Islam miracles


Valued Senior Member


le ilaha illa allah= no god but allah,
and the one phrase, is, mohamed the prophet of god.

my grandmother used to have oen like it, in another place, don't know where it is now,


this one say, allah, means, god
also other things like, bigbang, formation of earth, how the sun is (is a star, generate it's power from nuclear explotions, i forgot the arabic word, wich refer to all that in one word, nuclear and massive explotions, gases,...)

so, anyway, what do you think?

so, here's another

so, say what you want, and what you think,
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this is also a part of my sicological experement, just say what you want, and what you think,
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Page not found when I click them- just letting you know.

Peace be unto you ;)

so, what do you think, i knew it that every one will stay away, haha,
anyway, hey michael, stay away! ok?
Interesting stuff, but images like these are found proving all kinds of miracles for all kinds of different beliefs, you yourself were pointing out some of the photos cited as proof of Christianity. At first glance and assuming the photographs are authentic, I would pass most of these things off as more a product of observant photographers noting that things have a certain strikingly familiar appearance if you photograph them at the right angle, time of day, etc. If you found me a forest where the same kinds of patterns keep popping up again and again and they all look like Quranic verses, then I would be willing to seriously reconsider my views.

Specific comments on the second photo: I liked the first one more, the second one is interesting but it's a stretch to claim the pattern matches the Arabic characters used for comparison. Besides, when you're photographing things at the microscopic or molecular levels, there are billions of objects you could choose to photograph.
so, what do you think, i knew it that every one will stay away, haha, anyway, hey michael, stay away! ok?
M*W: Some of these things can be explained by science. Others can be explained by coincidence. Christians also have many visions of their god and his mother on everyday things like pizza, Cheetos and frying pans. Nature as well has depicted images of Jesus's mother. So whose images are the true god, since many different religious images show up in nature and in man's creations?

If we didn't have these "gods" we wouldn't recognize or believe in such fantasies.

Hey, give me that Cheeto. Let me worship it.
Astronauts say they hear Quranic verses on the surface of Moon. Recently scientists also checked the readings of Large Hadron Collider and they are amazed that particles left "Allah" sign after the collision... How about that?
Astronauts do what? Bollocks.

As for the trees, a) it's a painting, b) they can quite easily be grown like that.

The honeycomb, if turned upside down, reads "INA". Clearly the bees mean for you to worship Ina Bauer.

I fail to see the point in bringing up these absurd 'proofs' of gods. You think perhaps you can sneak a peek at His or Her existence, stumbling upon an accidental demonstration of His or Her own good order, left accidentally in the wake of some perfect being? Foolish.

Interesting stuff, but images like these are found proving all kinds of miracles for all kinds of different beliefs, you yourself were pointing out some of the photos cited as proof of Christianity. At first glance and assuming the photographs are authentic, I would pass most of these things off as more a product of observant photographers noting that things have a certain strikingly familiar appearance if you photograph them at the right angle, time of day, etc. If you found me a forest where the same kinds of patterns keep popping up again and again and they all look like Quranic verses, then I would be willing to seriously reconsider my views.

Specific comments on the second photo: I liked the first one more, the second one is interesting but it's a stretch to claim the pattern matches the Arabic characters used for comparison. Besides, when you're photographing things at the microscopic or molecular levels, there are billions of objects you could choose to photograph.

yeah, absolutly true, but soem of those, and i guess in christanity also, are very clear, you see that second pictures, it's a micoscopic one, it's the bee honeyhouse, and it's very clear, there are many many alot of pictures like that, true, it's not toatly a miracle, cause, in these days, and after islam, there was no miracles, but those are the nature creation, and god's creation, that make us more proud of being how we are, i mean, muslim, or in your case christian, it make us kinda existed about it, am i right?
Astronauts say they hear Quranic verses on the surface of Moon. Recently scientists also checked the readings of Large Hadron Collider and they are amazed that particles left "Allah" sign after the collision... How about that?
M*W: Well, if this is true, Allah leaves more messages than God, or is it that it Muslims who can only read them?

First picture looks way more like a painting than a photograph too I have to add...

there are other more clear pictures of this same scene, also my grand-mother used to have one just like it, a photographic picture, and it's real, but from a different angle since she was there, :p

M*W: Some of these things can be explained by science. Others can be explained by coincidence. Christians also have many visions of their god and his mother on everyday things like pizza, Cheetos and frying pans. Nature as well has depicted images of Jesus's mother. So whose images are the true god, since many different religious images show up in nature and in man's creations?

If we didn't have these "gods" we wouldn't recognize or believe in such fantasies.

Hey, give me that Cheeto. Let me worship it.

lol,ok worship the cheeto, i didnt say it's completly a miracle, yes it can be explained by science, but, can you explain to me, how can a hall language, appear in many forms in nature, there are mor pictures like those in other nature things, anyway, miracles are no more exist after islam, but as i said, those things, just makes us more proud of being muslim, or in your case a christian,
anyway, can you explain how people 1400 years ago, knew things that we just discoveed toaday, if the quran is human-made, then, they knew about space expantion, the bugbang, the univerce before the bigbang, those barriers between two seas, (arabs in that time, we're good at sea, they were only at desert) etc... so, hmm, that makes me wonder, and convince that it's not man-made,
the bible also, wasn't a man made but when they wrote it, many things changed in it, cause the bible was not written only after hundreds of years after the christ, and people before that just memorise it, and it's normal that pêople when they write it many years after, they want make it the same as the first pearson memorized it,
in christianity, jesus is god?? i didnt knew that, i thoght you think god is god, and jesus is a messenger,

Astronauts say they hear Quranic verses on the surface of Moon. Recently scientists also checked the readings of Large Hadron Collider and they are amazed that particles left "Allah" sign after the collision... How about that?

wow, i didnt knew that! :O i'll make a search, amazing!

Astronauts do what? Bollocks.

As for the trees, a) it's a painting, b) they can quite easily be grown like that.

The honeycomb, if turned upside down, reads "INA". Clearly the bees mean for you to worship Ina Bauer.

I fail to see the point in bringing up these absurd 'proofs' of gods. You think perhaps you can sneak a peek at His or Her existence, stumbling upon an accidental demonstration of His or Her own good order, left accidentally in the wake of some perfect being? Foolish.

who kares, it make me more convinced as a muslim, as i'm convinced, it make me more convinced, and more thinking how god is great, will this reflect on you or him, it's my thinking, is there a problem with that? :D even if you don't beleive, i do beleive, no problem, if i beleive doesnt mean that you should, or teh contrary, it's simple, inless you think more than the half of the earth population are idiots cause they beleive in god,
:D ;)

Astronauts say they hear Quranic verses on the surface of Moon. Recently scientists also checked the readings of Large Hadron Collider and they are amazed that particles left "Allah" sign after the collision... How about that?

can you give me links for both of those, ;)
I think if you are praying 5 times a day, you are programming your mind to see certain symbols. It's just like when I was really into the Tetris computer game. I would walk around and see everything as Tetris shapes.

I think if you are praying 5 times a day, you are programming your mind to see certain symbols. It's just like when I was really into the Tetris computer game. I would walk around and see everything as Tetris shapes.

you don't have to explain that everything is wrong, i even showed a real letters of that phrase, and the one that have been found in nature, and they are similar, also the other words that say "allah" means god, (not jesus, cause you say jesus is a god) anyway.
anyway, i'm pround of saying this, but i'm not praying 5 times a day, :(
anyway, how do you mean programing my mind? our prays is not like yours, crescent/IslamcomAnimFull.gif
that's how, and this don't program minds at all, i know many people that pray 5 time a day, even imam,and they're just normal people, but, don't lie(inless for a good reason) don't insult, don't say bad words, don't try to say back or make back bad words or actions, and if they were min programed, then they would walk in the street and say, for everything they see, this one says "allah", no, those ones, are very clear, and very obvious to see, as you see i posted very clear pictures.