Is this science?

@liviu --

After that I started gathering so much information and start building scenarios and even entire worlds that when they happen for real, like spidergoat said, I'm having the feeling that I predicted them. But is probably only a coincidence..

Yes, in that case the best explanation is wish thinking, though some form of brain damage is still a contender.
Sounds a lot safer and more efficient than a sweat lodge and peyote.

Oops I clicked edit on your last post instead of quote :eek:

To the quote - we have to agree to disagree. Starving the brain of oxygen has quite a bit unhealthy about it. Probably cactus too, but at least the health effects are not as studied / public.
Oops I clicked edit on your last post instead of quote :eek:

To the quote - we have to agree to disagree. Starving the brain of oxygen has quite a bit unhealthy about it. Probably cactus too, but at least the health effects are not as studied / public.

Silly mod, edit buttons are for kids! I wonder how unhealthy it actually is. In martial arts such as jiu jitsu, it's semi-common to choke your oppent out (i.e. make them lose enough oxygen to pass out).
One study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found sufficient evidence to indicate that since 1995 at least 82 youths between the age of 6 and 19 have died in the United States as a result of the [choking] game

Also, there have been many reports of neurological damage like severe and lasting brain damage. It is certainly quite unhealthy.

As for hallucinogens and cactus, it's usually pretty safe with low doses and the right environment. But not for everyone of course, and many people end up triggering latent schizophrenia or other problems.

Just my 2 cents (I'm no doctor)
I have not seen yet a neurologist, just some psychiatrists to shut the mouth of those who claimed that I'm delusional (they said I'm fine).

@spidergoat - as I said before I'm traying to send some universities my case because they have the right equipment and trained people to investigate my case. but I first have to find out how to explain them, because even for you it took some time to actually understand what is all about.

@Crunchy Cat - the reason for what I belive these permutations are scietific value is that some of them ar becoming realities. I'm thinking that teaching someone or a robot to mix elements like I do, they can help that person predict some things just like me.

The best scenario I met almost to everyone I know is this: if there is this path A->B->C and you do not have the B element yet, your brain will consider this path A->B->C as a poison and automatically reject any ideea involving that path. Thin about the time when people thought that the earth was flat and somebody told the that is actually a globe - their brains automatically rejected that ideea.

I can train anyone's mind to search and find anything that is looking for if he/she has the will,because the will acts as a door that noone and nothing can pass by.That's why sometimes I might act weird because shooking the brain in the right way create new paths, new connections and new connections increase the chance of finding something that otherwise you could not found.

@Search & Destroy - more than certain that this damage sooner or later will trigger other problems. But for now I'm still ok, no pain or other problems except I cannot use my own brain for anything else just basic things (I don't even do simple math, like 1+1, because it might cause huge chain reactions in my brain and that leads to new permutations. that's why I decided to shut down my brain)
I have not seen yet a neurologist, just some psychiatrists to shut the mouth of those who claimed that I'm delusional (they said I'm fine).

@spidergoat - as I said before I'm traying to send some universities my case because they have the right equipment and trained people to investigate my case. but I first have to find out how to explain them, because even for you it took some time to actually understand what is all about.

@Crunchy Cat - the reason for what I belive these permutations are scietific value is that some of them ar becoming realities. I'm thinking that teaching someone or a robot to mix elements like I do, they can help that person predict some things just like me.

The best scenario I met almost to everyone I know is this: if there is this path A->B->C and you do not have the B element yet, your brain will consider this path A->B->C as a poison and automatically reject any ideea involving that path. Thin about the time when people thought that the earth was flat and somebody told the that is actually a globe - their brains automatically rejected that ideea.

I can train anyone's mind to search and find anything that is looking for if he/she has the will,because the will acts as a door that noone and nothing can pass by.That's why sometimes I might act weird because shooking the brain in the right way create new paths, new connections and new connections increase the chance of finding something that otherwise you could not found.

@Search & Destroy - more than certain that this damage sooner or later will trigger other problems. But for now I'm still ok, no pain or other problems except I cannot use my own brain for anything else just basic things (I don't even do simple math, like 1+1, because it might cause huge chain reactions in my brain and that leads to new permutations. that's why I decided to shut down my brain)

What is 1+1? :D

Seems like a joke, but the reality is that your real ability is to post messages on the internet. You would not pass any actual tests. If asked to be tested you would then block the tests by saying... I am too afraid to do a test, it might cause me to lose control of my mind.

These test blocks are common. The truth is that deep down inside you know that you cannot do the things which you say you can do.
I didn't realize about your accident, that makes the case more interesting. I have no doubt that such an experience could change your brain and your perceptions in strange ways. Are you saying that you are experiencing photographic memory? It also sounds like you are conceiving of things that have not happened in great variety, so that when they do happen, you feel like you predicted it?

@Pincho Paxton - I'm an IT professional and posting messages online is indeed one of the things that is required in my profession, but this topic is personal.

As you can see from the quote above, even if it took some while(posting messages), in the end someone did got closer to understand what I'm talking about. I will make any test he will like when he will completley understand what I'm saying, since I see he is so close. The more people to understand, the better, for all of us.

I also said that I can help anyone to find the things they want, if they have the will or the elements required for that. Are you willing to test me right on yourself? But I warn you: be careful what you are wishing for, it will happen exactly like your are washing.

LE: 1+1 = OR.. (or 1, or 2, or 3.. etc) ;)
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@Pincho Paxton - I'm an IT professional and posting messages online is indeed one of the things that is required in my profession, but this topic is personal.

As you can see from the quote above, even if it took some while(posting messages), in the end someone did got closer to understand what I'm talking about. I will make any test he will like when he will completley understand what I'm saying, since I see he is so close. The more people to understand, the better, for all of us.

I also said that I can help anyone to find the things they want, if they have the will or the elements required for that. Are you willing to test me right on yourself? But I warn you: be careful what you are wishing for, it will happen exactly like your are washing.

LE: 1+1 = OR.. (or 1, or 2, or 3.. etc) ;)

Ok, I will test you, you had better be careful though, I know things which nobody else knows...

What are quarks?
Why are quarks, and other particles in atoms always in a group of 6?
What is at the centre of the Earth?
What is happening to Betelgeuse?
What process created DNA?
How does the brain work?
What is hair?
Uuh, bitter sweet irony.. doesn't it solve all the problems in the world? So, by now I was asked to guess card from decks, to guess lottery numbers and now to answer to some ironic questions. Still nothing new..

That's an amazing test! Good for me that I'm delusional, otherwise I would have been dissapointed from the dumb things that smart people ask me.

But I would answer you to one of those questions. How your brain works? When you first opened this topic, your brain projected me as an object with the label "N/A". Later, as you red some words from the topic, your brain erased the label and marked the object as "read-only" so it cannot be rewritten again without new evidence. Then you asked some ironic "see, I was right" questions. So, because the brain works on evidences, your barain now expects evidences from an object. Go, find a brick and ask it the same questions, it too is an object, and tell me if it answers to you.

Now, your reply should be "see I was right, you didn't answered, you know nothing" and congratulate yourself for the test you gave to me. As long as you see me as an object and not as a human beeing, it doesn't matter what I do or what I say, all it needs is for you to remember that I'm an object with no label and the "see I was right" game will start again.. and again.. and again..

I it will ever come the day you will see me as a human is the day you will be witness to a miracle because I guarantee you that you will not be able to explain yourself how you could be betrayed by your own mind.
Uuh, bitter sweet irony.. doesn't it solve all the problems in the world? So, by now I was asked to guess card from decks, to guess lottery numbers and now to answer to some ironic questions. Still nothing new..

Nor answers.

That's an amazing test! Good for me that I'm delusional, otherwise I would have been dissapointed from the dumb things that smart people ask me.

I agree with your assessment that you are delusional.

Go, find a brick and ask it the same questions, it too is an object, and tell me if it answers to you.

Now THAT is ironic.

Now, your reply should be "see I was right, you didn't answered, you know nothing" and congratulate yourself for the test you gave to me. As long as you see me as an object and not as a human beeing, it doesn't matter what I do or what I say, all it needs is for you to remember that I'm an object with no label and the "see I was right" game will start again.. and again.. and again..

That is correct you cannot answer the questions because you are not capable of answering the questions. This lends more support for your self evaluation, "Good for me that I'm delusional".

I it will ever come the day you will see me as a human is the day you will be witness to a miracle because I guarantee you that you will not be able to explain yourself how you could be betrayed by your own mind.

I see you as a human, I have witnessed no miracles though nor do I feel that I have betrayed my own mind.
@liviu --

Sorry, but the brain doesn't work quite like a computer(although some do interpret it that way which is why the flawed analogy is still around).
Uuh, bitter sweet irony.. doesn't it solve all the problems in the world? So, by now I was asked to guess card from decks, to guess lottery numbers and now to answer to some ironic questions. Still nothing new..

That's an amazing test! Good for me that I'm delusional, otherwise I would have been dissapointed from the dumb things that smart people ask me.

But I would answer you to one of those questions. How your brain works? When you first opened this topic, your brain projected me as an object with the label "N/A". Later, as you red some words from the topic, your brain erased the label and marked the object as "read-only" so it cannot be rewritten again without new evidence. Then you asked some ironic "see, I was right" questions. So, because the brain works on evidences, your barain now expects evidences from an object. Go, find a brick and ask it the same questions, it too is an object, and tell me if it answers to you.

Now, your reply should be "see I was right, you didn't answered, you know nothing" and congratulate yourself for the test you gave to me. As long as you see me as an object and not as a human beeing, it doesn't matter what I do or what I say, all it needs is for you to remember that I'm an object with no label and the "see I was right" game will start again.. and again.. and again..

I it will ever come the day you will see me as a human is the day you will be witness to a miracle because I guarantee you that you will not be able to explain yourself how you could be betrayed by your own mind.

I also said that I can help anyone to find the things they want, if they have the will or the elements required for that. Are you willing to test me right on yourself? But I warn you: be careful what you are wishing for, it will happen exactly like your are washing.

Good job I was washing a bunch of nappies then, because you are right.. I got exactly what I was washing. :D
@Arioch - the brain works with information (elements) and change, just like about everything in this universe. change is the most important component if the brain, the more change it can bring, the more connections between elements it can build, the more information it generates. The brain has enormous capabilities to generate, store and use information - anyone's brain can generate in about 7 years an entire universe, piece by piece.

It is the grade of change that makes the difference between people, just this, and it can increase or decrease based on only one information: evidences/proofs. The only problem with this system is that it takes time, the more elements you meet the more time you need and you die before getting all that proofs you will need before finding them. I skipped this rule of proofing and I increased the grade of change from "some" to "unlimited", that's how I got to generate almost unlimited information.

@origin - the thing that you missed is that because my change factor is so high and all the information about people are so vast, I can be whoever I want, even you. If you will have red my journal you would have known that, just like you I raised kids, I worked and raised animals on a farm, I am an engineer.. so I can be you without a doubt at any moment, thinking like you, feeling like you.

I will never judge you in any way for calling me delusional or any other way, I cannot, because you do not have any real information about me and your grade of changeness is so low that, evidently, you cannot generate the information about me by yourself. If I will stand next to you, you will have a different opinion about me, therefore I cannot trust your mind or any other mind that it has no truth about me.

You can say anything about me as long as is not true..

@Pancho Pixton - uuh, a joke based on details. that's cute.. good eye :) I'm glad you enjoyed it although I'm sure that there are some people here that could have made a joke on me and I don't know why the didn't. Maybe they did it behind the scene.. :)
@origin - the thing that you missed is that because my change factor is so high and all the information about people are so vast, I can be whoever I want, even you.

That is where you are wrong, because I happen to be a brain reader. I have burrowed into your mind and laid eggs - ha ha!

If you will have red my journal you would have known that, just like you I raised kids, I worked and raised animals on a farm, I am an engineer.

While I have not red your journal, I have greened your journal. What kind of train did you drive?

. so I can be you without a doubt at any moment, thinking like you, feeling like you.

But you cannot read my brain.

I will never judge you in any way for calling me delusional or any other way, I cannot, because you do not have any real information about me and your grade of changeness is so low that, evidently, you cannot generate the information about me by yourself.

The only information I have about you (besides the brain eggs) is what you have said. You stated you were delusional, I simply took you at your word.

If I will stand next to you, you will have a different opinion about me, therefore I cannot trust your mind or any other mind that it has no truth about me.

Maybe you already have stood by me - you cannot say with absolute certainty that you have not.

You can say anything about me as long as is not true..

You have crushed a dwarf with pliers (my appologies to any little people reading this)
The brain has enormous capabilities to generate, store and use information - anyone's brain can generate in about 7 years an entire universe, piece by piece.
Ooh, source please.

I skipped this rule of proofing
Bad move.

and I increased the grade of change from "some" to "unlimited", that's how I got to generate almost unlimited information.
@origin - good answers, way better than the others before. Now since we are friends, can you please tell me what this "delusional" term means? I quoted you, I don't really know what it means.

@Dywyddyr - "Bad move"? Well, if I will use a computer program to generate 1 billion statements about you, wouldn't take you all your life to prove each of them is true or false?

Come on people, you can give answers waaay better than these ones. I'll let you say everything you want to say about me, I'll answer you to any question abut me until you'll get to the finish line. Science works on evidence/proofs, right? Search harder in your minds and give me the proofs that will break my claim.

I'll repeat again my claim: "I know one thing, I know many things, I know everything, I know nothing" simultaneously, anywhere, anytime. Give your best shot, even if I didn't do anything(I didn't gave you any proof) to deserve that much effort from you.. just try!
@Dywyddyr - "Bad move"? Well, if I will use a computer program to generate 1 billion statements about you, wouldn't take you all your life to prove each of them is true or false?
What's the point of a billion statements if you don't know whether they're true or not?
I note you failed to reply to my other points.

I'll repeat again my claim: "I know one thing, I know many things, I know everything, I know nothing" simultaneously, anywhere, anytime.
Self-evidently incorrect, since the claim is self-contradictory.
@origin - good answers, way better than the others before. Now since we are friends, can you please tell me what this "delusional" term means? I quoted you, I don't really know what it means.

You stated that you were delusional in this post.

That's an amazing test! Good for me that I'm delusional, otherwise I would have been dissapointed from the dumb things that smart people ask me.

I would have thought that you would know what 'delusional' means since you stated you are delusional.

Exerpt from

de·lu·sion·al  /dɪˈluʒənl/ Show Spelled[dih-loo-zhuh-nl]
1. having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions: Senators who think they will get agreement on a comprehensive tax bill are delusional.

2. Psychiatry. maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness: He was so delusional and paranoid that he thought everybody was conspiring against him.
You stated that you were delusional in this post.

I would have thought that you would know what 'delusional' means since you stated you are delusional.

Exerpt from

de·lu·sion·al  /dɪˈluʒənl/ Show Spelled[dih-loo-zhuh-nl]
1. having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions: Senators who think they will get agreement on a comprehensive tax bill are delusional.

2. Psychiatry. maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness: He was so delusional and paranoid that he thought everybody was conspiring against him.

It seems to me here that you are either intentionally taking the sentence out of context or applying your own interpretations of the overall context.

In context the original statement could be considered sarcastic.

P.S. Missing the sarcasim in the post may say more about the reader than the poster!
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