Islam miracles




Nike produced a shoe not too long ago, which Muslims also claimed contained the word for Allah. Nike had to recall them. It was purely accidental, so it's not that unusual for the word to appear.

I'm not trying to insult you, it's just that any idea or image you keep in your mind on a daily basis is something that your mind is pre-conditioned to recognize such an image in nature.

Nike produced a shoe not too long ago, which Muslims also claimed contained the word for Allah. Nike had to recall them. It was purely accidental, so it's not that unusual for the word to appear.

I'm not trying to insult you, it's just that any idea or image you keep in your mind on a daily basis is something that your mind is pre-conditioned to recognize such an image in nature.

no no, you're not insulting me, i didnt say it's a miracle, again, i said it shows us how great god is, (for theists) and no i don't keep it in my daily life, it's just like i maked a search about cars pictures, will i let those pictures be a part of my daily life, when i make google searches about science, i don't keep it in my daily life, i don't even keep science in my daily life, :D
and no, even if i searched for some of these in my surrounding nature, i want see any, anyway, what i make on sciforums, stay on sciforums, if you knew me in real lfie, you'll say, no you're not shadow that love science, :D,

and anyway, i just posted pictures.
My point is that you can find anything in nature if you look for it. A friend on mine once found a rock shaped like a foot (he works in the footwear industry).

Old man in the mountain:


ok, what? what is wrong with you?! what is wrong with many in here, when i maked a topic about christian miracles, everybudy like it and started to comment nicely, and just when the word "islam" and "relegion" were mentioned there, some of them started to freak out and act so agressivlyand mocking, and you're the same, are you all you mentally ill in here? what is wrong with you? you're sick, ok, stop it, you're just keep mocking in the both topics, when i maked a topic just the same as this one, but only the relegion difference, and in here, and also there, when islam was mentioned, you just freaked out, and you started to mock, i don't mean that old man picture in the mountain, i mean that reply of hey shadow, that's a miracle, oh gosh! is everyone in here like that?
ok, what? what is wrong with you?! what is wrong with many in here, when i maked a topic about christian miracles, everybudy like it and started to comment nicely, and just when the word "islam" and "relegion" were mentioned there, some of them started to freak out and act so agressivlyand mocking, and you're the same, are you all you mentally ill in here? what is wrong with you? you're sick, ok, stop it, you're just keep mocking in the both topics, when i maked a topic just the same as this one, but only the relegion difference, and in here, and also there, when islam was mentioned, you just freaked out, and you started to mock, i don't mean that old man picture in the mountain, i mean that reply of hey shadow, that's a miracle, oh gosh! is everyone in here like that?

No, there was no difference in my response between Christian and Muslim miracles. I'm not aggressive, I'm just trying to make a point about perception. I think you just don't like it when I question your religion, when I show that the things you think are miraculous are just common artifacts of perception. You have an extremely low threshold about what constitutes a miracle. If I see the letter A, it's not a miracle, right? But if I see the word Allah, it is?
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No, there was no difference in my response between Christian and Muslim miracles. I'm not aggressive, I'm just trying to make a point about perception. I think you just don't like it when I question your religion, when I show that the things you think are miraculous are just common artifacts of perception. You have an extremely low threshold about what constitutes a miracle. If I see the letter A, it's not a miracle, right? But if I see the word Allah, it is?

first, as i said a million time, it's is not a mirecal, i agreeded on your saying, nature made, and this nature made ( and as one who beleive in god, neture is god creation), i said, it shows me how great god is, end of story, and yes, i see the word allah, and a find it great, and exiting, and... what's your point? you're just making things i didnt even said, i didnt said it's miracles, i said miracles after islam, are no longer exists, ok, and... are trying to prove that i'm saying that it's a mirecal, and are you trying to make it look like normal, it is for you, but not for me,
and ...
OK, so you don't want to say it's a miracle, but you do say it's an example of how great God is.

What I don't see is how random coincidences say anything about God.
OK, so you don't want to say it's a miracle, but you do say it's an example of how great God is.

What I don't see is how random coincidences say anything about God.

no, it's to me, prove ME how great god is, and i didnt say it's a MIRACAL,
is it hard to understand?
or forget it, i liked you more when you were serious, and you weren't mocking and talking agressivly, that's how eerybudy act just when it relates to islam, they start acting agresivly, anyway, don't bother, it uselesss to keep talking to you, you'll just keep asking the same question again and again, then start attacking, and etc.. you make the cicle turns,
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yeah, absolutly true, but soem of those, and i guess in christanity also, are very clear, you see that second pictures, it's a micoscopic one, it's the bee honeyhouse, and it's very clear, there are many many alot of pictures like that, true, it's not toatly a miracle, cause, in these days, and after islam, there was no miracles, but those are the nature creation, and god's creation, that make us more proud of being how we are, i mean, muslim, or in your case christian, it make us kinda existed about it, am i right?

If you have to stretch something even a bit to look like what you want it to, then you're imposing your own religious biases on the subject you're looking at, so it might give you some personal pride but it won't mean much to someone with different beliefs. As for me, I'm not personally religious so I can't say much about Christians nor Muslims and what kinds of feelings they get from what they consider to be miracles. If it's a miracle in your eyes and gives you inspiration, that's what I'd consider to be the most important thing.
With the picture of the fish it looked kind of interesting, except if you were to interpret those symbols as Arabic letters, you'd have to include the last symbol or two on the far right. That's the kind of thing which again backs up my point- as soon as you start throwing away letters and pieces in order to make sense of the remainder, it casts suspicion on these sorts of claims. Granted there are other pictures where it doesn't appear that anything is cropped out or ignored, but then one needs to ask how miraculous such pictures are if there are so many pictures that would appear miraculous if not for the extra details that ruin them.
no, it's to me, prove ME how great god is, and i didnt say it's a MIRACAL,
is it hard to understand?
or forget it, i liked you more when you were serious, and you weren't mocking and talking agressivly, that's how eerybudy act just when it relates to islam, they start acting agresivly, anyway, don't bother, it uselesss to keep talking to you, you'll just keep asking the same question again and again, then start attacking, and etc.. you make the cicle turns,

The title of this thread is "Islam miracles", what are people supposed to think? I mock religion because it's not worthy of respect.
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I think if you are praying 5 times a day, you are programming your mind to see certain symbols. It's just like when I was really into the Tetris computer game. I would walk around and see everything as Tetris shapes.
haha.. I've done that too after a long day on the train playing Tetris :) Which is the whole reason people are told to pray 5 times a day. The act itself is going to strongly consolidate those neural connections solidifying the pathways. In a sense, removing the freedom to think rationally about that topic.
also i don'tsee anything special with a candle or a light, that a camera coght it, and in the camera you saw it like a hands and feet, :D ;)
M*W: I don't see anything special in a candle or a light or a camera, and I don't know what you're talking about when you say I "saw it like a hands and feet." I don't see miracles of god anywhere. Maybe you do, because you want to see the miracles of the god you believe in, and therefore, you will find them everywhere you look.

If you have to stretch something even a bit to look like what you want it to, then you're imposing your own religious biases on the subject you're looking at, so it might give you some personal pride but it won't mean much to someone with different beliefs. As for me, I'm not personally religious so I can't say much about Christians nor Muslims and what kinds of feelings they get from what they consider to be miracles. If it's a miracle in your eyes and gives you inspiration, that's what I'd consider to be the most important thing.

yes, exactly, i said, ME, make me proud, i didnt say you have to be, or to beleive in it, :D it's just an opinon, and an opinion as being a muslim, :p