Is the earth expanding?

You mean one of my many great ideas that, for instance, light travels away from the point in space it was emitted, regardless of what the source does during that light travel time? Let me tell you something, buddy boy, :) That concept is IRREFUTABLE!!!

It is only irrefutable in your mind, my fine befuddled fellow.:)
Then you're saying Motor Daddy's idea is total bunk?
You are saying that.
I just sit here reading one new idea after another, we are all trying to get our heads around what mainstream science is throwing at us.
The Universe is expanding
The Universe as a consequence is getting less dense

Then you get those who say the expansion is not happening in areas dominated by gravitational attraction.
Motor Daddy seems to be of the view even Black Holes are expanding and hence becoming less dense too.

The concept of space dragging has changed my view on the whole idea. Thinking now space could be more like smoke swirling around the universe some parts moving this way others that way, some thinning but in other areas denser, but in the whole generally dispersing throughout the region. :)
Robbitybob--> The Universe is expanding
The Universe as a consequence is getting less dense

True, if there were NO new mass being created . . . which, IMO . . . there is . . .
SQR* (Dark Energy?) --> Virtual particles (Dark Matter?) --> >>mass (observed universe)

*SQR = Subquantal Reality (unobserved universe) . . . search Alternative Theories
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. . . BTW . . . . IF virtual particles (VP) are real, can we presume that during the 'instant' that they (temporarily) exist as a massive particle, that they display a minute 'gravity' force . . . and if so, where does that 'gravity' "go" when the VP then disappears?
. . . BTW . . . . IF virtual particles (VP) are real, can we presume that during the 'instant' that they (temporarily) exist as a massive particle, that they display a minute 'gravity' force . . . and if so, where does that 'gravity' "go" when the VP then disappears?
A virtual particle would have "virtual gravity". So they both disappear.
Robbitybob--> The Universe is expanding
The Universe as a consequence is getting less dense

True, if there were NO new mass being created . . . which, IMO . . . there is . . .
SQR* (Dark Energy?) --> Virtual particles (Dark Matter?) --> >>mass (observed universe)

*SQR = Subquantal Reality (unobserved universe) . . . search Alternative Theories
Put some of that SQR the in the fuel tank and you will have solved a problem. :)
Helium is 2 hydrogen atoms joined by fusion. Aren't they?

Big bang theory predicts that there was a period of time after the big bang where the universe was hot enough and dense enough for fusion to occur. Consequently, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis predicts that a lot of helium, and some Lithium were produced as a consequence of the big bang.
Helium is 2 hydrogen atoms joined by fusion. Aren't they?


Hydrogen has 1 proton, and Helium as 2 protons AND 2 neutrons. So Helium is certainly not the product of fusion of 2 hydrogens atoms.

Jeez, I can't believe that I'm the only one to correct your mistake.

Hydrogen has 1 proton, and Helium as 2 protons AND 2 neutrons. So Helium is certainly not the product of fusion of 2 hydrogens atoms.

Jeez, I can't believe that I'm the only one to correct your mistake.
I should have looked it up again! Shocking mistake! :)
James, I am not here to answer every question in the book that you can't answer.

You mean you're not here to answer any questions that reasonably follow from your ideas. The reason is that your ideas lead to nothing. They have no underlying basis. They have no predictive power. There's no mathematics. There's nothing quantitative to them. And you make claims you simply cannot support with any kind of coherent argument.

What I am telling you is that mass becomes less dense over time.

But it doesn't.

This is the same fantasy world in which your speed of light is not the same in all directions.

Your fantasies are contradicted by basic observational evidence, which you deny.

So for instance, helium actually breaks down into hydrogen over time.

How much time?
What is the mechanism of the breakdown?
Show me your calculations.

There is a lot of helium and hydrogen in the universe, and even more "dark matter" in the universe because a single more massive object breaks down into even MORE less massive objects.

Are you saying that "normal" matter "breaks down" into dark matter?
What is the mechanism?
Show me your theory. I'm particularly interested in the mathematics.

So one molecule of helium can break down into even more molecules of hydrogen.

What's a molecule of helium?

Likewise, all that hydrogen and helium breaks down into huge amounts of dark matter.

By what mechanism?

Give me a step-by-step description of how helium breaks down into hydrogen then into dark matter. Don't forget to explain the mechanisms of the breakdowns. And post your calculations, of course, if you have any.

Yes, I am saying dark matter was once hydrogen that has since broken down into a less dense dark matter.

How many forms of dark matter are there?
What are the basic constituents of dark matter?
What evidence supports these conclusions?

So, read between the lines in the link.

What? I'm supposed to fill in the gaps in your wacky ideas?

You mean one of my many great ideas that, for instance, light travels away from the point in space it was emitted, regardless of what the source does during that light travel time? Let me tell you something, buddy boy, :) That concept is IRREFUTABLE!!!

What else would it do?
Geological findings? . . . whose . . . (i.e. which side of the EE vs non-EE argument?

Robbitybob: Can you please read (my) wlminex post #739 and comment regarding your 0.5 mm/yr expansion minimum? . . . Thanks . . . just trying to understand where you are coming-from.

Geological findings? . . . whose . . . (i.e. which side of the EE vs non-EE argument?

Robbitybob: Can you please read (my) wlminex post #739 and comment regarding your 0.5 mm/yr expansion minimum? . . . Thanks . . . just trying to understand where you are coming-from.


5.00E-04m/year (0.5mm/y) times 4.50E+09 (years of Earth) = 2.25E+06 meters or 2,250 Kms. Increase in radius over 4.5 Billion Years.

6353 km = current Earth radius and EE theory requires this to be reduced by 64% i.e. Earth was only 4065.92 in the past so a reduction of 2287.08 km which can be accounted for with growth in radius as little as 0.5 mm per year.

At this stage I can see a compression of the terrestrial Earth.

So I'm not a True EE Theorist nor am I saying the Earth has stayed the same size. I believe it was compresssed by an ocean of volatile material.

The density phase changes you describe in #739 could happen as well, but most of the volume changes I'm speaking of is just straight out brute force causing compression.
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