Islam; What does it mean?

Proud_Muslim said:
The things he told people at that time which CONCERNs their environment at that time, but he said many other things that all valid for every time and place.

Wow, he left a lot of grey areas, because everything that we do is subject to our environment. Our dress, our heigene, our health care, our food, ect...I don't think that people living in the north pole can appreciate taking their heavy wear off and washing their feet with cold water five times a day, and they can't find any sand for substitue to do their Wodoo. I hear that their environment does not allow them to even shower in the winter, or they risk pnemonia...So why do you make everything so black and white and strict while your maker is most flexible and mercifull.

Me and your maker suggest that you take the so called Islamic stick out of your will feel much better that way. Your black and white requirements are weighing you down and making you too heavy, I'm getting a divine message that you are breaking the freakin judgement day scale. :D
Flores said:
Wow, he left a lot of grey areas, because everything that we do is subject to our environment. Our dress, our heigene, our health care, our food, ect...I don't think that people living in the north pole can appreciate taking their heavy wear off and washing their feet with cold water five times a day, and they can't find any sand for substitue to do their Wodoo.

This is not true, they have HOT water at home, I have been there and I know how it is like.
The sand thing is in case you dont have water at all and you are in the middle of the desert, then you can use sand as substitute and if you dont have no water no sand, then you dont need to make wodoo at all, and if you happen to travel during Ramadan then you dont need even to see Flores, you see how Islam is tolerant religion.

I hear that their environment does not allow them to even shower in the winter, or they risk pnemonia...So why do you make everything so black and white and strict while your maker is most flexible and mercifull.

This is not true my dear sister, they have hot water at home, and they take very nice hot showers while everything is frozen outside. In fact, the Finns have special occasion in the midwinter(now ) where they jump in FREEZING water after nice sauna....imagine !!


Me and your maker suggest that you take the so called Islamic stick out of your will feel much better that way. Your black and white requirements are weighing you down and making you too heavy, I'm getting a divine message that you are breaking the freakin judgement day scale.

:) I think you have great misconception about me...come on sister, I dont like WHITE and BLACK colours anyway...I love life to be full of beautiful majestic colours.
Proud_Muslim said:
:) I think you have great misconception about me...come on sister, I dont like WHITE and BLACK colours anyway...I love life to be full of beautiful majestic colours.

who knows, perhaps I DO have great misconceptions about you. Stereotypes are always made to be broken;)