Is this a Good reason for a God?

Well I agree with that, absolutely, and a duck isn't aware of itself in the same way as a pigeon, and a donkey isn't aware of itself in the same way as a lion. Is that what all this was about? Was the point you were trying to make simply the fact that all creatures have different perspectives? If so, then yeah, I knew that all along, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yes that is the point i was making. Yes different perspectives thus totally different modes of actions and thoughts.

Sorry for coming off as a know it all asshole, if that was indeed how i was being perceived.

How do you know animals are not aware of them selves like we are? We humans have as of yet to properly define our on awareness and you claim to already have a scale of measurement?
Ok ill retract my previous statments, I guess it would be nearly impossible to study the mind of an animal to the extent needed to answer this question, at least in present day. Maybe I do underestimate their potential for self awareness and thought. Please forgive me for my assumptions, not trying to be a know it all. Sorry