus to the status of a parasite
I mean who feels magnanimously disposed towards a tapeworm?


Calling someone 'a two faced whore' is considered 'friendly online banter'? Since when?
since its followed by the request that one follow suit and insult one's genealogy I guess.

I trust you have been on sci long enough to recognize unbridled goading when you see it

A developing child in the mother is a parasite. There is no other way to describe it. It takes everything from the mother.. everything and if the mother does not eat the proper foods in correct and vast quantities and/or take supplements, she will face a wide range of health issues in the future..
you do realize that describing the relationship as such continues even after birth? (and some would even argue until the child reaches their early twenties)

All of which infringe on the rights of an actual person.
and there you have it!
classic case of the language of unconsciousness

You, however, seem to feel that women should be morally obligated and forced to have children against their will, making them incubators.. Apparently that is acceptable? Do you consider rape, theft and murder to be bad? If so, why? If you are willing to force women to continue with unwanted pregnancies, to her detriment and possibly to her health and well being, against her explicit wishes, how can you say that rape is bad? Both deny the woman the rights to choose about her own body. Both involve the infringing on the woman's body against her wishes. Yet you seem to think that it is acceptable for women to be denied the right to an abortion?
the problem is when another (innocent) person comes on the scene, it is no longer purely an argument of "my body" or "my convenience" ... hence the ethics of the issue are opened up.

Do you think that men should be free to call a woman a 'two faced whore' and then claim it is was normal friendly online banter? If yes, why?

If one can read all this without batting an eyelid, what else could it be but a joyful exchange between colleagues?

So LG why did you pipe in with your idiotic statements? You're just a judgmental fool who thinks his Kundalini has risen when its coiled tightly at the bottom of your ass!!! If you aren't careful you'll shit it out all together

What do you know of whores? I would have thought you didn't ejaculate at all since you would be wasting all that 'life sperm' not that I could even see a whore wanting to sully herself with it. Insult your genealogy? Sorry I don't think of you that much.

No you fucking retard.... I don't really give a shit about your kooky ideas and abscessed genitals or your rotting soul.

But since you have decided to take up his cause and fight his battles for him when I have in no way addressed you then I can only assume that he must be your little bitch!

I will continue to breach your asshole with red hot pincers

Don't cross paths with me unless you have a fucking clue what you are talking about!

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