Is this science?


Registered Member
Hello, my name is Liviu,

I would like to ask if the fact that I generated through myself (using telepathy) all human patterns can be called science. It took me many years to do that and I had to go through a lot of accidents when comparing imagination with reality, that includes death too (multiple clinical deaths).

I cannot post a link to my journal for more details but I hope someone will understand my question.

Thank you for your time,
It's science if you follow the scientific method. You observe, you make a hypothesis, you test the hypothesis with experiment, revise the hypothesis as needed until it seems to work, then subject it to the scrutiny and testing of others.
Welcome to the forums. We are glad to have you with us. :)

There is science to be gleaned from near death experiences, yes, but that is still in its very infancy. Suffice it to say that much of the stigmata involved with the near death experience can be explained by the physiological processes involved in the dying process.

Congratulations on surviving clinical death, that is a rare experience. Most of us just die one time, without practice. :eek:
Hello, my name is Liviu,

I would like to ask if the fact that I generated through myself (using telepathy) all human patterns can be called science.

I don't really understand what that statement means. What are these "human pattern" things that you have generated the complete set of?
@sock - ok, I understand so is crap, something is better than nothing

@spidergoat - I followed everything you said there except the fact that nobody can reproduce this. I read also on other forums and because of this cause it cannot be called science

@Stoniphi - well, that's a first, even that I told to thousands about my experiences, nobody ever congratulated me for surviving them. I appreciate this.

@Crunchy - a human pattern is everything that defines a man in my vision - every detail: age, colour, religion, health, how he thinks and how he feel in any circumstances

@Oniw - yes. every second of my life after the age of 5 I watched people, analyze them, every detail, and do things exactly like they did until I learned to think and feel like them. If I wanted to know how a thief thinks and feel I joined a gang of thiefs and do exactly what they do. One of the hardest things was to be in the skin of a psychopat.. really hard.

So you see why I think that what I did cannot be reproduced? Because is hard for a man to adapt to any kind of environment. For me was simple because nobody ever taught me anything so I didn't had any mental barrier.
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Hello, my name is Liviu,

I would like to ask if the fact that I generated through myself (using telepathy) all human patterns can be called science. It took me many years to do that and I had to go through a lot of accidents when comparing imagination with reality, that includes death too (multiple clinical deaths).

I cannot post a link to my journal for more details but I hope someone will understand my question.

Thank you for your time,

It also seems hard for you to reproduce the language patterns you claim to have experienced!
@Ickyrus - after so many accidents, I am glad that I can breathe. Accidents like car accidents, drowning, lightning strike or enetering in a mind of a maniac or a psychopat doesn't just injure your body, it also injures your mind and your spirit.

For me is a great achievment that I pased over hating people who hated me, shot me, stabbed me or injured in every way and found my inner peace.

I invite anyone who feels like a hero to try to reproduce my experiments and if he or she will still be alive at the end, then we can meassure how much coherently his or her language will be. I bet that nobody cand reproduce it in the next 1000 years.

Also, I am not a native english speaker..
@spidergoat - I followed everything you said there except the fact that nobody can reproduce this. I read also on other forums and because of this cause it cannot be called science

Then only you could be studied. There would have to be an experiment involving you predicting something, like a random card.
OK, that's your right, but you lose getting to claim that your claims are supported by science.
@Knowledge91 - yes, something like that: if is doing x, then the reason is y; if is walking like x reason, his next move will be like y; if he talks like x style, than is because y reason; if he eat x food type, he will have y problem, in z weeks.

The factors are different, for example if his room walls are painted maroon and he sleeps 5 hours and he eats 2 times a day fast food, I can tell exactly when he will have eyes problems.

Or predicting a car crash: I just walk on the street and follow different factors that have absolutely no meanning. Example (last crash I was able to find): I found a butterfly and I followed it(clue=butterfly) untill I found a lady with a butterfly on her t-shirt, I followed her until she stopped and washed her hands on a public fountain(clue=water), I stoped there until a man also washed his hands, I followed him until his hands dryed(clue=hand), I stopped again and I see someone carrying a mannequin hand, I follow him until he gets in his car and walk away (stop), I wait and there it is.. boom, two cars crashing.

Is never the same, sometimes I dream them, sometimes I see them only a couple of seconds before they happens. Is not really an exact science, but I learned to take anything as a clue that will help me at some point to find whatever I want.

@spidergoat - I mean if you can give more details, explain what you mean. By the way: your user name has something to do with that genetic experiment that mixed a goat with a spider? :)
@Crunchy - a human pattern is everything that defines a man in my vision - every detail: age, colour, religion, health, how he thinks and how he feel in any circumstances

Your "vision" is subjective, so no it's not a science.
Reaction A = Thought B, or Action C = Thought B.

Someone please expand on this, and improve. There is something to it. For example.
Reaction A = Direct eye contact from prominent female (meaning hot babe) to random male on the street, while she brushes her hand through hair, or is dressed rather provacitavly
Thought 69 = "oo yum give me a piece of that hunk pie"

She is reacting to the man she finds attractive, so she must be thinking #69.
@spidergoat - I mean if you can give more details, explain what you mean. By the way: your user name has something to do with that genetic experiment that mixed a goat with a spider? :)

I just mean that you can't call it science if you aren't even willing to conduct any experiments.

Yes, my user name is based on the goats with spider silk protein in their milk.
@Knowledge91 - cute ironic hypothesis, but yes, that is one example. the difference is that this is common knowledge: anyone can guess that, but not anyone can predict what will be the sex of her child, or what road will she choose at her next intersection(left or right).

The actual fact is that girls rarely think "#69" when make eye contact :)

@crunchy - yes, its completly subjective and from all the answers I got from the sceintific communities I understood in the end that because of this and the fact that my experiences cannot be reproduced again - it is not science.

@spidergoat - when you say experiment, do you think at "guessing cards from a deck"? because, untill now, over 98% of scientist proposed this experiment or guessing the lottery numbers.

I will agree with some experiments, but not of this kind, I will agree to train a robot to have the same behaviour and results like me, I will agree to teach someone to forsee an obstacle, I will agree to show a scientist how to find anything that is missing him/her in his/her area of expertise in order to finish a research and find a cure or something like that. But guessing cards, no - that is for circus acts and entertainment and I'm not an entretainer.

I don't keep fixed notions, so I can play with any element in the universe in any way I want, just like kids do with plasticine. For you 1+1 = 2, for me 1+1 = OR, sometimes is 2, sometimes is 1, sometimes is 3, sometimes is a letter or a word, infinite results and combinations depnding of location, time and other elements arround it.