Islam: A Revolution Within

This is ...

  • ... good news.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • ... merely news.

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • ... bad news.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Other (???)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
AND, more importantly, so that Muslims finally realize it is yummy pork that civilized ancient China and Europe - they should reinterpret whatever verse so that Muslims can actually enjoy pork and thus life itself :p

no pepperoni pizza = OMG give me a suicide belt I'm outta here!!! :D
Turkey pepperoni

But there's turkey pepperoni ....

And it only tastes a little bit like rubber.

(Edit: Damn it!)
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I don't even want know where all this came from, but take your racism elsewhere.

Sick of liars like yourself I guess.

Since when is calling someone a 'wigga' racism?

Your own racial insecurity means you've got to point fingers.

I'm calling you out on this remark.
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AND, more importantly, so that Muslims finally realize it is yummy pork that civilized ancient China and Europe - they should reinterpret whatever verse so that Muslims can actually enjoy pork and thus life itself :p

no pepperoni pizza = OMG give me a suicide belt I'm outta here!!! :D

Man, the smell and sight of pork is gross. Oh, and honest to God, I get severe headaches when I'm at my friend's house and they're making bacon. That vile, vile smell!

Sick of liars like yourself I guess.

Since when is calling someone a 'wigga' racism?

Your own racial insecurity means you've got to point fingers.

I'm calling you out on this remark.

Well, I'd have to actually be white for you calling me a "wigga" to make any sense.
This is a positive step, but very sensitive one at the same time. Do not forget that Bahaism, Salafism, etc. were all formed as an attempt to reinterpret Islam, but lost the way. Since Islam is a religion practiced by a very wide range of people from a wide repertoire of cultures and has been so flexible to be adjusted to different cultures, I suppose this step will only work if it is not done by scholars of a single Islamic state. A national interpretation of Islam will not go beyond the geographical borders. Actually, if a reinterpretation (and not a renewal) is to be done, it should be done by reputed, trusted and experienced muslim religious scholars from all over the world.
In the end, I should reiterate that a reinterpretation of Islamic rules wouldn't mean an abolishment of fundamental principles like Familty life, faithfulness, sexual decency, Jihad, Qisas, etc.
Source: BBC News
Title: "Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts", by Robert Pigott
Date: February 26, 2008

The news comes as a nearly ineffable surprise. I have a feeling, though, that had I been paying attention, it wouldn't have struck me so suddenly; I would have seen it coming, heard the whispers, read the signs.

There is about to be a tremendous upheaval in Islamic society. The entire world will feel the tremors.

Officials in Turkey have stayed somewhat quiet about the project for the controversy they expect this undertaking to incite. Project adviser Felix Koerner told the BBC that some of the sayings can be shown to have been invented well after the prophet's death, with contemporary sociopolitical ambitions in mind.

In addition, scholars are attempting to understand the context of various sayings, which will lead to a reinterpretation of ahadith believed genuinely spoken by the Prophet:

Some of us might suggest that Islam is finally attempting to enter the twenty-first century, and there is merit to the suggestion. But we should on the one hand wait to see what the scholars come up with. And in this age of wars and rumors of wars, it would serve all humanity well that we in the post-Christian West should lend our support and encouragement. Broad issues of social justice wait in hopes of their time in the sun, when we might for once actually help our Muslim neighbors in their struggles with their own humanity, instead of push them away, condemn and threaten.

Peace at last? We cannot expect this soon. But it seems in Turkey they are about to attempt a mighty leap of faith. May their courage find good fortune, and their children a brighter day.

There is nothing more inciting and confirming to the devout muslim than the perception that a infidel influenced government in the middle east (Turkey) is tampering with the quran to remove the allah inspired words of muhammed to conform it to the requirements of the infidels.

Instead of making muslims peaceful this will inspire more true muslims to engage in even greater acts of violence to fight the perceived blasphemy of an outside inspired elite's tampering with their qurans texts.

Doing stuff like this works to enrage a true muslim and to enlarge the ranks of the terrorists not pacify them. This is like a red rag to a bull.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There is nothing more inciting and confirming to the devout muslim than the perception that a infidel influenced government in the middle east (Turkey) is tampering with the quran to remove the allah inspired words of muhammed to conform it to the requirements of the infidels.

Instead of making muslims peaceful this will inspire more true muslims to engage in even greater acts of violence to fight the perceived blasphemy of an outside inspired elite's tampering with their qurans texts.

Doing stuff like this works to enrage a true muslim and to enlarge the ranks of the terrorists not pacify them. This is like a red rag to a bull.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Bullshit! Who told you Quran will be tampered with?? Read first before making your terrorist propaganda:confused:
Simmer down there chuush, it a book were talking about.....oh nooooo.........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
This is merely news.
Hadith has been being debated all the time. Strong, weak, fake.
It is and should be continuously done.