Islam and Science

and it's been my experience that for a large part it's women entering the sciences and excelling in them. A good sign if you ask me.

I think for the most part KSA has the money and resources and hopefully the will to move forward into the modern world. I think they did, at one time, have illusions of spreading Wahabism, but not so anymore. I think they will chart a new course in the liberal direction (or so I hope).
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I think they did, at one time, have illusions of spreading Wahabism

I believe the two are mutually exclusive, ie the spread of Wahabism can be compared to the spread of democracy by Americans. It has little, if anything to do with investment in science.
SAM said:
Unfortunately, Quranic literalists seem to be even more prevalent among Muslims than Biblical literalists among Christians. They show up on this forum frequently, for example. That bodes ill for science, in Muslim lands.

Not where it matters.
Money is a start, after all these years, but a few research facilities long overdue is not going to cover for problems at the lower educational levels.

With money they can always compete for foreign researchers, though - as the Bible Belt of the US seines the world for the mathematicians and doctors it has trouble producing itself.
really i respect u scifes , because u answer by what u should.
Sorry because i didnt reply because admin delete a big part of my thread so i give up
But, after that i decide to complete the discussion
I forgot i'll write again and answer those whom criticize and wonder my article.
If you're looking for validation of science in religion, MKT, you'll have to look pretty bloody hard.

And, probably, use deception.
i dont know, everything i wrote is from Quran and i didnt change anything and i gived u verses in arabic then in english and the Explanation, is that deception, i have only one answer that u r writing off topic.
Like you, like others who talk about Isabella and the Ottoman Empire, while the subject is talking about the Quran and miracles
Money is a start, after all these years, but a few research facilities long overdue is not going to cover for problems at the lower educational levels.

Does having a lot of research facilities for many many years do it?