Is religion the worst thing that has ever happened to us?

Earlier this week Richard Dawkins was in Toronto. On one nite he was interviewed on TV Ontario and the next nite they had a 3 member panel of theists who represented the Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions. On the 2nd nite while the panel discussed Dawkins there was a TV poll that went on for the length of the show which asked the very same question as the thread is asking. Even though it was theists attacking Dawkins on this program, 84% of respondents agreed that the world would be better off without religion. This totally surprised the host and left the panelists speechless.

I realize its no proof of what people think but I personally laughed my head off when that result was announced.
By and large, Religion has been constructive. But far too often it has been used for destruction, and thus, it may be time for humanity to mature beyond it.

Religion at its basics is belief.

If we did not believe anything, would we believe our own senses?

If we did not believe our own senses, then would we ever come up with ideas?

If we never came up with ideas, would we ever take action? Would we ever create tools? Would we ever adapt?

Life (at least as a human) is a constant balancing act between faith and skepticism.
Even though it was theists attacking Dawkins on this program, 84% of respondents agreed that the world would be better off without religion. This totally surprised the host and left the panelists speechless.

People are turning their back on God... was this not prophesized in the Book of Revelations?

And as far as Mr. Dawkins goes:

Romans 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools.
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Not in the vast amounts to which they are now.

Hmmm...more people are living on this earth than all the people that have died in the past combined. Sooooo, if we use some simple mathematics, that would tell us that 'more people on the earth now would indicate a higher amount/percentage turning their back on God'. Plus, information/news travels faster now than it ever has in the past; What makes you think that just as many people haven't shunned God in the past and not many people knew/heard about it?
5,000 people incinerated per camp...No...I don't think religion is the...worst thing ever...Obviously man interpreting anything..becomes a life and death issue...religion...satelite photos showing proof of Weapons of Mass Desuctrustion...

No..we've shown...when we want doesn't matter what idealogy we use to get it. Freedom, religion, science, athesim. It' just a lack of morals. Chose your weapon but watch for others with the same weapons. Intent to kill is intent to kill.
i like to think wat ive done with religion is what most should do, and thats aquire information and consume knowledge from various, ney, all religions.
find your own truth
i used to call myself a satanist
now i do believe in god as a higher sorce of energy
i have read most of the bible (the parts that appealed to me)
ive read alot of buddhas teachings
read into hinduism and even rastafarianism
i think in the end of the day god, the world you live in and percieve in your own special way and yourself is all relative to what you want and who you are
The World is not gods oyster it is your oyster. Do with it as you will
because if you really think about it you are your own god, for you are the most important person in your life. Your perception Leads to a relative reflection.
Was it, though?

Does it matter? We got here, hopefully it is better than alternatives that could have happened. Some "Religions" were most certainly unsuccessful (think Aztecs). Others incredibly successful(think Hebrew->Jew - How many civilizations from 1500-1000BC are still around?).

Roman Catholics caused HAVOK, however did they stop greater havok?(Attila, Gengis, complete conquest by Islam).

Hard to say.
Religion and philosophy are some of the greatest things to ever happen to for the destruction caused by religion go look at the top war death tolls...religious wars don't even make the top 10....most of the wars are caused by the greed for power, land, etc....not by religion....just look at the biggest wars WWI, WWII, etc....little or nothing to do with religion...
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intresting point...

I knew World War two still head the 1st place for loss of life as far as wars go.

It is also interesting to note that religion discourages greed for power, land, resources, etc....the same things that cause wars in the first place....most religions are really pacifist and only allow war for defense purposes....not for power, resources, land, etc......
Religion was made by men, not by God. This is a fact that most religious scholars tend to forget.
I believe that which the Masters of Mankind have come to teach us is intrinsic in each Religion, but the true meaning is being misunderstood by most people, specially the ones that participate in Religious groups.
Not one of the Masters, like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Paracelsus, etc. etc. have come to this Realm to start a Religion, but to preach a message of love that have been corrupted by power; over and over again.