Islam - Terrorism, Inc.


826 posts Hey man. I really hope that your hatred helps you get through life. I know many people at the top in life are nice, well mannered people, but with this new approach, you might just become the biggest bastard in the history of the world. WOW! Wouldn't that be great, maybe one day you can get up enough courage to go swear at innocent children as well. You seem to like calling teenagers F*#$ing Idiots, maybe in the future, you could achieve the cold heart needed to go one step further, and swear at 5 year olds, or babies. Man your future is so bright. You and your hatred can do amazing things. Stupid, evil, and disgusting things, but man, they would be amazingly stupid, and evil, and disgusting. I really hope it works out for you.
I never judged you!

832 posts
i see that you are great at judging people

and it isn't me who didn't bother to read the guidelines.
I didn't judge you, I judged your degree of hatred, that was shown towards me, and then I shared with you what that hatred will bring. I didn't say that you were an evil person, I said your sin was evil, and your sin would only bring evil. "HATE SIN, LOVE THE SINNER"

I don't hate you, I hate your sin. Although this principle was clouded by my sarcasm, it was still used. I guess Jesus was never sarcastic, so I applogize for that.


I don't hate you, I hate your sin. Although this principle was clouded by my sarcasm, it was still used. I guess Jesus was never sarcastic, so I applogize for that.
You learn fast. :)

read the fucking cut and paste policy above...
You could have said in a nicer way. Like...
"please, read the cut and paste policy"
"now that you know it, you don't need to make the same mistake again :)"

Talking with people in a nice and kind way allows them to be opened for your comments and advices; and prevent this kind of discussion to begin, in the first place. :)
wonder if the policy says anything about calling ppl idiots, or offending ppl?
In Non-Islamic countries, wherever terrorist and subversive activities take place, one is sure to find the presence of Muslims.
This is simply not true, at least that it would the muslims doing the activities.

Why are all terrorist activities that target innocent Non-Muslim victims always abetted by Muslim terrorists?
All, always? don't think so.

It is time for the entire world to realise that Islam by its very nature and through its essential principles openly supports, encourages and propogates Terrorism of the worst kind
Islam doesn't support terrorism, but a number of islamic believers do. However is terrorism worse than dropping atom bombs? I dont think terrorism is any worse than war at all. It depends how it is done.

In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost (from the koran)
(...)Of course, in order to do this holy task for Allah, the Muslim must first go out and attack innocent Non-Muslims and massacre them so that Allah's wishes are fulfilled. Allah seems to have an inexhaustible thirst for the blood of innocents. Note that the reason given to massacre non-believers is that "Allah may seperate the Impure from the Pure. It has nothing to do with self-defense or protection as Muslims try to argue(...)
The first thing a muslim has to do is not to hurt anyone, this koran quote is one of thousands of teachings. Allah doesn't have a thirst for innocent, it is for ppl that do wrong according to Allah. If that's innocent or not is debatable. Then if the koran has nothing to do with self defence, does really islam support terrorism? I made my point about it, but what does the author claim?

Koran 2:39
Those who reject faith (Islam) and belie our signs, They shall be Companions of the Fire and abide in it.
Does the koran say islam in parenthesis? I doubt that, and it's an importance difference, because Islamic faith seems to me to mean to live a specific life, which is pure. I don't support that ppl justify evil murders with that, but Islam doesn't support it either.

Koran 9:35
On the day when Heat will be produced out of the wealth in the Fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their sides and their backs- "This is the treasure that ye buried for yourselves, taste ye then the treasures that ye buried."

This verse is referring to those people who don't spend their money in the way prescribed by Allah. Obviously if you happen to be a Non-Muslim, you don't spend money in the ways that the Muslim Allah prescribes, so this is the fate you are heading for. Beware All Ye Filthy Capitalists of America! This Surah's for you.
I think this verse refers to an evil way of using money, or the power of the rich. Like to gain money on polluting the planet, which USA does very much. It's not strange that a symbol of money was attacked. I don't mean to justify these killings, but at least one should look at the real reasons.

If a Non-Muslim cannot understand the Koran, how is he/she expected to convert to Islam on their own accord?
I suppose that when you understand it you are a muslim.

That link was a very subjectively interpreted writing, which is a shame, because it kind of makes the author not very trustable, which can make ppl ignore his good points. For example that violence is wrong. However, if ppl live as westerners, where we pollute the planet more and more, entertain ourselves on expense of others, it is a way of violence too. Even if ppl don't care that others are hurt, or don't try to hurt them, they will be hurt. Pollution might actually kill the whole planet eventually. That justifies a bit of violence that is directed towards evil.

It IS true that kids are taught to hate in the countries where Muslin is the majority (and even in minority ones).

I suppose that when you understand it you are a muslim.
I don't think so...

That justifies a bit of violence that is directed towards evil.
Nothing justifies violence.

Matthew 5:44
"44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"

Luke 6:27
"27 But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, "

If you hate someone that hates, now two people hate. If you do evil to someone that does evil, now two people do evil. If you Love those who persecute you, and those who does evil, you overcome their persecution and open the door for them to change.

My Father says that there is great Wisdom in His Words.

EDIT: Btw, please quote one passage that says: "Love one another", or "Love your enemies".
Why do you quote Bible passages to argue with muslims? Doesn't make much sense if they don't believe in it.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker


You could have said in a nicer way. Like...
"please, read the cut and paste policy"
"now that you know it, you don't need to make the same mistake again :)"

Talking with people in a nice and kind way allows them to be opened for your comments and advices; and prevent this kind of discussion to begin, in the first place. :)

sure...but I didn't realize that there was a discussion. I thought that someone posted someones else his thoughts.

Why do you quote Bible passages to argue with muslims? Doesn't make much sense if they don't believe in it.
If you read my message carefully you will see that I made a logical argument that supports the scriptures I presented. :)
Originally posted by Blackstone

You don't know the relevance of those verses and when and why they were revealed and if you do then please be honest. Hadith are very fishy. I really avoid beleliving in them, not sure why do you take them so seriously. Anyways, I got your pm and No! I don't know arabic. Sorry, but you are more then welcome to send me those links or information.

I think Islam promotes terrorism as much as any other religion. Again all of your references and I meant verses have timely significance and it has nothing to do with current situation. I will get back to you on couple of issues, just need to confirm certain things.

Islamists leave 'killing field'of civilians
"The jihad is our way, and we will not abandon it and will keep its banner high," he said to a brigade of mujahedin fighters heading for the war front. "We will never sell out our faith and will never betray the oath to our martyrs."

Survivors in the Upper Nile villages said the attackers were members of the Sudan regular army from the Boing Garrison, commanded by Brig. Gen. Ibrahim Saleh.
"Islam doesn't support terrorism, but a number of islamic believers do. However is terrorism worse than dropping atom bombs? I dont think terrorism is any worse than war at all. It depends how it is done."

Both are unnecessary evils perpetrated by misguided people.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
It IS true that kids are taught to hate in the countries where Muslin is the majority (and even in minority ones).
it doesn't say that islam supports it. maybe it depends on what is meant with islam. the way i see it it's a religion that is meant for ppl to aim to something meaningful in this world (like most religions), but then ppl take the words to literally and justify evil deeds with that. i guess many muslims just as christians do this, yet it doesn't make the religion evil, it's evilness that creates evil ain't it.

Nothing justifies violence.
i didn't mean that anyone should do evil violence. but like a parent u can discipline a child with love. u shouldn't beat it cos u want your agressions out, but because the child is hurting himself unknowingly. maybe by fighting his own brother, and he doesn't listen to u no matter what u say. i don't mean to be political and say that violence is right, but i say that u can do it and mean well. if u look at things from different perspectives u can say that any action is both negative and positive, but mankind is destroying this planet, because of ppl caring more about their materialistic dreams rather than realistic love. and the planet might die while we sit here saying no violence is right.

Originally posted by Blackstone
just take a look at eeryday's events, the vast majority of terrorist acts are done by muslims
it's not all, and my point was that "all" is exaggerated. if u say all then ur not discussing objectively.

then, sorry but i can't see how your quotes support terrorism. they do suggest a lot of violence tho. imho u shouldn't take every word literally, but u can try to interpret things in a good way. i think western ppl lack religion, cos generally they are not recognizing anything sacred and only grow their own egos, entertaining themselves on expense of others, and then destroy the planet. however many religious ppl do this too, because u can interpret words any way u want, and it's so easy to succumb to egoism. so i think ppl just should try to be good.

it doesn't say that islam supports it. maybe it depends on what is meant with islam. the way i see it it's a religion that is meant for ppl to aim to something meaningful in this world (like most religions), but then ppl take the words to literally and justify evil deeds with that. i guess many muslims just as christians do this, yet it doesn't make the religion evil, it's evilness that creates evil ain't it.
It depends on what is written in the "sacred" book. Islam doesn't seem to have a pretty "sacred" book.

didn't mean that anyone should do evil violence. but like a parent u can discipline a child with love. u shouldn't beat it cos u want your agressions out, but because the child is hurting himself unknowingly. maybe by fighting his own brother, and he doesn't listen to u no matter what u say. i don't mean to be political and say that violence is right, but i say that u can do it and mean well. if u look at things from different perspectives u can say that any action is both negative and positive, but mankind is destroying this planet, because of ppl caring more about their materialistic dreams rather than realistic love. and the planet might die while we sit here saying no violence is right.
If you teach them Love since a very young age they will never fight or use any kind of violence. Not even hurt hiself he wil do if you teach him well...
In Non-Islamic countries, wherever terrorist and subversive activities take place, one is sure to find the presence of Muslims.

You mean like in Ireland? All those damn Islamo-catholic car bombings? That would explain why the Spainish are having such trouble catching the ETA: they're hiding out in Mosques. Duh!

Muslims all over the world have been known to point their fingers at Western society and comment on how degenerate westerners have no sense of family, and that as a consequence, crime, immorality and violence are rampant all over the West.

Yes, just like Christian groups. Snicker.

The fact is that the highest incidences of violent crimes such as murder, rape, child molestation, dismemberment and armed robbery happen in Islamic countries.

No stats, no references. And how do we know that this non-substantiated propensity to violence is not the result of socio-economics? This is just as likely a explanation given that islamic countries are generally poorer and crime/wealth are inversely proportional.

By the dubious logic of this selective and hate-filled crap we have to condemn Christianity as being equally vicious. Therefore, all Christians are terrorists or atleast supporters of terrorism.

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods . . . thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people . . . If thou shalt hear . . . Certain men . . . have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods . . . Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants ofthat city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword (Deuteronomy13:6-15)"


"And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both males, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men who were before the house. And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go you forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city (Ezekiel 9:5-7)"

In conclusion that site is a prime example of the propaganda and hate mongering that is far more likely to contribute to violence than Islam.
Originally posted by Blackstone
where did I say all? I said Most terror acts are done By muslims To non muslims, AND thats for religous reasons, How? because they have backups for what they Do from scripture.
i don't know where you said "all", but i answered to my comment which was about "all" in the original text.

...Thats terrorism...Go look the word "terrorism" in the dictionary.
terrorism does not equal violoence. for example USA:s bombings are not terrorism.

How should I take them then? Jokingly? Maybe Allah is just kiddin' wit us?
PS: what is meant by those who commit mischief against allah and his prophet are apostates who convert out of islam, like me.
did u get that conclusion by reading the text literally?

how about interpreting as similes? if ur gonna take the words literally u cant claim any terrorism to be islamic because terrorism is not the exact same situation as any situation in the koran anyway. then i don't think allah wrote the book, i think it was written by spiritually inspired ppl, and they make mistakes just like everybody else. however they also come with many intelligent ideas. that's why i think every person should take out the good side of islam.

clear-cut orders From what muslims believe to be the ultimate master to invade,kill, slaughter , cannot be "interpreted in a good way."
i'm not saying justify the evil, i was referring to the koran here. not mass murder.

Truthseeker, how do u suggest to reach murdering leaders as bush and saddam to learn love?

Pollution might actually kill the whole planet eventually. That justifies a bit of violence that is directed towards evil.

How evil are Islamic people who sell pollutants (oil) for money? Would Allah hold them responsible for such action?