Is Religious Indoctrination Criminal?

this thread reminds me of a facebook post i grimaced at. some fellow high school grad was so pleased that his 12 year old daughter was baptized in his swimming pool last summer that he threw a party around it. and i thought, "good job at blindly indoctrinating your own daughter into something she understands nothing about, against her will, cause she wants to please her daddy, and probably jading her against christ for life, you asshole." fucking religious people.
i'll ask for the millionth fucking time:

Psychotic Episode:

where do these "rights" to which you allude (and which you have made clear, are not "legal rights," but rather some sort of "natural rights") come from?

please answer the question.
Is there a crime committed and what is the crime(s) when......

A person or persons of faith knowingly convert someone non-religious to their particular religion by any means possible.

Note: 'any means possible' includes anything from a loving perspective to a physical beating or worse. In each case, the person being converted either did not ask to be converted nor wish to be converted.

If someone is indoctrinated without expressing an original interest in the religion of faith of their converter then have they been violated?

*As an afterthought.....Is something similar to the Stockholm Syndrome at work in the minds of the indoctrinated?

I’ve given your proposal some thought. My conclusion is the freedoms we enjoy must be protected. The freedom to believe, have faith and or worship is a worthy attribute with respect to our democratic way of life. People using their faith to break the laws established through our constitution must be held accountable. God is not above the law.

I think if God did exist he would agree, "yes the law goes double for me".
I’ve given your proposal some thought. My conclusion is the freedoms we enjoy must be protected. The freedom to believe, have faith and or worship is a worthy attribute with respect to our democratic way of life. People using their faith to break the laws established through our constitution must be held accountable. God is not above the law.

I think if God did exist he would agree, "yes the law goes double for me".
what would be an example of people using their faith to break the laws established by the constitution, a law that you deem god must also abide by in order to be "god"?
what would be an example of people using their faith to break the laws established by the constitution, a law that you deem god must also abide by in order to be "god"?

I don't think your beliefs are acceptable for everyone, however, in answer to your question without naming every violation of established law, stealing property from another person or business or the stealing of a birth right will do as an example. Not every person having faith is going to break the commandment not to steal. The sick delusion mind does reason stealing in the name of God is okay. Murdering in the name of God is another one.

Hi-jacking is stealing. Stealing the human birthright is just as bad. Killing another human in the name of a God will not go unpunished.
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I don't think your beliefs are acceptable for everyone, however, in answer to your question without naming every violation of established law, stealing property from another person or business or the stealing of a birth right will do as an example. Not every person having faith is going to break the commandment not to steal. The sick delusion mind does reason stealing in the name of God is okay. Murdering in the name of God is another one.

Hi-jacking is stealing. Stealing the human birthright is just as bad. Killing another human in the name of a God will not go unpunished.
so when you talk of law abiding to god, you actually mean law abiding to those who claim to represent him?
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apperantly Q, you still don't know the differance between someone who believes in god and a religious person..

Lori belongs to the Christian cult as she constantly regurgitates Christian doctrine and wants to sleep with Jesus.
so when you talk of law abiding to god, you actually mean law abiding to those who claim to represent him?

The excuses for law breaking is God told me to do it or it is God's will I violate the laws he gave. Does it make sense for God to say don't steal or kill and then tell someone to do that very thing?

If God breaks the laws he established then he is a sinner too. Its like the kettle calling the pot black.
The excuses for law breaking is God told me to do it or it is God's will I violate the laws he gave. Does it make sense for God to say don't steal or kill and then tell someone to do that very thing?
there is however the detail of what constitutes a primary value and what is a detail.

Even in terms of mundane society, we see that killing, while frowned upon, has its practical application in war (not to say that makes it above board, but rather that it has recourse to being necessary in certain circumstances). However if one takes the case of torture, etc, we see that extreme unnecessary abrasive behaviour is not tolerated (or ta the very least, has the capacity to make an administration very red faced at a later date)

If God breaks the laws he established then he is a sinner too. Its like the kettle calling the pot black.
not really since god has a potency that makes most of the morality that applies to us obsolete. For instance murder for us is a sin because we don't have the capacity to invest its existence, but for god, who places a particular living entity in a particular womb and redirects them to another environment after the demise of the corporeal body, death is simply relocation. Similarly, since god is the effective proprietor of everything, theft is not applicable to him. etc etc
not really since god has a potency that makes most of the morality that applies to us obsolete. For instance murder for us is a sin because we don't have the capacity to invest its existence, but for god, who places a particular living entity in a particular womb and redirects them to another environment after the demise of the corporeal body, death is simply relocation. Similarly, since god is the effective proprietor of everything, theft is not applicable to him. etc etc

All nonsense and without any wisdom. People that follow religious teaching have no evidence to back their so called insight. The religious wait for science to produce the evidence for them. Science can't and never has produce anything worth while concerning religious beliefs. Wisdom is in the hands of science these days.

p.s. Jesus said it best, those who have, more shall be given and those who have not even what they think they have shall be taken away from them.
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All nonsense and without any wisdom. People that follow religious teaching have no evidence to back their so called insight.

The religious wait for science to produce the evidence for them. Science can't and never has produce anything worth while concerning religious beliefs. Wisdom is in the hands of science these days.

p.s. Jesus said it best, those who have, more shall be given and those who have not even what they think they have shall be taken away from them.

I think for the sake of a coherent argument, you have to make up your mind whether you want to focus on the truth of a claim (what is the evidence) or the logic of a claim (how does it make sense)

If you want to accept "that's all nonsense" (bereft of an explanation why it is so) as a sufficient means to discredit a claim of logic, I can just turn around and say the same to you.

The excuses for law breaking is God told me to do it or it is God's will I violate the laws he gave. Does it make sense for God to say don't steal or kill and then tell someone to do that very thing?

If God breaks the laws he established then he is a sinner too. Its like the kettle calling the pot black.

a person can use god as an excuse to commit a crime..that doesn't mean god told him to.....