Is Satan actually God wearing a mask?

Hehe, this is quite funny :D

Your second statement was right on the money (if by your views, you mean you can be independent and successful on your own). But yes, you can "comprehend" god, but you can't comprehend God.

Uh, I do not care about money or success or something like that, sorry.

The Catholic Church has gained absolutely no insight. Do you forget that what we know of God is from Him? If we claim to know something of God that is against the gospel of Christ, as Paul said, let that person be "accursed". No man gains anything. We only recieve that we might give in return.

Now, if I understand this correctly you are of the opinion that god revealed himself to some guys in the past and they wrote the bible as a consequence?
If you want to say something like that, I ask again, why are they right?
There were scriptures of gods long before any christian beliefs.
(in fact, parts of the bible sound somewhat like ancient babylonian myths, only altered to fit on one god)

And another question. I am arrogant because I believe that I have strength on my own? So I have to be weak to get rid of my arrogance? No thanks.

Why are you so sure that the bible speaks the truth? There is no proof that god´s word was written down. But there are many parts in the bible that seem to be copied from other texts. I do not exactly negate the existance of a god or more than one, but I do doubt that the bible, or the koran or a number of other scriptures, do contain the word and teachings of god.
Therefore, I also doubt that there is someone who is able to talk about anything that is related to god. No one has the capability, the resources to do so. As a result, my opinion can be true.

There again is the arrogance. Human beings are capable of seeing nothing

Are you so sure about that? Perhaps we are able to see, and perhaps someone has already found the truth.
But I do not want to see, I am content with observing my own blindness and that which I see when I close my eyes.
Dreamwalker said:
Hehe, this is quite funny :D


Uh, I do not care about money or success or something like that, sorry.

I am sure anyone else reading this can confirm that you are either making a fool out of yourself or you are having a very difficult time understanding that statement..

Now, if I understand this correctly you are of the opinion that god revealed himself to some guys in the past and they wrote the bible as a consequence?
If you want to say something like that, I ask again, why are they right?

I never said that so I don't know what you are talking about.

There were scriptures of gods long before any christian beliefs.
(in fact, parts of the bible sound somewhat like ancient babylonian myths, only altered to fit on one god)

Anna Nicole Smith looks like a tub of goo, only altered to fit a TV screen. Your point is?

And another question. I am arrogant because I believe that I have strength on my own? So I have to be weak to get rid of my arrogance? No thanks.

You have to be weak to "get rid" of your arrogance? I don't know how you came to that conclusion but I'll keep reading..

Why are you so sure that the bible speaks the truth? There is no proof that god´s word was written down. But there are many parts in the bible that seem to be copied from other texts. I do not exactly negate the existance of a god or more than one, but I do doubt that the bible, or the koran or a number of other scriptures, do contain the word and teachings of god.
Therefore, I also doubt that there is someone who is able to talk about anything that is related to god. No one has the capability, the resources to do so. As a result, my opinion can be true.[.quote]

After ALL that I told you about man not being able to relate to God on his own, "not you, not me, not the pope".... you are somehow missing/avoiding all of that in this discussion and insisting on going on about capability and resources when I have already acknowledged and confirmed that no one does in fact have such "prowess".

Are you so sure about that? Perhaps we are able to see, and perhaps someone has already found the truth.
But I do not want to see, I am content with observing my own blindness and that which I see when I close my eyes.

How can you see if your eyes are closed??? :confused: The truth can't be found. Somehow you keep missing all that I'm saying. The Truth has to 'find' you.

The blind cannot lead the blind. For they will both fall into a ditch.
And another question. I am arrogant because I believe that I have strength on my own? So I have to be weak to get rid of my arrogance? No thanks. ”

You have to be weak to "get rid" of your arrogance? I don't know how you came to that conclusion but I'll keep reading..

Ah well, you know, I read this:

More like your arrogance in saying you don't need to depend on God but one indicates the other..

And thought it would somehow be connected with my statement above. Sorry of I misunderstood.

“ There were scriptures of gods long before any christian beliefs. (in fact, parts of the bible sound somewhat like ancient babylonian myths, only altered to fit on one god) ”

Anna Nicole Smith looks like a tub of goo, only altered to fit a TV screen. Your point is?

My point? I somehow got the expression that you believe in a god that is the god of the christians, muslims and wahtever else.
This led me to the question why you are so sure that there is A God. There could be many more gods and they could be entirely different from the "common" god.
You just seem to be very convinced that there is only ONE true god, I just wanted to point out that there might be more than one. Also, you have to have some foundation on which your beliefs rest. So I assumed that you beliefs were perhaps founded on the bible or a similar scripture.

How can you see if your eyes are closed??? The truth can't be found. Somehow you keep missing all that I'm saying. The Truth has to 'find' you.
The blind cannot lead the blind. For they will both fall into a ditch.

I wanted to express that I am not searching, I am content with waiting.
And not all who are blind are bound to fall :D
But why are you so sure that the truth has to find us? Were you perhaps enlightened by the truth?

Follow the Blind
Your journey, your last hope, it can begin
these passing dreams
were real no fantasy
there are more things than we know
come take my hand

Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind

And this is still funny. Your answers are very entertaining :D
Dreamwalker said:
Ah well, you know, I read this:

And thought it would somehow be connected with my statement above. Sorry of I misunderstood.

I still don't see anything about weakness in there...

My point? I somehow got the expression that you believe in a god that is the god of the christians, muslims and wahtever else.
This led me to the question why you are so sure that there is A God. There could be many more gods and they could be entirely different from the "common" god.
You just seem to be very convinced that there is only ONE true god, I just wanted to point out that there might be more than one. Also, you have to have some foundation on which your beliefs rest. So I assumed that you beliefs were perhaps founded on the bible or a similar scripture.

The God I serve is a tyrannical God who demands that He and He alone must be worshipped.

Deuteronomy 5
7 "You shall have no other gods before [1] me.

I think that is pretty much self-explanatory..

I wanted to express that I am not searching, I am content with waiting.
And not all who are blind are bound to fall :D
But why are you so sure that the truth has to find us? Were you perhaps enlightened by the truth?

Since you don't know when your time on earth will be up, why do you walk this treacherous line of uncertainty without hope?

I'm still not sure whether you're trying to be funny or trying to make me look foolish for defending myself.. :confused:

Follow the Blind
Your journey, your last hope, it can begin
these passing dreams
were real no fantasy
there are more things than we know
come take my hand

Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind

And this is still funny. Your answers are very entertaining :D

I'm sure that isn't a complement but I'll overlook..
Since you don't know when your time on earth will be up, why do you walk this treacherous line of uncertainty without hope?

Why? It is fun. Have you ever tried it? It is entertaining. If it was certain, it would be very boring after a while, at least I think so.

And no, I do not make fun of you. It was just a statement.

The God I serve is a tyrannical God who demands that He and He alone must be worshipped.

Deuteronomy 5 7 "You shall have no other gods before [1] me.

Ok, you serve a tyrannical god, but still, may I ask why?

I'm sure that isn't a complement but I'll overlook..

Oh, take it as a complement, you do not entertain me in a "bad" way.
You could say that I enjoy this, but it is not entertainement in the sense
of ridiculing you.
Dreamwalker said:
Why? It is fun. Have you ever tried it? It is entertaining. If it was certain, it would be very boring after a while, at least I think so.

And no, I do not make fun of you. It was just a statement.

Ok, you serve a tyrannical god, but still, may I ask why?

Oh, take it as a complement, you do not entertain me in a "bad" way.
You could say that I enjoy this, but it is not entertainement in the sense
of ridiculing you.

Is there something wrong with tyranny when there's no such thing as "freedom"?
It is just personal preferance. I do not like tyrants, but that is up to you.
Just because you are not free does not mean that you can never be free.

Still the question, why do you believe in that god?
Dreamwalker said:
It is just personal preferance. I do not like tyrants, but that is up to you.
Just because you are not free does not mean that you can never be free.

Still the question, why do you believe in that god?

I don't believe in that god. I believe in God.

Big difference.
Dreamwalker said:
Still no answer yet. That´s just too bad. :rolleyes:
Perhaps you would deem to enlighten me SouthStar?

I'm not on the forum all day.. :rolleyes:

The answer is: revelation.
Oh, did god come around, knocked on the door and said: Care to go to heaven? You just have to kiss my ass.
No seriously. How did you get this "revelation" if I may ask?

I mean, to me nothing was "revealed", hence I am a nihilist.
@ Dreamwalker

Aren't you in the other thread (forgot which one) where I talked about the different ways we come to "know" God?

Just don't feel like typing the same thing twice :p