Is This The Year Of "Noah's Ark"?


Atta Boy
Registered Senior Member
Is this the year when Noah's Ark will be discovered on Mt. Ararat? Could be......Providing Turkey's government and military grants certain expeditions the go-ahead to climb Mt. Ararat and find it before the end of Sept. of this year........It's probaby still there sticking out of the snow layer at 15,000 feet........waiting to be uncovered and will undoubtably be the greatest archeological and biblical find in the history of mankind........Noah's Ark!!!

Atta Boy :)
do you think they still have the title on record somewhere?

do they even do titles for boats?
Depends on how old it is.........Best Guess is 7,000 plus years old and probably much older..........Maybe 10,000 plus years!!! An object resembling a large boat shaped object partially buried under the snow had been photographed by a U.S. naval aircraft at the 15,000 ft. level as far back as 1947........Could it be possibly the "Ark"???........Time will tell. This could be the year!!! Never say never.........

Atta Boy
A gentleman named George Jammal created a hoax saying he had found the Ark in Turkey some years back. I read about it on in the archieves section. A pretty comphrensive article on it can be found here:

If there really was a boat big enough to hold two of every animal.......wouldn't it more than likely be sunk under an ocean rather than stuck on land? I mean if that boat exists...where could you possiblly hide something that big on land?
I think if and when the biblical ark is found and if found on Mt. Ararat at the 15,000 foot level, then all of the skeptics will probably say it isn't an ark, it's a 500 foot long petrified log.......

Atta Boy :)
The flood that allegedly corresponds to that structure was not global.

I'm surprised nobody's raised the possibility that Noah's Ark was a Ufo.
It's not his name. That's what.

Norman said:
... it's a 500 foot long petrified log.......

500 feet? Better be a whole lot longer than that if it's the boat that supposedly held the Animal Kingdom.
I feel my answer was adequate, and I don't participate here to be psychoanalyzed. So... if that's what you're thinking, cut the crap.
Rappaccini said:
I feel my answer was adequate, and I don't participate here to be psychoanalyzed. So... if that's what you're thinking, cut the crap.

Hiya Rap,

I'm not trying to investigate you here, I'm just trying to get a handle on the people I will hopefully debate in the future. Please take no offense as it wasn't intended, honestly.

Rappaccini said:
Now I feel like a shit. Thanks.

I didn't intend that but I'm sure you'll agree that the only way to feel good is to know what it's like to feel like shit first :)

Norman said:
Is this the year when Noah's Ark will be discovered on Mt. Ararat? .....

...and find it before the end of Sept. of this year.......
why,are you expecting some heavy rainfall? :D
Sounds like everyone here debating the existence of Noah's Ark needs to spend some time thinking about why they didn't think the so-called mythological city of Troy didn't exist either........Guess what???

Atta Boy (Sorry the name bothers you, however, I kinda like it)
You can't seriously expect people on a science forum to take at face value a myth that says that every animal on the planet was on one big boat?