Islam In Europe

I am sure that Arsalan would agree - it should be, in the West and East, illegal to teach such bullshit. Anyone who teaches something like this should be sent to prison.

All Imam's in the West and East should grow some brain cells, stand up, and say that this Bukhari fellow was an arse-hole and his book only really worthy of wiping shit from a fat man's ass. As that's not going to happen because Imam's are more than happy to lie to "infidels" while continuing to teach their intolerance, then the only recourse is State mandated classes in religous history and tolerance.

Anyway, this along with many many many commonly taught, "Islamic" if you will, fundamental religous teachings are why the middle east will for a long long long time be living in the dark ages. It's as if Muslims plagiarized the absolute worse parts of monotheism and made it their central tenants of faith.

Iran launches anti-vice crackdown

In this way, we will have a society that is safe and inclined towards other social, economic, cultural and political activities

My Atheist Iranian buddy says the Iran would be a much better country if it were Christian - and he's no fan of Christianity. He says if Iran were Christian then it would be just like Europe. Open modern and prosperous.

I wonder what Muslims think? Which is better? A f*cked up Islamic Iran as it is today, where women are arrested for wearing "boots instead of full length pants" or a Christian Iran where Iranians live just like Europeans?

Something to think about,
I have dealth with the Hadith you presented Sock puppet, but unfortunately my post was deleted. I am still waiting the reply as to which part of my post was preaching because I am pretty sure that whoever reported it or deleted it has not read it. In that post i rebutted every anti-islam post in this thread and I also talked about the Hadith you presented.

That hadith is not accepted in Islam and properly rejected, even to the extent that the person who reported it was shunned and no one was there at his funeral prayers because he had attirbuted such a gross lie to such highly regarded people.

I will refrain from posting more until I have received a reply from the moderator as to exactly where I was preaching my religion.

Nonetheless, the standard to verify the authenticity of a Hadith is that if it goes against a Quranic teaching then it is safe to discard it. After all, the hadith were not all compiled directly during the life of the Prophet.
I am sure that Arsalan would agree - it should be, in the West and East, illegal to teach such bullshit. Anyone who teaches something like this should be sent to prison.

I dunno bout prison because then we would have to send all extremists to priso, be they religious or atheist, but it should definitely not be allowed.

All Imam's in the West and East should grow some brain cells, stand up, and say that this Bukhari fellow was an arse-hole and his book only really worthy of wiping shit from a fat man's ass.

This is totally disrespectful. This is not the way to understand or open a dialogue with Muslims. Do this and the only thing you will get is more hatred and misunderstanding. Im surprised posts as offensive as these arent deleted or edited by the mods but oh well. He wasnt what you say he is and Imam's brains arent as dysfunctional as you think them to be. They use the test I provided above to verify if a Hadith is authentic or not. Bukhari just reported what he heard. He did his best to verify them but time goes on and memories get hazy.

As that's not going to happen because Imam's are more than happy to lie to "infidels" while continuing to teach their intolerance, then the only recourse is State mandated classes in religous history and tolerance.

Interesting isnt it how people always want to resort to communist and fascist ways when dealing with Islam because they dont understand its teachings and think something else is being preached. Why not deal with Christians just like that too? Have you read the Bible?

Anyway, this along with many many many commonly taught, "Islamic" if you will, fundamental religous teachings are why the middle east will for a long long long time be living in the dark ages.

Apart from some areas, the Middle East is a heaven to live in. It's rich, no bills, lots of food, beaches etc etc. And you dont have to worry about people doing stuff to your kids. You dont have to worry about them watching improper stuff. And loads more. Yes, it could be better but hey, what couldnt?

It's as if Muslims plagiarized the absolute worse parts of monotheism and made it their central tenants of faith.

Can you prove this?
[I wonder what Muslims think? Which is better? A f*cked up Islamic Iran as it is today, where women are arrested for wearing "boots instead of full length pants" or a Christian Iran where Iranians live just like Europeans?

Something to think about,

The ffed up version of iran that we have now is mostly due to the CIA overthrowing the democratically elected Mossadeq and replacing him with a ruthless dictator. The people of Iran and Islam had nothing to do with it.
Bukhari just reported what he heard. He did his best to verify them but time goes on and memories get hazy.

But it was also reported by al-Muslim. I wonder at two such hazy memories. If two men can be so wrong, then what else what might be improperly remembered?

Why not deal with Christians just like that too?

Of course, if they're intolerant. Pat Robertson's ilk could do with such classes.

Apart from some areas, the Middle East is a heaven to live in. It's rich, no bills, lots of food, beaches etc etc. And you dont have to worry about people doing stuff to your kids. You dont have to worry about them watching improper stuff. And loads more. Yes, it could be better but hey, what couldnt?

Some of those might be a bit overgeneralized.
I totally forgot: I appreciate your attitude with respect to the discussion of religion. Rashideen: is that Uthman, then?
But it was also reported by al-Muslim. I wonder at two such hazy memories. If two men can be so wrong, then what else what might be improperly remembered?

Exactly. That is why the only test that stands out in regard to verifying hadith properly is whether it is against any teaching of the Quran.

PS: Thank you :). The Rashideen are the first four Caliphs. The rightly Guided Caliphs. Because after them, another prophecy of the Prophet came true and the Muslim community became divided and focused on material things.
Interesting isnt it how people always want to resort to communist and fascist ways when dealing with Islam because they dont understand its teachings and think something else is being preached. Why not deal with Christians just like that too? Have you read the Bible?
I agree, yes any Christians teaching that it's acceptable to murder a person for changing their belief should be put in prison as well.

Do I have "proof" that the Qur'an was plagiarized? Anyone who is reasonable can see clearly that the Qur'an is based on Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian Arab polytheism etc... Or maybe you believe in magic fairy flying horses? If so then why ask for proof? You're not interested in reasonable proof. The fact is there isn't anything novel at all in the Qur'an (other than .... and Mohammad was the last Prophet). Everything is just a repeat of earlier middle eastern people's beliefs. We both can agree to this and that's what I mean by plagiarized.

Assuming Mohammad was a Prophet then I have a very direct set of questions that you can answer:
1) On what day and in what year was the Qur'an completed?
2) What were the names of the people people (or person) who wrote down each part of the Qur'an?
3) Which parts of the Qur'an did each of these people write down?

NOW, I am sure that such an important and wondrous book like the Qur'an this information should be very very very easy for you to come by. I mean surely someone would have thought it important to know who wrote the book?!?!?!?!?!?

Lets agree that if you can not answer these easy questions then we do not have any "proof" that the Qur'an you are reading was even spoken from Mohammad. I mean, you are happy to cancel out various Hadith - apply the same brain-cells to the Qur'an. So, in summary, if you can not provide even the answers to these easy question, then why even look for any proof of the Qur'an authenticity? We will then have to agree the Qur'an is simply Arabs plagiarizing the religous of their northern and more developed neighbors - the Persians and Byzantine and combining these with the Jewish stories together with their oral Arab polytheistic traditions - because that's really what happened you know.

Exactly. That is why the only test that stands out in regard to verifying hadith properly is whether it is against any teaching of the Quran.

I see. That is a more progressive attitude, I believe. But what about Q 4: 34 and 4: 11? What does one do when the book itself suggests intolerance? Would it not simply be better to adopt an independent humanist standpoint and leave religion to the mosque, temple and church?

PS: Thank you :). The Rashideen are the first four Caliphs. The rightly Guided Caliphs. Because after them, another prophecy of the Prophet came true and the Muslim community became divided and focused on material things.

So you consider Uthman rightly guided. But...was it not Uthman in particular who was responsible for guiding and directing much of the invasion and conquest of Christian territory? Forgive me, but Uthman is possibly the greatest example of islamic aggression possible. He can hardly be a role model to a peaceful person. It would be as if I took my spiritual inspiration from the anti-islamist movement in India that Sam associates with V. Lal. Are you sure we have the same person?
I agree, yes any Christians teaching that it's acceptable to murder a person for changing their belief should be put in prison as well.

Do I have "proof" that the Qur'an was plagiarized? Anyone who is reasonable can see clearly that the Qur'an is based on Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian Arab polytheism etc... Or maybe you believe in magic fairy flying horses? If so then why ask for proof? You're not interested in reasonable proof. The fact is there isn't anything novel at all in the Qur'an (other than .... and Mohammad was the last Prophet). Everything is just a repeat of earlier middle eastern people's beliefs. We both can agree to this and that's what I mean by plagiarized.

First of all, there are similarities between almost all religions. That is because many Prophets were sent by the same God throughout history. Therefore their lives and teachings have similarities.

Secondly, i highly doubt that the Quran was plagiarized from politheistic Arab beliefs.

Thirdly, No i do not believe in flying horses

Fourthly, the Quran has many scientific facts, it clears Jesus' name because he too was a Prophet of Allah, it presents a political and justice system based on total justice and rightousness, it gives us the answer as to why there are so many social ills today and their remedies and so forth and so forth.

You need to understand that Islam is considered by Muslims to be the pinnacle of religious evolution. To have evolution, it has to have existed before. Muslims believe in Moses and Jesus and believe that they were Prophets, but because their messages were tampered with by human hands their Holy Books arent acceptable anymore as the word of God.

Assuming Mohammad was a Prophet then I have a very direct set of questions that you can answer:
1) On what day and in what year was the Qur'an completed?


The Quran was revealed piecemeal throughout a period of about 23 years. The Prophet received the first revelation in 610CE, in the Cave of Hira in the Mountain of Light (Jabale-Noor), two and a half miles away from the House of Allah in the city of Makkah in Arabia.

The first revelation was the first five verses of Surah (chapter) Al-Alaq: "Iqra bismi rabbikalla dhi khalaq. Khalaqal insana min alaq. Iqra wa rabbukal akram. Alladhi 'allama bil qalam. 'Allamal insana malam ya’lam, " which means "Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot. Read, for your Lord is most Generous, Who teaches by means of the pen, teaches man what he does not know." (96: 1-5)

The last revelation was the third verse of Surah Al-Maidah, which was sent down to the Prophet in 632 C.E. : "Al yawma akmaltu lakum dinakam wa atmamtu alaikam ni'mati wa raditu' lakumul islama dinan''," which means "Today I perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you and have chosen for you Al-Islam as your religion." (5:3)

Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening Chapter) was the first complete chapter to be revealed and Surah An-Nasr was the last.


The Quran was revealed piecemeal, according to the needs of the time. Angel Jibrail [PBUH] brought it to the Prophet [PBUH] who would memorize it. Afterwards, it was preserved in two ways.

First, through memorization, there were a number of early Muslims who would memorize each revelation as soon as it was revealed and thus had the whole Quran memorized at the time of the final revelation. The tradition of memorizing the entire Quran still continues, and a person who does so is called a Hafize Quran.

Second, the Quran was preserved through writing. Whenever any revelation took place, it was written at once on tablets, palm branches, shorn of leaves, or animal skin. This was done primarily by Zaid bin Thabit, who was the main scribe out of the 42 scribes of the revelation. The Prophet [PBUH] set the order of the chapters under the guidance of Angel Jibrail [PBUH] and ordered his companions to maintain that order. Abu Bakr, the first caliph of Islam, compiled the Quran, and Uthman, the third caliph, made numerous copies and sent one copy to each state capital.

2) What were the names of the people people (or person) who wrote down each part of the Qur'an?

See above and from

Sahaba began recording suras in writing before Muhammad died in 632. Allusions to written copies of the Qur'an can be found in many events. Immediately before his conversion in 615, Umar ibn al-Khattab caught his sister reading the Qur'anic text (Ta-Ha) off of parchment. Muhammad said that reading the Quranic text earns a believer twice as much reward as reciting it from memory. He also prohibited carrying written copies of the Qur'an into battle.[18] He also sent some of them to different tribes and cities in order to teach people the Islam and Qur'an.[citation needed]

However, the initial revelation were not written on paper. It was written on different sort of parchments, tablets of stone, branches of date trees, other wood, leaves, leather and even bones.[18][19]

At Medina, about forty companions are believed to have acted as scribes for the Qur'an. Twenty two such persons are mentioned by name in the Hadith. Among them were well known persons, such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Ibn Masud, Abu Huraira, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Amr bin al-As, Aisha, Hafsa and Umm Salama.[18] Others went over the contents of the Quran with the prophet before his death

Are you telling me you couldnt find this out on your own?

I mean, you are happy to cancel out various Hadith - apply the same brain-cells to the Qur'an.

The Hadith that can be discarded are from well known unreliable sources and peopel who were quite frankly called liars. Also, the Quran was written and memorized by heart as soon as it was revealed. The hadith on the other were compiled years later.

We will then have to agree the Qur'an is simply Arabs plagiarizing the religous of their northern and more developed neighbors - the Persians and Byzantine and combining these with the Jewish stories together with their oral Arab polytheistic traditions - because that's really what happened you know.

If the Arabs were so intent on creating a religion like this then why the massive persecution of Muslims? That simple fact alone totally blows this argument away.
But what about Q 4: 34 and 4: 11? What does one do when the book itself suggests intolerance?

I will post a reply to this question as soon as the moderator who accused me of preaching replies to my PMs. Because then ill know what is allowed and what not.

So you consider Uthman rightly guided. But...was it not Uthman in particular who was responsible for guiding and directing much of the invasion and conquest of Christian territory? Forgive me, but Uthman is possibly the greatest example of islamic aggression possible. He can hardly be a role model to a peaceful person. It would be as if I took my spiritual inspiration from the anti-islamist movement in India that Sam associates with V. Lal. Are you sure we have the same person?

It is true that during Uthmans Caliphate the Muslim empire expanded. But if you read history you will see that the fighting against Persia was because rebellion was being instigated towards Islam and Muslims. From the West the Roman Empire was sending fleets to invade Egypt. After the Muslims won these conflicts the territories came under Muslim rule. That doesnt mean that every other religion or culture was destroyed. No. According to Islam Muslims arent allowed to hurt Dhimmies but are to protect them, their religion and their property. So in the end, expansion of an empire is political in nature and has various motives, some ulterior, some not.

Also, it was because of Muslim expansion and the progress in Muslim ruled Spain that Europe was able to achieve the Renaissance.
You need to understand that Islam is considered by Muslims to be the pinnacle of religious evolution.
OK could you explain just one novel idea that the "pinnacle" called "Islam" taught? That is, some new and enlightening idea or concept.

If there is nothing then I'd have to say the entire thing was plagiarized and you'd have to agree with me. This is simply a matter of academia. Is there something "novel"? If not then you may believe it is a "pinnacle" but I will have to assume it's a hack-job.


If the Arabs were so intent on creating a religion like this then why the massive persecution of Muslims? That simple fact alone totally blows this argument away.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Muslims copied stories from Jewish, Christians, Zoroastrians, etc... That's not posturing Arsalan, it's simply a very simple fact. We don't find any Aztec stories or any Japanese stories or any Chinese stories or any Aboriginal stories in the Qur'an do we? No, but we do find that the entire Qur'an is filled with very common Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian stories that were the people that lived in and around Arabia - come on Arsalan, it's so obvious they plagiarized their neighbors mythos you'd have to be completely blind not to see it.

Religious indoctrination will do that though....

Think of it like this - if you think it makes it easier.
Baha'i have a Prophet. 100+ years ago the Iranian Baha'i Prophet said the reason why the Muslims are all backwards compared to Europe is the Qur'an is corrupted by man and so humans needed another Prophet - which was him. Now his stories are remarkable similar to the stories in the Qur'an and Bible and Torah. So, if you read the Baha’i religious book you will immediately recognize the same stories.

Now my question Arsalan: Was the Baha'i Prophet the REAL Last Prophet of God? If not then HOW ON EARTH did he come to have these almost exact same stories as found in the Qur’an? Using those brain cells tell me how he came to know of these stories?

How Arsalan? How did he have the same stories? Was it that God told him because he was the last Prophet? Or did he copy them? Which is it?

Lastly, you did not answer my very direct questions. When I asked for a date I wanted a date. That’s why I asked for a direct answer.

So to make sure we do not have this problem again, as this is a Science forum, do you agree with the following answers in blue, please indicate that YES you agree or NO you disagree and why you disagree.

1) On what day and in what year was the Qur'an completed?
No one knows the exact day nor the exact year

2) What were the names of the people people (or person) who wrote down each part of the Qur'an?
No one knows the names of the people (or person) who wrote down the final version of the Qur'an

3) Which parts of the Qur'an did each of these people write down?
No one knows which people wrote down which parts of the Qur'an

Frankly, you should use your reasoning that you will use to say the Baha'i prophet was not the Last Prophet (or for you even a real Prophet) on your own beleif. But again ... religious indoctrination ....
On the side, think about this:
Polytheistic Arabs used to walk around a big square rock as part of a polytheistic religous festival. Now monotheistic Arabs walk around a big square rock as part of a monotheistic religous festival.

You may think that Islam some how sanctified this walk around a big square rock as part of a religous festival but the truth of the matter is this was another aspect of Arab polytheism that was incorporated into "Islam". Anyone can see this just as easily as you can see that the Baha'i' copied middler eastern stories into their religous beliefs.

It's obvious to everyone except the person who has been indoctrinated - in this case and on this point - that's you. In regards to Baha'i and their beleif it's them.

Simple really,
I will post a reply to this question as soon as the moderator who accused me of preaching replies to my PMs. Because then ill know what is allowed and what not

I will await your response.

It is true that during Uthmans Caliphate the Muslim empire expanded.

At the expense of non-muslims, yes.

But if you read history you will see that the fighting against Persia was because rebellion was being instigated towards Islam and Muslims.

How can rebellion to a foreign religion be instigated? For there to be rebellion, there first had to be subjugation.

From the West the Roman Empire was sending fleets to invade Egypt.

Which was, before its invasion, a Christian land, not a muslim one. Again, your example is behind the sequence of events, not before it.

After the Muslims won these conflicts the territories came under Muslim rule. That doesnt mean that every other religion or culture was destroyed. No.

Yes. Eastern Christians and Jews were subjugated, exactly as Sura 9 dictates, and at the intention of Uthman. Coptic Christians live in terror not only of the Muslim Brotherhood, but of the authorities. Minority religions were subjected to a steady, increasing pressure to convert or flee. I suggest you read the tafsir to Sura 9 available from the Muslim Student's Association at the University of Southern California to see the kind of supremacist attitude taken by islam to the conquest of non-muslims.

According to Islam Muslims arent allowed to hurt Dhimmies but are to protect them, their religion and their property. So in the end, expansion of an empire is political in nature and has various motives, some ulterior, some not.

Yet, the purpose of such conquest is also to exterminate their religion and culture, according to the tafsir for Sura 9. In practice, dhimmis have usually had little legal protection and were the subjects for extortion in the Ottoman empire for hundreds of years via jizya; they have little now, too, according to the news reports coming out of the islamic world.

Also, it was because of Muslim expansion and the progress in Muslim ruled Spain that Europe was able to achieve the Renaissance.

Debatable. Why, then, did science and knowledge in the islamic world fall so quickly behind that of the European world?
You need to understand that Islam is considered by Muslims to be the pinnacle of religious evolution. To have evolution, it has to have existed before. Muslims believe in Moses and Jesus and believe that they were Prophets, but because their messages were tampered with by human hands their Holy Books arent acceptable anymore as the word of God.

I hope also that you understand in turn that the Christians, Jews and Ba'hais disagree with you.
But if you read history you will see that the fighting against Persia was because rebellion was being instigated towards Islam and Muslims.
Arsalan, I'm sure you are a nice guy, but please. There is only one reason people are motivated toward aggressive war and that's simply spoils.

I'll let Khālid ibn al-Walīd say as much himself:

"Do you not see the wealth of the land of the Persians? Do you not remember the poverty of the land of the Arabs? Do you not see how the crops in this land cover the earth? If the holy war were not enjoined by Allah, we should still come and conquer this rich land and exchange the hunger of our deserts for the abundant eating which is now ours"

It seems pretty straight forwards to me.
Kill people take their stuff.


Just something for you think about. When you think about the Crusades how do you feel? What sort of involuntary emotion does the idea of the Religious Crusades bring to mind? What about the Muslims conquest of Spain? What of the colonization of the Middle East by England and France? How about the land taken from Muslims that is now a part of Israel? Should it be returned to the Muslims? How about the land taken from Christians by the Muslims, specifically of Constantinople - should Constantinople be returned to Greek Christians? Just some things to think about..

Do you think it is enlightened to tax people based on their personal beleif?
Do you think it was good of the Catholic Kings to force all Muslims to convert in Spain and eat pork (actually they had to have it in their house at all times just to eat it - if a curious inquisitor came along). Do you really think Persians venerated an Arab Prophet because what they read in the Qur'an was so new, so novel and oh so enlightening to them? Do you really think that was the case? Maybe you think Spanish Muslims converted to Catholicisms because they liked the taste of port?

Time to rub those brain cells together Arsalan....
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OK could you explain just one novel idea that the "pinnacle" called "Islam" taught? That is, some new and enlightening idea or concept. If there is nothing then I'd have to say the entire thing was plagiarized and you'd have to agree with me. This is simply a matter of academia. Is there something "novel"? If not then you may believe it is a "pinnacle" but I will have to assume it's a hack-job.

*Le major sigh* This is your biggest problem and it shows the limitation of your understanding of religion. You want to compare a religion with an academic writing. That just won’t work. When you are writing academically, if you plagiarize, then you are in a lot of trouble and you are shunned by the academic community. I know this because as a law student I get this hammered into me every single month. But thankfully this is a forum and not some academic writing :D

The Quran on the other hand is the book that was revealed to the Holy Prophet, both of whom were prophesied about by earlier Prophets and their religions. So it follows that if something is prophesied in a religion, it should come to fruition. And that is exactly what happened with Islam.

The core teachings of the Prophets are the same: Unity of God, worship etc. The Quran is perfect because it contains no contradictions and, as opposed to earlier sharias, is not addressed to just 1 nation or people, but to the whole of the world. It brings a perfect system based on justice and equality and freedom.

Islam is also the only religion capable of uniting all the religions of the world because of its universal teaching.

Also, let me quote something to answer your question:


While speaking on the subject of the distinctive features of Islam, the first and most attractive feature that strikes one, is its most endearing disclaimer that Islam has a monopoly of truth, [...] Moderator Edit: Approximately 6600 words removed and can be found at this link:
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Islam and the Quran brought many teachings which were in themselves revolutionary and perfect.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Muslims copied stories from Jewish, Christians, Zoroastrians, etc... That's not posturing Arsalan, it's simply a very simple fact. We don't find any Aztec stories or any Japanese stories or any Chinese stories or any Aboriginal stories in the Qur'an do we? No, but we do find that the entire Qur'an is filled with very common Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian stories that were the people that lived in and around Arabia - come on Arsalan, it's so obvious they plagiarized their neighbors mythos you'd have to be completely blind not to see it.
First of all, prove it. Secondly, why did those people then convert to Islam instead of oppose it and denounce it as plagiarism? Why would someone like the Holy Prophet, who was so truthful that even his enemies acknowledged that he had never lied, lie all of a sudden and get such a great following? Common sense and facts oppose your view. You just don’t seem to understand. I guess it’s not your programming ;) A serious question raised by your argument is that why where there all these religions and why the need for another religion? In the presence of all these books and teachings, did the world need another book? This is the question which should occur to everyone who starts upon a study of the Quran. Its answer will take many forms :
First, was not this division between religion and religion reason enough for the coming of yet another religion to unite all?

Secondly, was not the human mind to undergo a process of evolution similar to that which the human body had already gone through? And, just as physical evolution had ultimately become established, were not mental and spiritual evolution destined towards an ultimate perfection which was the very end of human existence?

Thirdly, had not earlier books become so defective that a new book had now become a
universal necessity which was met by the Quran?

Fourthly, did earlier religions regard their Messages as absolutely final? Did they not believe in continued spiritual progress ? Did they not continuously assure their followers of a coming
Message which would unite mankind and lead them to their ultimate objective?

These questions and their answers are the reason that de Quran has not been plagiarized but was prophesied about.
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Now my question Arsalan: Was the Baha'i Prophet the REAL Last Prophet of God? If not then HOW ON EARTH did he come to have these almost exact same stories as found in the Qur’an? Using those brain cells tell me how he came to know of these stories?
Not only do the contents of the Holy Qur’an show that it is a perfect code of laws and the best book for the spiritual guidance and uplift of mankind, the Babi leaders themselves admit that it is so. ‘Ali Muhammad Bab wrote:

"Since at the time when the Holy Qur’an was revealed the people of those days prided
themselves over their mastery of the language, Allah sent down this book in such a beautiful, vigorous and perfect style of language that nothing better can be imagined. And in this book the truth of the claims of the Holy Prophet Muhammad has been established on the most evident, manifest and irrefutable basis" (Al-Bayan Ms.)

‘Abdul Baha’ writes:

"Among the miracles of the Holy Qur’an one is that it stands on a sure foundation
of reason and wisdom in everything it teaches. On the basis of complete certainty it has propounded a sharia which for the people of this age forms the very essence of spiritual life. In addition to formulating a sharia the Qur’an also explains some weighty points of History and Mathematics which run counter to the theories accepted in those days, and it has been proved that the Qur’anic view is the correct one".

Baha’ullah himself says:
"The faulty intelligence and grasp of human beings cannot fully comprehend the vast body of truths embodied in the Holy Qur’an, just as a spider cannot hunt down and catch a bird".

‘Abdul Fadal, a well-known Baha’i missionary, says:

These verses of the Holy Qur’an clearly indicate that the principles of sharia, its details, the arguments which support it, its origin and achievement, in short everything has been fully and conclusively dealt with in it, no aspect of any worthwhile question having been left incomplete or inconclusive".

Baha’ullah wrote during his life at ‘Akka:

"The sharia of Muhammad is complete and perfect in every way. The fault lies with the Muslims that they do not live up to it. If the Muslims were to act upon it, there would be peace in the whole world".

But it is not correct to attribute to Baha’ullah any claim of prophethood. He never claimed to be a nabi. He seems to believe in the Holy Prophet being Khatamul Nabiyyin in the same sense as the generality of Muslims interpret this expression.

‘Abdul Fadal, a well known Baha’i missionary, writes:

"This idea of the Shaikh (‘Abdul Salam) that the Bab and Baha’ullah claimed prophethood for themselves is altogether wrong and imaginary. Everyone acquainted with Baha’i literature knows fully well that this claim is neither to be found in the Alwah, nor have any of their followers used this word in regard to them".

In the book entitled Al-Baha’iya, published in Egypt, one reads:

"Baha’ullah, ‘Abdul Baha’, or the Bab, none of them ever claimed to be a prophet"
(Page 49)

In the Baha’i journals entitled Kaukab-e-Hind we read:

"Neither does the word Nabi (Prophet) occur in the Ayah Mubaarakah, nor has the Promised One of the Furqan been called a nabi nor do the Baha’is take Hadrat Baha’ullah as a prophet: and this has been openly proclaimed a number of times in Kaukab-e-Hind.

Then what did the claim of Baha’ullah precisely amount to? Kaukab-e-Hind answers this question as follows: The Baha’is hold that the epoch of prophethood has come to an end. They hold that prophethood has come to an end even among the followers of Muhammad. But of course they do not hold that the Power of God has come to an end. Therefore they accept a new manifestation of the power, which goes a step beyond prophethood, implying thereby the end of the epoch of prophethood.

This is the reason why the Bha’is never say that prophethood has not ended and that the Promised One of all the religions is a nabi or rasul. What they say is this that advent was a Mustaqil Khuda’i Zahur. Moreover, it stands only too true to reason that one-step beyond prophethood is nothing else but Godhead and Divinity itself.

In spite of Baha’ullah’s claim to Divinity, it was and always shall be quite impossible for the Baha’is to run away from the fact that he was just as much a frail human being as any one else. They have therefore taken the stand that in this respect he was like Jesus Christ.

A lot of people now acknlowedge that he claimed Divinity. Shaikh Rashid, Editor Al-Manar, Egypt, writes:

"The Baha’is are a culmination of the Batini sect who worship Baha’ullah, believing in his Godhead and Divinity. The Baha’is have their own separate sharia".

A well-known Christian scholar, Ilyas Khaduri, writes:

"In numerous places in his book Baha’ullah has by implication, and also openly claimed Godhead and Divinity for himself."

Maulawi Sanaullah of Amritsar insisted for a long time that Baha’ullah claimed prophethood. But at last he had to admit that Baha’ullah, according to his followers, had claimed Godhead and Divinity:

"Till now we have been insisting that Shaikh Baha’ullah had claimed prophethood for himself. But today the Baha’i organ, Kaukab-e-Hind, has very strongly refuted our stand"

From the writings of Baha’ullah himself in regard to this question, the following two references should suffice where Baha’ullah says:

"He who is at the moment speaking from prison, is the creator of all things, and the originator of all names. He has borne great hardships in order to give life to the world".


"Other than myself, who am in prison, alone at the moment, there is no God".

To those less familiar with the Bab and Bahai religion, let’s dig into their origins and intentions. Among variants of the Shia point of view there is a sect called the Ithna ‘Asharia. The Shias regard Hadrat ‘Ali as invested with special sanctity, to an extent where it involves denial of the authority of the three Khalifas who preceded Hadrat ‘Ali in this office, namely, Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and Uthman. According to the belief of the Ithna ‘Asharia, there have been
twelve rightful Imams after Hadrat ‘Ali, eleven of them having died after the normal span of their lives, but the twelfth having disappeared and gone into hiding in some cave, to reappear towards the end of the world as the expected Imam Mahdi to bring the mission of his Imamat to completion.

Shias of the Ithna ‘Asharia sect also hold that ever since the time the twelfth Imam went into hiding, he keeps one of his followers, the best and most devoted, in the position of a Bab, i.e., a door through which the rest of his followers could maintain spiritual contact and communion with him. According to Alqami, a noted Shia writer and divine:

"To this day there have always been among his followers people of special devotion who have held the position of a Bab (door) in relation to him, with functions to serve as a link between the Imam and his followers for the communication of what should and what should not be done."

Moderator Edit: The remaining text was deleted because it was a large copy/paste from another site. This is against forum rules and plagiarism is also unethical. The original text can be viewed in this PDF document: (beginning at around page 13).
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Lastly, you did not answer my very direct questions. When I asked for a date I wanted a date. That’s why I asked for a direct answer.
So to make sure we do not have this problem again, as this is a Science forum, do you agree with the following answers in blue, please indicate that YES you agree or NO you disagree and why you disagree.
1) On what day and in what year was the Qur'an completed?
No one knows the exact day nor the exact year
NO The Quranic revelations continued until the Prophets death. The last whole Surah to be revealed is considered to be Surah al- Nasr, the 11Oth Chapter of the Holy Quran. This is a "Medinite" Surah in the sense that it was revealed after the Hijrah. But this Chapter was actually revealed at Mecca, during the time of the Prophet's farewell pilgrimage. The very last verses with which the Quranic revelations came to a close however, belong to Surah al Maidah, the 5th Chapter of the Holy Quran. These verses were also revealed during the farewell pilgrimage, immediately after the Prophet's sermon on the Mount:
This day have I perfected for you your religion, and completed upon you My favour, and have chosen for you Islam as religion. (5:4)
Also, from that part of history, anyone will be hard pressed to find the exact dates for all the major events.
2) What were the names of the people people (or person) who wrote down each part of the Qur'an?
No one knows the names of the people (or person) who wrote down the final version of the Qur'an
3) Which parts of the Qur'an did each of these people write down?
No one knows which people wrote down which parts of the Qur'an

NOThe following people are named as the scribes of the Holy Quran::

I . Zaid bin Thabit.
2. Ubayy ibn Ka'b.
3. 'Abdullah bin Sa'd bin Abi Sarh.
4. Zubair bin al-'Awwam.
5. Khalid bin Sa'id bin al-'As.
6. Aban bin Sa'id bin al-'As.
7. Hanzala bin al-Rabi' al-Asadi.
8. Mu'aiqib bin Abi Fatima.
9. 'Abdullah bin Arqam al-Zuhri.
10. Shurahbil bin Hasana.
1 I. 'Abdullah bin Rawaha.
12. Abu Bakr.
13. 'Umar.
14. 'Uthman.
15. 'Ali.
There were also the principal teachers and reciters. Apart from that the Quran was recited in all the congressional prayers. There were also people that had memorized it. When it was found that five hundred of the reciters of the Quran had been killed in the battle with Musailima's army, 'Umar suggested to Abu Bakr (who was then the Khalifa) that if those who had the Quran by heart began to be lost in battles in such large numbers, the safe-guarding of the purity of its text would become difficult and that the time had therefore arrived when the whole of the Quran should be collected in one volume.

Abu Bakr at first demurred but eventually accepted the suggestion and appointed Zaid bin Thabit, being one of those who used to record the Quran at the dictation of the Holy Prophet, to collect the text of the Quran in one volume and appointed prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet to assist him in the task.

You see, it doesn’t matter that the names of the thousands of people that memorized and recited every single verse was not recorded. If you are going by that standard, can you give me the name of every soldier in every major battle during that time of history? What completely stupid questions have you asked. Sneakily you have tried to create a straw man argument but it is not going to work here.