Islam - Terrorism, Inc.

Originally posted by odin
I think this answers the question!

An Islamic militant group that has slaughtered thousands of Christians in Indonesia continues to operate despite formally announcing it had disbanded.

Laskar Jihad, which wants to make Indonesia an Islamic state, has established at least 12 military training camps with more than 2,000 fighters in the eastern province of Papua, the former Irian Jaya, according to recent reports from human rights groups, the Assist News Service said.


......................And your point is?? ohh ohh u saw "islamic militant" must be scarry? huh.:D :D So, so far how many times you have been attacked by muslims in london? ........ please share with us, that how they scare you and tried to kill you and other christian fellows of yours in england and what else do they do ?

Thank you.

Blackstoned, looks like u are losing the argument here.......... so you agree with rest of marlx's post..........aren't you little stuck with so much for mr. internet scholar.
And your point is?? ohh ohh u saw "islamic militant" must be scarry? huh. So, so far how many times you have been attacked by muslims in london?
You keep saying this,why should I be scared they are a minority over here?
How many times must I say that I am not a christian before you accept it?
The article is about islamic people trying to build up there power base with the gun.They have to use this method as god/allah is not really on there side its all lies that they do gods work!
what a ridiciouless thread . What u people call terrorists are humans fighting an ARMY , while they have no army of their own .They fight a STATE , while they have not a state of their own .

If u r so stupid to link this to Islam (probably because of Jihad,whitch is more ignorant even) , i would like to make another nice link .

If the Terrorist represents Islam , the Imperialist Colonist represents Christianity , while the Jew represents any political activity that increases his Capital and Power .

If u r so stupid to link this to Islam (probably because of Jihad,whitch is more ignorant even)
Are you sure its us who link it to islam,& not the so called Muslims?
Funny thing is every time I see or hear the word jihad its Muslims saying it.
Odin, how many American troops are Christian?

Would the coincidence of a large number of Christians in, say, the US Armed Services, speak to represent Christianity?

(Strangely, the demographics of our soldiers, including religion, were not as readily available as I had thought they would be. I'll have to dig around and find the numbers.)

In the meantime, what about our born-again Christian president who insists that God is on our side? A president who, in a long American tradition, "hunts down and punishes" his enemies instead of trusting in the wisdom and mercy of his God?

How many non-Christian presidents have we had, anyway? Three?

All Muslims support terrorism in the same way that all Christians support the Iraqi Bush War, and in the same way that all Americans support the Iraqi Bush War. In fact, "all Americans" are more responsible for the Iraqi Bush War than "all Muslims" are for WTC 9/11. After all, our tax dollars pay for this war. I just don't recall seeing proof that 300,000,000 Muslims gave bin Laden thousands of dollars apiece to support the WTC strike and al Qaeda operations.

Tiassa :cool:
Are you sure its us who link it to islam,& not the so called Muslims?
Funny thing is every time I see or hear the word jihad its Muslims saying it.

Funny how ur being an idiot , since im not a muslim .
But u show illogic urself right now , beyond this silly point .

First of all , the tpoic is Islam-Terrorism not muslicms-terrorism
Secondly , if they would indeed to a muslim , as mere characteristic of a person who perform this socalled "terrorism" , why is ANY relevant to him being muslim then ?

Let me put it differently , as an example u might understand the flaw whitch makes this entire discussion irrelevant .
Say , i dont like rich people . Say i dont like the top 10% of rich people . Now i find out , these rich people are all white . So obviously i dont like (these) white people . But is it because they are white , how is their skin-color relevant ?
Same thing if u talk about muslim and "terrorism", instead of islam and terrorism .

Secondly , ur bad understanding of the word terror . I explained this in a thread called , terrorism , whats that ?
U go read it and then come back with your conclusion why terrorism is rather a american-jewish thing than a muslim thing .

All Muslims support terrorism in the same way that all Christians support the Iraqi Bush War, and in the same way that all Americans support the Iraqi Bush War. In fact, "all Americans" are more responsible for the Iraqi Bush War than "all Muslims" are for WTC 9/11

How true , i dont call it terrorism though . If they r terrorists so was Che Guevara . But if u define terrorism in simply imply terror , and u would use the same term for all who r guilty of this , and u would use the term consequently to how much terror there is been applied , then i have nothing to say against it .

But that way America-Israel is terrorist 1000x more than UBL or any other Islamic Resistence movements .

Thats a FACT .