Islam - Terrorism, Inc.

Re: Shia worshippers killed in Pakistan

Originally posted by odin
I think your answer might be here!

A police officer said the unidentified attackers had opened fire at the entrance of the Imam Bargha just as worshippers were arriving for evening prayers.

No group has yet admitted responsibility for the attack.

But violence between opposing militants from the majority Sunni and minority Shia communities has claimed hundred of lives in Pakistan in recent years.

Nothing new here.....its been going on for a very long time. Same thing happens in india but no one fucking care? because muslims were not killing chrisitians there but Hindus are, and there is offcourse nothing wrong with any other culuture or reigion as long as they are not muslim. Correct? lol. Odin you live with more then 1 million muslims, how many time did they try to kill you?? You live in the city where they live every where, how mnay have tried to kill you or ur family?:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Shia worshippers killed in Pakistan

Originally posted by Blackstone

if muslims cant find infidels to fuck around with , they will go fuck around with themselves..

a few months back, a main Judge in Saudi was killed because he was calling for the use of some civilized secular Laws instead of retarded brutal Islamic "sharia" laws...

Again its a very old issue and what does it have to with Islam? they are both muslims anyways........ they didn't recived any holy instructions to kill them, people die and kill and get in conflicts too bad it is bothering you so much that muslims are killing the whole world and every one else is trying to save the fucking :rolleyes:
So, don't wet your pants by getting so excited. Did some one came to you and told u that is why that judge was killed? Just be happy that you are alive so far and non of your fellow muslims came and kill you.......... i think you are from egypt or some where maybe that was some one else but i did notived your refernces regarding knowing arabic and your posts about Qurana nd markx. So, if you weren't athiest u could be Muslim scholar? lol.

Pleae tell me how many countries follow the sharia law? and if they do why do u have a problem with that?

The bible holds no power unless you believe that it does.
If I use my authority you will see how wrong you are...:p

The bible saying it does not make it so.
It is the True Word of God. It is more then enough.

The bible contradics itself, quotes are not to be trusted from the bible.
The Bible only contradicts when you don't understand the basic Law and when you don't care about reading it.

The bible has many interpretations.
Every scripture has many layers, like onions have layers. :p
But that doesn't mean that all interpretations are acceptable. In fact, you must be really carefull if you really want to understand it.

Others do not always read the same things into it as you will.
There are limits for that. As much you know the Bible, as more you can get from it, and better becomes your understanding.
The Bible only contradicts when you don't understand the basic Law and when you don't care about reading it.
Have you even read the thing... or do you just know a few quotes from it... it starts contradicting itself very early in the book.
Every scripture has many layers, like onions have layers.
But that doesn't mean that all interpretations are acceptable. In fact, you must be really carefull if you really want to understand it.
What makes you know which interpretation is the 'true' one.
You have this belief that 'god is love' and you can find stuff that supports this and interpret everything else as being a metaphor. You could just as easily say 'god is death and violence' and find stuff to support your claim and interpret everything else as being metaphor.
Seems like you really enjoy me working. See, just because of you I had to do some home work. Well, anyway I have found an interesting site and it will give you little idea and back ground of Surat at-Tawba. Also, it contains tasfir from couple of different writers. I don't see why would you say that those verses, 28-29 and some verses before it are direct commands to kill and are applicable today. I can believe you if you say that people are using them to justify the wrong doings but I will never believe you that they are for foul purpose. You can make whatever you feel like from ur own understanding or readings but as a new muslim and by coming from chrisitan back ground I strongly believe that no religion teaches hate. It is not the religion's fault, it is "us" humans who believe what ever we desire. Use what ever means we can to justify wrong doings. Islam is more vulnerable because it has always been a strong part of muslim's life. By the way thanks for directing me to different directions, it allowed me to see different point of views and different approaches to this religion. I will be looking forward for more info about Quran and I think you write pretty good english and you can tell me more about Utman and Aysha's Quran that you mentioned while back.

Also, I strongly believe that you might have a different back ground but you are not an atheist.

Here is the link that I mentioned above.
"Be careful how you talk about God with me"

Just like at Eden? Just like with Job?

So what happened to Job had nothing to do with God's will? God not only ducks Satan's point, but then sends Satan out to torment Job and puts limits on what Satan is allowed to do .... And you still think that what happened to Job is outside God's will?

I think I've just discovered part of the problem we're having communicating our points to one another.

Run home--Bo Peep is worried.
What is the smallest verse in the Bible?
I don't actually know. This is trivia from fifteen years ago. It would seem to me that it would most likely be about two words long (e.g. "I Am") or even one ("Now", "A", "I", or otherwise).

However, your preface to that question has me chuckling. Keep up the pixi-stix theology. It's amusing.
What do you mean by that?
Well, as it seems I've gone out of order ... okay, anyway, to the question at hand:

- You noted that God's authority finishes where our free will begins. This is obviously untrue; there is a direct connection in the prophetic books between the choices people make and the state of Israel according to God's will. If it is true, there goes the prophets, there goes the prophecies upon which dog-and-pony show is based.
Pretty straighforward.
You would think so, wouldn't you? Remember that American slaves were kept illiterate by their masters as a compassionate gesture. It was "kind". It was "loving".
No, it is the exact opposite . . . .

. . . . Again, pretty straughforward...
Keep trying to insult my intelligence, Nelson, and you'll only further harm your litany of god/love/god/love.

Are you ignoring prior posts in this topic or are you hoping I won't notice?
God is here. Within me and surrounding me.
Tangential. This is not the kind of thing that compels me to respect your intellectual prowess. Proselytize your hopes if you must, but it has little to do with the issues at hand in this topic.
James 1:2-4
Now ... please. This is no more authoritative in itself than your own declarations save a bunch of old men who decided it belonged in the Bible and another bunch of old men who didn't edit it out during the Protestant Reformation. It's a greeting, a salutation, a blessing from one to another, a word of goodwill and hope. It is a nice message, I admit, but just feel-good fluff.
James 1:13-17
Aside from reminding us of the condition God planned for us, what is the purpose of this? Aside from limiting the scope of God's authority, what does it accomplish?
It seems I'm becoming repetitive...
That wouldn't be problematic if you had a valid point.
Did He boasted? I don't think so.
Well, let's take a look at what the Lord said to Satan: The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."

Well, gee, that was kind of out of left field.
It is very clear that God allowed Satan to tempt Job.
And let's look at that, as well:

- "Have You not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has; he will surely curse You to Your face."

It's a fair accusation. And the Lord backs away from it:

- Then the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him." So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD. "

Now then, how should we look at this?

(A) God did not wish to extend his own hand, so he tells Satan to deal with it.
(B) God, in commissioning Satan, makes Satan "His own hand".

Either way, the Lord wills what happens to Job.
Without God allowing Satan to test Job's faith, Satan would have no power.
Why did God not put forth his own hand?
Again, James 1:2-4 (read above, please. I have posted it too many times...).
Cotton candy. See above.
Please, cite scripture. I don't have a very good memory... It is really hard to remember the whole Old Testament.
Check 1 Samuel 15--when Samuel spares Agag, God is displeased. When Samuel fails to complete a genocide, God is displeased.

God is love?
Still... what about Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Issac, Jacob, Esau, Joseph, Solomon, Moses, David, Elijah, Enoch, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, Samuel and all those who trusted God?
You know, it's curious you mention Samuel.

Furthermore, I'm not sure it matters. God gives Lot a blessing for offering his daughters to an angry, lusting mob?
I have just said how He Loves us so much... why do you keep running away from it...?
You keep asserting it blindly. For every principle I put before you, I get a double-helping of propaganda. You're stating your case, but not doing much to make it.
No, He didn't.God gave them a choice. 50% and 50%.
In the US, there is a law against what is called "entrapment". What that means is that the police have to bust you buying drugs. They cannot just walk up to you on the street and offer you drugs. Why? Because they're trying to create an illegal situation in order to bust people.

Now think about that--God set up a plan by which He could bust them. Did the Serpent have Free Will?

Consider that not all Christians agree with your interpretations, Nelson. Should I just cross them off as false?

Does Satan have free will? How is it that "Satan, through the serpent" came to tempt Eve in the first place? This is by God's will.

Furthermore, if God wanted to give them a fair choice, He should have been honest about the Trees.
God only allows Satan to tempt us so that we can have more.
Thus Satan's authority has God's direct blessing; it is God's will that we should be extraneously tempted.
Without our Love for Him being tested, we would never really Love Him.
That sounds like a jealous housewife.
This is not love. You show Love through your actions.
I might agree with you on that, but are you going to claim that either of us are definitive on that point? I'm not.

I actually have great appreciation for your take on things. It's just that it's insupportable when we get right down to it.
God wanted us to choose to Love Him or not
Obedience stemming from fear of reprisal does not constitute love.
When we chose to believe in Satan's lies, our nature became sinful.
Take it to the wash a couple more times ... what is it, a choice between liars? Satan told the truth, Nelson. Don't you realize that God lied? Have you actually read Genesis?
God gave us clear knowledge NOT TO EAT FROM THE DAMN TREE!!
No, Nelson, God did not give clear knowledge. If God had given "clear knowledge", God would have been honest about the tree. There is a screaming difference between "You shall surely die" and "They have become like us".
We ate from the DAMN TREE from ignorance.
Which plea only helps humanity's argument that the salvation scheme is unjust.
We didn't Trust Him because we didn't Love Him enough to Trust Him.
Was it ignorance or spiteful disobedience? By your prior note, Adam and Eve didn't trust Him because they didn't know how to.
Therefore, it is NOT God's fault that we are sinful, but Satan's fault to have deceived us and our fault to have believed Him instead of believing in God.
Was God unable or unwilling to prevent Satan from tempting Eve? Was God unable or unwilling to endow Eve with qualities of mind sufficient to reject the Serpent, or even the instinct to automatically avoid it?
Yes, He is.
Your lack of sympathy speaks to a disconnection from the rest of the human race--world-flight. Would you let your wife lie to you and then hold your children responsible for the consequences of your actions taken under deliberately poor advice? Would you tolerate that from anybody but the God you've learned to fear?
Excuse me. You read the Bbile and read it carefully. What about the Job discussion earlier? You said that God "evaded Satan's proposal to put out His hand , and ordered Satan to torment Job" and the scripture clearly states that God said: "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him ."
Are you unable or unwilling to read the verse before the one you've cited? Are you unable or unwilling to understand the dynamics of conversation?
You are distorting scripture for the sake of your argument and that is a blasphemy agaisnt the Word of God.
Not the first time I've been accused of that. However, your denial of the power of God is its own problem.
You can be sure I cannot be very happy with that. I'm not mad at you, but really... be very careful with how you talk about God with me... and don't even think of changing and playing with the scriptures.
I could, of course, take your route and ignore them.
We have a choice to receive the persecution or not. Without persecution, trials and temptations we wouldn't grow up spiritually as fast as without them.
So if I pay, say, Cris to walk up behind you and smack you with a claw hammer while you're not looking, you have chosen to receive that injury?
Please , read James 1.
I don't understand why you rely on a salutation from a letter to speak for you. Enlighten me.
Proverbs 21:31
1 Corinthians 15:57
So, in other words, God is unwilling to conquer Satan.
Are you kidding you want me to say it again...?
No, and no. It's just that you seem to be having trouble with the concept.
Nothing bad comes from Him.

James 1:17
That James thing is wearing pretty thin.
Read Hebrews 11......
Hebrews 11 is a great summary of the faith according to myth. Understand--an evangelist is an evangelist is an evangelist. An evangelist offers an interpretation of faith. This, I admit, is a better interpretation than one which leads to bloodshed, but bloodshed is a rich and vital portion of the history of Christian faith.
He is probably not a Christian at all...
We can agree on that. But it doesn't change the fact that he operated in the name of Christ. It does not change the fact that he can most likely justify himself according to Scripture. Just as you have pulled your favorite verses to browbeat me with, so could he.
Matthew 24:11
Let he who is without sin not buy a glass house.
There is too much hatred there. It is pretty hard to believe they have such scripture such as "love one another".
CNN ... Koran ... CNN ... Koran?
We are under New Testament covenant, so I focus on the New Testament.
That's well and fine for you, but not all Christians see it that way. Otherwise the Protestant Bible wouldn't have books lopped out of the Old Testament.

You can't just stand there with your hands over your ears yelling, "God is love! God is love!" Even such a simple statement has a diverse range of meanings. I know it's easier if we just take all those people who see it different from you and cross them off the list as false or misguided. It is unwise to be so presumptuous.

Two pieces of advice:

(1) Stop being so presumptuous in your assessments of your theology; God knows oozing confidence like that because God invented oozing confidence like that.
(2) Stop relying so heavily on James 1. A salutation is hardly the most authoratative assertion you could raise from the Bible.

Tiassa :cool:

and there is offcourse nothing wrong with any other culuture or reigion as long as they are not muslim. Correct? lol.
No thats not correct! I don't care if they are muslim,or any other rubbish religion,as long as they keep it to themselves,but of course they won't as they are trying to build up a power base!

Odin you live with more then 1 million muslims, how many time did they try to kill you?? You live in the city where they live every where, how mnay have tried to kill you or ur family?
None!but there power base is very small at the moment.
By the way you say you live in Pakistan,what do you think about all of the killings of christians there?I am not a christian by the way.

PS If you reach enlightenment like Blackstone
Has you will understand about the power-base bit!
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Have you even read the thing... or do you just know a few quotes from it... it starts contradicting itself very early in the book.
I haven't read the whole Bible, but I've almost read already the whole New Testament. No contradictions, when I link different parts of the Bible.

What makes you know which interpretation is the 'true' one.
Very simple... it doesn't contradict with others.... which brings us back to the first quote. ;)

You have this belief that 'god is love' and you can find stuff that supports this and interpret everything else as being a metaphor. You could just as easily say 'god is death and violence' and find stuff to support your claim and interpret everything else as being metaphor.

John 13:35
"35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Can that be a metaphor? The only thing that really doesn't contradict in the Bible is Love.
Can that be a metaphor? The only thing that really doesn't contradict in the Bible is Love.
Except when god is war, violence, death, and destruction. I'll start a new thread so that we don't take this any further off topic.
Since you insist that Quran has no timely signifiance, I like to start from the back ground of this chapter, then I like to know what do you say.

Read the following link carefully and see the historical background of that sura or any other.

I hope the above helps you understand some basics.

Originally posted by Blackstone
1- where is the specefied time period or certain situation ??

2- The post-Muhammadi Islamic State (khilafas, specially on Umar's time) Where obeying this verse when they went on invading (infecting) and fighting the near christian states like Syria and Egypt for the purpose of spreading the islamic Rule, and that was not in Muhammad's time, How does this apply with what you claim of a specefic time period?

3- This verse includes an eternal law that should be applied in all times , the Jizya tribute, So accordingly, This verse Covers All the times.

ibn al jawzi's Tafseer:
1- a command to fight the people of the book because thier believe is not correct..

2- and because they do not apply what islamic sharia applies..

3- where is the specefied time period here, Markx??

4- Read my no.2 and 3 comments on the previous Quote.

Again, Read the link above please.

BTW, Since you like Suyuti , Try to search the internet for a true translation of His famous Book (Ulum Al Quran) , it tells You alot about Quranic Studies, The different versions of Quran etc...

Did I say I like Suyuti? Please show me where did I say that. I just serached for the link and gave it to you.

I dont make "my own" understanding here, I think I always try to support my conversations with you with backups/proofs from islamic sources , no?

yes you do. But repressent your point and your own understandings. Mostly they are your own interpretations, just like when Ahmed Deddat try to Interpretate Bible or Biblical sources. Christians don't believe him or would they?

Not Islam..Islam Is established on the Hate of Infidels by itself...

Should i give you Some examples? if you want let me know...

Sure that is what you think. More then happy to see "your" examples.

I guess thats the main problem of islam , that it interfers with people's personal life and freedom, its the only fucking religion that States Laws (Sharia) and order its islamic government To Apply it on people weather they like it or not...

I don't know much about this sharia law, since more then seventy five percent of the muslim world doesn't follow it. I will check this issue as well.

you mentioned Before that you Dont believe in Hadith...

I said I am not a big fan of them. Doesn't mean I don't believe all them at all. However there is a huge problem with books of hadith, since any one can write anything and in different parts of the world. So, I would believe what is not contradictory to Qruan or if it is not in the quran then use your common sense and logic and see what are the affects and how authenticated it is, via corss references. You again assume that I don't believe in all the hadiths.

can I ask you a question?

Do you pray (Salat) ?

Do you Fast?

Do you plan To perform Hajj ?

Do you know who is muhammad? Do you know who were his father and mother

I am sure you no more need answers for above questions.

Since you Deny hadiths,

You again assume. Please try to read my posts carefully before jumping to the conclusions.

So tell me if you reject all the hadiths as fairytales what is the religion that you practice? You might as well stop praying your Salat or stop fasting because the details of these rituals are not given in the Quran ......

Ahh.. *sigh* Didn't I tell you not to assume?

well I hope this will get You started To Read and Study this religion from different prespective, both pro and Anti islsmic ones with an open mind....

Yes indeed. I have been reading all along. I just enjoy your extreme point of views. Like, black or white and only good or evil.

I'll try ,Sure...just Give me a few Days untill I translate Some Info for you then send it on a pm....

thank you

well ...whatever, believe in what you want...But i would like to How did you get this impression....

I have my reasons.
so who wins, the one who makes the other one admit he was wrong? is it that important _who_ was right? why not come to an objective conclusion instead, ignoring all insults?

So what happened to Job had nothing to do with God's will? God not only ducks Satan's point, but then sends Satan out to torment Job and puts limits on what Satan is allowed to do .... And you still think that what happened to Job is outside God's will?
God allows it to happen.

I don't actually know. This is trivia from fifteen years ago. It would seem to me that it would most likely be about two words long (e.g. "I Am") or even one ("Now", "A", "I", or otherwise).
Not exactly...

- You noted that God's authority finishes where our free will begins. This is obviously untrue; there is a direct connection in the prophetic books between the choices people make and the state of Israel according to God's will. If it is true, there goes the prophets, there goes the prophecies upon which dog-and-pony show is based.
I don't understand. Yes, they make the choices. But God promise them everything. For example, He promised to deliver people from Egipt and bring them to Canaan. Twelve people were sent to see the promised land. Two of them said that they could take it, as God promised. The other ten said that they couldn't cause people there were too strong. God got unpleased with their lack of faith. Their lack of faith finished by making them die in the wilderness. The people that believed, arrived in Canaan. So God promises things, but if you don't have faith, you won't get them by your own choice.

You would think so, wouldn't you? Remember that American slaves were kept illiterate by their masters as a compassionate gesture. It was "kind". It was "loving".
What that has to do with "pretty striaghforward"...?

Are you ignoring prior posts in this topic or are you hoping I won't notice?
Aparently it is you that is ignoring my posts...

Tangential. This is not the kind of thing that compels me to respect your intellectual prowess. Proselytize your hopes if you must, but it has little to do with the issues at hand in this topic.
Well... it actually has everything to do with this...

Now ... please. This is no more authoritative in itself than your own declarations save a bunch of old men who decided it belonged in the Bible and another bunch of old men who didn't edit it out during the Protestant Reformation. It's a greeting, a salutation, a blessing from one to another, a word of goodwill and hope. It is a nice message, I admit, but just feel-good fluff.
Then don't bother discussing the Bible! You show a scripture that YOU say it says something bad about God. I CLEARLY show that you are wrong. Then, you say that YOUR scripture is right and MY scripture is wrong. Really... do you want a real discussion or you just want to be "right" in the situation?:bugeye:

Aside from reminding us of the condition God planned for us, what is the purpose of this? Aside from limiting the scope of God's authority, what does it accomplish?
That nothing that is bad comes from God. Pretty simple.

That wouldn't be problematic if you had a valid point.
The problem is not with my point, but it is you that don't want to accept to be wrong.

Well, gee, that was kind of out of left field.
I don't know what you mean by that. And... no. He didn't boast.

It's a fair accusation. And the Lord backs away from it:
Accusation? God blessed Job! Job followed the Law! He sowed what he reaped!!! He sowed good things, so he reaped good things!

(A) God did not wish to extend his own hand, so he tells Satan to deal with it.
No. God simply let Satan test Job's faith and Love for God.

(B) God, in commissioning Satan, makes Satan "His own hand".
I don't think so. God idn't ask Satan to do it, He allowed him to do it.

Why did God not put forth his own hand?
Because it is against God's nature to do something that is bad. God only gives life, he never brings death.

Check 1 Samuel 15--when Samuel spares Agag, God is displeased. When Samuel fails to complete a genocide, God is displeased.
I've posted that somewhere... if you look at the original words in Hebrew, you will get a different view of the situation.

Now think about that--God set up a plan by which He could bust them. Did the Serpent have Free Will?
Yes, it did.

Consider that not all Christians agree with your interpretations, Nelson. Should I just cross them off as false?
As if yours were true...

Does Satan have free will? How is it that "Satan, through the serpent" came to tempt Eve in the first place? This is by God's will.
Yes, He does, not it is not God's will.

Furthermore, if God wanted to give them a fair choice, He should have been honest about the Trees.
He WAS honest about the trees!!

Thus Satan's authority has God's direct blessing; it is God's will that we should be extraneously tempted.
No. Satan has no authority. It is US that gives him authority by our own choice.

That sounds like a jealous housewife.
Sorry, but that sounds like an ignorant statement. Have you ever had any discussion with someone that you love? If both of you really love each other, you will forgive each other and never do that again. The same here.

I actually have great appreciation for your take on things. It's just that it's insupportable when we get right down to it.
How unsupportable?

Obedience stemming from fear of reprisal does not constitute love.
It has nothing to do with that. God's Love basically says that if you Love someone, you will want the best for that person, even if it is not the best for you. For example:

John 15:13
"13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. "

It also says that you show Love in your actions...

John 21:15-16
"15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"
"Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."
16 Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?"
He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."

We don't follow the Law because we need to, we follow the Law because we Love God.

Take it to the wash a couple more times ... what is it, a choice between liars? Satan told the truth, Nelson. Don't you realize that God lied? Have you actually read Genesis?
WHAT!?!? Hello-o...! God told the Truth! Satan lied! Wake up!

No, Nelson, God did not give clear knowledge. If God had given "clear knowledge", God would have been honest about the tree. There is a screaming difference between "You shall surely die" and "They have become like us".
They died! Helloooo!!!

So, in other words, God is unwilling to conquer Satan.
He already won!!

Oh my... I cannot keep up... really...
It's not about keeping up ....

God allows it to happen.

God, as Supreme Arbiter of the Universe, allows it to happen. Just as Doctors perform abortions, the law in the US allows it; so does Satan tempt, and, by the paradigm, God allows it.

Let's put this into a more immediate context: Imagine that I have foreknowledge of a coming terrorist event. It will kill thousands. I, as a citizen, choose to not report what I know. Come Monday morning, Chicago is aflame and the death toll is climbing to staggering proportions.

But I'll sleep easy; it's not my fault. I didn't do it.

Now, let's take it a step further. Let's say that I'm a politician, oh, say, a Governor of a state. And one day my office receives a letter. This letter contains a confession to a murder. But I am not the DA, so I just pass it over and do nothing, despite the fact that I, as Governor, am currently holding another individual on Death Row for the crime and will warrant his execution.

I'll sleep easy. It's not my fault.

What if I knew that my best friend, who was about to take your sister out on a date, had obtained a quantity of "rape drugs" that he intended to employ? Come tomorrow morning, I'm fine with it. It's not like I actually did anything to her, right?

God, having responsibility over the methods and devices of the Universe, is also responsible for their outcome.

Sure, you were just digging a fencepost hole. It doesn't change the fact that you ruptured the gas line.

I'm not sure what else to say to make it clear to you.
I don't understand.
Between threats, bribes, and hits, God's authority extends well into humanity's alleged free will.

And the problem with that is that as the prophets collapse under the weight of your assertion that God's authority finishes where human free will begins, so collapses part of Christ's claim to legitimacy, the fulfillment of prophecy.

Talk about the baby and the bathwater ....
What that has to do with "pretty striaghforward"...?
You fail to realize that what you think of as pretty straightforward is highly subjective. It's one of the problems I've observed and experienced running on faith; perspective tends to narrow until you expect people to all think and feel and perceive alike.

Love didn't fail the slaves, either.
Aparently it is you that is ignoring my posts...
You know ... coming from you, that's almost offensive.

In the meantime, just because you say, "No, it is the exact opposite," does not change the contents of the Bible. And when you think it's "pretty straightforward", it does make me wonder why someone who writes about the Bible so much hasn't taken the time to get to know it.
Well... it actually has everything to do with this...
You know what's real helpful about these silly answers of yours? Guessing what the hell you mean. :rolleyes:

Your assertion that "God is here, within (you) and surrounding (you)" is tangential. It has nothing to do with the topic.

Here ... let's take a look at this particular vein of the discussion:
- If the Lord is the ultimate arbiter, He cannot escape responsibility for the outcome of his workings.

God gives only life. Death never comes from Him. James 1:17

- Hello? Hello? You're fading out, Nelson.

God is here. Within me and surrounding me. Luke 17.21

- Tangential. This is not the kind of thing that compels me to respect your intellectual prowess. Proselytize your hopes if you must, but it has little to do with the issues at hand in this topic.

Well... it actually has everything to do with this...
When faced with a logical consideration, you have retreated into tangential faith assertions. Very well then: How does it have everything to do with anything?
Then don't bother discussing the Bible! You show a scripture that YOU say it says something bad about God. I CLEARLY show that you are wrong. Then, you say that YOUR scripture is right and MY scripture is wrong. Really... do you want a real discussion or you just want to be "right" in the situation
Nelson, I'm wondering what the difficulty is? Take, for instance, one of those red-letter Bibles. Now, let's just think about what Jesus says and what his followers say. For instance, when I hound Christians about their consistent disregard of Matthew 25 and Matthew 5, it's because no amount of rhetoric can change the fact that they're trying to find a way around what Jesus said.

In the present case, with your addiction to the opening passages of James, what you fail to realize is that you're trying to make a "gospel truth" out of something that an imperfect human chose to believe and express. If the passage had come from somewhere other than the sunshiney salutation of a bloody letter, you know, from, like, the substantial body of the letter ... well, that would even be a step better.

But your inability to consider the context of what is written is frustrating; for as much as you talk about the Bible, I really do wonder why you don't seem to know what you're talking about.

I have few objections to an "all-is-love" mission, and none so vital as to necessitate protest. But it ain't Christianity except that you would insist.
That nothing that is bad comes from God. Pretty simple.
And it's nice to believe it, isn't it?

See, that's exactly the point of limiting God. If God is truly as powerful as people like to assert and pretend to believe, they can't make heads or tails enough of it to feel secure in their faith; it makes faith too difficult for most. So they like to cram their ideas of God into a shoebox or a tuna can and pretend that what they acknowledge is all there is to it.

And so they excuse God from evil in order to make it easier on what's left of their brains.

But you seem to hold Catholics in derision, for instance.

Now, I'm going to ask you to read a couple of quotes written by Catholics. Please do your best, as I know how much it disturbs you to do so. (I hope you don't recite the Nicene or Apostolic Creeds.)

From the Catholic Encyclopedia - omnipotence:
Omnipotence is the power of God to effect whatever is not intrinsically impossible. These last words of the definition do not imply any imperfection, since a power that extends to every possibility must be perfect. The universality of the object of the Divine power is not merely relative but absolute, so that the true nature of omnipotence is not clearly expressed by saying that God can do all things that are possible to Him; it requires the further statement that all things are possible to God . The intrinsically impossible is the self-contradictory, and its mutually exclusive elements could result only in nothingness ....

....As intrinsically impossible must be classed:

1. Any action on the part of God which would be out of harmony with His nature and attributes; ....
(a) It is impossible for God to sin

Man's power of preferring evil to good is a sign not of strength, but of infirmity, since it involves the liability to be overcome by unworthy motives; not the exercise but the restraint of that power adds to the freedom and vigour of the will. "To sin," says St. Thomas, "is to be capable of failure in one's actions, which is incompatible with omnipotence" (Summa, I, Q, xxv, a. 3).

(b) The decrees of God cannot be reversed

From eternity the production of creatures, their successive changes, and the manner in which these would occur were determined by God's free will. If these decrees were not irrevocable, it would follow either that God's wisdom was variable or that His decisions sprang from caprice. Hence theologians distinguish between the absolute and the ordinary , or regulated , power of God (potentia absoluta; potentia ordinaria ). The absolute power of God extends to all that is not intrinsically impossible, while the ordinary power is regulated by the Divine decrees. Thus by His absolute power God could preserve man from death; but in the present order this is impossible, since He has decreed otherwise ....
Now, take a look at that jumble. Is lying a sin if it contributes to the harm of others?

More importantly, it is an effort to separate God from evil. At least you agree with the Catholics on that point, but one of the reasons Catholicism seems so convoluted is that they really have, over the ages, tried their best to resolve all these little crises of faith. What people criticize Catholicism for is usually idolatry or humanity, but where people criticize Catholic doctrine is where Catholics attempt to understand their faith.

However, because of the nature of the Bible and because of human nature, this generally results in a massive number of contradictory assertions, wasted pages, and, at worst, lethal persecutions.

The point being, Nelson, that the Catholics suddenly find themselves buried amid all manner of rhetorical slop merely because they want to worship a God they like, not the God they pledge themselves to. But it's not just the Catholics; it's pretty much all of Christianity. I still have hope for the Society of Friends, but given my habit of overestimating the nobility of people ... I guess I need to be prepared to someday be disappointed by Quakers. :bugeye:

But I can't believe it's so important to people to believe that nothing bad comes from God. What, does it somehow hurt you to realize that the God you worship is capable of being a prig?
The problem is not with my point, but it is you that don't want to accept to be wrong.
Why don't we revisit that point, since you're reduced to one-liners?
- Even accounting for free will, it could be that, like Job, the temptation is of God's direct will.

No. The temptation is not from God, it is from Satan. God allowed Satan to tempt Job for a very good reason: (2 citations from James)

- Just like Eden. God was not strong enough to prevent temptation, or else willed that the temptation should occur. Life is difficult enough without God throwing satans about. Not all of us are as blessed as Balaam.

(James 1) It seems I'm becoming repetitive...

- That wouldn't be problematic if you had a valid point.

The problem is not with my point, but it is you that don't want to accept to be wrong.
You keep making faith statements based on various snippets of the Bible which contradict the nature and character of God expressed elsewhere. Again, when reading the Bible, you must learn to read in context. "The Bible says God ...," or, "The Bible says that James believes ..."? While God is clearly, in James belief, something sunshine and roses, the Bible is pretty clear that God has a thorny side.
I don't know what you mean by that. And... no. He didn't boast.
So ... God called Satan before him just to point out how faithful Job was for the hell of it?
Accusation? God blessed Job! Job followed the Law! He sowed what he reaped!!! He sowed good things, so he reaped good things!
And Satan accused God of fostering Job's faith with good fortune--essential bribery. And Satan pointed out that if God extended his hand and took it all away, Job would curse him. God did not have the cajones to extend his own hand unless we are prepared to acknowledge that Satan serves as a metaphorical hand of God. And, in the end, Job did curse God, and God threw a fit, and Job repented after the menacing tantrum But your inability to represent the Bible honestly ... well, I guess that's why it's a good thing that, like the bumper sticker says, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven."

Nelson, by your own disqualifications of people from Christianity, I am left to doubt your Christian faith.
No. God simply let Satan test Job's faith and Love for God.
So, if Satan hadn't said anything about it anyway, God would still have had him shake down Job?
I don't think so. God idn't ask Satan to do it, He allowed him to do it.
Which translation of the Bible would you like me to read? Which paraphrase would you like me to read? And why do you rewrite the circumstances? "God didn't ask Satan to do it" ...? No, God ordered Satan to do it.

In every English-language translation of the Bible I can find, in Job 1.9-11, Satan proposes that if God extended his own hand and took away Job's favor and fortune, Job would curse him. God then commissions Satan to perform the task. There is no asking, letting, or allowing about it. At no point does Satan ask to be allowed to tempt Job. You cannot corroborate your assertion; the situation you describe does not exist in the Bible.
Because it is against God's nature to do something that is bad. God only gives life, he never brings death.
Hubris, then. And, of course, back to square zero .... :rolleyes:
I've posted that somewhere... if you look at the original words in Hebrew, you will get a different view of the situation.
Well, that just invites a whole new set of f--king problems, doesn't it?

That nobody who reads the Bible in the English language is reading a proper Bible is not the fault of Satan, is not the fault of atheists, is not the fault of anyone but the Christians themselves. Looks like the Jews really are God's favorites ....
Yes, it did.
That really hurts your standing, Nelson. Because the Serpent, by an act of free will, independent of God, told Eve the truth, whereas God had lied to his creations.
As if yours were true...
Allow me to restate the point; I must admit you picked the one response that could possibly point out the vagaries of my words.

- Consider that not all Christians agree with your interpretations, Nelson. Should I, then, honor your policy and simply declare those people false Christians?
Yes, He does, not it is not God's will.
I think I'm looking at an affrimative response.

Could Satan have told God to stuff it in Job 1? What would God have done, do you think?
He WAS honest about the trees!!
Really? Shall we look at the Book of Genesis?
The LORD God gave man this order: "You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and bad. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat from it you are surely doomed to die." (Genesis 2.16-17, NAB)

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." (Genesis 2.16-17, RSV)

And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (Genesis 2.16-17, Douay--Rheims)

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2.16-17, KJV)
Also: Genesis 2.17 translated from Hebrew. Go ahead; I'm inviting you to remind us once again that the Jews are the Chosen ones. Here's the Hebrew, have at it.

Because Adam lives a very long time. Now, I have heard many wonderful theories about this, including the "thousand year day" and so forth by which God delivers on his sentence.

But, of course, when we stop to consider Genesis 3, we wonder where the dying comes in:
Then the LORD God said: "See! The man has become like one of us, knowing what is good and what is bad! Therefore, he must not be allowed to put out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life also, and thus eat of it and live forever." (Genesis 3.22, NAB)
Now, I've found that this is a sticky issue with the faithful. I often ask who God was talking to in that passage, and I've heard everything from Angels to Jesus to Sophia, &c.

However, a non-Catholic (I know how important that is to you) professor writes in his Bible paraphrase:
But God didn't carry out their sentence that day. He told them He had a plan to save them. Adam must sacrifice a lamb as a symbol of their Savioor who would come and die in their place. God then took the lamb's skin to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness. God said to His Son, "Man was like us but he has changed. He now knows good and evil, so he's infected with sin. If we leave him in the garden and he continues to eat from the Tree of Life, he will never die, and he and his descendants will live in sin forever. We can't let this happen." (Genesis 3.21-23)
Regardless, I don't see Genesis 2.16-17 coming to fruition, if you'll pardon a sleight of pun. Show me God's honesty about the trees, please.
No. Satan has no authority. It is US that gives him authority by our own choice
That was almost unexpected. But I've been through this discussion too many times to not see it coming.

It seems that God gave Satan authority to tempt Job.

And it's at points like this that Christian faith gets sticky, for the Bible paraphrase I currently pick on is written by an SDA professor and pastor, Jack Blanco. I have, for the record, found an odd review of the book that includes language calling it sacrilegious.

But it serves my point in two ways:

(1) It further establishes the idea that God willed man to a state of sin; the Son is present at creation, and God reveals that He has a Plan in Genesis 3.
(2) It further establishes an important aspect of diversity that you seem to be overlooking. Regardless of how you feel about this or that Christian, you cannot avoid the fact that these philosophies you decry often have strong representative voice among what is called Christianity.

And as relates that second point to the topic, part of the essential comparison which you are inherently, though perhaps not intentionally arguing against, is the idea of Islam as Terroism, Inc. The history of those who identify themselves as Christians is a harrowing tale. In terms of this topic, the poor and violent representation of Christianity I offered serves as a reminder that any religion can breed violence among its ranks. And remembering this is important right now as the world approaches a possible cultural showdown. Ideas like "Terrorism, Inc" in this topic are part of what complicates the situation; such simplistic thinking can make a difficult situation bad, and a bad situation worse.
Sorry, but that sounds like an ignorant statement. Have you ever had any discussion with someone that you love? If both of you really love each other, you will forgive each other and never do that again. The same here.
That part about never doing it again is always the hitch. It's one of the reasons why I assert that there is nothing to forgive.

However, shall we undertake another review?
- For instance, I recognize the possibility that Christ's compassion is derivative of God's learning something about human nature after the fact of Creation. God knows very well that He is responsible for the whole sorry lot. The condition of humanity is God's Will.

We made the wrong choices. It is our fault, not His.

- God knew that Adam and Eve would choose wrong. It was part of the plan. Now, I'll even take a moment to be specific here: Redemption reads like a racket to me: an all-seeing, all-powerful God creates a circumstance which requires redemption of humanity, yet it is somehow out of his power to do it otherwise ....

Satan made it, not God. God only allows Satan to tempt us so that we can have more. Without our Love for Him being tested, we would never really Love Him.

- That sounds like a jealous housewife.

Sorry, but that sounds like an ignorant statement. Have you ever had any discussion with someone that you love? If both of you really love each other, you will forgive each other and never do that again. The same here.
Not only is God not the Supreme Arbiter of the Universe by your reasoning, it doesn't change the fact that yes, it did sound like a jealous housewife. Crap, I've had girlfriends before that used to put me through that, "I just need to know that you really love me," crap before.

Do you have siblings? Did you ever fight with them? Did you ever get bloody with each other to make sure you loved each other? Does love really require testing? I mean, if all is love, what is love without trust?

The only reason God does not trust humanity is because God willed humanity to be untrustworthy.
How unsupportable?
When you say God is something, what becomes of those things it is not?

Job 41, prophetic books ... there's some bad stuff coming from God. We are merely supposed to trust that it is good. This is why Christians sometimes comfort each other by responding that a tragedy is God's will. Of course, now that you've shown me the light ( :bugeye: ) I can see how pathetically wrong and false those people are.

Frankly I think it's a great philosophy, all-is-love. But it is not fully reflected in Christianity.

Hmph ... I need to check some other translations. Reading Job 41.25 (NAB), one might wonder who or what made God. But that's for another day.

Your position is insupportable in the simple fact that while you can cite some Biblical verses to support your position, you cannot cite the whole of the Bible. Bad stuff does come from God, and while "Love one another" is part of what Jesus taught, it is not the entire reality of God. Limiting God in this sense is fine, but it ain't Christianity.

Heck, my all-is-love phase developed out of Witchcraft.
It has nothing to do with that. God's Love basically says that if you Love someone, you will want the best for that person, even if it is not the best for you.
It has everything to do with fear of reprisal:
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.' Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?' He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." (Matthew, 25.41-ff)
I might also refer you to the above passage in light of this point:
We don't follow the Law because we need to, we follow the Law because we Love God.
In the ideal, yes, I can understand that. But life just ain't so.
WHAT!?!? Hello-o...! God told the Truth! Satan lied! Wake up!
Seriously, Nelson ... have you read the Bible before? Look above. I touch on that part earlier in this post.
They died! Helloooo!!!
See above considerations regarding that. I've also discussed this part earlier in this post.

However, they were going to die, anyway, regardless. Read Genesis 3.23 again: Then the LORD God said: "See! The man has become like one of us, knowing what is good and what is bad! Therefore, he must not be allowed to put out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life also, and thus eat of it and live forever."
He already won!!
You know, politicians occasionally tell me that they're winning the war on drugs.

In other words, it's probably nice to believe that, Nelson.

Please realize, where we're going is probably a better tack than the topic itself, but is it really that important to you to whitewash the human manifestation of the Christian spirit on Earth?

Do you realize that the occasion of your propaganda serves those who would posture the world for warfare? And all because it bugs you that people represent Christianity really poorly and you would like to snip them out of consideration?

Isn't that a little greedy? Isn't that a little dishonest? How loving is that, Nelson?

And believe me, it's not about keeping up. Writing words is one of the things that, as Christians would have it, "God put me on this Earth to do."

More than keeping up, sincerity would be helpful. You're right, you can't keep up; these short retorts really don't do much more than state your case in somewhat petulant tones.

So I would urge you to consider or, should it come to that, to pray about the idea of what is more important: Coming to God with an honest understanding of His will and way, or imagining God as you would like Him to be?

If I say I have yet to meet a true and real Christian, Nelson, please don't take that as a slam against your faith as much as you do an acknowledgment of the task. I much prefer your brand of all-is-love Christianity, but it's not really anything more than an interpretive affinity. Build it, make it a coherent and undeniable argument. Don't just put a quote and a quick retort out there and expect your point to be made.

If you love God, try honestly to slay God. And when you're done, one of two results will greet your honest efforts: you will either have slain God, or else hacked away a considerable portion of the stumbling blocks that stand between you and Him.

I'm always happy to acknowledge theoretic cores of Christianity, but I'm not about to elevate any one of them to represent the real condition.

Tiassa :cool:

If I say I have yet to meet a true and real Christian, Nelson, please don't take that as a slam against your faith as much as you do an acknowledgment of the task. I much prefer your brand of all-is-love Christianity, but it's not really anything more than an interpretive affinity. Build it, make it a coherent and undeniable argument. Don't just put a quote and a quick retort out there and expect your point to be made.
True Christianity IS all-is-love. In fact, all relies on the interpretation. People prefer to interpret it as an evil thing. People make God look evil, but it is just their expression. We are all sinful, and really... can we really talk about God, being sinful? We can easily distort it and make it in the shape we want. That's pretty much what happened with Catholiscism.

Still, the interpretations are very important. Take for example the Heaven-hell question. The Bible says that those that believe in God have "eternal life" and go to "Heaven", while those who don't believe in Him have a "second death" and go to "hell". Now, if you look carefully to the expressions "eternal life" and "second death" you will see that they are related. To really know what each one means, you need to know what the words means. For example, "life" means consciousness and "eternal" means forever. Be conscious forever is the meaning for "eternal life". For "second" we know that there is a "first" first, and "death" means to lose consciousness. Therefore, "second death" means to lose consciousness, don't exist anymore. In this sense, Heaven is a place where people live forever, and hell doesn't even exist, since there is no life there, no consciousness. Also, people in "hell" wouldn't suffer forever since they don't exist at all! In this sense, the conditioning after death is determined by the belief of a person before his/her death. Totally different then what most Christians think.

Now... I really don't have enough time to answer all your post, and this is also off-topic, so I stop this discussion right here.

See ya... :)
Just when you thought I am not going to come back!!! :)

By the way it may get confusing since I didn't reply right away and you may forget about it.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Blackstone
where did i say that all Quran has no timely signifiance?
please dont put words i didnt say in my mouth...

Oh yes Dear! you did say that. *sigh* and if you didn't then you admits that Quran does have timely significance?

No, you answer the Questions that i gave you please..I dont care about what
your Guy have To Claim to justify It and contradicts with the other approved
Tafseers like Tabari, Qurtubi and Ibn katheer...answer the Questions that i gave
you, your link doesnt have an answer:

So, you didn't like my tafseer since it doesn't fit in your criteria of
Terrorist Islam?. :)

Is it now, "Your guy Vs My guy" ? I told you straight forward, that I don't believe in all the hadith books, you should use your common sense if something you have doubt about. Paryers, hajj, fasting all came from hadiths and their "How to" functionality. They all are mentioned in Quran at one point or another. It
is not that hard to relate to hadith and Quran. If you use your common sense and not youre hatred and prejeduice.

My link does have answers for you.

1- where is the specefied time period or certain situation ??

It is related sir. I can't believe that after reading the whole back ground of that chapter you are still asking this. Why is it important for me or other muslims to believe in what you believe or perhaps that is how you understand islam. May be that is what they teach you in your country?

2- The post-Muhammadi Islamic State (khilafas, specially on Umar's time)
Where obeying this verse when they went on invading (infecting) and fighting the
near christian states like Syria and Egypt for the purpose of spreading the
islamic Rule, and that was not in Muhammad's time, How does this apply with what
you claim of a specefic time period?

Sorry, I don't know about that. Might check it out, but it is not that important to me, countries do conquer other countries, some for religion some for power. If you are living in Islamic or christian country you better start following their laws, if you like them or not. If you don't want to pay zakaat or other taxes then it is your problem isn't it? That's the law just like any other law of the land.
You can blame all you want on islam it won't change anything, there have always been conflicts between coutnries and religions. On the other hand, When germans took over
half the world no one bad mouthed or bashed christianity, I really don't think any muslims were doing christian bashing because they were all fighting and killing the whole world., mongols and Chengagis did the same and they weren't muslims either. In the current sitution my country is going to take over Iraq and already conquered Afhganistan and probably soon Iran and pakistan as well. Would you call my country a fundamentalist christians country? or a religous war? or would you look away since there are no muslims Involved it can't be terrorism or extremism.

3- This verse includes an eternal law that should be applied in all times , the
Jizya tribute, So accordingly, This verse Covers All the times.
bn al jawzi's Tafseer:
1- a command to fight the people of the book because thier believe is not

2- and because they do not apply what islamic sharia applies..

First of all why should I believe Jawzi? I don't even know half the the people you mentioned, but seems like it you are taking those people very seariously but I like to repeate my stance, if they are muslims countries ruled by muslims, people should follow the law of the land, it doesn't matter if they are muslims or not. Same goes for other religions and other countries.

Are you serious?? "More than 75% of the muslim world doesnt follow sharia"

well i dont know what to tell you...

Sir, if you think that all the muslims live in sudan, Saudia arabia and Iran then you are very wrong. They are not even 15% of the muslims world. Try again and you will get it. Arabs are not the only muslims in the world.

[B}Its either you believe in all true hadiths or deny them All, but picking up what
you like and throw away what you dont is not anywhere neer objective thinking.[/B]

No, you only follow the hadith which can be found same in all the books of hadith ( what ever number they are ) I am only aware of two of them. Then use you common sense and then use Quran. I can deny hadiths, if they are not authenticated. There are plenty of people with plenty of books of hadith out there. So be very carefull about what you read.

who told you this?? the Sahih (true) Hadiths were Collected Just the same way
the Quran was collected, orally from what the Companions knew from muhammad then
written down, If you doubt the way Hadiths was collected and saved then you have
to doubt The way Quran did as well..

Some what true, but I will reply back in detail. Seems like you are missing lots of basics. Just wait and I will get back to you.

Then Dont accuse me of jumping to conclusions.

But you do, don't you agree with me?:rolleyes:
I think this answers the question!

An Islamic militant group that has slaughtered thousands of Christians in Indonesia continues to operate despite formally announcing it had disbanded.

Laskar Jihad, which wants to make Indonesia an Islamic state, has established at least 12 military training camps with more than 2,000 fighters in the eastern province of Papua, the former Irian Jaya, according to recent reports from human rights groups, the Assist News Service said.
