is there evidence for alien abductions etc.?

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"Eye witnesses" are notoriously unreliable. Particularly when faced with an event, occurrance or phenomenon they are unfamiliar with. I once watched a Harrier approach for landing after dusk... until I saw the same thing again later in life, I was convinced this was UFO. The angle of the jet, its VTOL engines, and the lighting produced a very strange experience with a very un-Jet like sound.
that was YOUR experience you judge ALL reported experiences of UFO's thru your subjectve conclusion, like Phlo, via HIS 'sleep paralysis' experience, seems to judge ALL reported abductions??
I did not say that my own, single, experience was the basis for the statement. It was but one example. Obviously there are more or I wouldn't have said "notoriously unreliable."

It isn't abductions by space aliens we're talking about at this point, it is eye witness reliability in general and the reliability of testimonial accounts overall. Are you suggesting that eyewitnesses to space alien attacks are more reliable than eyewitnesses in every other aspect of life?
SkinWalker said:
I did not say that my own, single, experience was the basis for the statement. It was but one example. Obviously there are more or I wouldn't have said "notoriously unreliable."

It isn't abductions by space aliens we're talking about at this point, it is eye witness reliability in general and the reliability of testimonial accounts overall. Are you suggesting that eyewitnesses to space alien attacks are more reliable than eyewitnesses in every other aspect of life?
First of all, i'd suggest losing bias/prejudice/'t that the scientific way? that you collate information very very carefully. ie., you wouldn't accuse the reporter of an experience you are not familiar with.....this is how Dr Mack did it. respecting the people he interelated with

for if ou in ANY way hafe te air of ridicule,or comin on like a cold eyed interegator, you will not be really as'painful' as it may be to your worldview, surely you must gove over 100% care in what your investigating and particularly the individual(s)

you have confessed--i have it in my files...hehe--that you do not fully understand quantum dimension, nor conciousness. so be humble and realize you dont know everything....who does?
Some know less than other's, as they ably demonstrate on a regular basis.
[you could try turning that around and aiming it at me, but I doubt it would have as much effect.]
phlogistician said:
You mean, like this episode;

If jet jockeys have such low regard for human safety, that they'd pull of such a stupid stunt and end up killing people, I've no doubt that they'd take a detour over a small country, and yank their chain.

Mmmm, kind of. Though, as a complete aside, isn't it horrendous reading about that incident? I mean, imagine... there's actually a reporter out there called Philip Ponce?!

Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hardly bears thinking about.

However, basically what I'm getting at here is that the one thing which didn't actually transpire at all at any point throughout the so called Belgian Incident is the principal thrust of the manner in which the story is always presented - that the Belgian Airforce actually scrambled to intercept and investigate a UFO in the explicit sense UFO Believers exclusively view the term, i.e. An Alien Space Ship.

An unidentified radar return of an object corresponding to no officially filed flight plan and bearing no recognised identifying transponder signal - yes, absolutely, no question about it. Upon picking up on a thing like that the Airforce is somewhat honour bound to scramble whatever happens to be handy to give the object in question the once over simply because it happen to be part of the Airforces job to do precisely work of this exact nature.

Hence, I suppose, why they're called the Airforce and not EasyJet.

That being the case the actual scramble itself was actually a matter of simple course. Fly anything into anyones airspace without filing a flight plan first and not identifying yourself and one can guarantee at least one f-16 is investigating ones tailpipe in no short order.

In aviation reporting the name Aurora has a long standing history dating all the way back to 1985 when someone in the US Censors Department let slip of the name in regards to the matter of budget appropriations in association with the U2 and SR-17 - what her actual name is, no one knows, she's the most highly classified project the US Military has, but there's plenty of evidence to more than merely suggest she's around.

The linky above should give more information to anyone interested.

Thing with the Aurora though is, or more possibly was (its currently thought she's outseen her day and been retired), she may very well be hypersonic, Mach 6 capable using a pulse-jet engine - putting it into perspective, this is a plane capable of flying at over 2000 mph and, once going, she doesn't stop.

The article above sites a similar incursion event this time taking place over the UK earlier this year. The Military, as far as I've been able to research, weren't scrambled, no "UFO" chase made the headlines, but February 2005 is a long, long time after whatever Aurora actually was came into service - 1989 pegs her as being well within early testing phase.

Since officially Aurora doesn't exist and won't be disclosed as having done so for a good many years yet, stating with impunity that the US's latest new toy of the day more than likely slipped up whilst on trials isn't at all possible to do - however, the claim that an alien space craft is somehow more likely...

Somehow, weird as I must be, I don't buy it and never have.

Mind, before today I wouldn't have credited it possible that a man could go on national television, even if it is 60 minutes under a name like Ponce without at least thinking of changing it first.

So what do I know, eh? ;)
SkinWalker said:
"Eye witnesses" are notoriously unreliable. Particularly when faced with an event, occurrance or phenomenon they are unfamiliar with.

Hello Skinwalker, I don`t agree with this statement unless it refers to a single individual`s uncorroborated evidence.
Events of the type we are discussing are difficult for observers to categorize,because of their unique nature . As you`ve observed yourself, the strangeness of a particular event can cause possible errors of observation.
I seem to recall that in this case the witnesses ,although very puzzled by what they saw, could clearly describe it`s appearance. What is more compelling is that the descriptions by multiple witness groups ,separated by some distances, appear to describe the same object.
I would hesitate to accept this as conclusive proof , but together with other hard evidence provided by Military sources, this event has a high probability of an actual incursion by an unknown vehicle of extraordinary capability.
But of course ,that is only my considered opinion.

Regards, Awdsci
"Eye witnesses" are notoriously unreliable. Particularly when faced with an event, occurrance or phenomenon they are unfamiliar with. I once watched a Harrier approach for landing after dusk... until I saw the same thing again later in life, I was convinced this was UFO. The angle of the jet, its VTOL engines, and the lighting produced a very strange experience with a very un-Jet like sound.

Two questions:

1) Did you ever knowingly lie about what you saw?
2) Did you correct your account upon discovery of an earthly explanation?
Skinwalker*"I was convinced this was UFO*

Oh my god!!
The Skin was a believer at one time!?You actually jumped to a conclusion?!
Haha, just kiddin Skins.
moementum7 said:
Skinwalker*"I was convinced this was UFO*

Oh my god!!
The Skin was a believer at one time!?You actually jumped to a conclusion?!
Haha, just kiddin Skins.
welllll, Skin walker has confessed to once beliving in paranormal and ten he claims education kicked him out of that 'false belief'....i have asked him to tell me what he beliefed and what was THE event(s) etc that turned him around. to this date, Skin has refused to answer my inquiry about this. .. . .... . .
#1. Allagash Abductions: Four men were boating on a wilderness lake, all four saw an immense blue-white light above them. Their next memory is being back on the shore, several hours later, with no idea what had happened. Elaborate hoax? They swear it's true and ALL FOUR PASSED POLYGRAPH EXAMS.

But, I think it's important for everyone to conceede - Their account is without any physical proof. Yes, it is a solid evidential account but there's an awfull lot of that in this field! lol..

There is a lot of testimonial evidence of alien abduction, but virtually no physical proof. If someone could provide physical proof, then we'd be in business! ;)
btimsah said:
There is a lot of testimonial evidence of alien abduction, but virtually no physical proof. If someone could provide physical proof, then we'd be in business!

That reminds me of something.

When I was a small boy, spending my summers with my grandmother in the countryside, stories were a fond diversion. We had stories for when walking out at night, stories when relaxing before bedtime, stories when exploring the woods, stories when following the pebbly shoreline, stories when watching a blazing fire.

But there were two types of stories. The first type served to entertain; the second type was always spoken quietly, like an unfinished sentence. The old folk knew the difference.

btimsah said:
#1. Allagash Abductions: Four men were boating on a wilderness lake, all four saw an immense blue-white light above them. Their next memory is being back on the shore, several hours later, with no idea what had happened. Elaborate hoax? They swear it's true and ALL FOUR PASSED POLYGRAPH EXAMS.
Possible explanations:
1. Hoax.
2. Cover up for nefarious activities - still lying on the part of the protagonists, but for a different motivation.
3. Alien abduction.
4. Hitherto unidentified physical phenomena, or unidentified aspect of recognised physical phenomena, producing amnesia.
5. Abduction by government or private group for undefined experiments.
6. Alcohol poisoning and group hysteria.
7. Something else
Ophiolite said:
Possible explanations:
1. Hoax.
2. Cover up for nefarious activities - still lying on the part of the protagonists, but for a different motivation.
3. Alien abduction.
4. Hitherto unidentified physical phenomena, or unidentified aspect of recognised physical phenomena, producing amnesia.
5. Abduction by government or private group for undefined experiments.
6. Alcohol poisoning and group hysteria.
7. Something else
Yip. like that. it is a list of possible explanations with one thatleaves open some other form of explantion. cool
Skinwalker. I repeat:

Two questions:

1) Did you ever knowingly lie about what you saw?
2) Did you correct your account upon discovery of an earthly explanation?
duendy said:
Yip. like that. it is a list of possible explanations with one thatleaves open some other form of explantion. cool
I've gone into shock. It took a year, but Duendy actually approved of one of my posts and delivered a post almost free of the weird typography. I may take the rest of the day off to recover. Nurse, bring me a warm tea and a brandy please.
Ophiolite said:
I've gone into shock. It took a year, but Duendy actually approved of one of my posts and delivered a post almost free of the weird typography. I may take the rest of the day off to recover. Nurse, bring me a warm tea and a brandy please.
DRAT! was meant to kill........
but seriously, well done old bean. do carry on, an dont think i won be on ya if u put a FOOT wrong....aint gone soft ya know!
A bunch of New Age cult nonsense. Where is the evidence? Anyone can write science fiction. This sort of silliness is the BEST, though! Not only do the nutters that subscribe to such nonsense have to prove there are actually aliens, they also have to prove there are actually deities like Jesus, angels, Yahweh, etc.
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