Is there God or none?

Horseman42 said:
I do not believe in god.

The reason for this belief is that there is no evidence for such a thing. God may exist but I have never encountered any proof of god's existance that wasn't illogical, irrational, or unreasonable. Take for example the "proof" provided by enton...

This is not proof of anything only naked assertions. How do you know happiness was born from sadness? Where is the proof of that? The whole paragraph is sloppy, misguided logic right from the very beginning.
Agnostically speaking, what`s reality in being an agnostic outside gnosticism if you`re agnostic?

Horseman42 said:
How do you know happiness was born from sadness?
enton said:
Happiness was born before sadness.

So you`re requiring an objective evidence?
Okay, let me ask you this way: Do you have a mind/feelings? If yes, what`s your proof? If no, what`s your proof?
geeser said:
enton: yes, objective evidence have you got some, please show it.
and to "Do you have a mind/feelings what`s your proof?" yes = chemicals, chemical reactions.
regarding love
and regarding consciousness.

horseman 42: is not making an assertion you are, the onus of proof is on you.
So are you happy now that you`ve got a positive answers of my questions?

If there is there, then nothingness is nothing. Mythical nothingness is such an assumption. Before space, time and energy is God.

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

So, do I have to continue to show that there is God?
Agnostically speaking, what`s reality in being an agnostic outside gnosticism if you`re agnostic?
I'm not agnostic I am an atheist. Just because you can never 100% prove something does not exist does not mean that it does. What we have to do is evaluate the evidence and if it fails then we have to be atheistic towards whatever it is we were evaluating. Everyone does this, including Christians (assuming you are one). Otherwise there's nothing to stop you from having to acknowledge Thor, Zeus or Krishna may therefore also exist.

So you`re requiring an objective evidence?
Okay, let me ask you this way: Do you have a mind/feelings? If yes, what`s your proof? If no, what`s your proof?
Well if you were to ask me what proof is there that I have feelings, I would say unless you're willing to embrace solipisism.

First of all you can acknowledge that you have feeling, so it's not much of a stretch that to assume other people have feelings as well. Not only that you can see what behaviour emotions trigger.

Over and above these points what bearing does this really have on our conversation? Even if I cannot prove that feelings exist how does that all of the sudden make god exist, any more than the toothfairy?
So are you happy now that you`ve got a positive answers of my questions?
What answers?

If there is there, then nothingness is nothing. Mythical nothingness is such an assumption. Before space, time and energy is God.
No idea what you're saying here. Please prove that before space, time and energy there is god. Also you may want to specify which god and why that one while you're at it.

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
More assumptions, that have no relivence to our discussion.

So, do I have to continue to show that there is God?
Yeah you need to continue. More apropriately you need to start. All you have is some assertions, and some faulty logic.
enton said:
So are you happy now that you`ve got a positive answers of my questions?
I did'nt get, I gave a positive answer to your question, I quote "Do you have a mind/feelings what`s your proof?" yes = chemicals, chemical reactions.
regarding love
and regarding consciousness.
enton said:
If there is there, then nothingness is nothing. Mythical nothingness is such an assumption.
no the likeliness of there being nothing, is more reasonable than to say a god did it, that infantile.
the assumption is your mythical god.
enton said:
Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
sorry has no relevance, bible just a book.
enton said:
So, do I have to continue to show that there is God?
yes, do start, still waiting.
The more some of you post, the more I believe in God.

But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets.

2 chronicles 36:16
god for you

NKJV 2 kings 2:23: And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24: And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
25: And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

a look what happens to children when they call a prophet, baldy.

the more I read from religion, sadder I feel for those poor sheepeople.
geeser said:
god for you

NKJV 2 kings 2:23: And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24: And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
25: And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.

a look what happens to children when they call a prophet, baldy.

the more I read from religion, sadder I feel for those poor sheepeople.
You god it! Perfect
enton said:
So are you happy now that you`ve got a positive answers of my questions?
we are still waiting for you to start post some questions.
geeser said:
we are still waiting for you to start post some questions.
Don`t worry my dear. Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. (from Jeremiah 6:16 KJV of the Bible)
It doesn't really matter whether there is or isn't. If there isn't, a lot of people have wasted a lot of effort, but will never know that they have. If there is, and we survive the death of the body, we will find out the truth, or at least part of it, anyway. I am sure that it will then become apparent that what we have believed is irrelevant and that what we have actually done will be far more important.
What a copout.

I rarely find things as vulgur as weakness of character, and your statement displays that at it's highest level.

enton said:
why are you so persistent, in quoting scripture I've already told you I dont believe the bible, it is infantile for you to keep doing it.
you are supposed to be posting some questions, and we are "STILL WAITING".
geeser said:
why are you so persistent, in quoting scripture I've already told you I dont believe the bible, it is infantile for you to keep doing it.
you are supposed to be posting some questions, and we are "STILL WAITING".
OK I've already told you I dO believe in the bible. And I have a question. This is not only for you but for all:

First question: Did God`s people know that water is H O biblically speaking?
enton said:
With this thread I hope you will all consider all possible and impossible expressed and implicit thoughts and opinions, subjective or objective. Prove to yourselves whether there is God or none at all. If you are doubtful, show your doubt, If you try to deceive others, show your deceit. If you are conceited with your self-belief, go on and show what you have had.

For me, I stand that there is God, a Supreme Being, who is responsible for the existence of existence. Why? This is the proof. Happiness was born before sadness. Because God is delighted in the presence of His Son, He created human beings for the delight of His Son. But disobedience arose in the heavenly host, Lucifer exalted himself. This Lucifer, an angel, became the Satan (the adversary of all truths). Now, if you question why God made this all, sorry, I have no authority to answer you. Or you may rephrase the question: why are we all here on earth, and for what purpose?

Enton, are you sure you have the gift for proselytizing?
It doesn't look that way to me.
water said:
Enton, are you sure you have the gift for proselytizing?
It doesn't look that way to me.
Hey, did I say I have the gift for proselytizing?
enton said:
First question: Did God`s people know that water is H2O biblically speaking?
by gods people, do you mean the jews?, and how could they know the chemical make up of water, if they had a microscope would they have drank it?, all they needed to know was it's was life giving, what's you point.
if you going to say something make it clear.
geeser said:
by gods people, do you mean the jews?, and how could they know the chemical make up of water, if they had a microscope would they have drank it?, all they needed to know was it's was life giving, what's you point.
if you going to say something make it clear.
I was referring to the people in the Bible, particularly the Hebrews.