Is Satan actually God wearing a mask?

sevenblu, you're assuming God is infinitly powerful, and that the devil was created by God on purpose

I believe that the Devil was created the same way God was (willed himself into existance)
The Devil isnt just a tool of a God, he is a being similar to God and draws his power from the evil intentions of people. The Devil can become more powerful then God if humans become more evil then good
Alain, this is a little contrived, but who's good and who's evil?

Is the greatest good making the most people happy? What if everyone's happy now, but the cost of making everyone happy today will make everyone unhappy for the next week? Would that be evil?

Are you saying that whoever plays the game of life by God's rules stregthens God, and likewise for playing the Devil's game?
§outh§tar said:
God is neither good, evil, or neutral "in the first place". That would be placing an infinite being into a category which is paradoxical. ;)

God does not exist.

however ten of millions of sheep on this planet do think he or it does, and they even class him or it as the killer of humankind, Ie when theres a natural disaster It's deemed an act of god so Is he or it, not also the devil,
alain said:
sevenblu, you're assuming God is infinitly powerful, and that the devil was created by God on purpose

I believe that the Devil was created the same way God was (willed himself into existance)
The Devil isnt just a tool of a God, he is a being similar to God and draws his power from the evil intentions of people. The Devil can become more powerful then God if humans become more evil then good

Is there no liberal being
because in all walks of life we have the good the bad and the liberal
the one that sit's on the bench undecided.

How could anything will it self into existence (if it does not exist it has no will)

define what your meaning of evil is.

and according to all the holy books, if you wish to believe them, God is omnipotent and omnipresent (all seeing and all knowing)ie infinite power.

also everything in the existence according to the h/books god created
all this make you statement a bit lame.
I think this can be explained in terms of God's omniscience. If His "all knowing powers" extend into the future, then certainly God is a bit of an asshole. After all, he would be predestining people to go to hell. But if those powers only extend into the present and the past, then nothing really is God's fault because humanity is just an experiment gone wrong.

Is is possible that God cannot see the future; that he can only give the most educated guess in the confines of his divinity?
And what about those born before Christ? Are they all (with the exception of those chosen by God... Moses, David) rotting in Hell?
As a matter of fact, they should go to hell. They were after all worshipping idols, furthermore they prayed to various gods. This goes against gods commandments as far as I know.
Also, Jesus died for our sins, does it also mean he died for the sins of the Babylonians who prayed to gods thousands of years before Christianity was invented.


Were you brought up in heresy? Find strength in God!

What do you mean? I said that I suffered from a christian upbringing. That´s not heresy. I just do not believe in Christianity any longer because their ideas are full of holes, filled with unlogic reasoning.

And why should I find strenght in god? I have enough strenght myself.
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If God IS omnscience, then JESUS did not die for the sins of all, but for the sins of the chosen only.
Many are called few are chosen.

Why Are they chosen?

What did they do when they heard the call?

Did they hear and believe the call?

Did they reject the call?

Did God force one to hear and another to reject the call?

Or did He have foreknowledge of whom would hear the call and whom would reject the call?

Romans 8
28And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If this biblegod is true like some of you agree on this thread, why in the world would you choose to worship such an evil being?

I will not, and never will worship such a cruel being.

Not cruel ? ..... thats like saying Hitler wasnt cruel.
There is no devil, but there was an infinite god.
A perfection. A balance.
If an inbalance occurs, the pendulum has started.
of course he is dreamy who else is to blame it ain't me
god and the devil are the same person (THING)
ask you local court who they blame for death by flood earthquake etc GOD
Despite all of the Questions I've seen raised, the ignorance you show is of this one. What/who is man? A simple question it may seem, and so it is, but even the knowledge of a simple truth, goes unseen by those who are blind to it.
Since there is no truth, just a load of different opinions it is a bit difficult to find "a truth" that fits to everything and everyone.
Perhaps you would enlight me of what I am ignorant right now?
Is it that I am ignorant of the nature of a god? If so, well, that happens, there are so many out there that it is a bit hard to know everything about them.
If it is on the nature of humans, there are also many truths. One that is pretty widespread nowadays is that we were created by god (whichever one you like) others think we evolved from simpler lifeforms and ultimately from nothing at all. There are as many opinions out there as humans, so of which do you speak exactly?
Dreamwalker said:
Since there is no truth, just a load of different opinions it is a bit difficult to find "a truth" that fits to everything and everyone.
Perhaps you would enlight me of what I am ignorant right now?
Is it that I am ignorant of the nature of a god? If so, well, that happens, there are so many out there that it is a bit hard to know everything about them.
If it is on the nature of humans, there are also many truths. One that is pretty widespread nowadays is that we were created by god (whichever one you like) others think we evolved from simpler lifeforms and ultimately from nothing at all. There are as many opinions out there as humans, so of which do you speak exactly?

Anyone thats not a Deist :D I could be wrong.... :bugeye:

But then he would be wrong :cool:
Yes, you could be right. Now that I read it again I understand it to some extend. Thanks.

Ah well, everyone has is own opinions and truth. That´s the way it is. :D
nullus diabolus nullus redemptor

There is no devil, but there was an infinite god.

Believing in God and not believing in the Devil is naive. Both come together or neither at all. Without Evil, there would be no challenge for the divine...

I suspect that if the Devil (the second best-known figure in Christianity) can be excised from the Christian tradition, then any other figure might be eliminated as well. If Christ did not come to save us from the power of the devil, as the new testiment said, then perhaps he did not come to save us at all...

If there were no Evil and no Devil then virtue would wither for lack of challenge.
"Alain, this is a little contrived, but who's good and who's evil?

Is the greatest good making the most people happy?"
yes and no, if you try to be evil but make people happy its still evil and vice versa

"what if everyone's happy now, but the cost of making everyone happy today will make everyone unhappy for the next week? Would that be evil?"

yes that would be evil (assuming the next week unhappiness was greater than the this week happiness)

"Are you saying that whoever plays the game of life by God's rules stregthens God, and likewise for playing the Devil's game?"
yes, but we dont actually know Gods exact rules, we can only guess.

"Is there no liberal being
because in all walks of life we have the good the bad and the liberal
the one that sit's on the bench undecided."
not sure i get you... yes, there are big grey areas, we can try to understand, and will fail in many cases, its just a matter of failing in as few as possible

"How could anything will it self into existence (if it does not exist it has no will)"
i would love to hear your theory as to how the universe started

"define what your meaning of evil is."
killing a baby is evil, unless you have evidence that the baby will kill many others
feeding a starving child is good
and then theres grey areas between there

"and according to all the holy books, if you wish to believe them, God is omnipotent and omnipresent (all seeing and all knowing)ie infinite power."
so take that one step further... i dont believe in any of the holy books, happy?

"also everything in the existence according to the h/books god created
all this make you statement a bit lame. "
once again, there is no holy book for the God that i worship
alain said:
"once again, there is no holy book for the God that i worship

Can I get an AMEN !! , No wait thats revealed relgion terminology...... Can I get a Glory be to God..... :bugeye: ... no wait thats........ aw hell that will suffice.

What a dream for mankind to be content in that statement....... but noooooooo. Mankind has to write 183,000 books on it including the Holy Babble... :mad:

Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.