Is there God or none?

Huh? Did the ancients know the chemical formula for water? H<sub>2</sub>O?

Umm... I think we can safely say no. Indeed, what is the point of this?
superluminal said:
Huh? Did the ancients know the chemical formula for water? H<sub>2</sub>O?

Umm... I think we can safely say no. Indeed, what is the point of this?
I`ll wait first geeser`s response before I gave my stand. Thank you for your straight "no".
While we're waiting, isn't it neat that two of the most reactive elements in nature (sodium(Na) - explodes on contact with water) and chlorine(Cl) - a deadly corrosive green gas) when combined make NaCl, table salt? Neat.

Why do you use the ` mark as an apostrophy? As in It`s instead of It's.

Is that normal in your native language? Just curious.
already answered,
me said:
by gods people, do you mean the jews?, and how could they know the chemical make up of water, if they had a microscope would they have drank it?(means NO), all they needed to know was it's was life giving, what's you point.
if you going to say something make it clear.
and hebrews are jews.
superluminal said:
While we're waiting, isn't it neat that two of the most reactive elements in nature (sodium(Na) - explodes on contact with water) and chlorine(Cl) - a deadly corrosive green gas) when combined make NaCl, table salt? Neat.
Thanks for info and by the way, who has discovered that deadly corrosive green gas and particularly when?
geeser said:
already answered, and hebrews are jews.
Ge, are you playing with me?

geeser said:
and how could they know the chemical make up of water, if they had a microscope would they have drank it?, all they needed to know was it's was life giving, what's you point.

geeser said:
and how could they know the chemical make up of water, if they had a microscope would they have drank it?,
Okay, so your reply here as you said is NO regarding my question?

Okay let me answer first your "NO". Without your "microscope", the Bible`s scope is scientific regarding water containing Hydrogen (2) and Oxygen (1). That makes me to believe that the Bible is not mythological but scientific. And that makes me to believe that there is hell. And that makes me to believe that there exist a God who has full of mercy.

geeser said:
all they needed to know was it's was life giving, what's you point.
My point is you have a double standard. You gave a question equating your negative answer to "Did God`s people know that water is H20 biblically speaking?" but which was followed up by a statement "all they needed to know was it's was life giving, "

What`s your basis in saying "all they needed to know was it was life giving"? Or shall I say we are just mere discussing here like literators talking mythically without direction. Remember this is sci(ence) forum I hope you. Just tell me if you are thinking that this is a sci(ence) fiction forum and I will stop declaring the LORD is in the waters.
superluminal said:

Why do you use the ` mark as an apostrophy? As in It`s instead of It's.

Is that normal in your native language? Just curious.
I'm sorry but I actually use both. Actually, I am wont to press the "apostrophe" side in the upper left corner of the keyboard than the "comma" in disguise(which of course is appropriate in the contraction of words). Thank for your comments.
superluminal said:
Huh? Did the ancients know the chemical formula for water? H<sub>2</sub>O?

Umm... I think we can safely say no. Indeed, what is the point of this?
Actually your twisting my question sup. Biblically speaking, I just raised a very elementary question but you`ve made it more complicated.

Can you refer:

If your idea of "ancients" are not written there. I guess you should specify. My question may not be answerable for those who don`t acknowledge the God of knowledge.

My next post is the biblical explanation of water being H2O.
enton said:
Okay, so your reply here as you said is NO regarding my question?

Okay let me answer first your "NO". Without your "microscope", the Bible`s scope is scientific regarding water containing Hydrogen (2) and Oxygen (1). That makes me to believe that the Bible is not mythological but scientific. And that makes me to believe that there is hell. And that makes me to believe that there exist a God who has full of mercy.
how the f**k do you come to that conclusion, are you taking C20H25N3O, where in the bible does it say water's chemical make up's H2O, WOW!, this is one for the record books.
enton said:
My point is you have a double standard. You gave a question equating your negative answer to "Did God`s people know that water is H20 biblically speaking?" but which was followed up by a statement "all they needed to know was it's was life giving, " What`s your basis in saying "all they needed to know was it was life giving"?
because, every living creature on this planet needs water without it they die. whats you point.
enton said:
Just tell me if you are thinking that this is a sci(ence) fiction forum and I will stop declaring the LORD is in the waters.
is that a promise "it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum," ad infinitum.
geeser said:
how the f**k do you come to that conclusion, are you taking C20H25N3O, where in the bible does it say water's chemical make up's H2O, WOW!, this is one for the record books. because, every living creature on this planet needs water without it they die. whats you point. is that a promise "it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum," ad infinitum.
So you won`t need the Biblical explanation that H20 is already explicit in the Bible. And you know what? you sound a literalist. Water is the appropriate base linguistic unit for the chemical elements (H20) conjoined together which is (water).

And because you declared plainly that this is a scifi forum. Now, no need to continue to share a Biblical wisdom about water.
SnakeLord said:
What a copout.

I rarely find things as vulgur as weakness of character, and your statement displays that at it's highest level.


Not a copout at all. Merely quite logical. A lot of very intelligent people believe in many totally, in some respects, incompatible religions. This solely goes to prove that we belong to a species which has a staggering propensity for believing in something which is not true.

I, incidentally, have my own beliefs which I am sure are, in some respects, wrong. They are, however, my beliefs.

One could argue that throwing oneself into whatever your particular religion deems to be the correct attitude of prayer could actually be regarded, particularly if He was standing in front of you, as sycophancy. Possibly this has more to do with showing those around you how devout you are than showing it to your god. Surely he already knows!

Furthermore I have found that what annoys you about somebody else is usually a reflection of your own shortcomings.

So, not a copout at all, but a conclusion, maybe or maybe not valid, arrived at after some decades of consideration.
enton said:
Water is the chemical elements (H20) conjoined together which is (water).
WOW is that so, I did'nt know that.
enton said:
And because you declared plainly that this is a scifi forum. Now, no need to continue to share a Biblical wisdom about water.
because there certainly is'nt one.
stay off the drugs.
my glass of H2O, is more coherent.
A lot of very intelligent people believe in many totally, in some respects, incompatible religions.

Intelligence or lack thereof does not in any way change Pascal's Wager from being a copout.

This solely goes to prove that we belong to a species which has a staggering propensity for believing in something which is not true.

Well, it certainly shows thousand of years of handed down beliefs that have become encrusted to humanity. Of course those that started the beliefs didn't know much of anything, and as such have a good excuse. Modern day man does not.

One could argue that throwing oneself into whatever your particular religion deems to be the correct attitude of prayer could actually be regarded, particularly if He was standing in front of you, as sycophancy. Possibly this has more to do with showing those around you how devout you are than showing it to your god. Surely he already knows!

I fail to see the relevance of any of this to what I said. Not to mention I'm an atheist.

Furthermore I have found that what annoys you about somebody else is usually a reflection of your own shortcomings.

Well there's no real truth in that, but hey- you are entitled to your 'beliefs'.

So, not a copout at all, but a conclusion, maybe or maybe not valid, arrived at after some decades of consideration.

So.. how do you get to "not a copout"? Your post didn't even provide any adequate explanation for why you consider Pascal's Wager, (which is what your earlier post was pretty much getting at), as not being a copout. The only thing you did say was that there are intelligent people that are religious and thus Pascal's Wager isn't a copout - which is not a reasonable argument.
Okay let me answer first your "NO". Without your "microscope", the Bible`s scope is scientific regarding water containing Hydrogen (2) and Oxygen (1). That makes me to believe that the Bible is not mythological but scientific. And that makes me to believe that there is hell. And that makes me to believe that there exist a God who has full of mercy.
This is just silly! Even if the bible was correct that water contained Hydrogen (2) and Oxygen (1) hardly makes it true that hell exists or even that god exists! What you are doing here is making a non-sequitor argument. So what "if" (and I use that term lightly) they were correct about the formation of water. Pick up any chemistry book made anywhere in the last 100 years and it will say the same thing, that hardly makes the rest of the book 100% correct!

is that a promise "it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum,""it's a scifi forum,"" it's a scifi forum," ad infinitum.

LMAO!! :)
enton said:
With this thread I hope you will all consider all possible and impossible expressed and implicit thoughts and opinions, subjective or objective. Prove to yourselves whether there is God or none at all. If you are doubtful, show your doubt, If you try to deceive others, show your deceit. If you are conceited with your self-belief, go on and show what you have had.

For me, I stand that there is God, a Supreme Being, who is responsible for the existence of existence. Why? This is the proof. Happiness was born before sadness. Because God is delighted in the presence of His Son, He created human beings for the delight of His Son. But disobedience arose in the heavenly host, Lucifer exalted himself. This Lucifer, an angel, became the Satan (the adversary of all truths). Now, if you question why God made this all, sorry, I have no authority to answer you. Or you may rephrase the question: why are we all here on earth, and for what purpose?

My best attempt (so far) to prove God's existence is in my thread 'I Challenge You'. I think the thread is on page 3 of this forum.
My best attempt (so far) to prove God's existence is in my thread 'I Challenge You'. I think the thread is on page 3 of this forum.
Yes I read that and I believe you've been debunked. You need to go back and answer your critics.