Is the earth expanding?

The rift is a divergent boundary, that compression is not part of the rift.
Which would be part of the point that I am making.

I've seen this one already and it is ludicrous. They predict that Kamtchatka will close the arctic oceans while it has done exactly the opposite for eons.
No they don't.

Compare this:

What they're predicting, essentially, is that the atlantic will continue to open, that North America will rotate counter clockwise, and that Asia will rotate clockwise. If you look closely you will see that siberia and norway are still at approximately the same latitude, but they've moved east by 30°, and Alaska has moved south.

All of which is consistent with the motions implied by your age map.
"The Laptev Sea Rift is a divergent tectonic plate boundary"
My text book has not arrived yet, but what do you understand as divergent?

I was only quoting what was in Wikipedia. If they say the rift is compressing that is possible. (That is the onshore portion)
There isn't a real wide rift on the map is there?