Is there more than 5 senses / how many?


Registered Senior Member
this is an extreamly questinable subject. is the universe/cosmos made op of just Physical and mathamtical things that can be explained by the curent rules of Physics, or is there a 6th,7th,8th... sense ????

ps list experances that you have had if u believe in more than the 5 senses ...

-dont even comit on my spelling i suck at it so w/e
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There's a 6th sense that some people are said to have. This is the ability to sense that something is wrong or something is going to happen , usually bad. Women have this but a few men possess the ability also. It CANNOT be measured or given tests to find out about it. It happens sporaditaclly and those who have this sense cannot tell when it will happen, it just does!
I think it's just the subconscious. Your brain is taking infomartion from your 5 senses, cobining it with your knowledge and instincts, and is producing what is seen as an unrelated 6th sense.
Some would tell you that the sense of balance should be considered a 6th sense (the ability to discern between Up, down, left, and right through the ear)....since those who lose it suffer quite a bit.
I wonder if there are spiritual senses. Sort of how some people claim they can see auras (though the "3rd eye".... whatever). Some people claim they can sense ki levels. My own mom who is a Christian and probably wouldn't even touch half of these subjects with a 10-foot pole claims to have spirit discernment (sense spirits basically). None of this stuff I've actually experienced myself, so I can't hold claim to the validity of this stuff, but the question remains, for all the above that are true,

How many senses does all of these things take up, if any? Maybe it's all related to one "sense" that can peer into the spirit dimention(s), or maybe there's several. Or maybe all of the above people and martial artists are crazy and there are no extra senses:p

I like the idea of the sense of balance being a sense, although I can't really argue for or against the idea of it.
the sense of balance huh? Yeah that sounds pretty resonable, but i think that applies to your sense of touch. When you feel more pressure onf a certain side of your body, usually your foot you tend to equalize the pressure subconciously to allow your body to equally distribute this pressure. This keeps you balance and upright. I dunno. That's just my idea of balance.

As for 6th 7th and 8th senses, this is all based on your view of the paranormal. Some people these other senses can be the ability to see the after life, see the future, telekineses, esp, teleportation, levitation blah blah blah blah blah, the list the keeps going on. It just how you perceive it. Scientifically there are no more than 5 senses.

As for comic's 6th sense. I sometimes experiance that myself but i believe everyone does. Everyone can sense when there is something wrong, or something bad is going to happen it's natural and I doubt it just present in all woman and a few men. It has all to do with your subconcious. Going through the day in the same place over and over again gives your mind a sense of familiarity. This is based on your sense of smell, sight, touch, hear, and taste. When you feel something is wrong is usually based on your sense of sight, or hearing. Usually when you may not perceive it, you subconcious tells when something is wrong.

For instance lets say you all walking down a hallway in your school, you looking around saying hi to your friends, socializing. Suddenly you get a sense of paranoa, somethings wrong. This can be because there's a slight change in your atmosphere, like someone is watching you, or the idea that people are looking away or not looking at you doesn't seem right since you are not familiar with this. This gives you the sense of something being wrong, not the paranormal.
If you look into the animal kingdom, you can find a magnetic sense and a sonar sense. These are two that most animals don't have.
Hastein said:
If you look into the animal kingdom, you can find a magnetic sense and a sonar sense. These are two that most animals don't have.
Amazing if humans had them. You could never get lost this way and never need a flashlight. Though some women will still complain that men don't ask for directions. :)
Hastein said:
If you look into the animal kingdom, you can find a magnetic sense and a sonar sense. These are two that most animals don't have.

Isn't the sonar sense just a very highly developed sense of sound (from bats)?

What animal has a magnetic sense btw, and how do they use it?
Heaps animals have a magnetic sense, such as whales and birds. Using whales for example, they can see magnetic variations within the rocks under water, it's like have a underwater map and hence guide them through water. Some birds can see a spot where the North Pole is in their vision so they have a constant idea about their general direction.
Oh yeah, animals such as elephants can use vibrations to communicate. The vibrations made up stumping their foot can travel long distance and up the legs of another to their inner ears - so they can hear vibrations.
Votorx..... I ment that while your at work you sense that your grandmother had an accident, or that your child hurt themselves. Something that is out of the normal routine that when you sense it you know that you have to call to see if everything is alright. That is what I was refering to when I made my comment. As to women having the ability true, but not all women only some women and a few men have this sense.
Uh huh. Regardless it's just a paranormal theory like telekinesis and hasn't been proven. So it simply boils down to whether you believe in it or not.
Of course not. Common sense is the sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge. It's basically the ability to solves puzzles with the presence of ignorance.
Persol said:
I think it's just the subconscious. Your brain is taking infomartion from your 5 senses, cobining it with your knowledge and instincts, and is producing what is seen as an unrelated 6th sense.

I sometimes consider "empathy" a sense, but I'm not sure. It's a "perception" really, which some people lack and some people have in excess. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a "sense", maybe it's really a skill or ability. I only say it because it seems like something you're born with. That and it seems that a lot of people are unable to turn it off. It's not like you can just stop doing it, so if it's involuntary and it's .... nevermind. It's really just a particular type of pattern recognition I guess. It might qualify as a "sense" if you consider the phenomenon of mind/consciousness to interact within five dimensions (spacial dimensions).
You have a sense of the position of your own limbs; this sense is impaired by alcohol.

Pit vipers "sense" heat with their little pits. Are these considered extra eyes? Or are they a sensory organ of their own?
Some birds can see a spot where the North Pole is in their vision so they have a constant idea about their general direction.

I thought all birds had this ability to navigate the Earth.

Ants communicate through signals from chemicals oozed out of their asses....a sense isn't it?
Well i seem to have misunderstood something, for I thought he was only referring to humans, not animals as well. If this is the case then yes there are more senses. For instance the smell/taste whales and other organisms contain is also a 6th sense.
Your sense of the conformation of your own body is a sense independent from sense of touch. I think.