Is This The Year Of "Noah's Ark"?

You should get your facts right before you start talking Medicine Woman........Check out June 19, 1949 U.S. Airforce Mission photographed at 15,5000 ft. level on Mt. Ararat is called "The Ararat Anomaly"

and contrary to popular belief, the formation (The Ararat Anomoly) in the 1949 U.S. Air Force photo is still under debate.....Get it right next time O.K......

Atta Boy
Bah. Geologic formation.

There's no evidence of floodwaters ever reaching that elevation during the last few million years.

And, Norm, no archaeologists are looking at it. The Turks already went there in 1960. The debate exists only because the gullible bite into it every decade or so.
Norman said:
... why they didn't think the so-called mythological city of Troy didn't exist either........Guess what???

Guess what?

Have you ever read even a little of the Illiad... or the Aeneid?

The city of Illion, Illium, or Troy never existed, period.
No one is calling "The Ararat Anomoly" Noah's Ark...........No one is making any statements that this formation is something other than what your imagination thinks it is.........It could be anything and if you read the information posted on the website in my previous post, they are even using satellite imaging to understand this formation contrary to the so-called turkisk expedition to that area in 1960......Get your facts right before making any statment s to the contrary,

Atta boy
I'd trust stratigraphic analysis and test pits on the ground long before aerial survey anyday.

My facts are very straight.

Atta boy
Does his own extra punctuation make it easyer for him to ignore what other people have said?

No reply? You can't believe in noah's ark without believing in all of the ramfications such an event would have on the world. Not only that, but more than two of each animal would be needed to avoid the pitfalls of inbreeding- more like 7 of each animal, 3 males and 4 females. The size of the ark would've been huge, and one man couldn't have built it himself. The boat would've needed to have been bigger than any and all of the pyramids in Egypt put together, and that was an undertaking of many thousands of men per pyramid.

noah's ark is not possible. They won't find it because it never existed. There is overwhelming evidence to be able to say that noah's ark is a story, nothing more. Read my previous post on page 3 if you don't believe me. I'll dole out more info if I need to.

If we rule out noah's ark which we safely can, where does that leave the bible and all of it's other stories?
I guess you must interrupt the bible literally, don't you? I don't........I'm going to keep an open mind on the subject of Noah's Ark. If it exist's it may possibly be discovered. If it doesn't exist, then it won't be.......Right? Right! That's a fairly open minded statement don't you think? Let the future explorations on Mt. Ararat decide one way or the other whether it exists up there or it doesn't..........End of subject.

Atta Boy
I'm sure it's not yours, otherwise you would be saying more intelligent than what you have said so far.........Judging by your previous posts. Nothing personal mind you!

Atta Boy :)
Ah, but intelligence has little or nothing to do with proper grammar and spelling, things diplayed by mine, yet lacked by your posts.

Again, is or isn't English your first language?
I'm sure with a little more education, your grammer will improve too.......Keep up the good work. Keep us posted on your achievements and any recent ark discoveries you may make in the future.

Atta Boy
Norman said:
You should get your facts right before you start talking Medicine Woman........Check out June 19, 1949 U.S. Airforce Mission photographed at 15,5000 ft. level on Mt. Ararat is called "The Ararat Anomaly"

and contrary to popular belief, the formation (The Ararat Anomoly) in the 1949 U.S. Air Force photo is still under debate.....Get it right next time O.K......

Atta Boy
M*W: What an ingrate! I was siding with your sorry ass when I said that I read a book in the early 70s that showed the photo of the "Ararat Anomaly."

BTW, at what elevation did you say the anomaly was seen? Before you jump to attack someone, make sure you have YOUR facts straight.

Furthermore, if Noah's Ark exists, so does the boat of Gilgamesh, and probably those of other flood myth stories. Noah's flood was NOT the first. Get it right next time. OK?
This thread should be moved to the appropriate forum: Pseudoscience.

Norman exhibits clear characteristics of pseudoscience (SkinWalker, 2004) which include anachronistic thinking, appeals to myths, seeking mysteries, research by literary interpretation, and explanation by scenario.


SkinWalker (2004, 16-May). Deconstructing a Pseudoscientist (Part II). sciforums/Subforums/Pseudoscience/Crater Research.
Medicine Woman said:
Furthermore, if Noah's Ark exists, so does the boat of Gilgamesh, and probably those of other flood myth stories. Noah's flood was NOT the first. Get it right next time. OK?

In all likelihood, the Noah Flood myth is derived from Gilgamesh. The similarities are clear and the expected mythical elaboration of an evolved story is present.
I'm flattered.......If someday an expedition someday finds an ark on Mt. Ararat or something that resembles one, then obviously you and other skeptics will be hard pressed to explain it.......Right? Right! So I right now I can be confident in fact that I don't have to prove anything......

Atta Boy
Norman said:
I'm flattered.......If someday an expedition someday finds an ark on Mt. Ararat or something that resembles one, then obviously you and other skeptics will be hard pressed to explain it.......Right? Right! So I right now I can be confident in fact that I don't have to prove anything......

Atta Boy
M*W: Check out this week's issue of The National Enquirer. There is a full page article with photographs taken from space. As far as I could tell, there is still nothing new or informative about the findings published 25 years ago.