Islam; What does it mean?

Flores said:
For short, and to sum up his mood, let's call him PMS, Proud Muslim Syrian.
A tribute to PMS:
When he is impressed, he rolls his eyes.
When he is boiling mad, he laughs hystrically.
He can induce vomit in little children
He farts under the pressure of lifting a small sheep.
I don't want to know what he does when he tries to lift a camel.

Proud_Muslim said:
What freedom and democrasy you are talking about ?? your west is just MURDEROUS CRIMINAL BARBARIC and OIL HUNGRY KILLERS:

We feel for you and would like to offer you a shoulder to cry on...but you stink....Afterall, it's not us that live in countries that have a president reside over them with a 99.999% so called approval rate on voting for over 30 years until he dies of natural causes or get murdered, and our constitution don't change over night to allow for the president's son who is underage to rule...

Again, our condolonces for being born an insiginificant citizen, and I don't blame you for changing your username.....Being syrian is definetly something that you should try to hide.
Proud_Muslim said:

Now Now, relax, check your underwear....I heard some chease getting cut here....,

What happened???Can't control your animalistic urges and still viewing my posts??? I was getting excited over the fact that you have me on ignore...

Guess Hijab and Niqab don't work with you...ignore didn't....
Proud_Muslim said:
What freedom and democrasy you are talking about ?? your west is just MURDEROUS CRIMINAL BARBARIC and OIL HUNGRY KILLERS:

First of all, I don't think you should even talk on these message boards anymore, I don't know if it is your intent, but you are embarassing me and other Muslims with your ignorant comments.

Although I can't pass judgment on whether you are a Muslim or not, I certainly don't beleive you to be a very good one. Your insulting and rude comments are totally against the teachings of Islam.

And why does it matter if people speak Arabic or not?

In my eyes Democracy is a very good concept and one Islam supports because it gives power to the people.

BTW it is not my West because I am Pakistani.
Flores said:
Now Now, relax, check your underwear....I heard some chease getting cut here....,

What happened???Can't control your animalistic urges and still viewing my posts??? I was getting excited over the fact that you have me on ignore...

Guess Hijab and Niqab don't work with you...ignore didn't....

you just confirmd who you are ? cheap sharmota. No, ignoring you does not mean ignoring the fact that you are really cheap sharmota...big difference.

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piddu said:
First of all, I don't think you should even talk on these message boards anymore, I don't know if it is your intent, but you are embarassing me and other Muslims with your ignorant comments.

Although I can't pass judgment on whether you are a Muslim or not, I certainly don't beleive you to be a very good one. Your insulting and rude comments are totally against the teachings of Islam.

And why does it matter if people speak Arabic or not?

In my eyes Democracy is a very good concept and one Islam supports because it gives power to the people.

BTW it is not my West because I am Pakistani.

Well, if you cant take other opinions, then stop showing your pathetic ignorance and stop being PUPPET for those criminals.
Proud_Muslim said:
No, ignoring you does not mean ignoring.


typical of you. Again I feel for you..... Have you had your Hummas and beans this morning??...Why don't you stop this useless typing and go stand inline infront of the local furnace and pick up the family bread....or again stand in the line for paying bills, or the gas line, ect, ect.....It's not nice to send your sick old ma to the furnace and to do the chores, while you masturbate infront of a screen....Allah will not like that.
Proud_Muslim said:
What freedom and democrasy you are talking about ?? your west is just MURDEROUS CRIMINAL BARBARIC and OIL HUNGRY KILLERS:
Why PM, don't you live in the West? Therefore don't you benefit from the oil hungry killers each time you put petrol in your car, catch a cab, etc? Don't you benefit from the notions of freedom and democracy that you are so scathing of? I'd suggest that before you come down so hard on the West, you move out of it. You go on and on about how the West is bad and how they hate muslims, blah blah blah, yet you LIVE in the West. If it's so bad, if you find it so abhorent, why don't you move?

Bells said:
Why PM, don't you live in the West? Therefore don't you benefit from the oil hungry killers each time you put petrol in your car, catch a cab, etc? Don't you benefit from the notions of freedom and democracy that you are so scathing of? I'd suggest that before you come down so hard on the West, you move out of it. You go on and on about how the West is bad and how they hate muslims, blah blah blah, yet you LIVE in the West. If it's so bad, if you find it so abhorent, why don't you move?


Bells, like many hypocrites, He prefers to live in the west while calling himself a Proud Syrian. I know a lot of people with distant arabic roots who live in the US and are US citizens. Despite the fact that their livelihood depends on the US, they would never admit to be Americans and claim to only have true alliance to some distant country that doesn't acknoledge them, nor would it even produce their death certificate or give them ground space to bury their bodies. What a major brain contradiction?
Bells said:
Why PM, don't you live in the West? Therefore don't you benefit from the oil hungry killers each time you put petrol in your car, catch a cab, etc? Don't you benefit from the notions of freedom and democracy that you are so scathing of? I'd suggest that before you come down so hard on the West, you move out of it. You go on and on about how the West is bad and how they hate muslims, blah blah blah, yet you LIVE in the West. If it's so bad, if you find it so abhorent, why don't you move?

200 years of western colonization of my land WONT go unpunished, time to PAY BACK SWEETIE.
Flores said:
Bells, like many hypocrites, He prefers to live in the west while calling himself a Proud Syrian. I know a lot of people with distant arabic roots who live in the US and are US citizens. Despite the fact that their livelihood depends on the US, they would never admit to be Americans and claim to only have true alliance to some distant country that doesn't acknoledge them, nor would it even produce their death certificate or give them ground space to bury their bodies. What a major brain contradiction?

Like you Flores who is too ashamed to declare her self as an arab of egyptian origin and instead try to imitate the west by dressing like SHARMOTA in bikini so that they might, just might, accept her in their society !!!

You kiss their shoes and wipe their asses just to let you be accepted !! HOW SICK IS THAT ?

tell me now, did your hispanic husband married you for the GREEN CARD or you begged him to marry you for the GREEN CARD ??

Come on, dont be shy.

Proud_Muslim said:
200 years of western colonization of my land WONT go unpunished, time to PAY BACK SWEETIE.
So your manner of payback is to live in the west and whine about it all like an old woman?

Sheesh, get a backbone and do something about the oppression and western colonisation. Join the Palestinians and their rightful fight for their land back. Fight against the oppression of the Syrians against the dreaded West. Do something. Whining and bitching about it all does nothing at all. Write to the UN, amnesty, the red cross, etc (I can give you the email address if you don't have them) against the injustices of the muslim people. Quit whining and carrying on under the excuse that this is your way of payback.

Proud Muslim, Flores has already been accepted into American society and seems to be a civil engineer. You, however, seem to be an angry "muslim" who claims to defend Islam, but is in truth only defending his own prideful arogance.

200 years of western colonization of my land WONT go unpunished, time to PAY BACK SWEETIE.
How many years did the British colonize the Americas?

I don't know what your speaking of concerning colonization. It seems to me that the French protected Syria, which was before part of the Ottoman empire. Later when the Nazi's invaded France, the Nazi puppet state may acted unfavorably to the muslims there.
Having been a cradle of Christianity, with the expansion of Islam in the Middle East in the 7th century, Syria became one of the centres of the new religion. After invasions by the Seljuk Turks and the Crusades, Syria came under Arab control until 1516, when it was conquered by the Ottomans.

Following the breakup of the during World War I, Syria was administered by the French, who had already proclaimed themselves as protector of the country in the 18th century. The country was liberated from the Vichy government, and independence was declared in 1944, although foreign troops remained until 1946.
Proud_Muslim said:
tell me now, did your hispanic husband married you for the GREEN CARD or you begged him to marry you for the GREEN CARD ??

Come on, dont be shy.


Why would I be shy...It's quite a beautifull story:

I was born in the US in 1973, precisely in Michigan Ann Arbor, where my dad was completing his PhD and working for general motors (detriot) as director of their research and development department. That means, I'm American by Birth...The strongest type of citizenship that you can achieve...I can be president if I wished...I can be a council women, you name it, I have a right to it.

As far as meeting my hispanic husband...I was an undergraduate in civil engineering with an emphasis in water resources. He was a graduate research assistant also in the civil program with a concentration on transportation. He was my TA, teaching assistant for the transportation class when I was a senior. He asked me out after the semester was over and I told him that I don't date. He asked why and I explained to him that I'm a muslim. He asked me in regards to how do you date or marry a muslim woman and I told him that my dad is currently teaching in Saudi and he is free to call him and ask his permission. I gave him my dad long distance number and he indeed called. He didn't date me though or even talk to me after talking to my dad. I was kindda crushed, because I liked him. Anyways, I was a busy woman, graduating top of my class, applying for grad schools, the whole nine yards.

I travelled to grad school, which was 5 states over from where I met my husband. I was busy with my research and course work, and all of a sudden, I get a call from him. He told me that he got a job in a city that was two hours away from me by car and we were happy to hear of each other news. he also told me near the end of the conversation to congratulate him, and I sort of became sad, thinking that he got married. He said, I'm a muslim now. I can't describe my happiness, I was in tears. I offered to pick him up from airport and we were married six month later.

To think that little me with Egyptian roots, live in the greatest place on earth...America...being a muslim...uniting Egyptian blood with Native Indian blood...Being respected on all levels and achieving anything I set my mind too...neighboring and loving christians, jewish, muslims, ect....raising two beautifull kids...what a most beautifull Jihad...I never knew that striving could be this sweet. True thanks to Allah for all the blessings that he has bestowed on me.

Now, you tell us how you were inbred with your grade school cousin....It's your turn.
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Beautiful story Flores :D


Flores said:
Now, you tell us how you were inbred with your grade school cousin....It's your turn.

Oh my, my side hurts from laughing too much... LMAO!!

Sounds that he's more the result of it :p.. And before you start whining again PM... it was a joke.. lol

okinrus said:
Proud Muslim, Flores has already been accepted into American society and seems to be a civil engineer.

I thank you Okinrus, and you are quite correct, although being an American or a member of any other society is quite an easy thing, being accepted into the America society is something that I hold very high and very dear to me, because I worked very hard to earn it and will continue to earn it and keep it.
Bells said:
So your manner of payback is to live in the west and whine about it all like an old woman?
Sheesh, get a backbone and do something about the oppression and western colonisation. Join the Palestinians and their rightful fight for their land back. Fight against the oppression of the Syrians against the dreaded West. Do something. Whining and bitching about it all does nothing at all. Write to the UN, amnesty, the red cross, etc (I can give you the email address if you don't have them) against the injustices of the muslim people. Quit whining and carrying on under the excuse that this is your way of payback.

But I cant do that if I dont live in the west, you see, to make our voice heard, we need Muslims in the west to advance our causes and that is what I am doing right now.
Bells said:
Beautiful story Flores :D

Thank you Bells, I was wondering if PMS would like to hear the story of my hispanic (subhuman) husband, as he puts it..I think his story is an example of what America is all about:

He was born in Elsalvador, to a middle class family. He lived on a dairy farm, his dad was a school principal and his mom was a secreteray. During the Elsalvador civil war, some of his family members were killed and the risk was too great to stay home. His mom enetered the States illigaly in 1974 and left the kids back in Elsalvador and lived with her sister and worked as a house keeper. Later, she took a live in nanny job and the people that she was working for helped her get her green card. She immediately applied for the kids and husband and they came 4 years later. During the 4 years apart, she made 4 illigal trips back and forth to see the kids, taking risks of perhaps getting shot, hiring people to smuggle her, the whole nine yards you see in the horror movies.

When the family came here, she continued to be a house keeper and her husband worked as a construction labor. Five years later, they were granted citizenship. They put both kids through college and graduate college, and the Jihad continues.

PMS, do you think Syria, Pakistan, or any other Islamic country for that matter can offer a couple of salvadorian catholic refugees life, dignities, and opportunity like evil America did? Notice how evil America never bothered the poor souls with question in regards to religious affiliation, never imposed on them an Islamic/christian dress code, never imposed on them political affiliation, ect...They were accepted with no questions asked.
okinrus said:
Proud Muslim, Flores has already been accepted into American society and seems to be a civil engineer. You, however, seem to be an angry "muslim" who claims to defend Islam, but is in truth only defending his own prideful arogance.

That is NOT true, she is NOT accepted, she is behaving like you in order to be accepted and that is why this street-educated wensh try to dress like you and behave like you to be accepted.

I know Many Muslim AMERICAN-Born women of her age, but they dont go very low in order to be accepted ( they dont dress in bikinis because it is against the teachings of Islam ) they do dress the Hijab and they are GREAT Muslims, they dont rant and shout like RAPED MONKIES as flores does every time someone pisses her off..

You see, this woman (flores ) have a serious ego problem, she want to be like you but she cant be exactly like you because she is still ARAB and to some degree ( semi-muslim ) since she does not know A B C about Islam.

She wants to belong to your culture and she is doing everything possible to affirm that even if this belonging on the expense of his religion and her principles.

I don't know what your speaking of concerning colonization. It seems to me that the French protected Syria, which was before part of the Ottoman empire. Later when the Nazi's invaded France, the Nazi puppet state may acted unfavorably to the muslims there.

Protected Syria ? by killing thousands of innocent Syrians ???

Give me a break.
Flores said:
PMS, do you think Syria, Pakistan, or any other Islamic country for that matter can offer a couple of salvadorian catholic refugees life, dignities, and opportunity like evil America did? Notice how evil America never bothered the poor souls with question in regards to religious affiliation, never imposed on them an Islamic/christian dress code, never imposed on them political affiliation, ect...They were accepted with no questions asked.

Very good question, May I asked you to read little bit about the CHRISTIAN ARMENIAN REFUGEES who we sheltered and protected and now they are FLOURISHING christian minority in Syria !!!

You see, you are suffering from the same AMERICAN syndrome, SHEER IGNORANCE and DUMB GENERALIZATION.