Is there more than 5 senses / how many?

cosmictraveler said:
First of all do you have Word by Microsoft? If so please use it to make your comments there then copy what you write there and paste it here. That way Word will spell check and grammar check your work for you! If you don't have Word use your e-mail to write the comments because it will correct your spelling. Then copy and paste your thoughts here. That way you won't suck at spelling any longer and won't have to make us try to FIGURE OUT WHAT YOUR SAYING! LOL :)

There's a 6th sense that some people are said to have. This is the ability to sense that something is wrong or something is going to happen , usually bad. Women have this but a few men possess the ability also. It CANNOT be measured or given tests to find out about it. It happens sporaditaclly and those who have this sense cannot tell when it will happen, it just does!
M*W: The ability to sense that something is "wrong" or that "something is going to happen" doesn't mean that those with ESP sense ONLY negative things. I really don't claim to have ESP, but I'm an intuit and I'm very sensitive. Sometimes I sense when good things are gonna happen like get a raise, or learn that I'm gonna have another grandchild, etc. I tend to have some sort of ESP when it comes to directions. I'm positive this is something men don't have! I sense things my dogs are gonna do, and not necessarily always bad things. I believe they have a 6th sense, too, because if I'm having an especially crummy day, they are more intune with me. I have sensed things about people who are far away from me. Not always bad things. I've had some of the most truly worthless images in my mind that don't account for anything, just that they were there and they were a confirmation of what I found out later. I had a lot of premonitions about my parents and other relatives. Sometimes I "hear" entire conversations with other people before they happen. This has helped me tremendously in my life! It's like I know ahead of time which way to go or how to deal with something BEFORE the fact! I don't really claim to be psychic, but I can't help it, it happens! I'm just a real sensitive person who is an empath. I tend to soak up everyone's saddness. Believe me, this is not something you want to do at home!
Medicine Woman said:
I'm positive this is something men don't have!

Assuming what you say is true

First off, why do you believe that there isn't a man anywhere that can do this? Have you extensively tested every single man that has ever lived to see if they have this ESP? On this forum alone are guys claiming to have the same "powers" as you.

At any rate, if esp is something that exists, I don't think it would be limited by sexuality. Not that I'm in a position of authority to say anything like that, but being a guy, I just don't like the idea:p
Medicine Woman. While I believe you can sense bad things are about to happen, it is not only present in woman. I have become keen to the idea of something bad is going to happen because i can "sense" it. But this doesn't mean that is is paranormal or anything like that. I believe what this means is that there is a slight change in your enviroment, enough so that your subconcious can recognize it, but not enough for your concious to determine what is the problem. If your subconcious perceives this change as good then you will have a sense that something good is going to happen. But if it is a negative change then a bad feeling will beheld in you. This has nothing to do with sensitivity but rather your subconcious.

As for your ability to look into the future i seriously doubt that this is true. But i have had similar experiances with music. For instance I would be listening to the radio, i would being singing a certain song in my mind or a beat and the radio would actually begin playing the song on the radio. But it is illogical to think of this as paranormal. Most if not all radios follow a certain line up. If you listen to a radio station frequently you will subconciously be able to determine which song is coming up next. Unfortunetly I do not listen to the radio often, only rarely. Therefore i perceive that this is only a result to a backround beat to a song in which i already conciously know. It has nothing to with esp and your ability to hear a whole person's conversation is bull to me. Either that or its deja vu which is hardly paranormal.
tablariddim said:
Is common sense, a sense?

It is banned for highly intellectual people like you to say in brief comments.Please ellaborate more.Very interesting comment.

there was an experiment conducted on a group of students(as shown on Discovery) by MIT.Students were shown a series of images.These images were a random sequences of extremely pleasing followed by/or not gory images.The brain activity of the students was monitered.It was observed that a fraction of second before the next gory image was about to appear the brain showed anxiety signs,These signs werent reported in case of other images.This study is not conclusive but says something about Our perceptions.

Source : Discovery,Sci Am
Yes there is a six sense: gyroscopic sense or the ability to detect changes in velocity and position relative to gravity, this sense is sometime consider connected to touch but your not touching anything to feel this, for example when falling the inner ear (the magical master sensor for this sixth sense) can “feel” that, you did not need to touch anything to know your falling, nor even see as you can do it blind folded!
zion said:
there was an experiment conducted on a group of students(as shown on Discovery) by MIT.Students were shown a series of images.These images were a random sequences of extremely pleasing followed by/or not gory images.The brain activity of the students was monitered.It was observed that a fraction of second before the next gory image was about to appear the brain showed anxiety signs,These signs werent reported in case of other images.This study is not conclusive but says something about Our perceptions.

Source : Discovery,Sci Am

There you go, you've just proven what i've been saying. Sorry medicine woman but your little ability isn't rare and it is present in men.
WellCookedFetus said:
Yes there is a six sense: gyroscopic sense or the ability to detect changes in velocity and position relative to gravity, this sense is sometime consider connected to touch but your not touching anything to feel this, for example when falling the inner ear (the magical master sensor for this sixth sense) can “feel” that, you did not need to touch anything to know your falling, nor even see as you can do it blind folded!
Yup, thats what I had in mind when I made my intial post questioning sense of balance as a sense. I should be added in as a sense IMO.
Ozymandias said:
Howabout your sense of humor? Your sense of balance?

Your sense of humor is just an expressions, it all to do with your mind and what you do and do not find humorious. As for your sense of balase we've already established that that is not a sense but rather a subconsious presence which automatically shifts your body wait do to unequal pressures with in your body. In other words the sense of balance is a form or the sense of touch.
I think there are more than 5 senses, just like we've found more than 3 dimensions and we keep finding more. Although i cant prove or support any of the previous ideas, i do believe the sense of balance theory is a very valid one. Let me give you my idea:
i read somewhere that even a person with ONE EAR (mono, not stereo) was still able to tell from which way a certain sound was coming from. Therefore i think that the idea of "balance" being a sense not only applies to Physical Weight balancing, but also applies to Sound, Velocity (free-falling theory), and possibly other aspects. Perhaps it is a sense of equilibrium, rather than just balance.
I don't understand how velocity and sound would contribute to your balance. Again psyical weight is what causes you to subconciously shift your weight and become balanced.

Since when was there more then 3 dimensions? And what exactly is this 4th 5th or 6th dimension? Please validate on what you mean by this.
Touch, Feel, Taste and Hearing are the 4 primary senses, but there are loads more e.g premonition, sensing your body's health or deterioration of, sensing the 'outcome' of some event, sense of status i.e. pride, honour, self-worth, sense of the aesthetic etc.
Pride, Honor, Self-Worth/Self-Esteem etc etc, This has all to do with your mental health. It simple how you hold yourself it all amounts to your self-esteem which is hardly a sense, its only how your view yourself.

Sense of your body's health/deterioration Sense of Status- that is caused by your nerve system. You know your in bad shape when you feel pain and that is the only way you know your are ill. This has to do with your nerves which are just the sense of touch. the sense of touch isn't just your fingertips or some part of your body touching another object, it's also pain and other such discomforts.

Sense the outcome of some event - That is your subconcious. Lets say your in a race and you look infront of you, you see that no one is infront of you. in the corner of your eyes yo see that no one is next to you. Only a few feet from the finish line. You know that you are going to win even without your subconcious. This thing you suppose is a sense is simply all your sense acting together to give your mind the outcome and thats only if your mind is able to perceive this information.
Do not all the primary senses also originate in the mind? Don't they all use nerve systems to become apparent?
They are made into conceivable information inside of the brain but they natural originate from a particular organ rather than the mind itself. For instance the sense of touch is present due to nerves. Smell is due to the nose. Hearing is due to the ears. Sight is due to your eyes. Taste is due to your tongue. Your senses do not have any organ or any other part of your body contributing to them. So either they are mental or they are a combination of 2 or more of the already present 5 senses.
tablariddim said:
Could we have survived as a species without the senses you say aren't?

I never said we do not have what you claim we have. I am simply telling you that they aren't senses but rather a combination of the 5 senses we do have. Even so, adaptation would have come into affect long before such things would truly have any dire effect on our species. Such things would never happen.
I think they could be described as the 'music' made by the 4 main senses... would you agree to calling them sub senses?