Islam denounces terrorism

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Medicine Woman said:
The longer I live, the more I hate Christians. All Christians are worthy of death.

The longer I live, the more I hate Muslims. All Muslims are worthy of death.

Whats good for the goose.......or

Free speech rocks...... :D
More hate Vienna, please spit more hate !! it is great to see how you are chocking in your hate !! :D
Another fine example of Islam denouncing teerorism :rolleyes:

I particularly love these two quotes:

Those killed were Tali Khotel, 34 — who was eight months pregnant — and her four daughters, ages two to 11, settlers said.

The resistance committees said the "heroic" attack was retaliation for Israel's recent assassinations of Hamas founder, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, and his successor, Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

Apparently killing pregnant women, children, and babies is considered
First of all - Islam is not an evil religeon: it follows the same principles as every other mainstream religeon, that is, peace, forgiveness, and morality. However, the reason Islam gets such a bad rap is because there are islamic states (countries that pound religion into their laws and lifestyles). No country that does not seperate church and state explicately is doomed to fail. This is because the only people that gain power in these countries are the fundamentalists. If there was a pure christian state i would bet that fundamentlists would be in charge of that and cause just as much terror. And to answer your first question yes, I am a Christian. And neither Islam nor Christianity is evil - only intollerant fundamentalist translations that turn love and peace into war and murder. I am, however, curious as to the validity of Islam not taking steps to prevent such terrorism, any thoughts PM?
Crunchy Cat said:
Another fine example of Islam denouncing teerorism :rolleyes:
Apparently killing pregnant women, children, and babies is considered

How pathetic !! you cry loud like RAPED APES when some illegal jewish SETTLERS and THIEVES killed but you dont utter a single word when dozens of Palestineans are KILLED everyday by the barbaric Israeli jews !!!

ddovala said:
First of all - Islam is not an evil religeon: it follows the same principles as every other mainstream religeon, that is, peace, forgiveness, and morality. However, the reason Islam gets such a bad rap is because there are islamic states (countries that pound religion into their laws and lifestyles).

Thank you for your comments, but did you know that out of 57 Muslim countries, only 2 applies Sharia law ?? and did you know that even in these 2 states ( Saudi and Iran ) the sharia law there is applied mixed with the local culture ?????

No country that does not seperate church and state explicately is doomed to fail. This is because the only people that gain power in these countries are the fundamentalists.

I beg to differ ! this might be the case in christian state but not in standard Islamic state, we had such state throughout our history as Muslims and it worked for us, in fact, religious state is what made Muslims the masters of the universe during the middle ages, it is only when Muslims started immitating the west that we fell down and crushed and now suffering from all these problems.

Look at history, it is only when secularist atheist like Kamal Ataturk destroyed the Islamic Khilafa in Turkey that the Muslim world and indeed turkey itself plunged into the abyss of poverty, war and destruction.

The solution for us Muslims is the return of the KHILAFA ( the islamic state ) in which muslims choose their khalifa ( leader ) based on general agreement as was the case during the early age of Islam ( after the death of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)).

I am, however, curious as to the validity of Islam not taking steps to prevent such terrorism, any thoughts PM?

First, I need to ask you what do you mean by Islam ? Islam is not someone to take steps, perhaps you meant, what Muslims are doing to prevent such terrorism !! if this is the question, then I need to tell you how do you expect the victims to protect the killers ?? how do you expect Muslims who are the real victims of western terrorism to stop some mad fanatics from doing the same ??

I mean look at the daily killings of Muslims in Palestine at the hand of the sadistic jewish terrorists and the daily killings of Muslims in Iraq at the hands of the American terrorists ( not to forget the barbaric torture and the sexual abuse ) !! how do you expect us to stand up and stop terrorism when we are the victims of this terrorism ???

There is no justification for killing innocent civilians but when Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed, this is how it works in the Muslim world...stop your governments from invading and bombing and killing Muslims and terrorism will stop.
Proud_Muslim said:
How pathetic !! you cry loud like RAPED APES when some illegal jewish SETTLERS and THIEVES killed but you dont utter a single word when dozens of Palestineans are KILLED everyday by the barbaric Israeli jews !!!


That's not much of a differnet side to the story:

Though security was intensified for the vote, Palestinian gunmen in Gaza killed a pregnant settler and her four young daughters as they headed into Israel to campaign against Sharon's plan. It was the deadliest attack on Gaza settlers in two years.

Israel retaliated with an airstrike on a Gaza radio station affiliated with the militant Hamas group, lightly injuring seven Palestinians in the 14-story building, and with another strike on a car full of militants in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Lets see here. Islamic representatives practice terrorism by murdering their
formidable enemies (1 pregnant women, 4 girls + babies). Israel attacks the
group claiming ownership of the terrorism. Islam calls the terrorism heroic.
Israel calls the terrorism an obstacle to peace.

All the while, Islam denounces terrorism? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
"There is no justification for killing innocent civilians but when Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed, this is how it works in the Muslim world...stop your governments from invading and bombing and killing Muslims and terrorism will stop. "

That doesnt sound like you're against terrorism, only terrorism against muslims.

"I mean look at the daily killings of Muslims in Palestine at the hand of the sadistic jewish terrorists and the daily killings of Muslims in Iraq at the hands of the American terrorists ( not to forget the barbaric torture and the sexual abuse ) "

And you mention the Jewish terrorists but forget to mention the muslim terrorists going into Israel. The way you group all the Jews under the banner of terrorism (and the same with Americans) makes you seem like you are the same as everyone you hate, someone who groups everyone in a relgeon and holds them to a steriotype. Furthermore, I would try not to get in the sexual abuse argument here for many muslim states have Rape as a punishment for crimes. Look at all the rape chambers the "american terrorists" put an end too. Yeah, that sounds like terror against the people alright.

And as to my argument about religeous states as a whole, I still think my point is valid. Religeons have a tendancy to branch apart when new ideals and beliefs come up. But only one of these inturpretations can be the ruler of the country leaving many unrepresented and discriminated against.

Finally, I am fairly new to these threads and do not know much about everyone's views and personalities. I simply try to provide an unbiast argument. However, PM, you seem to think that Islam is completely without fault and the pure image of a perfect society. this is obviously not true (look at current events) and while you say muslims do not condone the actions of terrorists, and they might, you seem to be ok with it. "There is no justification for killing innocent civilians BUT when Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed". You have a double standard here. If what you initially state is true (and I know most Muslims do not condone terrorism) then you apparently dont represent most Muslims, in which case we cant take any of your views with any credibility. I would consider changing your title to something other than "Shield of Islam" because all you are doing is spreading the steriotype of Islamic fanaticism that the world should try to get rid of.

Conclusion: I can see you are well educated but i'm purely appalled at your views about how its ok for Muslim terrorists to kill westerners, but not vice versa. It is not ok on EITHER side, IMO.
Crunchy Cat said:
That's not much of a differnet side to the story:

How about this ???

Lets see here. Islamic representatives practice terrorism by murdering their
formidable enemies (1 pregnant women, 4 girls + babies). Israel attacks the
group claiming ownership of the terrorism. Islam calls the terrorism heroic.
Israel calls the terrorism an obstacle to peace.

What a load of BULLSHIT !! Israel is terrorist nazi state, Israel is in violation of more than 80 UN resolutions, imprison 9000 palestineans as political prisoners and in grave violation of all international treaties regarding treating civilians under occupation, perhpas the UNITED NATION report on ISRAELI TERRORISM will help:

The Commission on Human Rights this morning adopted by roll-call vote three resolutions on human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan, Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories, and the violation of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, including Palestine.

ddovala said:
That doesnt sound like you're against terrorism, only terrorism against muslims.

I said killing innocent civilians is wrong, but as long as Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed, it is just common sense.

And you mention the Jewish terrorists but forget to mention the muslim terrorists going into Israel. The way you group all the Jews under the banner of terrorism (and the same with Americans) makes you seem like you are the same as everyone you hate, someone who groups everyone in a relgeon and holds them to a steriotype.

That is not true, in democrasy such as the American one, there is no difference between the people and their government, the American government is terrorist government and so are the American people until they change their war criminal president.

this is in no way to say that All Americans are terrorists, no, far from it, but the american people have to stand up and condemn their own terrorism.

As to the Jewish terrorists, I will let the JEWS themselves speak about other jews terrorism against the palestineans:

Furthermore, I would try not to get in the sexual abuse argument here for many muslim states have Rape as a punishment for crimes.

this is nonesense, can you provide SINGLE credible evidence which shows that some muslims states have rape as LEGAL punishment for crimes !!!!

Look at all the rape chambers the "american terrorists" put an end too. Yeah, that sounds like terror against the people alright.

You are joking right ?? the Americans are doing now excatly what Saddam used to do to his own people, torture, abuse and killing, here is the CBS PICTURES:

Finally, I am fairly new to these threads and do not know much about everyone's views and personalities. I simply try to provide an unbiast argument.

You are very welcome here,I hope you will enjoy your stay, dont get into the hate business, it is a curse.

However, PM, you seem to think that Islam is completely without fault and the pure image of a perfect society.

Yes, Islam is completely without fault, Islam as religion is perfect.

this is obviously not true (look at current events) and while you say muslims do not condone the actions of terrorists, and they might, you seem to be ok with it.

however, some muslims are wrong and we condemn them, but let me ask you this question:

- Do you condemn the American terrorism against the Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan ?

- Do you condemn the sadistic jewish terrorism against the muslims in palestine ?

- Do you ask every single christian in the world to stand up and condemn peadophilia in the church ?

- Do you ask every single Jew in the world to stand up and condemn the israeli barbaric terrorism against the palestineans ???

"There is no justification for killing innocent civilians BUT when Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed". You have a double standard here. If what you initially state is true (and I know most Muslims do not condone terrorism)

If you know most muslims dont condone terrorism, what is your point from asking in the first place ?

then you apparently dont represent most Muslims, in which case we cant take any of your views with any credibility. I would consider changing your title to something other than "Shield of Islam" because all you are doing is spreading the steriotype of Islamic fanaticism that the world should try to get rid of.

Oh I see, so asking you to condemn your OWN terrorism against Muslims in sterotyping, right ???? you are here with clear agenda and set up mind about Islam and Muslims, until terrorism against Muslims STOP, terrorism against the west will not stop....dont get me wrong, I am in no way supporting terrrorism or the killing innocent Americans or westerners , but it is COMMON SENSE.
our condemnation wont help the Muslims who lost loved ones to the American or the Israeli that ????

Conclusion: I can see you are well educated but i'm purely appalled at your views about how its ok for Muslim terrorists to kill westerners, but not vice versa. It is not ok on EITHER side,

I think you did not read what I wrote, it is not ok to kill anyone wheather they are muslims or westerners, killing is WRONG, UNJUSTIFIED. terrorism is wrong and unjustified, but again, until and unless you stop your own terrorism against Muslims, terrorism against you will continue, again, it is COMMON SENSE.
Proud_Muslim said:
How about this ???

What a load of BULLSHIT !! Israel is terrorist nazi state, Israel is in violation of more than 80 UN resolutions, imprison 9000 palestineans as political prisoners and in grave violation of all international treaties regarding treating civilians under occupation, perhpas the UNITED NATION report on ISRAELI TERRORISM will help:

The Commission on Human Rights this morning adopted by roll-call vote three resolutions on human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan, Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories, and the violation of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, including Palestine.


IMO, the attack on Jenin was a blantant act of war. The following link is an
example of an Israeli testimony which basically says 'we fucked up bad'
in response to the attack on Jenin:

I rather think the original point was missed. Both the Islamic and Israeli
culture make big mistakes. Only one of these cultures considers the mistakes
heroic. How can Islam denounce terrorism when the very act is considered
herioc? This is a contradiction.
Proud_Muslim said:
I said killing innocent civilians is wrong, but as long as Muslims are killed, westerners will get killed, it is just common sense.

PM, In your honest opinion:

Muslims who die killing civilian Isrealis would go to heaven or hell?

Israelis who die killing civilian Palestinians would go to heaven or hell?
"You are joking right ?? the Americans are doing now excatly what Saddam used to do to his own people, torture, abuse and killing,"

And those people are going to prison, and courtmarshalled. This is a message to the military that it is NOT tollerated. However, the rape chambers and so forth in Iraq (and probably in other muslim countries as well) were run by the government and nobody put a stop to them (save our cruise missiles).

"That is not true, in democrasy such as the American one, there is no difference between the people and their government, the American government is terrorist government and so are the American people until they change their war criminal president.

this is in no way to say that All Americans are terrorists, no, far from it, but the american people have to stand up and condemn their own terrorism."

First of all, your second statement is disproven by the first. And second of all, i can use the same logic and say "All muslims are bad until the good ones stand up to the bad ones". Using your logic everyone is the devil. Of course you'll come back and say "islam is perfect, so am I, yadda yadda yadda".

"Yes, Islam is completely without fault, Islam as religion is perfect."

Ok, points for that (it made me laugh). A perfect religion wouldnt be able to be inturpretted as it is today by many terrorists. A perfect religion wouldnt be able to be used to justify the slaughter of innocent people who dont agree with it.

"If you know most muslims dont condone terrorism, what is your point from asking in the first place ?"

My point of asking is that you say that "if mulims get killed, westerners get killed". FIRST of all, muslims and westerners are not mutually exclusive. America has many muslims as citizens. SECOND of all, using your SAME logic, i can easily say 'as long as westerners are killed, muslims will be killed'. Its appalling, and thats my point, your logic is appalling.

"but again, until and unless you stop your own terrorism against Muslims, terrorism against you will continue"

Yes, we Americans are the ones strapping bombs to ourselves, running into crowded marketplaces and blowing ourselves up. You even seem to forget the Americans who came to Iraq to try and stop the bombing. I guess they were terrorists too. Everyone 'cept a muslim is a terrorist according to you.

And i'm very interested to know your answer to DoctorNO's question. How would a muslim suicide bomber be treated in the "afterlife"?
Crunchy Cat said:
IMO, the attack on Jenin was a blantant act of war. The following link is an
example of an Israeli testimony which basically says 'we fucked up bad'
in response to the attack on Jenin:

what a load of BULLSHIT !! what war you are talking about ?? war involved 2 armies you retard !! the palestineans have NOTHING comparing with the nazi jews who are occupying palestine.

I rather think the original point was missed. Both the Islamic and Israeli culture make big mistakes. Only one of these cultures considers the mistakes heroic. How can Islam denounce terrorism when the very act is considered herioc? This is a contradiction.

How pathetic !! Ariel sharon, the current Israeli PRIME MINISTER himself is WAR CRIMINAL according to his own kenset, and yet the Israeli public rewarded him for his crimes against the arabs by making him prime minister ! and you are talking about Muslims and terrorism ? hypocrite !
DoctorNO said:
PM, In your honest opinion:

Muslims who die killing civilian Isrealis would go to heaven or hell?

Israelis who die killing civilian Palestinians would go to heaven or hell?

I dont know, I am not God to judge, I dont know wheather both will go to hell or to paradise.
ddovala said:
And those people are going to prison, and courtmarshalled. This is a message to the military that it is NOT tollerated. However, the rape chambers and so forth in Iraq (and probably in other muslim countries as well) were run by the government and nobody put a stop to them (save our cruise missiles).

You see, you failed to provide a single evidence for the existence of rape chambers in the arab world as legal way of torture..I am not saying rape does not take place, but most of these regimes are SUPPORTED by the U.S. !

First of all, your second statement is disproven by the first. And second of all, i can use the same logic and say "All muslims are bad until the good ones stand up to the bad ones". Using your logic everyone is the devil. Of course you'll come back and say "islam is perfect, so am I, yadda yadda yadda".

Here is the RESOUNDING HYPOCRISY !! when the American soldiers in Iraq torture and kill INNOCENT IRAQI MUSLIMS, you guys cry and say, it is only the action of the few but when some muslims commit an act of ' terrorism' you HYPOCRITES cry loud: ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS..ISLAM IS EVIL,BLAH BLAH BLAH !! :mad:

Ok, points for that (it made me laugh). A perfect religion wouldnt be able to be inturpretted as it is today by many terrorists. A perfect religion wouldnt be able to be used to justify the slaughter of innocent people who dont agree with it.

You are displaying amazing moronic attitudes !! first, it is because Islam is perfect religion, you find everyone using it to justify their ends.

Secondly, you will be FOOL if you think the so called Muslim terrorists are killing innocent people because they dont agree with them ! this is UTTER BULLSHIT. Those so called terrorists are killing because MUSLIMS ARE KILLED !! GOT ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ???

My point of asking is that you say that "if mulims get killed, westerners get killed". FIRST of all, muslims and westerners are not mutually exclusive. America has many muslims as citizens. SECOND of all, using your SAME logic, i can easily say 'as long as westerners are killed, muslims will be killed'. Its appalling, and thats my point, your logic is appalling.

it is you who started the killing, did you forget the COLONIAL ERA ?? did you forget your support for the terrorist state of israel ?

Did you forget that it is NOT the muslim armies invading your land but rather your terrorist armies invading ours !!


Yes, we Americans are the ones strapping bombs to ourselves, running into crowded marketplaces and blowing ourselves up. You even seem to forget the Americans who came to Iraq to try and stop the bombing. I guess they were terrorists too. Everyone 'cept a muslim is a terrorist according to you.

You Americans are the main terrorists in this world, you FUCKING KILLERS, you killed 15,000 innocent IRAQI MUSLIMS, tortured THOUSANDS and you cry Muslim terrorism ???

What is the difference between strapping bombs to yourself and strapping bombs to your F16 of Apachi ????? the difference is that you are TOO COWARD to engage face to face, you kill from the safety of the sky !

You killed thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan and tortured more and you cry Muslim terrorism ? you know what ?? go to hell.

You treat Muslims like animals and you cry Muslim terrorism !


Physicians for Human Rights Reveals Appalling Conditions at Shebarghan Prison in Afghanistan

As long as Muslims are treated like this:


18 Members of a family killed in Jokar, near Kandahar, 23 October 2001.

You will be always treated like this:

Holy shit, Proud Muslim!
You really are off your rocker, aren't you?
As are most of the fanatical Muslims on this thread.
How can you justify killing anyone, Muslim or otherwise?
Do you even harbour the POSSIBILLITY that some people on this planet couldn't give a crap about any religion, including yours?
What would you do to them?
Are they worthy of death?

In my opinion, your precious, 'noble' Keranngg needs burning out of existence. Then, by the next generation, perhaps all Muslims could calm down a bit and get on with the job of being human.
And, yes, do the same with all other religious texts too.

The Flemster.
Proud_Muslim said:
what a load of BULLSHIT !! what war you are talking about ?? war involved 2 armies you retard !! the palestineans have NOTHING comparing with the nazi jews who are occupying palestine.

You are mis-informed.

ACT OF WAR - any act occurring in the course of declared war; armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or armed conflict between military forces of any origin. 18 U.S.C.

In Jenin, no war was declared. There were military forces at Jenin before
they were erradicated (much like everyone else). As I said, IMO it was an
act of war; however, as I had also pointed out that Israelis do not consider
this a heroic act.

Proud_Muslim said:
How pathetic !! Ariel sharon, the current Israeli PRIME MINISTER himself is WAR CRIMINAL according to his own kenset, and yet the Israeli public rewarded him for his crimes against the arabs by making him prime minister ! and you are talking about Muslims and terrorism ? hypocrite !

These are excerpts from the URL given:

On 6 June 1982, the Israeli army invaded Lebanon in what it described as 'retaliation' for the attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Argov in London on 4 June.

Around mid-day on Thursday 16 September 1982, a unit of approximately 150 Israeli-allied Phalangists entered the first camp. For the next 40 hours members of the Phalangist militia raped, killed, and injured a large number of unarmed civilians, mostly children, women and elderly people inside the encircled and sealed camps. The estimate of victims varies between 700 (the official Israeli figure) to 3,500. The victims and survivors of the massacres have never been deemed entitled to a formal investigation of the tragedy, since Israel's Kahan Commission did not have a judicial mandate and was not backed up by legal force.

The war crimes were committed in large part by the Lebanese Christian political party and militia (Phalangists).

Anyhow... I don't care to take the position of defending Israelis so that will
stop as of this moment. I want to return to the point.

YOU had stated that Islam denounces terrorism. I had shown evidence to
support Islam considering terrorism as being heroic and consistently engaging
terrorist activities.

Does this mean that Islam denounces heroics or does this mean that Islam
does not denounce terrorism? What actions has Islam taken to act upon
the standpoint of denouncing terrorism?

I don't want to see another rambling reply of attacking other cultures (ooooh
look what Isreal did, look what the U.S. did, look what they did...). I want
to see the questions above answered.
PM, did you just say Nazi Jews? Damn... you need to read a book on WW2 and the hollocaust and think about that a little.

As for this debate, it appears Proud_Muslim's arrogance and ignorance make him immune to all forms of logic and common sense.

If the US wanted to kill civilians the entire middle east would be one giant plate of glass, personally i think that would be just fine. 90% of the fanatic terrorists come form this hell hole of the earth.
ddovala said:
PM, did you just say Nazi Jews? Damn... you need to read a book on WW2 and the hollocaust and think about that a little.

Why ? just look at these pictures to see that there is NO difference between the NAZIS and what the JEWS are doing now in Palestine:

Zionism and Nazism: We Can't Tell The Difference, Can You?

Look at the treatment of the Jews towards the Palestinians on the Right hand side of the screen...and recall the treatment that the Jews received from the Nazis on the left side of the screen.

And small comparsion: do you remember how the NAZIS used to mark the jews with spcial signs ? well the jews now are doing the same to the palestinans:

License plates for Israelis

The standard Israeli-issued licence plate for cars owned by Israeli citizens is yellow. This includes everyone with an ID card saying that they are an Israeli citizen, i.e. Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. The yellow plates are also issued to Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, considered by Israel to be part of its territory and by Palestinians to be part of the West Bank.

The yellow licence plate does not show which area the owner of the car lives in or what race the owner is. "Of course!" you might say, "why would it?!" The answer to that is found below...


License plates for Palestinians

It all starts getting strange when you look at what happens in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The photo down shows a license plate for a Palestinian resident of the town of Ramallah. The symbol surrounded by a white rectangle on the left, that looks like an upside down "L", is the Hebrew letter "Reysh" or "R" for Ramallah. The license plate number appears on either a blue or green background.

Similarly, there are different Hebrew letters for Nablus, Bethlehem, Hebron, etc. Gazan Palestinian's cars have white plates - no letter necessary - perhaps one reflection of the view of Gaza as an even more threatening region.



Zionism is Jewish Naziism

As for this debate, it appears Proud_Muslim's arrogance and ignorance make him immune to all forms of logic and common sense.

Said the one who has no idea what the hell he is talking about !! :rolleyes:

If the US wanted to kill civilians the entire middle east would be one giant plate of glass, personally i think that would be just fine. 90% of the fanatic terrorists come form this hell hole of the earth.

Thank you for showing your true colour, you are no better than your war criminal president, George Bush, you both are TERRORISTS.
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