Is the earth expanding?

Science is not about liking or not liking. It is about evidence. And there are no geological evidence supporting the decompression hypothesis.
I see no interest in investing time in an hypothesis that is not supported by evidence.
What sort of evidence do you expect with the decompression hypothesis?
Compression is the only hypothesis I can see that does not need addition matter to cause the expansion, or for the existing matter to expand in a yet unexplained manner.
So I am surprised you just dismiss it so easily.:mad:
To prevent them being taken in by agenda driven, self indulgent, minimally educated, intellectually stunted, socially warped demagogues.

That implies then an assumption has been made that viewers of a thread are ignorant easily manipulated dimwits that require a protector does it not ?
That implies then an assumption has been made that viewers of a thread are ignorant easily manipulated dimwits that require a protector does it not ?
@rogerharris Could briefly describe the EET as you see it. I not asking for the proof but just the mechanism as you understand it, starting from the recently build Earth, so skip the Earth building stage and the Moon formation.

So what happens after that?:confused:
That implies then an assumption has been made that viewers of a thread are ignorant easily manipulated dimwits that require a protector does it not ?
No, it does not. At worst it implies that they lack education in the field of Geology.
@rogerharris Could briefly describe the EET as you see it. I not asking for the proof but just the mechanism as you understand it, starting from the recently build Earth, so skip the Earth building stage and the Moon formation.

So what happens after that?:confused:

I havent attempted a mechanism. I have a list of 5 with bits that have survived thus far, but with various problems. the solution may be an integration of them which is a full time project for an advanced student.

You dont need a mechanism. The evidence of the pacific floor spread and fit back together is enough to kill pangea stone dead as pangea does not allow those contientes to fit together in the same time as the atlantic fit.

But they do. and you have seen the evidence and papers. Notice the EE deniers here are very silent on this. No thats too kind. Willfully evasive is more like it. We can have another round with force trippy to answer if the pacific continents fit together along with their fossils at the same time as the atlantic and watch him squirm, deny and evade for several thread pages again.

Where as in EE we say well we dont understand the mechanism, there are a few ideas but they are being developed. In EE we are honest. Why. because we are not afraid. Thats why.

I a mean think about it. How did all the continents of the planet break apart then end up gravitating towards each other in one spot, then breaking apart, then all magically finding each other again in pangea. Continental drift does not even have a mechanism for this nonsensical view.
I havent attempted a mechanism. I have a list of 5 with bits that have survived thus far, but with various problems. the solution may be an integration of them which is a full time project for an advanced student.

So you think it's happening, but have no evidence it is and no idea how. :shrug:
I havent attempted a mechanism. I have a list of 5 with bits that have survived thus far, but with various problems. the solution may be an integration of them which is a full time project for an advanced student.

You dont need a mechanism. The evidence of the pacific floor spread and fit back together is enough to kill pangea stone dead as pangea does not allow those contientes to fit together in the same time as the atlantic fit.

But they do. and you have seen the evidence and papers. Notice the EE deniers here are very silent on this. No thats too kind. Willfully evasive is more like it. We can have another round with force trippy to answer if the pacific continents fit together along with their fossils at the same time as the atlantic and watch him squirm, deny and evade for several thread pages again.

Where as in EE we say well we dont understand the mechanism, there are a few ideas but they are being developed. In EE we are honest. Why. because we are not afraid. Thats why.

I a mean think about it. How did all the continents of the planet break apart then end up gravitating towards each other in one spot, then breaking apart, then all magically finding each other again in pangea. Continental drift does not even have a mechanism for this nonsensical view.
So I have seen the video of the Expanding Earth as on this forum. And it looked impressive and possible, but that doesn't mean it happened like that.

The thing I missed then was the Geological evidence that the lands surrounding the Pacific Ocean fitted together.
Can you recall what page that might have been on?

So from what I read you talk of "fossils" proving they were together, what sort of life forms were these?
If there were land bridges are animal fossils of any use?

If you were to say all the expansion occurred in the last 500 million years, what mechanism do you propose that may have caused the Earth to swell, but didn't affect the area (well primarily the linear dimensions) of the continental plates? :)
where is your evidence that lurkers viewing a thread lack an education in the field of geology ?


The 'No simple answer' fallacy again? Really?

It's Sciforums, not Geologyforums.

There is no burden of proof required for this assertion, it's pretty ordinary, I would go so far as suggesting it's a reasonable assumption. Although short of such a lurker posting to confirm as much, i'm not sure what proof could actually be provided that would satisfy you.

There are plenty of people out there who are interested in topics such as this in spite of, or because of the fact that they posses no formal education in Geology - you yourself have posted evidence of this.

There are plenty of people that have no formal education in geology that have formed a strong opinion on expanding earth theories, and again, you have provided us with proof of this. The funniest thing is that your assertion implies the opposite hypothesis - My hypothesis being that it might be true of some of the lurkers, the opposing hypothesis being implied by yourself being that it's true of none of them.

Can you prove that every lurker watching this thread possesses a formal education in Geology?

There are even well educated people in the world educated in fields other than geology, that may have some degree of naivety of geology, who are interested in the topic, and/or have formed a strong opinion.

I am even of the opinion that the evidence availble, in the form of some of the discussions in this thread up until this point supports the hypothesis that people from all four categories have participated in this thread, at which point (if it hasn't prior to this) the hypothesis that people falling into all four categories may be watching the thread becomes almost tautological.
We can have another round with force trippy to answer if the pacific continents fit together along with their fossils at the same time as the atlantic and watch him squirm, deny and evade for several thread pages again.
That wasn't the question you asked, and I answered the one you did.

In EE we are honest.

And yet you continually resort to tactics such as this.
simple answer to this is yes the earth is expanding. at the quantum level space is expanding which culminates in everything in the universe expanding... so yes.
if your talking on earth size scales then yes its expanding as more and more mass from space lands on it.
the surface may physicaly expand but the core is cooling so following the laws of physics it should contract. i dont think the earth absorbes enough energy from the sun and the earths passage round it, to stop the cooling, just slow it down some.
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simple answer to this is yes the earth is expanding. at the quantum level space is expanding which culminates in everything in the universe expanding... so yes.
if your talking on earth size scales then yes its expanding as more and more mass from space lands on it.
the surface may physicaly expand but the core is cooling so following the laws of physics it should contract. i dont think the earth absorbes enough energy from the sun and the earths passage round it, to stop the cooling, just slow it down some.
I wonder if you are right on that first issue "space is expanding which culminates in everything in the universe expanding". No one has said that this affects the size of individual atoms, but just the distance between galaxies expands as far as I know.:)
The other 2 factors are insufficient to account for the volume changes required in the EET.:)
simple answer to this is yes the earth is expanding. at the quantum level space is expanding which culminates in everything in the universe expanding... so yes.

Incorrect. Space is not expanding on the quantum level, until you get out to about 200 million lys. Up to that distance, gravity, the strong nuclear force, and electromagnetism easily overwhelm spatial expansion.
i would think given enough time and decay that, the 200Mlys boundary your referring to would dissipate.
i would think given enough time and decay that, the 200Mlys boundary your referring to would dissipate.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying.

200 Mlys is about how far from everything you have to be before the force of spatial expansion overcomes the force of gravity. What kind of decay are you thinking of?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying.

200 Mlys is about how far from everything you have to be before the force of spatial expansion overcomes the force of gravity. What kind of decay are you thinking of?
Where are these imaginary figures coming from? :shrug:
Here. The Virgo Local Supercluster and it's environs.

So, I'm an "agenda driven, self indulgent, minimally educated, intellectually stunted, socially warped demagogue". That's rude.
Florian my remarks were directed to rogerharris. I consider you to be only agenda driven and self indulgent. The other descriptors definitely do not apply to you. If you consider it rude to describe you as agenda driven and self indulgent I will be happy to argue my case succinctly here or elsewhere. I believe those to be objective assessments of your approach and as such not at all rude.