Islam denounces terrorism

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Good, and your a terrorist in my eyes PM. The word itself has lost all meaning. Anyone who doesnt agree with you is a terrorist. Especially the palistians -- look how they treat the israelis! Your logic can be reversed to disprove your arguments. Of course, none of this matters to you, as you feel you are always right. And nazies and jews... two COMPLETELY different things
PM, let me ask you this, with a simple yes or no answer, if you'd be so kind:
Did YOU think the 9/11 attacks were justified?

The Flemster.
ddovala said:
Good, and your a terrorist in my eyes PM.
That's going a bit far isn't it? I mean sure the boy is fanatical and likes to rant a bit... but a terrorist?

The word itself has lost all meaning
On the contrary, the word itself has been given new meaning. Disagree with the US government and their policy and you're maligned as a terrorist. Don't support the US and its insane policies and you're a terrorist sympathiser. Lets face it, if your fart smells bad to the US, you'll probably be classified as a terrorist.

Anyone who doesnt agree with you is a terrorist. Especially the palistians -- look how they treat the israelis!
Are you serious? Have you considered how the Isrealis treat the Palestinians? How would you feel if you were forced from your home at gunpoint, only to see your home and land being given to another? How would you feel if you were then forced to live in camps where all your movements are restricted? How would you feel if you were no longer allowed to visit your family if they were in another camp, and the only way to get to them is to go through a checkpoint where you are harrassed, face arrest for just being a Palestinian, where you are sometimes bashed, where you are sometimes in a queue for hours if not days before you're allowed through? How would you feel if your child is sick and the hospital is on the other side of a checkpoint and you're refused entry? There was a case a couple of years ago where an 8 year old Palestinian girl was suffering from appendicitis and the ambulance was turned back from the checkpoint because the road to the hospital was closed due to the fact that it was at that time open to the Jews living in a settlement off the road. The media got a hold of the girl's plight, by that stage her appendix had burst. A Jewish couple heard of her plight on the radio and they drove their car to the camp where she was still waiting in the ambulance at the checkpoint and they took her to the hospital. How would you feel if that was your child and you had to sit there for a couple of days as she lay dying, knowing that you weren't allowed to get to the hospital because you were a Palestinian? And you're complaning about how they treat the Isrealis?

And nazies and jews... two COMPLETELY different things
Are they though? Think about it a little bit. Think about what the Nazis did to the Jews. Think about how the Jews were forced from their homes at gunpoint and forced to live in camps. Think about how the Nazis took away all the rights the Jews had. Think about the way in which the Nazis treated the Jews. Now think about how the Jews pushed the Palestinians from their homes and lands. Think about how the Jewish Government made the Palestinians live in camps. Think about how the Jewish Government took away the rights of the Palestinians and think about how the Palestinians are now treated. The only difference between the Jews and the Nazis is that the Jews aren't gasing and incinerating the Palestinians.
Bells - the way I see it is this:

Palistinians and Israelis : killing each other

in each side's eyes the others are terrorists for killing innocent people

To the United States fundamentalist regimes who attack innocent people are terrorists

To the fundamentalist regimes the United States are terrorists

To everyone everyone else is a terrorist. The word lacks any real meaning anymore, its been overused and overabused.
The United States is the worst of all terrorists. Just look at what's happened lately with the prison detainees. That is horrible. Some young airman took delight in photographing those men in horrible, despicable positions for the fun of it. I hope some of the top eschelon fall because of this. The sad thing it is focused on the PF1s through the PF4s. What about the generals who looked the other way? We look like the terrorists to the rest of the world. Although I am pro-military, I think heads should roll because of this--even Rumsfeld's. Our country looks like we are the terrorists. So much for a Republican government. Bush needs to make these higher ups resign, and now!
I agree medicine woman -- heads need to role for this.

However: we have seen the enemy photographing our prisoners BURNING alive...

I condone niether, however. I think Rumsfeld should retire and those people will be jailed for a LONG time. But i wont take shit from iraqi insergents who burn our contractors and hang them off bridges while laughing.
Bells said:
On the contrary, the word itself has been given new meaning. Disagree with the US government and their policy and you're maligned as a terrorist. Don't support the US and its insane policies and you're a terrorist sympathiser. Lets face it, if your fart smells bad to the US, you'll probably be classified as a terrorist.

I could not agree more.
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