Islam miracles


With the picture of the fish it looked kind of interesting, except if you were to interpret those symbols as Arabic letters, you'd have to include the last symbol or two on the far right. That's the kind of thing which again backs up my point- as soon as you start throwing away letters and pieces in order to make sense of the remainder, it casts suspicion on these sorts of claims. Granted there are other pictures where it doesn't appear that anything is cropped out or ignored, but then one needs to ask how miraculous such pictures are if there are so many pictures that would appear miraculous if not for the extra details that ruin them.

no actually, those are nto thrown letters, but orgenized, maked sentense, not some letters and we puted them together to maked a phrase.

The title of this thread is "Islam miracles", what are people supposed to think? I mock religion because it's not worthy of respect.

if you don't, then stay away from relegion topics, if you hate it, why do you have to stay and spam around ,and mock, that's why, you're agressive, and intollerent, don't like it, or hate it, stay away fo it, simple, you don't have to make all people think just like you, you don't have to have to make everyone think like you, also not every one think like you, your acting is just dectatorship, thank god you're not a presedent, or you'll have to force your thinking on all your people. and who knows, change the laws?!

haha.. I've done that too after a long day on the train playing Tetris :) Which is the whole reason people are told to pray 5 times a day. The act itself is going to strongly consolidate those neural connections solidifying the pathways. In a sense, removing the freedom to think rationally about that topic.

okay... as i said in the topic, and clearly, Michael, stay away of my relegion topics, byebye, leave now, i don't kare if you said somethink good or bad, cause soon or later, you'll start a proganada, so, bye

M*W: I don't see anything special in a candle or a light or a camera, and I don't know what you're talking about when you say I "saw it like a hands and feet." I don't see miracles of god anywhere. Maybe you do, because you want to see the miracles of the god you believe in, and therefore, you will find them everywhere you look.

yeah, me too, i said i didnt see anything special in it, i was just saying,
Essentially what you're saying is "Agree with me or shut up and go away.".
who kares, it make me more convinced as a muslim, as i'm convinced, it make me more convinced, and more thinking how god is great, will this reflect on you or him, it's my thinking, is there a problem with that? :D even if you don't beleive, i do beleive, no problem, if i beleive doesnt mean that you should, or teh contrary, it's simple, inless you think more than the half of the earth population are idiots cause they beleive in god,
:D ;)

Well then, wouldn't you just keep such interesting images to yourself? This is just like the Christian thread, except that there the images were more spurious and seemingly less convincing. (I suspect a reason for it, but will pass.) If it's just about you and your faith, why post it for all to see? Answer: prosetylization. It's the objective from start to finish. So, it strikes me as a little cynical and immoral. Sorry.

Essentially what you're saying is "Agree with me or shut up and go away.".

no, i meantr who's gonna start proganada and agressive talking stay away, to say opinoion, effcorse, that's why this is a topic, but to disrepsect, and start proganada, and agressive, stay away, :D

Well then, wouldn't you just keep such interesting images to yourself? This is just like the Christian thread, except that there the images were more spurious and seemingly less convincing. (I suspect a reason for it, but will pass.) If it's just about you and your faith, why post it for all to see? Answer: prosetylization. It's the objective from start to finish. So, it strikes me as a little cynical and immoral. Sorry.

no, i meantr who's gonna start proganada and agressive talking stay away, to say opinoion, effcorse, that's why this is a topic, but to disrepsect, and start proganada, and agressive, stay away, :D
But the thing is, religion doesn't deserve respect for just being.

I hardly see how stating such a thing is propaganda or being aggressive.
yes, exactly, i said, ME, make me proud, i didnt say you have to be, or to beleive in it, :D it's just an opinon, and an opinion as being a muslim, :p
M*W: As an old fishing lover, I've noticed the many times I've caught fish (and there were many), that fish have a slime on them when you pull them out of the water. That's one reason they're so slippery. That said, someone could have scratched some sort of symbolic thingy on that fish. Christians would have probably scratched a cross on it. Myself, I'd probably scratched a frying pan on it, but as an atheist, I'd probably would have just scratched a happy face on it.

But the thing is, religion doesn't deserve respect for just being.

I hardly see how stating such a thing is propaganda or being aggressive.

oh, then why i can respect other relegions and cultures, thoghts, and opinions, why is that? why didnt i attack everyone at the christian miracles topic, why only in this topic you started acting agressivly, always happends when it is islam-related topic, so, if you're going to continue this agressivity, and missunderstanding, and also intollerance, stay away is better, say what you think,n your opinion, things, without attacking, or other things, my only rule; that i always say, respect, that's all, no site laws, no anything, just respect, maybe other minor things that want be noticed cause it's rarely happeb, anyway, as i said, "respect" that's all am asking, ok? is that much? :p

M*W: As an old fishing lover, I've noticed the many times I've caught fish (and there were many), that fish have a slime on them when you pull them out of the water. That's one reason they're so slippery. That said, someone could have scratched some sort of symbolic thingy on that fish. Christians would have probably scratched a cross on it. Myself, I'd probably scratched a frying pan on it, but as an atheist, I'd probably would have just scratched a happy face on it.

hmm, maybe, but this one, doesnt look like scrashed, and it it is it's presice, anyway, if it's scratched, no problem, there are many other ones, that not man-made, if they are, can you explain them?
maybe i'll post others
if you don't, then stay away from relegion topics, if you hate it, why do you have to stay and spam around ,and mock, that's why, you're agressive, and intollerent, don't like it, or hate it, stay away fo it, simple, you don't have to make all people think just like you, you don't have to have to make everyone think like you, also not every one think like you, your acting is just dectatorship, thank god you're not a presedent, or you'll have to force your thinking on all your people. and who knows, change the laws?!

I hate war as well, but that's no reason to stop talking about it. It's fascinating, just like religion.

My goal is indeed to encourage other people to question religion like I do. That's why I can't stay away from the religion forum. I want to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of religious people, and hope that they give up their silly and destructive ways.

I hate war as well, but that's no reason to stop talking about it. It's fascinating, just like religion.

My goal is indeed to encourage other people to question religion like I do. That's why I can't stay away from the religion forum. I want to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of religious people, and hope that they give up their silly and destructive ways.

yeah, great, but, wars that happen, are not because of "isleeaamm!!" it's politics reasons, and no relation to islam, maybe israeil is doing it for relegion, but u.s. for oil, and muslims, in those contries, are victims, and what would you respect for example from a contry that is invaded and in wars, effcorse, defenders, revolution callers, terrorists, mafias, etc...
anyway, everyone hate wars, and wars are not just relegion, it's more complicated, no oen love wars, and if no one love wars, then, why would those people go make wars, it's all politics faults, and oil and money greed,
anyway, you said you want to put teh seeds of doubt, but why? why do you think relegion is silly, it's like or a spirutual back-up (if you beleive that we have spirits, maybe you think we're just a mass of meat, and a brain, like a robot) anyway, everyone have he's beleives, you don't have to force him to think in something else , even if you think it's stupid , they are free to think what they want, if they are going to doubt, they will do by themselves, they are science lovers, if they will doubt, they will by themselves, like you once beleived in god,
Religion makes people think irrationally, like you thinking images of something in nature mean something about the religion that created those images. I'm in favor of utopia, and religion discourages progress. It says humans can't ever be more than what God wants them to be. We can't be Gods. I want us to become Gods.

Religion makes people think irrationally, like you thinking images of something in nature mean something about the religion that created those images. I'm in favor of utopia, and religion discourages progress. It says humans can't ever be more than what God wants them to be. We can't be Gods. I want us to become Gods.

well, here i say no,
the first suran ever written in islam, is, read, in tells people to read and seek for knoledge,, also others encourage work, and tell people to work anyjob, better than stay and doing nothing, creation can be anywhere and at anykind of job(don't mean like toaday drug buisnes and etc...)but this job or work shoudlnt be bad for the community or for humans in general,
also islam say, humans can do ANYTHING if they wanted to, anything, i don't mean better than god. so, no, it didnt discorage, also the arabic and persian empires, together as a one empire, after islam, they maked a greta progress, also they were the most advanced civilisation at that time,
shadow, i've sent you an email on your msn, open it and tell us what you think of it.

shadow, i've sent you an email on your msn, open it and tell us what you think of it.

ah, i saw it, yes; that stories that sended to me in short phrase, yes, 100 percent faulse, i know about them, and that picture was a painting? wow, he's good, but my grandmother had a photograph of it, in the real scene, she said she saw it, :p i don't know, and yes, those stories are faulse
"laisa houneka ayu mo3jizet idhan, fa9ad 9ala lana arrasoul salla allahou alaihi wasallam annahou lan takouna ayatou mo3jizet, sa7i7, laken houneka de2iman assoudaf, 7aithu tadharu kalimet naw3an mé mathalan 3ala wabri 9itta, aw 7ayawen, methlame tadh'har ba3dh essouwar al o5ra fi ba3dh al a7yen, mithla wajh, aw chakl, aw chai2in men, soudaf, lekin mezeltou a7midou rabbi, =) "

Astronauts say they hear Quranic verses on the surface of Moon. Recently scientists also checked the readings of Large Hadron Collider and they are amazed that particles left "Allah" sign after the collision... How about that?

no, that wasnt true, just a lie spreaded around. :p
as far as i know, no