Is This The Year Of "Noah's Ark"?

hello! i'm obviously new and i'd like to get something out of the way first off. i have horrible grammer and spelling, so grammer nazi's, please just let it be.

now then, i have my own "ark" theories, and i'm going to respond to a few things others have said here.
the matter of noah's ark interests me greatly, why? may be 'cause i was raise in the church, may be 'cause i love history...who knows.

i believe it could be found on mt.ararat and though i've read the opposing arguments i still say, why not?
the ppl of noah's time wouldn't have known about the rest of the entire earth, the known world to them would have been much smaller and the world was much less populated at the time. nor would that knowledge have progressed much in the time of the author of genisis.

i'm no geology expertbut let's say at the time of noah, that area of the world was fairly flat, but may be further surrounding areas were rather mountainous and acted as a bowl. if there were rains for 40 days and nights, yes it would flood, but not enough. so imagine that at the same time, plates were shifting around below the earth witch may have caused crack or even whole bits of land breaking off, witch would have allowed water from below to rise upto suface level. keep in mind as well that the earth is always changing, even minutely, so may be mt.ararat wasn/t quite so big back then... we are talking thousands of years.
just maybe that in combo with the rains and the geological lay out could have been enough for the ark to come to rest on a mountain. regarding all the animals, well there wouln't have been quite as many now that we've limited our idea of the land mass being covered.

regarding gilgamesh... i belive we all originated from the same place,(this stands to evolution or creation theories). following that it stands to reason that noah's flood is gilgamesh's flood is the same flood found in many cultures mythologies.

about the object on the mt. being mary's or jesus's bones, well i doubt it in either case, niether would need or have been able to afford such a large burial, so far from home. and if you believe, jesus whent up to heaven bodily, and no remains have ever been found.

the ark of the covenant,(sorry but that's even more far fetched,) was not infact a boat. nor was it any where near so big. it was made to hold the commandments that mosses brought down to the hebrew ppl, from God. it was small enough that men could cary it by poles on thier shoulders, and was kept in the holy of holies before the temple soloman built was destroyed. there's more lore re: this, also tying in the queen of sheba, all very interesting.

all this is of course speculation, based on stories so old that they may or may not be true, but i belive it, dosen't mean any one els in the world has to.
although, i feel sorry for ppl who have blinders to anything that can't be tangibly proven and simply can't believe in things.

also...north pole, not really part of canada.
Morrigan said:
i'm no geology expert but let's say at the time of noah, that area of the world was fairly flat, but may be further surrounding areas were rather mountainous and acted as a bowl. if there were rains for 40 days and nights, yes it would flood, but not enough. so imagine that at the same time, plates were shifting around below the earth witch may have caused crack or even whole bits of land breaking off, witch would have allowed water from below to rise upto suface level. keep in mind as well that the earth is always changing, even minutely, so may be mt.ararat wasn/t quite so big back then... we are talking thousands of years.

Geology is, indeed, not within your expertise. We're certainly not talking "thousands of years," but rather millions. Mt. Arat was at least as big as it is now for as long as people have existed in the last 150,000 to 200,000 years.

Morrigan said:
following that it stands to reason that noah's flood is gilgamesh's flood is the same flood found in many cultures mythologies.

Not to mention that there are several passages in Genesis that are nearly word-for-word the same as the older Gilgamesh epic. The real difference between Noah's flood and that of Utnapishtim is that the Akkadians and Hittites were comfortable with the story being a work of literature. It was the Jewish tribes that later adapted it into their own religion and proclaimed it "fact."

Morrigan said:
although, i feel sorry for ppl who have blinders to anything that can't be tangibly proven and simply can't believe in things.

Better to feel sorry for those that accept wild speculation and superstition at face value and "believe" in the religious status quo simply because that's way it has always been. Blinders. Indeed.
SkinWalker said:
Geology is, indeed, not within your expertise. We're certainly not talking "thousands of years," but rather millions. Mt. Arat was at least as big as it is now for as long as people have existed in the last 150,000 to 200,000 years.

Not to mention that there are several passages in Genesis that are nearly word-for-word the same as the older Gilgamesh epic. The real difference between Noah's flood and that of Utnapishtim is that the Akkadians and Hittites were comfortable with the story being a work of literature. It was the Jewish tribes that later adapted it into their own religion and proclaimed it "fact."

Better to feel sorry for those that accept wild speculation and superstition at face value and "believe" in the religious status quo simply because that's way it has always been. Blinders. Indeed.

sheesh, you sound so angry. no need to get your panties in a bunch!
a little devil's advocate( or God's as the case may be), never hurt any one.
and yes, o.k, millions...and i agreed that many of our mythologies come from the same core stories. i'm not trying to push any thing on any one, and my whole statement is "if's". you shouldn't bash ppl just 'cause they can believe in something that you can't or don't want to believe in. that's no diff. than a religious crazy condemning ppl. and though i never stated my religious position, i can still feel sorry for ppl who can't find it in themselves to believe in or feel more than what's in front of them.
This might interest others...I was in K-mart the other day and I believe I discovered the Easter Bunny's basket!! It is so exciting!! Unfortunately, it is on the top shelf and I must get permission from K-mart management to further this study. Stay posted...

(By the way, the people that don't believe in the Easter Bunny will have to bite it after this!)
Evidence of an anthropogenic basket does not imply the evidence of a anthropomorphic bunny.