Is this science?

@Knowledge91 - cute ironic hypothesis, but yes, that is one example. the difference is that this is common knowledge: anyone can guess that, but not anyone can predict what will be the sex of her child, or what road will she choose at her next intersection(left or right).

The actual fact is that girls rarely think "#69" when make eye contact :)

@crunchy - yes, its completly subjective and from all the answers I got from the sceintific communities I understood in the end that because of this and the fact that my experiences cannot be reproduced again - it is not science.

@spidergoat - when you say experiment, do you think at "guessing cards from a deck"? because, untill now, over 98% of scientist proposed this experiment or guessing the lottery numbers.

I will agree with some experiments, but not of this kind, I will agree to train a robot to have the same behaviour and results like me, I will agree to teach someone to forsee an obstacle, I will agree to show a scientist how to find anything that is missing him/her in his/her area of expertise in order to finish a research and find a cure or something like that. But guessing cards, no - that is for circus acts and entertainment and I'm not an entretainer.

I don't keep fixed notions, so I can play with any element in the universe in any way I want, just like kids do with plasticine. For you 1+1 = 2, for me 1+1 = OR, sometimes is 2, sometimes is 1, sometimes is 3, sometimes is a letter or a word, infinite results and combinations depnding of location, time and other elements arround it.

Self delusion can be kind of fun, huh?;)
As for going left or right on the road, that is a irrelivant part of her day. That has nothing to do with me, why would I want to know that? If I knew her schedule for the day I could make a guess as to which way she will turn and there is a good chance I will be right, especially if i know the town lay out. Learn to read eyes, they tell all.
@origin - fun for me or fun for others? :)
@Ophiolite - I don't claim anything. In my journal I'm describing an algorithm that I used to make all this experiences safe, that I discovered and perfected myself and that always worked for me. I just wanted to know if that could be called science, that's was my question.

It goes like this: the best teacher is experience. If I wanted to know how a musicians thinks and feels - I got there in his life, singing with him, eating, wolking, doing anything like him. If I wanted to know how a beggar thinks and feels - I got on the streets begging, sleeping on a piece of cardbord on backalleys, eating almost nothing. If I wanted to know how a burglar think and feels - I got in a band of burglars and do what they do. When I wanted to know what sick people feels I got in the hospitals sometimes as pacient sometimes as visitor talking with them, I started visiting people in hospitals when I was 5 years, that is 25 years ago and I'm still visiting people that I'm not even knowing, just to learn more about them (psychiatric hospitals too).

So, are you suggesting, that, just because I survived poisoning, car crashes, lightning strokes, electrocutation, drowning and a big list of accidents, to repeat them just to prove someone something? Over 99% of them were not even planed by me, if I'll repeat that even I, will think about me that I'm mentally ill.

@origin - all these accidents, plus witnessing a murder, a rape, a child molestation (which is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen), of course that burns the brain, it will burn ANYONE's brain. But the fact that in time I learned to get over and still, love humans is a triumph that I doubt that will match anything else.

Delusional, psychotic, maniac, psyhopat, demented, insane, crazy, etcetera, etcetera is a long string of things that I can be called by people that don't really know me. I can't set my mind on any of these things or others from the simple fact that all the time I meet new people that say a different thing about me. So which one of them is right? Well, that I let them decide. If you will think that I'm self delusional, than that I am, I will never try to change that, but tomorrow when I will meet a new man will think something else, other man something else and so on, everybody is right. Which one has more right than others? :)

Speaking of fun, let me tell you a funny thing - when other people will find me delusional will search for me online and find this thread and say: "Look, I'm not the only one who think the same, so I am right" and I'll say: "Good, now that you solved the mistery, find the rest of others just like you, make yourself a team and let's go play some soccer, since its too complicated for me. Nature is always simple and lively." :)
@spidergoat - when you say experiment, do you think at "guessing cards from a deck"? because, untill now, over 98% of scientist proposed this experiment or guessing the lottery numbers.

I will agree with some experiments, but not of this kind, I will agree to train a robot to have the same behaviour and results like me, I will agree to teach someone to forsee an obstacle, I will agree to show a scientist how to find anything that is missing him/her in his/her area of expertise in order to finish a research and find a cure or something like that. But guessing cards, no - that is for circus acts and entertainment and I'm not an entretainer.

That is sort of a stereotype of ESP or telepathy experiments, but it doesn't have to be like that. The experiment would have to be set up to test your demonstrable skills. For instance finding something that is missing. Scientists could hide various objects from you and ask you where they are. Guessing cards in this context would not be entertainment, it's an experiment to see if what you claim is real. I'm starting to hear some evasiveness from you now, which is what we would expect if you are unable to demonstrate any special power. More likely you have made some lucky guesses and now you think it's something other than chance or a good guess based on intellect.
More likely you have made some lucky guesses and now you think it's something other than chance or a good guess based on intellect.

In my vision, luck does not repeats itself. But, you must understand that I do not care about telepathy or if it is recognized by scientists. If you read my journal you will see it is not about telepathy, what I did what not based on telepathy, you can call it chance, it makes no difference to me. My journal is about elements (any element in the universe), the paths of elements and change. Anything is this universe is based on elements, their path and the way they change.

All my life I played both in reality and in imagination with elements, their paths and how they change, from a speck of dust, to a human's life, even to an entire planet. From a young age I was telling people different "guesses" about how I felt that their paths will change in the future. I was only 12 years when told a friend that he will get married, have a baby and divorce after 5 years. It doesn't matter if it is called telepathy, chance or whatever else, the fact is that I "guessed" this changes when we were only kids.

Now, the only change I didn't meet in reality is this: all the people(meaning the majority) changing in one way, any way. The majority never changed, at least one time, since humans exists. And that I will even give my life to see it, even once.

So, because the thing that I know best (except computers and programming) is people and their paths, I think it is called behaviour (I know how they think and how they feel, it doesn't matter who they are). And I want o use that to make peope feel better or get over personal issues, because my experience is unmatchable.

And.. this is my main goal: if I will ever someone who I will sense that he want to follow the right path to find something that will change the world, I will show him all the things I know untill he will find that path that leads to that discovery.

So, if one day a scientist will come to me and say "Liviu, I want to find a cure for cancer" or anything that will change the world, not for medals, not for honors, but just because it has to be found. Then, if I'll ever find that man, I will never stop for the rest of my life untill I will show him how to find that cure. And I will find it, I always find a man's path.

Anything else I do not care, I only care about changes that makes people's life better. That's why I offer my services as a personal adviser or mentor, only where everything else has failed or where people need a change in their life to make it better.

I do not care about telepathy or if it is recognized about science, I asked my question just to find out how to call this "guessing", "chance", "telepathy", "psychosis", etcetera. I already wrote in the journal that people will call me crazy, psychotic, maniac, smart, fool, "god",etc, I wrote all these things 10 years ago, it is nothing new to hear them now, but I did also learned a new thing from you - it is NOT science this thing I did, this "guessing".

So, I have to find it another name..

PS: Some of the members of the forum emailed me asking me not to take your replies as an offence. Don't worry, even it is about a personal issues, I respect another man's liberty of expression, I work with people of different educations and points of view since I was a kid, without that we'll be just animals barking at each other. Enjoy liberty! (not everybody has it ;) )
It's not strictly speaking science what you are allegedly doing, but it could be approached scientifically if you wanted to.

I'm wondering why you don't find a cancer researcher and go cure cancer. What are you waiting for?

Is it possible to exercise your power on a forum member? Because we could test it right now!
@pineal - I said that I ment "detailed". in romanian, "detailed" is "detaliat" so, I just transformed it into an english word, I did'n check if it is correct.

@spidergoat - this is the first time I make my journal public and all these experiences. I just started searching that person and I'm waiting what I'm always waiting: the right person at the right time in the right place.

This year that's coming (2012), people will be busy with "the end of the world", there are a lot of speculators that are waiting to use this year's events to support their businesses or cons. I'm just testing the terrain now, I started with science, I will continue with religion, psychology, entertainment and regular people. If the feedback is ok, than it means that is the right time and all I need is to find the right person. Otherwise, I will continue waiting, I waited so many years, I'm used with waiting..
@spidergoat - this is the first time I make my journal public and all these experiences. I just started searching that person and I'm waiting what I'm always waiting: the right person at the right time in the right place.

It sounds like you are just making excuses.
So you telepathically connected with the entire human race during death, and from each person you stored the entire emotional connection of everyone... like an ant connecting with an entire colony of ants to work as a single thought. You could say that an ant uses scent, and scent traverses the mind, and body to flow outwards over a large distance. Form that scent an ant can get a message of danger, or food is here. From a human scent transmitted as emotion you might pick up danger as sweat. With all of your senses reduced in death, your scent might be enhanced. You might pick up a doctor's scent operating on you, and some nurses perfumes. These scents which are enhanced will be stored in a part of your brain which is performing in an irregular pattern... randomly. So you pick up information as scent, store it in the wrong part of the brain, and mistake it for telepathy.
@pincho paxton - in some things you say, you are right. the story in my journal is simple: when I was 4 years old I had an accident, a big metallic bench felt over my and my neck. while I was suffocating, I had a huge ammount of revelations. after this incident it was like I had been programmed to do only one thing (until 29 september 2011): store unlimited information. so I started to generate information over and over and over again. then I compared it with reality.

Let's take an apple as an example, I generated all apples combinations: size(big apple, small apple), all colours, all materials (organic, metallic, wood, etc), all locations, all forms forms, etc. The same I did with all the elements, including humans. And then I started to observe them for everyday of my life in their natural environment. During all these experiences I had a lot of accidents.

That is why the answer is: yes, I know that I have stored information in wrong parts of the brain, that was intentionaly so I can mix all the elements in every way.

The consequences of this thing is that nothing is new anymore for me, the only thing that is new, is when other people discover what I already knew so I can have a conversation with them on that subject. So if tomorrow a big rainbow metalic apple will be discovered on moon, the only difference will make for me is that I will say "ooh, now we are more that we know that".

This thing that I mistake it with telepathy it happens only when I let my mind access all this information, that is why, all the time I must be careful not to let it happen. I haven't sleep since I was a kid, I don't eat, I don't do anything without being precautious, because I do not want to start this action of seeing the future or the past.. because it brings me great sadness because I cannot do a single thing to change it.

@spidergoat - of course I'm making excuses (reverse psychology doesn't work on me), I have not even one stable thing that will support me, no health, no money and I can't even use my own mind. I have to wait for certain things to happen before I can do what I'm ment to do. So, in the next fifty years, I will get to do at least one thing that I know I can do, that will be a great success. I don't expect from people to understand what they don't want to understand, I know from my own experience that people don't understand, unless they had the same experiences, how it is to go through 10.000 accidents and still be alive. After that.. all, absolutely all the things in life have a completely different meaning.

Without proof or without a shocking change, you will forget me. In reality, all the things I write here, they are actually for me. So, when I will read them again in 5, 15, 25, 50 years, I will compare them with the reality from then, to see if anything has changed. Things I wrote 15 years ago about the world, are still the same, nothing changed.. nothing ever changes.
I didn't realize about your accident, that makes the case more interesting. I have no doubt that such an experience could change your brain and your perceptions in strange ways. Are you saying that you are experiencing photographic memory? It also sounds like you are conceiving of things that have not happened in great variety, so that when they do happen, you feel like you predicted it?
I didn't realize about your accident, that makes the case more interesting. I have no doubt that such an experience could change your brain and your perceptions in strange ways. Are you saying that you are experiencing photographic memory? It also sounds like you are conceiving of things that have not happened in great variety, so that when they do happen, you feel like you predicted it?

It almost sounds like part of his brain was damaged and that in combination with the corrective re-wiring that the brain naturally does resulted in a semi-voluntary cognitive function that simply produces permutations.
@liviu --

when I was 4 years old I had an accident, a big metallic bench felt over my and my neck. while I was suffocating, I had a huge ammount of revelations.

I've had similar experiences, six of them in fact, the difference between you and me being that I know what actually causes these experiences. It's not telepathy(which is technically feeling at a distance not, as pop-culture would have it, hearing the thoughts of another) or seeing the future or any such tripe. The experiences are caused by two things, shock and lack of oxygen to the brain. Lack of oxygen to the brain causes the body to go into a state of shock and release lots of happy chemicals. These chemicals, in addition to the wooziness caused by the lack of oxygen, can make a person experience all sorts of hallucinations.

It really is just that simple.
When I was about ten years old, and off at summer camp, there was a thing our counselor taught us. You hyperventilate for about half a minute, while you bend at the waist. You then take a big breath, and straighten up, while someone from behind you puts pressure on your solar plexus.

You are out for about 5 to ten seconds, and in that time have dreams/hullicinations which seem to last for days.
When I was about ten years old, and off at summer camp, there was a thing our counselor taught us. You hyperventilate for about half a minute, while you bend at the waist. You then take a big breath, and straighten up, while someone from behind you puts pressure on your solar plexus.

You are out for about 5 to ten seconds, and in that time have dreams/hullicinations which seem to last for days.

Sounds a lot safer and more efficient than a sweat lodge and peyote.
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@spidergoat - "It also sounds like you are conceiving of things that have not happened in great variety, so that when they do happen, you feel like you predicted it? " - you are getting closer to understand me entirely. It is not fotographic memory, I don't know how to call it, it is full memory, I'm not conceiving only images but sounds, feelings, everything. I built a couple of hundreds of entire universes element by element, atom by atom, human next to human, planet by planet, in these 25 years.

@AlexG - I don't know how much time was after I passed out but before that, I spent like 2-3 minutes suffocating. It was then, in those 2-3 minutes when I had this halucinations, before passing out (my grandmother found me later and got me out from under that bench). It was like forwarding a movie at very high speed and now, looking back I see that what I know now, I already knew 25 years ago. I call this "the sweet irony of life" spending 25 years of life to find something what I already knew.

@Arioch - you are right, during the accidents that is the explanations, but I was talking bout after the accident. After that I started gathering so much information and start building scenarios and even entire worlds that when they happen for real, like spidergoat said, I'm having the feeling that I predicted them. But is probably only a coincidence..

@Crunchy Cat - I think that during that accident something happened that started my brain to continuously build this permutations which I couldn't stop until recently.

Now, I actually don't know what to do with all this information I built and I'm wondering, maybe they could use somebody for something but I must first find people that don't confuse this with delusion, insanity and all kind of crap I'm hearing from them and this is not an easy thing to do.
Yeah, that's weird. It may not be pseudoscience at all. Have you seen a neurologist or anyone about this?
@Crunchy Cat - I think that during that accident something happened that started my brain to continuously build this permutations which I couldn't stop until recently.

Now, I actually don't know what to do with all this information I built and I'm wondering, maybe they could use somebody for something but I must first find people that don't confuse this with delusion, insanity and all kind of crap I'm hearing from them and this is not an easy thing to do.

It might be a savant-like side effect of brain-damage and the corrective neural pathways your brain rebuilt; however, I am not sure if the results of the permutations your brain has performed to date are useful. If this is something that you have a little control over then perhaps it may aid you in some forms of scientific and statistical research where large scale permutation analysis is required. I would first talk to both a neurology specialist and a psychologist just to make sure that this permutation quirk isn't something harmful or isn't linked to something harmful brewing in your brain. If they say all is good then start experimenting where you might be able to apply this permutation function of your brain. It may be applicable to other things than what you perceive as "human permutations". You may be able to apply it to raw mathematics, chemical composition, risk analysis, etc.