Is the earth expanding?

Show those observations.

Hello, florian! I requested you to show "the observations that the size of our planet increased"! florian! Hello! Are you afraid of discussing? Are you a scientist who refuse to share his knowlegde? Are you a crank who is afraid of being refuted?

Do you know the sentence "Put up or shut up"?

One comment about florian's measurement of past seafloor surface in

It is obviously using the surface of the dated and currently observable seafloor. Then the surface is removed step by step, and the seafloor older than x Myear is used to measure the "Surface of Ocean Floor (km2)" x Myear ago.

But in the following diagramm

there is old seafloor which is subducted.

For the seafloor surface at (3), florian add the surface of purple, blue, orange and red seafloor. He doesn't count the surface of green and yellow seafloor, which is subducted (correct in my opinion).

For the seafloor surface at (1), florian add the surface of purple and blue seafloor. He doesn't count the surface of orange and red seafloor, which did not exist at this time (correct in my opinion). He doesn't count the surface of yellow seafloor, which was subducted at this time (correct in my opinion). He doesn't count the surface of green (not correct in my opinion).

With this methodology, the measured seafloor surface in the pictured area is lesser at (1) than at (3), altought it should be near the same.

Next step: searching the amount opf subducted seafloor during the last 200 or 100 Myear.

Lets look at GPS data and plate map.

If I assume a convergence of 4 cm/year along 20,000 km convergent boundary, then it lead to 0.8 10^8 km² / 100 M year of subducted seafloor, which is not negligible.
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The statistics show that when I ask you a question and you realize you are backed into a corner and have no way out other than to agree with me, that you will evade answering the question.

No it is just that your questions are so weird, they don't need to be answered. But I will try to answer your questions.

So you see things for what they really are and agree with Ophiolite that gravity causes objects to become more and more dense?

You didn't understand his point (imagine my surprise). Objects like molecular clouds coalescing to stars become more dense. Objects like like stars that lose their internal pressure due to fusion progressing to iron formation become more dense. Objects like the earth or the moon do not become more dense.

So you think the universe is getting smaller in volume all the while retaining the same mass and getting more and more dense due to gravity?


If not, and you think the universe is expanding and growing in volume and getting less dense while retaining the same mass, then what you are saying is that mass is evolving to space.

The universe is expanding, so the distance between very distant objects is increasing. The idea that mass is evolving into space is what is known as bat-shit-crazy.

You are saying that the universe is getting less dense over time by means of expanding the volume and maintaining the same mass, all the while gravity is present and NOT making the universe MORE dense over time.

I know the chances of you getting this very simple concept is nil - but what the heck. The universe is getting less dense. But objects in the universe are not getting less dense. If the mass is relatively constant but the volume is increasing then the density of the universe is less. Get it - I bet not.
The universe is expanding, so the distance between very distant objects is increasing. The idea that mass is evolving into space is what is known as bat-shit-crazy.

I know the chances of you getting this very simple concept is nil - but what the heck. The universe is getting less dense. But objects in the universe are not getting less dense. If the mass is relatively constant but the volume is increasing then the density of the universe is less. Get it - I bet not.

So you acknowledge that the universe is getting less dense, but you don't acknowledge that the very process that causes the universe to expand is the same process that causes ALL objects to expand and become less dense. You say that gravity causes objects to come together, and yet every object in the universe is getting further away from each other.

Let me say that again, just in case it went in one ear and out the other and didn't impact any matter.

ALL objects are becoming less dense in the universe as the universe itself is becoming less dense! Mass is evolving to space, whether you like it or not!!! The objects of mass in the universe are becoming less dense so the universe itself is becoming less dense! Did it impact any matter this time?
So you acknowledge that the universe is getting less dense, but you don't acknowledge that the very process that causes the universe to expand is the same process that causes ALL objects to expand and become less dense. You say that gravity causes objects to come together, and yet every object in the universe is getting further away from each other.

Let me say that again, just in case it went in one ear and out the other and didn't impact any matter.

ALL objects are becoming less dense in the universe as the universe itself is becoming less dense! Mass is evolving to space, whether you like it or not!!! The objects of mass in the universe are becoming less dense so the universe itself is becoming less dense! Did it impact any matter this time?
The sort of expansion and density changes you are describing can't be noted by anyone within that frame/region of space since everything changes in the same proportion.

So this is a different type of expansion as compared to the EE theory, where the crust when compared to the magma plus cores of the Earth expand at different rates. Also the EE theorists believe the Earth expands but the Moon didn't.
Motor Daddy:

You again failed to answer my questions about the water.

From which other substances did the water come? And how did it change from those other substances into water?
Motor Daddy:

You again failed to answer my questions about the water.

From which other substances did the water come? And how did it change from those other substances into water?
Doesn't all elements have their origin in Hydrogen fused together in a star somewhere. :)
Are you speaking for Motor Daddy now, Robittybob1?

Do you support all of Motor Daddy's ideas?
Are you speaking for Motor Daddy now, Robittybob1?

Do you support all of Motor Daddy's ideas?
Honestly I would have no idea what he is on about in total.
Some of what he says could be "possible" if worked on.
But I just put in my knowledge about every element being able to be formed from Hydrogen. Don't ask me to detail the pathways but they are available.

I wrote a summary of what I understand regarding planet building, and I thought you would have commented. :)
And what makes you believe I didn't already know that?

Read between the lines.
I never even considered that you didn't know this, but I thought you were testing my knowledge. In fact i had to think "Am I right about Hydrogen forming Helium?" and said to myself "that is what is happening in the Sun", so I stuck with it. :)
I never even considered that you didn't know this, but I thought you were testing my knowledge. In fact i had to think "Am I right about Hydrogen forming Helium?" and said to myself "that is what is happening in the Sun", so I stuck with it. :)

Then you're saying Motor Daddy's idea is total bunk?
Motor Daddy:

You again failed to answer my questions about the water.

From which other substances did the water come? And how did it change from those other substances into water?

James, I am not here to answer every question in the book that you can't answer. I have a general progression of matter idea and I am expressing my idea. Don't try to play the ol' "if you can't answer every question I ask of you then your idea is bunk" card. That's simply BS!

What I am telling you is that mass becomes less dense over time. So for instance, helium actually breaks down into hydrogen over time. There is a lot of helium and hydrogen in the universe, and even more "dark matter" in the universe because a single more massive object breaks down into even MORE less massive objects. So one molecule of helium can break down into even more molecules of hydrogen. Likewise, all that hydrogen and helium breaks down into huge amounts of dark matter. Yes, I am saying dark matter was once hydrogen that has since broken down into a less dense dark matter.

So, read between the lines in the link. Water could certainly form according to my idea, because mass gets LESS dense over time according to my idea.

The hydrogen molecules undergo oxidation, meaning they lose their electrons to become positively charged, while the oxygen molecules undergo reduction, or in other words, gain the extra electrons to become negatively charged. The negatively charged oxygen ions combine with the positively charged hydrogen ions to form water, releasing electrical energy in the process.
So you acknowledge that the universe is getting less dense,

Correct, the bulk density of the universe is decreasing.

but you don't acknowledge that the very process that causes the universe to expand is the same process that causes ALL objects to expand and become less dense.

Yes, that is correct. You are clearly not becoming less dense for instance.

You say that gravity causes objects to come together, and yet every object in the universe is getting further away from each other.

This is demonstrably incorrect. The Andromeda and Milky way galaxies are moving towards each other for instance.

Let me say that again, just in case it went in one ear and out the other and didn't impact any matter.

ALL objects are becoming less dense in the universe as the universe itself is becoming less dense!

All evidence shows that you are wrong. Physics is not about making things up.

Mass is evolving to space, whether you like it or not!!!

It has nothing to do with likes, there is no evidence that anything like you are proposing is remotely possible. It is pure fantasy.

The objects of mass in the universe are becoming less dense so the universe itself is becoming less dense! Did it impact any matter this time?

I understood perfectly what you wrote, the problem is that it is wrong. It is nothing but a made up silly fantasy. Which is pretty much what all of your 'great' ideas are.
You mean one of my many great ideas that, for instance, light travels away from the point in space it was emitted, regardless of what the source does during that light travel time? Let me tell you something, buddy boy, :) That concept is IRREFUTABLE!!!