Is religion the worst thing that has ever happened to us?

Would we be better off without it?

i would say no we wouldent be better without it, simply because we will start wars fight and argue without it anyway because its human nature.

but i must admit that religion seems to bring alot of people inner peace and happiness, if some people say it is deluded illusions then so be it, but happiness is still happiness,

im not religious myself, but i must admit i would rather be a happy deluded guy who thinks he knows the truth for my lifetime, than a grumpy logical guy who thinks he knows the truth.

if you only get one life on this earth i would prefer it to be a happy one.

I think that that is a somewhat loaded question; in the sense that it can bring people happiness within themselves, I think it's a good thing that we have it. In the sense that it was partially if not wholly responsible for 9/11, WWII, WWI, The Crusades, and so many other ultimately pointless wars, battles, mass-murderings, I believe that we would be better off without it.
Religion has impeded the ability to use ones brains, to learn and understand. I can't imagine anything worse.
Religion has impeded the ability to use ones brains, to learn and understand. I can't imagine anything worse.

Perhaps that's a characteristic of people rather than religion; science has its own woo woos.
While I am not a defender of religion and its supposed benefits, I also would not say it's "the worst thing that ever happened to us." At some point in the early intellectual development of humanity, when we first began to try to understand the world, it was almost inevitable that one form this would take would be religion. And it may have been a useful thing back then, who knows. Of course, we are far past that point now, and we have much better ways to understand the world. Hanging on to religion now is like a teenager who still sucks on a pacifier and won't give up his baby blanket.

One of the worst things that ever happened to us was that, as part of our social nature, we developed this idea of conformity, that it's a good thing to convince or force others to act or think as we do. This has become embedded in some (not all) religions -- those religions that believe it is their "duty" to proselytize and gain converts. And while that can be done in a peaceful manner, it can also take the form of violence all too easily, and this has been a huge source of strife throughout history. Actually it still is. In many islamic countries, for a native of the country to renounce islam means a death sentence.

Again, I'm not saying this is an inherent quality of religion. I'm saying it's an inherent quality of our deep urge to conform, and to make others conform. This also applies to other areas like politics.
While I am not a defender of religion and its supposed benefits, I also would not say it's "the worst thing that ever happened to us." At some point in the early intellectual development of humanity, when we first began to try to understand the world, it was almost inevitable that one form this would take would be religion. And it may have been a useful thing back then, who knows. Of course, we are far past that point now, and we have much better ways to understand the world. Hanging on to religion now is like a teenager who still sucks on a pacifier and won't give up his baby blanket.

One of the worst things that ever happened to us was that, as part of our social nature, we developed this idea of conformity, that it's a good thing to convince or force others to act or think as we do. This has become embedded in some (not all) religions -- those religions that believe it is their "duty" to proselytize and gain converts. And while that can be done in a peaceful manner, it can also take the form of violence all too easily, and this has been a huge source of strife throughout history. Actually it still is. In many islamic countries, for a native of the country to renounce islam means a death sentence.

Again, I'm not saying this is an inherent quality of religion. I'm saying it's an inherent quality of our deep urge to conform, and to make others conform. This also applies to other areas like politics.

Conformity is a part of group dynamics; its a sign of being a team player. Not being a team player puts people in the pale regardless of any group. You are expected to work within the system because that is how people can recognise your behaviour as part of the whole.

People who don't play by generally accepted rules tend to get ostracised or if they are good at it, seem unapproachable- in any case they acquire a special status which sets them apart from the others.
We are spirits. We live in bodies. We have a soul (mind,will, emotion.)
Yes we would be better off without religion. Man-made religion has really messed things up.
I prefer a God-made/Christ-made faith. There are too many religions and too many people fighting over them.
We are spirits. We live in bodies. We have a soul (mind,will, emotion.) Yes we would be better off without religion. Man-made religion has really messed things up. I prefer a God-made/Christ-made faith. There are too many religions and too many people fighting over them.

M*W: Which one of the 34,000 christian churches do you belong to?
Conformity is a part of group dynamics; its a sign of being a team player. Not being a team player puts people in the pale regardless of any group. You are expected to work within the system because that is how people can recognise your behaviour as part of the whole.

People who don't play by generally accepted rules tend to get ostracised or if they are good at it, seem unapproachable- in any case they acquire a special status which sets them apart from the others.

Sure thing, but it's a matter of degree. It can be taken too far, and has been taken too far in the past and in some parts of the world in the present. When getting ostracized becomes getting killed, that's too far. When you work within the system because someone has the point of a sword at your throat, that's too far. It's that extreme sort of conformity I was talking about.
Sure thing, but it's a matter of degree. It can be taken too far, and has been taken too far in the past and in some parts of the world in the present. When getting ostracized becomes getting killed, that's too far. When you work within the system because someone has the point of a sword at your throat, that's too far. It's that extreme sort of conformity I was talking about.

Thats a characteristic of personal differences too. There are people who like to decide for themselves and feel rebellious if asked to follow the norm; there are those who prefer to let someone else have the anxiety of decision making (and hence defer the cosequences).
the problem of religion is it's level of ludicrous scale. There are many societies that aren't diehard religious that work just fine. China has many philosophies but their takes on the universe are not so detrimental or too far from reality to progress whether they are inherently different from the west. It depends upon the characteristics of the religion and how many people in a society push it that defines it good or bad. The danger and rank of religion is it's dogma which eats away at enlightenment at its core, inherent intolerance and tries to oppress others who are unlike them. This selfish fixedness has a peculiar flavor of lack of respect for others which is hiding a weakness and inability to adapt or learn so tries to convert as compensation. It's deep, dark cowardice, fear, and hate trying to spread. One only has to realize how many philosphies are out there and the attitudes of those who follow or agree with them whether they push them on others or allow others to choose what they find beneficial. I've never met a buddhist or taoist who was as pushy or desperate to convert as a religionist because the realize its personal what you personally believe and truly respect and understand that whereas religionists give lip service and don't respect or understand at all. It would not be a loss if these types of people were wiped out at all because they seem like a disease trying to spread.
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Religion and philosophy are some of the greatest things to ever happen to for the destruction caused by religion go look at the top war death tolls...religious wars don't even make the top 10....most of the wars are caused by the greed for power, land, etc....not by religion....just look at the biggest wars WWI, WWII, etc....little or nothing to do with religion... are incorrect. Hitler, the catalyst of WWII believed and quoted christian tenets as supporting his cause. It's being discussed in another thread.

Ironically though, I think religion was a necessary part (and unfortunately so) of human development. It was a successful tool in controlling the more barbaric versions of humankind way back when.

It is however getting to be high time to move on...
i would say no we wouldent be better without it, simply because we will start wars fight and argue without it anyway because its human nature.

but i must admit that religion seems to bring alot of people inner peace and happiness, if some people say it is deluded illusions then so be it, but happiness is still happiness,

im not religious myself, but i must admit i would rather be a happy deluded guy who thinks he knows the truth for my lifetime, than a grumpy logical guy who thinks he knows the truth.

if you only get one life on this earth i would prefer it to be a happy one.

if my happiness, was the cause of suffering to others, then I rather be the logical guy.
religion kills, no two ways about it.
there might still be wars, but I very much doubt that.
but there wont be murders for religion, you wont get someone blowing up innocent's or stabing doctors.

None. I belong to a non-denominational, Bible-based church. No religion. No bs. Just the Bible.
do you follow jesus?
does it contain a govening moral code?
do you go to church?
are there other people who believe the a same as you?
could I say thats a BIG YES to the above?
then it's a frigging religion. it's still one of the 34,000 sects of christianity, it's just call the non-denominational christian sect.
sandy is that picture, a picture of your mom.
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^ haha..unbelievable i know. I mean look at how dangerous and untrustworthy a mind like sandy really is though most take it for granted. She willingly lies to herself and others as she belongs to a church based on her archaic bible and believes herself, church, and beliefs as no "bs" compared to the other denominational churches. She is so dishonest in fact to label her beliefs as "no religion". Really? hmm. I guess religionists are whatever they claim to be huh, how very convenient. This type of intellectual dishonesty is the most dangerous of all because it gives no hesitation and is so purely dishonest and sure of itself others may not even notice simply because they themselves would never make such presumptuous and confident leaps so easily similar to a moral person who couldn't tell how a pedophile could be the way they are and fool people in public with their act.
It is also interesting to note that religion discourages greed for power, land, resources, etc....the same things that cause wars in the first place....most religions are really pacifist and only allow war for defense purposes....not for power, resources, land, etc......

This is true. The problem has never been religion but it's execution. I'd think that much would be apparent to most that are here professing to have an objective scientific mind.

Religion was made by men, not by God. This is a fact that most religious scholars tend to forget.
I believe that which the Masters of Mankind have come to teach us is intrinsic in each Religion, but the true meaning is being misunderstood by most people, specially the ones that participate in Religious groups.
Not one of the Masters, like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Paracelsus, etc. etc. have come to this Realm to start a Religion, but to preach a message of love that have been corrupted by power; over and over again.

Excellent point. Religion describes a body of beliefs but it doesn't describe the truth of God..which is why so many are leaving the churches and some are looking for the true way of God.

Religion has impeded the ability to use ones brains, to learn and understand. I can't imagine anything worse.

The truth is more startling than that. Relgion has been used as a blunt tool and justification for many to subjugate his fellow man. It is a method of control and in the wrong hands it's influence undermines our confidence in ourselves and our societies.

In the last 200 years the human families devolopment has progressed at warp speeds where before thousands of years of same potential and the same knowledge inspired only the most minimalist progress. Suddenly humanity has slowed down yet again. Someone has applied the brakes.

As we compare the acceleration rate with the presence of religion we see that the acceleration human societies was in full company of religion. when people are now walking away from churches and science is establishing it's self as a "self God" we see that our progress has slowed.
Why? are incorrect. Hitler, the catalyst of WWII believed and quoted christian tenets as supporting his cause. It's being discussed in another thread.
Most of us know without being told that Hitler had nothing to do with religious tenets. To quote is one thing by a wise observer knows the differnce between a wolf and a sheep no matter how well dressed the wolf is.

Ironically though, I think religion was a necessary part (and unfortunately so) of human development. It was a successful tool in controlling the more barbaric versions of humankind way back when.

Perhaps this is why mankind is declining into self destruction, now..

It is however getting to be high time to move on...[/QUOTE]
It would seem most of humanity agrees with you. And as they do they are releasing their boundaries.

People are dying by the thousands every day from hunger, sickness, war, police actions, sectarian violence. We're intent on destroying the planet and destroying ourselves...

There seemed to be promise there but where is it now?
As we compare the acceleration rate with the presence of religion we see that the acceleration human societies was in full company of religion.

It was also in the company of scientific advancement, the settling of new lands, and other factors. Religion is not all there is. when people are now walking away from churches and science is establishing it's self as a "self God" we see that our progress has slowed.

Again, there are lots of things going on besides religion. There is crowding because there is no more available land. There is the rise of globalism and multinational corporations. There are superpowers and the political ideologies they support. I'm not sure how it all plays into it, but don't speak as if religion is the only force working in human affairs.

People are dying by the thousands every day from hunger, sickness, war, police actions, sectarian violence. We're intent on destroying the planet and destroying ourselves...

People have ALWAYS died by the tousands from hunger, sickness, war, and sectarian violence. It's not a new thing, you know.