Islam and Science

SAM said:
Not at all, its quite common for people to look for validation of current events in scriptures. Haven't you noticed?
So it isn't "growing", isn't a "trend" re science in particular, or you misunderstood the question, or what?
SAM said:
No, its neither growing nor a trend, its just more visible in English, maybe.
It kind of had to have had a fairly recent beginning, though - this science stuff hasn't been around for long, and in the Islamic world even less time.
---- Iron:
ALL Scientists believe that the iron is an outsider component for our galaxy and it is Impossible to consist of iron in this galaxy, given the low level of energy, .....
No iron in our galaxy?
Wow, I wonder what the engineering/ manufacturing industries use.
Damn scientists. :rolleyes:

Also, all Arabs Whether they were Jews or Christians witness that the Quran is Eloquent by a way that nobody can write something like him, even an expert Arabic Grammar.
Unmitigated nonsense.
If you're looking for validation of science in religion, MKT, you'll have to look pretty bloody hard.

And, probably, use deception.
Probably because Isabella and Ferdinand the ones who headed the Inquisition, financed it after much of the trade route was controlled by the Ottomans who had no need for additional routs. Thats in between the time they were stretching Muslims on racks and hanging Jews upside down or burning their ankles.

They learned torture from the Muslims, so what goes around comes around.
Thats probably why the Jews came running from Spain to Turkey when invited. They couldn't get enough of it!
They were expelled from Spain! That has nothing to do with torture.

These estimates can possibly be regarded as a minimum; it is fairly probable that at least 200,000 fled the country, leaving behind them their dead and a large number of relatives who had been forced by circumstances to conceal their religion and to adopt Christianity. About 12,000 appear to have entered Navarre, where they were allowed to remain, but under the pressure of the kings of Spain both the newcomers and the Navarrese Jews that didn't convert to Catholicism were expelled from the kingdom in 1498. The expulsion seems to have produced a boat people crisis. The ports of Cartagena, Valencia, and Barcelona were provided by Ferdinand with ships to take the fugitives where they would; but the Jews often found difficulty in landing, owing to disease breaking out among them while on board ship. Thus at Fez the Moors refused to receive them, and they were obliged to roam in an open plain, where many of them died from hunger. The rest returned to Spain and were baptized. Nine crowded vessels arrived at Naples and communicated pestilence. At Genoa they were only allowed to land provided they received baptism. Those who were fortunate enough to reach the Ottoman Empire had a better fate, the Sultan Bayezid II was known to sarcastically send his gratitude to Ferdinand for sending him some of his best subjects, thus "impoverising his own lands while enriching his (Bayezid's)". Jews arriving in Ottoman Empire were mostly resettled in and around Selanik (Thessaloniki in Greek) and to some extent in Istanbul and İzmir.

According to Jane S.Gerber, an expert on Sephardic history at the City University of New York one wing of historians grossly underestimates the number of conversions. Recent Y chromosome DNA testing conducted by the University of Leicester and the Pompeu Fabra University has indicated that around 20% of Spanish men today have direct patrilineal descent from Sephardic Jews, indicating that the number of conversos may have been much higher than originally thought

Yeah you're right. Why didn't they escape the Muslim persecution by going to China or something?
I presume when you are invited somewhere, it's not to be persecuted. I only said that Muslims including Turks were enthusiastic torturers. That is not to say they couldn't be nice when they wanted to be.
Whom did the "Muslims" torture that Ferdinand and Isabella learned from?
/quickly checks wiki

Yeah, he was given up along with his brother by his father and later installed as a puppet-ruler by the Turks.

The atrocities committed by Vlad in the German stories include impaling, torturing, burning, skinning, roasting, and boiling people, feeding people the flesh of their friends or relatives, cutting off limbs, drowning, and nailing people's hats to their heads. His victims included men and women of all ages, religions and social classes, children and babies. One German account includes the following sentence: "He caused so much pain and suffering that even the most bloodthirstiest persecutors of Christianity like Herodes, Nero, Diocletian and all other pagans combined hadn’t even thought of."[10]

In later accounts of these stories, Vlad's atrocities against the people of Wallachia have sometimes been interpreted as attempts to enforce his own moral code upon his country. According to the pamphlets, he appears to have been particularly concerned with female chastity. Maidens who lost their virginity, adulterous wives, and unchaste widows were all targets of Vlad's cruelty. Such women often had their sexual organs cut out or their breasts cut off. They were also often impaled through the vagina on red-hot stakes that were forced through the body until they emerged from the mouth.[14] One report tells of the execution of an unfaithful wife. The woman's breasts were cut off, then she was skinned and impaled in a square in Târgovişte with her skin lying on a nearby table. Vlad also insisted that his people be honest and hard-working. Merchants who cheated their customers were likely to find themselves mounted on a stake beside common thieves

oooh nice!
Guess where he learned all that? He was captured by the Turks and tortured himself for many years.
They skipped that part in the wiki. Sultan X, Impaler Supreme, seems to have been ignored by history.

So they did all this to him before he was 17 and then made him king?

Thats really twisted.
this is insane shit

is bowser recruiting new members from his neighborhood mosque?

MKT was trying to convince me that Mohammad had far reaching insights that validated the Koran as an irrevocable miracle of God. Those are not his words, but I think he was hinting at that possibility.

We were talking on a webcam sight, and I invited him to express his views here. Since I have never read the Koran, I'm a little out of touch with the facts, so I was hoping that we could find some objective views on the topic.

I should also add that MKT told me that he was once an atheist but was converted by Islam.