Is there more than 5 senses / how many?

tablariddim said:
I think they could be described as the 'music' made by the 4 main senses... would you agree to calling them sub senses?

Whatever floats your boat... Call it what you want but they are simply no idependant senses other than the 5 senses. Im done with this discussion.
is the universe/cosmos made op of just Physical and mathamtical things that can be explained by the curent rules of Physics, or is there a 6th,7th,8th... sense ????

These are two different questions! Or maybe three...

I'm not even sure where to begin. First of all, the universe is not made up of math whatsoever! Math is a symbolic language, there are no "mathmatical things".

Is the universe just physical? Well, yes. Even a thought is a physical event, but science has a hard time explaining even the most fundamental things in the observable universe.

But,this has little to do with the senses. There are hundreds of senses. As humans, we use about 5, but I have heard that some cave explorers can sense direction magnetically.

Birds have a magnetic sense,
Snakes have directional taste, and can see heat,
Moles can see underground using a specialized touch organ,
Dolphins whales and bats have sonar,
Dogs can smell emotion,
Sharks can sense the electrical field of prey,
Cats and sharks have directional smell,
Elephants hear very low frequency sound,
Insects can smell (pheremones), and use them to communicate,

animals can evolve senses for almost any physical phenomenon that is in their interest to detect, and is prevelent in the environment. They all live in very different sensory worlds than we do.
Oh, yeah, sense of body position is a separate sense from touch.

I do not rule out other dimentions, as mathematics suggest this possibility, but to sense something it would have to intersect with your environment.
Votorx said:
Whatever floats your boat... Call it what you want but they are simply no idependant senses other than the 5 senses. Im done with this discussion.
Sense of is independant of all other senses.

Don't need vision, smell, touch, hearing, or taste to be able to judge one's position in 3 dimensions.
Votorx- the fourth dimension is time. beyond that i cant really understand what they mean when they say there's even more beyond four dimensions, but Time, i can understand.

sargentlard, you've got the idea right there in your last post.

there is surely more than 5 senses now im convinced, seeing the posts about other animals in our world and the amazing senses they have acquired.
but to Name a 6th one that WE Humans have, i would have to call it 'Equilibrium' and its not just about the physical wieght shifting Votorx... it encompasses sound, motion, position,balance, and possibly more things.
Don't need vision, smell, touch, hearing, or taste to be able to judge one's position in 3 dimensions.

How do u judge one's position in 3 dimensions without these senses then. If you got rid of vision smell touch hearing and taste you wouldn't know whether you existed or not.

Votorx- the fourth dimension is time.

Really? Well then maybe you can explain to me what time is and how it effects us as a being.

Sense of is independant of all other senses.

How it is indepedant. Like i said how will you know wether your on the floor or standing up without these 5 senses?

there is surely more than 5 senses now im convinced, seeing the posts about other animals in our world and the amazing senses they have acquired.

Of course there are more than 5 senses, but what i was trying to do is convince tablariddim that humans do not have more than 5 senses and I see that he is the only one i have made an impression on so far.

Oh, yeah, sense of body position is a separate sense from touch.

Of course. You would be able to tell if you were sitting or standing up by using your vision, and even in some cases your hearing. But without atleast one of the 5 senses you wouldn't be able to tell if you were sitting standing or lying down.
Dogs can smell emotions? I thought that was a myth. :bugeye:

I don't think 'sonar' qualifies as a sense, if you mean echolocation. Humans are capable of it. I recently saw a program about a few blind people who had developed echolocation, and could use it to identify objects with accuracy...

Echolocation is just a combination of hearing and making sound, not a separate sense entirely.
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How do u judge one's position in 3 dimensions without these senses then. If you got rid of vision smell touch hearing and taste you wouldn't know whether you existed or not.

Close your eyes, do not touch a thing, cover your ears with ear plugs (I am guessing you realize that taste and smell have nothing to do with judging balance.)

Now if you were to spin you'd still get dizzy and if you were in space you'd realize and get anxious even though you can't see anything.

The sense of balance and equilibrium comes from the vibrations from inner ear and interpreted by the brain to evaluate position in 3 dimensions. Our 5 senses have nothing to do with it. Many people believe eyes control this but they don't, even with eyes closed you can sense movement and fall.
it looks like most of the senses i had in mind have already been mentioned. i have no idea why people think there are only 5.
positional, pressure, sensation of various forces (gravity, movement/inertia, velocity, etc), heat. all the receptors in the skin get lumped as touch but they could be named individually. let's not forget chemical receptors that don't manifest consciously, i.e. "smelling" hormones responsible for synchronization.

one i don't quite understand is sensing someone's presence through the absence of all other senses.
SwedishFish said:


This I would relate to touch, don't you think?

sensation of various forces (gravity, movement/inertia, velocity, etc)

Well I don't know if we feel gravity, before the concept of gravity was introduced I doubt people felt that something was holding them back to the ground. As for movement/inertia and velocity...well that can be related to positional but you raise an interesting point. Without touching anything the body can can sense change in pressure (given it is significant enough) and the pressure of inertia....almost makes me want to label another sense that the skin has which is shared with the sense of touch: They both use the receptors of the skin to sense change but whereas touch requires physical movement on the Vessel's part.....pressure change is automatically recieved.

Again, I think this is related to the pseudo-touch sense that also senses pressure

let's not forget chemical receptors that don't manifest consciously, i.e. "smelling" hormones responsible for synchronization.

Well if we named involuntary actions then we'd have dozens of sense. I believe the intent of the word "Sense" is used in the context that we know it is there and we can control great deal of it. I am hesitent to include involuntary actions as sense. If we could then I'd also add muscle coordination by the frontal lobe.

one i don't quite understand is sensing someone's presence through the absence of all other senses.

That is voodoo magic called the Gitchygoomies ;)
Now if you were to spin you'd still get dizzy and if you were in space you'd realize and get anxious even though you can't see anything.

If you had your eye's closed then no you would not know what your body's position would be if you were in space. When the feeling of touch is discluded from your senses you automatically and subconciously focus on your site. seeing how you are floating in midair from other stationary objects will tell you that you are floating and have no set place. Even if you stand still and spin around with your eyes closed without touching a thing, you will still tell if you are standing up or not by the pressure on your feet. If there is pressure equally distributed through out your side you will know that you are lying on the floor on the side and so on. You wouldn't sense movement by your ears and fall, You would first sense it in your feet and other nerves in your body, if not here then it would focus your eyes, if your eyes are closed, it would maybe then go to your hearing. This is so you can listen for familiar sounds, maybe muffled sounds to confirm if your passage way is being blocked, yet it wouldn't be able to tell you if you were standing or on the floor unless you have the sense of touch or the sense of sight.

No dogs cannot smell emotions. It's an expresion like they can smell your fear. THat's not so. Some other's believe that a dogs intense hearing can actually hear the human's heart quicken or slow due to fright or exicement which may only approve of the idea of dogs being able to smell or rather hear emotions. This isn't proven of course, but I assure you they cannot smell emotions. Most likely they can tell if someone is sad or happy simply by the person's actions, like how we can tell with someone else's emotions. Many people make the wrong interpretation of thinking of animals as stupid and one minded when this isn't so, animals are just as possible of senses these kinda things just like us humans can.

Sensing other peopls presence is due to many things though very slight. This has actually been proven to be so. If there is someone standing right behind you you can tell by almost ever sense in your body. You can see their shadow, you can smell their B.O, you can hear them coming up, you can feel their heat, you can hear them breath, while it is slight and almost unnoticeable your subconcious can interpret and make sense of these small changes in their enviroment and give your concious a sense of someone watching them, a sense of anxiety really.

Basically it's like we talked about before. These are "sub senses". Just interpretations made by your mind due to a combination of the other senses. In toher words these aren't independent senses and will always result in one of the 5 already defined senses. At this point many of you all are just taking these little things and making a big deal out of them thinking it is a way of subjecting a new 6th sense. Think about how it may apply to your other senses before posting it. Infact im surprised no one has said something like there's a sense of luck.
No dogs cannot smell emotions.
How do you know? Humans produce smells relating to emotions called pheremones, which we have lost the ability to detect conciously.

These are "sub senses". Just interpretations made by your mind due to a combination of the other senses. In toher words these aren't independent senses and will always result in one of the 5 already defined senses. At this point many of you all are just taking these little things and making a big deal out of them thinking it is a way of subjecting a new 6th sense. Think about how it may apply to your other senses before posting it.

I object to your reductionism. Your sense of hearing is quite a different thing from a bat's ability to form a 3-d picture of objects in space using sonar.

A snake's ability to sense infrared is NOT just sight. In a dark cave, they could see you, but you could not see them, quite a different thing.

How about the sensing of an animal's electric field by sharks? There is nothing like it in humans.

How about the sense of magnetic fields in birds? There is nothing like it in humans.

You are struck by homocentric thinking, that the sensory world of animals is mostly like ours, just differing in degree or application. In fact, we rely on the brain's filtering of perception into just the information that is useful to us, but it is only a small slice of what is possible to percieve.
Holy crap I said it once I said it twice i even said it 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 times. Do i need to say it yet again? I am talking about human senses!!! For gods sake get it into your dense head already. I am excluding the senses in animals and focusing just on the senses in humans. Do you understand or are u just that stupid?
The senses in animals are very diverse and I personally think it is mentally impossible for us to comprehend all of them. To talk about all the senses in animals would take forever so just focuse on the senses that count, and those are the senses in humans.
Ok, well sense of body position does not mean absolute position, but position relative to itself. That is, in a sensory deprivation chamber or space, you would still know what position your hand was in relative to the rest of your body even if nothing was touching it.
Sry for the previous comment, i was pissed off because it seems like everyone trying to contradict me by referring back to animals over and over and over again and it's like ENOUGH!!!

Anyways of course you can tell where your hand is, it due to your subconcious. You previous movement basically recorded into your mind can subconcoiusly tell you exactly how you are positioned even if your eyes are closed and you aren't touching anything. Do you know how we sense this kind of movement. By nerves in the joints and nerves in the muscle which send the impulses to your mind. You need to understand that almost everything is done subconciously. Do u know why you know that 1+1 = 2? It is becaue your subconcious recorded it into your mind. Infact i think if we were able to tap into your subconcious we would be able to play back every image, every thought, every movement we ever made in our life
There are six senses!

Body Awareness—Proprioception, or information from the muscles and joints, contributes to the understanding of body position. This system also tells us how much force is needed for a particular task, such as picking up a heavy object, throwing a ball, or using a tool correctly.