Is religion the worst thing that has ever happened to us?

Taking God out of schools and society is one of the worst things that ever happened. 911 is a close second. Illegal immigration is third.
Taking God out of schools and society is one of the worst things that ever happened. 911 is a close second. Illegal immigration is third.

Complete and utter nonsense. But I've no doubt you actually believe this.

And this is the main problem with the American society in modernity. We have so many religious adherents that insist that their particular god or cult is represented in public, forcing minority religions and worldviews to accept it as matter of fact.

By keeping any one religion from being codified in public schools and government, the freedom of religion itself is protected.

As to the 911 being a close second, my refutation above places it, therefore, in first place, positively answering the OP question, which asks is religion the worst thing that has ever happened to us? since it was religion and religious nutters that fly airliners into skyscrapers.
a matter of faith isnt it?

The 'faith' you're implying is belief without evidence. Indeed, it is often belief in spite of evidence. Not a very useful trait. A very different kind of 'faith' used by the rationally minded. I have no faith in supernatural mumbo jumbo and superstition. Its fun and interesting to study, but there's no good reason to accept these traits as any sort of truth.
Taking God out of schools and society is one of the worst things that ever happened. 911 is a close second. Illegal immigration is third.

I am appalled that the destruction of a major financial building holding thousands of people comes SECOND in disaster rating than people simply exercising the right to religious freedom.

Clearly you were born waaaay after you were supposed to be.

Although I was wondering if this "sandy" character is a sock puppet designed to highlight the ridiculous nature of fundamentalism. Is 630 posts a lot for a sock puppet?
The 'faith' you're implying is belief without evidence.

You are talking (healing blind, exorcism, walking on water, being a zombie, etc.), but my friend, you have NO evidence of the non-existance of these things.

So you also have a faith, in no-belief of this things, because you cannot prove they don´t exist, the same as, right now, I cannot prove they exist.

It is all a matter of faith.

911 was more than what you said. It was a personal attack on us and our freedom from evil muslims who want us converted/dead. It was the end of our world as we knew it. Nothing has been the same since.

I am not a sock puppet. I am a chick. A conservative, Christian, Republican, hot, cute, REAL chick. I know, we're rare. ;)
WS, you previously said Jesus is preeminent, now you've changed your tune, tisk tisk.

Melchizedek iss a figure mentioned by various sects of both Christian and Judaic traditions.

Melchizedek's name can be translated (from Hebrew) as My king is righteous. In Genesis, Melchizedek is also referred to as king of Salem (generally believed to be ancient Jerusalem), and priest of El Elyon. El-Elyon is translated as most high God, and interpreted as a reference to Yahweh (by tradition) or El (by some scholars).

"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine; and he was priest of God the Most High." (Genesis 14:18-20)

"The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent: 'Thou art a priest for ever
after the manner of Melchizedek." (Psalms 110:4)

"Melchizedek´s Priesthood like Christ´s - Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually." (Hebrews 7:3)

So what parts of the Bible do you choose to believe?

I personally believe, Jesus Christ was a re-incarnation of HE who was called Melchizedek in HIS time. HE, Jesus Christ is the Eternal High Priest of God, he Jesus Christ, was He who was once called Melchizedek.

Not to mention the "Melchizek Codex", found in Nag Hammadi, writtings from early christians:
"O Melchizedek, Holy One, High-Priest, the perfect hope and the gifts of life. I am Gamaliel, who was sent to [...] ... O glorious one, Jesus Christ! O chief commanders of the luminaries, you powers Armozel, Oroiael, Daveithe, Eleleth, and you man-of-light, immortal aeon Pigera-Adamas, and you good god of the beneficent worlds, Mirocheirothetou, through Jesus Christ, the Son of God! "
911 was more than what you said. It was a personal attack on us and our freedom from evil muslims who want us converted/dead. It was the end of our world as we knew it. Nothing has been the same since.

I am not a sock puppet. I am a chick. A conservative, Christian, Republican, hot, cute, REAL chick. I know, we're rare. ;)

You are not rare, you can find your lot in any church or religious school. Being rare doesn't automatically imply being worthy either. We can say Jeffrey Dahmer was rare but that doesn't mean he was of a rare kind to be proud of.

And for you to think 911 was the worst implies you are shallow or spoiled. It could have been a lot worse. Christians have been trying to convert and infect others forever so you just met your match so to speak.
911 was more than what you said. It was a personal attack on us and our freedom from evil muslims who want us converted/dead. It was the end of our world as we knew it. Nothing has been the same since.

I am not a sock puppet. I am a chick. A conservative, Christian, Republican, hot, cute, REAL chick. I know, we're rare. ;)

How can you Sandy be all uppity about an attack on your 'freedom', yet you think it wise or even justified that your theisms and beliefs be thrust upon unwilling parties. You feel that you're more correct than the rest of the world such that you're shocked that other people have differing opinions.

And you're hardly rare. You might be rare folk on Internet forums, but not in reality.