Islamic attitudes in the UK today


Registered Senior Member
As I have pointed out before that the attitudes of muslims in the UK are intolerable. It may be different story in the country where you live, you might be able to get along fine with muslims. But in the UK it is a different story - here is a report that gives an example of the exact muslim attitudes which I am talking about, and these attitudes aren't exclusive to the fanatical muslims in UK.

Terror on the dole

Four young British Muslims in their twenties - a social worker, an IT specialist, a security guard and a financial adviser - occupy a table at a fast-food chicken restaurant in Luton. Perched on their plastic chairs, wolfing down their dinner, they seem just ordinary young men. Yet out of their mouths pour heated words of revolution.

"As far as I'm concerned, when they bomb London, the bigger the better," says Abdul Haq, the social worker. "I know it's going to happen because Sheikh bin Laden said so. Like Bali, like Turkey, like Madrid - I pray for it, I look forward to the day."

Does that support extend to violent acts of terrorism in the UK?

"Yes," he replies, unequivocally. "When a bomb attack happens here, I won't be against it, even if it kills my own children. Islam is clear: Muslims living in lands that are occupied have the right to attack their invaders.

"Islam is not like Christianity, where they turn the other cheek. If they raid our homes, it could lead to the covenant of security being broken.

"Islam allows us to retaliate. That would include" - he tugs his "Jihad" coat tight against the night air - "by violent means."
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The only chance you have to defeat them is too persuade moderate muslims to take a stand for themselves against these radicals. Someone has to say "this is Islam" and "this is not Islam" to these radicals. Of course, it means almost certain death by all of those bin laden wannabees, but this is really what has to be done on a large scale.
Again, Vienna, you make the mistake of tarring all Muslims with the same brush. In fact, there are many more moderate Muslims than raving fundamentalists. Exactly the same thing can be said about Christians.
James with all due respect and whilst I agree in the main, when you say that the same could be said about christians I would like some evidence that showes the existance of christian terrorist that are prepared to do wht the islamic terrorists are prepared to do.

Is there evidence that extreme "cheek turning" causes harm to some one else.

I know that you will probably refer to the dark ages etc but unlike the islamic religion christianity seems to grow in maturity and compassion and not the other way round.

I also agree that stereotyping is counterproductive.

But I have to ask: When was the last act of mass terrorism perpetrated by a christian fundamentalist group?
All this animosity stems from religion as a concept.
If only there was a way to eradicate it completely.
Oh well...

And as for Muslims being compared to Christians, come on! When was the last mass murder or terrorist attrocity carried out in the name of Christianity.
Actually, Quantum Quack just said that, didn't he/she?
Sorry, it's early and I'm not up to speed yet!

I used to be quite unconcerned when it came to religion. Then a friend turned me onto this site and, after reading PM's rabid rants, along with all the press reports about the fanatical Muslims up to no good around the world, especially here in Britain, I now really really detest them all (as a generic).
I actually spoke to a young Muslim fellow on the train yesterday about his faith. He must have been a moderate, or whatever, as we had quite a productive conversation and he didn't try to convert me once.
He did, however, say that should 'The Call' come then he would gladly rise up with his 'brothers' against the evil West.
He lives in London and was born there.
I politely informed him he was a wanker and left the train.

No point to all this, just thought I'd share it with everyone.
Have fun and remember: PRAISE ALAN!!!

The Flemster.
James R said:
Again, Vienna, you make the mistake of tarring all Muslims with the same brush. In fact, there are many more moderate Muslims than raving fundamentalists. Exactly the same thing can be said about Christians.

AGAIN JAMES R - You make the mistake of comparing Christians with Muslims.

Like I said before - you don't live in the UK - so what do YOU know. :rolleyes:

JAMES R, give me an example where Christians wish to overthrow the East, or even the West?

(Christians not countries as some people get confused with - ahem! PM and the likes)
okinrus said:
The only chance you have to defeat them is too persuade moderate muslims to take a stand for themselves against these radicals. Someone has to say "this is Islam" and "this is not Islam" to these radicals. Of course, it means almost certain death by all of those bin laden wannabees, but this is really what has to be done on a large scale.

Very logical but impractical, for this to work you have to convince millions that a large chunk of their faith is wrong and evil.
James R said:
In fact, there are many more moderate Muslims than raving fundamentalists.

Show examples for the UK - show some figures.

Come on James - show me.
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How reliable is this report? I'd guess it's much more likely to be a bunch of liars pissing themselves laughing.
The last acts of terrorism perpetrated by christian (not necessarily fundamentalist) groups? Well, take a look at the Orthodox Serb clergy and the Catholic Croats a few years ago. Before that in the Second World War a Croat Franciscan ran camps for Serbs so horrible even the SS were disgusted.
How reliable is this report? I'd guess it's much more likely to be a bunch of liars pissing themselves laughing.
The last acts of terrorism perpetrated by christian (not necessarily fundamentalist) groups? Well, take a look at the Orthodox Serb clergy and the Catholic Croats a few years ago. Before that in the Second World War a Croat Franciscan ran camps for Serbs so horrible even the SS were disgusted.

Is this not more about Serb versus Croat, a racial genercidal conflict and not a religious one perpetrated in the name of Jesus.
Muslims in the UK today


Quantum Quack said:
Is this not more about Serb versus Croat, a racial genercidal conflict and not a religious one perpetrated in the name of Jesus.
There isn't any racial difference between Serbs and Croats. The only linguistic difference is whether they write in a roman or a cyrillic alphabet. They both killed ( or calimed to kill if it makes you feel better) for religious reasons.
James R said:
Again, Vienna, you make the mistake of tarring all Muslims with the same brush. In fact, there are many more moderate Muslims than raving fundamentalists. Exactly the same thing can be said about Christians.
But violence or desire for violence is rare even for fundamentalist Christians. Very rare. Very very rare. In fact they take pride in non-violence and attack the violence of others.
erm, didn't Britain get bombed quite a bit by some Catholic (American funded) terrorists in the not too distant past?
Not all muslims are like that. Those are just some of them. Some muslims actually hate terrorists because they make their religion look bad. And of course someone would quote that and say that it looks bad on its own.
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erm, didn't Britain get bombed quite a bit by some Catholic (American funded) terrorists in the not too distant past?

Actually this is a good point. The religious conflict in Ireland. Cathlic and Protestant if I am not mistaken.

as a separtate issue

Could one really call the IRA a religious organisation. Aren't they or weren't they fighting for Irish independance from the British?
Quantum Quack said:
Actually this is a good point. The religious conflict in Ireland. Cathlic and Protestant if I am not mistaken.

as a separtate issue

Could one really call the IRA a religious organisation. Aren't they or weren't they fighting for Irish independance from the British?

Yes to both questions, but the conflicts are much more complicated than that.

Personally I would love to see Ireland given back to the Irish - I have no issue with that - The British government obviously sees different
Ebony said:
Not all muslims are like that. Those are just some of them. Some muslims actually hate terrorists because they make their religion look bad. And of course someone would quote that and say that it looks bad on its own.

Terrorism isn't doing muslims any favours - But things have gone too far now. Young Muslims in Britain are experiencing an identity crisis, they are not turning to the mosques, and they are not adopting the British identity either, they are attracted to the Islamic fanatics.
Vienna you have every right to react when people are hoping to spread death and destruction. The worst thing you could do is to sit back and wait for it.